Hell or High Waters


This is the first story I’ve finished, I’ll be working on a part two to finish it up, but this could be a standalone in case I leave for basic training before I get around to actually completing it. I have one more short story like this one that I’ve been working on, but I’m not sure if I’ll get around to finishing and posting it. If I get good feedback from this submission and the community likes my style then I’ll definitely be a more active writer, and I will take suggestions on stories too, although don’t expect much because as I said, I only have 3 weeks before I leave. So without further ado, here is your story.


Jason cut an imposing figure as he slung open the front door, the rubber buffer on the wall barely managing to prevent the handle on the opposite side from punching a neat hole in the plaster. His 6’3 frame froze as he saw a stranger sitting next to his mother in the living room. He immediately took stock of the man, short, pudgy, thin arms begrudging of the man’s apparent weight, uneven stubble littering his face and neck, yet he wore what appeared to be a rather expensive outfit of casual business attire, a sharp contrast to the rest of his appearance.

On any other day, Jason may have handled the situation with a little more tact, before figuring out a way to politely excuse the man from his home, and if he proved to be stubborn, a not-so-polite way. However today simply wasn’t one of those days.

Jason had nearly failed his math quiz, despite getting almost all of the answers correct. He didn’t need to write out every step of the semi-complex equations, most of the solutions he could simply work out in his head after a moment or two. The teacher, of course, accused him of cheating, Jason vehemently denied any claims, stating that he was simply smart enough to do them in his head. He did however call into attention the few problems that he did in fact have to use pencil and paper for, yet the teacher simply donned an air of arrogance and rebuffed his defense.

Understandably, Jason was peeved. This went on until he had finally had enough and snapped after one of the teachers insulting comments, “You expect me to believe a dumb jock like you was able to do these equations in his head and finish faster than over half of the class? You’re lying, even I couldn’t do this as quickly as you and I have a PhD.”

Jason raised his voice in response to the insult, his anger getting the best of him, “How is it MY fault that you’re too much of a FUCKING RETARD to do SIMPLE math in your goddamn head?!”

The teacher, unused to being called such names or being in the proximity of such harsh language, became red faced and began to stutter, much to the classes amusement, before screeching out that Jason was to immediately report to the office and not come back into his class.

Deciding that he was already in trouble, he threw caution to the wind, “Don’t have to tell me twice, fucking asshole.”

He returned to his seat and calmly grabbed his possessions, under the intense, awe-struck stares of the class, many of which were thinly veiled looks of lust from his female classmates. He stood up and smiled at no-one in particular before exiting the class and heading to his destination.

An hour later he was thoroughly expelled for the next week, and per his boss’s orders, Jason’s teacher had graded his test early, giving him a 67, one point above failing. If that wasn’t bad enough, what he encountered upon exiting the school just fouled his bad mood even further. Bryce Miller, a starting wide receiver on the varsity football team had his forearm pressed against a much younger boys chest, keeping him firmly pinned to the lockers.

Jason would be considered a jock by many, based solely on his appearance and aesthetic prowess, however he was not a bully, nor did he tolerate it, as many had come to learn from picking on those less fortunate or capable. Make no mistake though, Jason never tried to befriend any of the kids he protected, preferring to go it alone, drama free. Everyone respected his no-bullshit attitude and pragmatic thinking, no one would claim to be his best-friend, but no one had a bad word to say about him either, whether that was out of respect or fear, it was hard to tell.

As he got within a reasonable distance of the bully, he spoke, letting the anger dribble into his voice, “Bryce, let the kid go, or I will snap your fucking arm.”

Bryce was visibly startled and a little shaken, seeing Jason Gray standing less than ten feet from him, visibly pissed off. Still, he hesitated, out of a false sense of bravado, or some other petty excuse to harass those clearly ‘inferior’ to himself. Whatever excuse he had was shattered the moment Jason took a step in his direction, flinching away from the underclassmen like hot coals had seared his skin. He stepped close to Bryce, looking slightly downwards to meet his eyes, “If I hear of you picking on these underclassmen one more goddamn time, I’m not gonna give you a warning before adana escort I put you in the fucking hospital, am I clear?”

Bryce, understandably, was sort-of terrified at the prospect, stammering out a hurried response, “Y-Yeah man it was just a joke, it won’t happen again!”

“Good, now walk.” Jason raised an arm in the direction of the main hall, and the jock hurriedly sped away as fast as possible while still retaining some shred of dignity. The boy who was pinned against the locker timidly expressed his gratitude, “T-Thank you, a lot, like really, I really mean it, thank you, you’re so cool.”

Jason’s response was short and curt, as usual in these situations, once again raising an arm in the direction of the main hall, “Go to class kid.”

Jason didn’t spare him another glance, throwing open the aluminum-framed glass doors before making his way over to his most prized possession, a 1978 Ford Mustang, passed down as a broken hunk of scrap from his late grandfather. Jason however, had seen the potential, spending three years learning all about cars and working every job he could find, until he finally finished his work on the vehicle. Now, it was unrecognizable from the original heap of rust, sporting a glossy Wine Red custom paintjob, specialized leather seats that somehow refrained from becoming blisteringly hot in the summer, topped off by Mary Jane, a miniature hula girl hood ornament that he had found in his grandparents garage after their passing, that way he never forgot where his Baby came from. Even then, the silky purr of the engine wasn’t enough to calm him out of his barely-suppressed rage, so when he threw open the door to his home and spotted a fat slob, obviously flirting with his mother, a strange feeling of jealousy spread it’s way through his chest.

The man and his mother immediately turned at the sound of his entrance, the stranger giving an indignant look at Jason’s greeting.

“Who the fuck are you?”

His mother immediately blushed and became embarrassed at her son’s rudeness, the stranger however, donned an air of arrogant superiority and stood up to his full, unimpressive height, “Listen kid-”

Jason took a few quick steps to the couch where the two were seated, looking down at the man and interrupting him, barely controlled anger in his voice, “No you listen motherfucker, I’ve had a shitty day, and you’re in my goddamn house, I’m telling you to get the fuck out. Before you make some smartass remark, I suggest you take a good look at the size difference between us.”

The stranger did just that, subtly stepping backwards, away from Jason, before taking stock of the young man in front of him. His eyes widened a fraction, before discretely turning his gaze to his own figure, finding himself lacking in comparison to Jason’s broad, muscular chest, accompanied by his thick arms, the veins prominently showing through his tight skin.

Both men turned at the sound of a feminine voice, looking at the red-faced woman finally joining the two in standing.

“Jason you can’t just barge in here and start-”

Jason gave her an uncharacteristically sharp look, opposing the usual tenderness with which he treated his mother. “Mom, we will talk about it later.” Turning his gaze back to the man in front of him, “I’m giving you twenty seconds to be out of this house, and you’re down to sixteen right now.”

The man turned, giving a pleading and fearful look at the woman, “Sarah?” When no response came, the threat finally became much too close to a reality, he gave Jason a wide berth before hurriedly making an escape, Jason counting out loud as the man left.

Finally, at the count of 4, the door closed, leaving the two remaining occupants in silence. Jason sat down on the couch and rested his head against the back of the sofa, letting out a heavy sigh as some of the tension drained from his muscles.

That was short-lived however, as now he had his mother’s indignant wrath to deal with.

“Jason I swear to God! You can’t just kick out every man I bring here. I haven’t had a second date in two years because you harass every single one of them! I’m sick of this shit!”

The tension came back with a righteous fury as Jason finally vented his pent up frustration on the last person he would ever want to. Shooting to his feet, Jason took two steps forward until he was right in front of her, raising his voice at his mother, something he never did.

“You’re sick of this shit? You think YOU’RE sick of it? No I’M fucking sick of it, every other goddamn week I come home to find some other disgusting slob in my fucking house trying to score with my mother. You’re too goddamn gullible for your own good and it shows. You think these rich guys are ever going to stay with you? They want to FUCK you and LEAVE you. You’re hot and poor, that’s all the invitation they need. Furthermore, if you’re so sick of the way I take care of you, then go ahead and try to fucking stop me, I’ll start putting them eskişehir escort in the hospital instead of on the street.”

Jason had unconsciously kept walking as his tirade continued, caught up in his fury, so when he stopped, he was surprised to realize that he had his mother backed against the wall. His arms were pinning her in, staring down into her frightened eyes, so close that he could feel her breath through his skin-tight shirt. He didn’t move however, deciding to stay in place. It hurt to see her scared of him, the one who loved her above all else, but maybe it would do some good, maybe she’d start listening.

Sarah started shivering, and that was what broke him out of his anger, replaced with a guilty feeling, after all, it wasn’t really her fault that she was unable to see those pigs for what they really were.

He let his arms drop, taking a step back and hanging his head, breathing heavily with frustration and conflicting emotions. After a few moment’s hesitation, the woman cautiously moved forward, as if scared of angering the comparatively huge male. She kept her arms close together and timidly pressed herself against his chest, breathing in his scent and letting loose a small shudder.

Unbeknownst to Jason, his mother was exceptionally submissive, only having the courage to talk back to him after eighteen years of raising him, even then, a sharp look and a firm tone would stop her in her tracks. So when he backed her against the wall and pinned her in place with his thick, muscular arms, staring down at her with barely restrained fury, her pussy immediately let forth a small torrent of liquid, quivering in anticipation of what it thought to be an imminent pounding.

After a moment, Jason relented and wrapped his arms around the small woman, completely enclosing her in his large frame. The embrace lasted for a few minutes before Jason loudly sniffed the air, as if trying to pinpoint a strange smell. Sarah’s face immediately became beet-red, knowing exactly what it was. He breathed in a few more times before he shockingly realized what the aroma was.

Stepping out of the embrace, Jason gave his mother an intense look, the anger returning to his features, jealously spreading through his for the second time.

“Mom, did you two have sex?”

Upon seeing the look on her son’s face she vehemently shook her head, “No! We didn’t do anything I swear!”

Jason had lived with his mother for long enough to know when she was lying, so he was surprised to find her telling the truth. The jealousy faded away, as did his anger, replaced with an inquisitive feeling.

“Then why do I smell that?”

Her face became even more red, if such a thing was possible. She attempted to stammer out a reply, “I..Well I- Uhm. I was thinking about this hot guy, and I- Well I was imagining that it was him, instead of Gary, a minute ago.”

Jason wasn’t stupid, despite what certain teachers may think, nor was he blind, and he quickly put the situation together, although somewhat hesitant to make the assumption that he was the source of his mothers arousal. On top of that, her excuse was a blatant lie, further reinforcing his assumptions. His cock lurched at the thought, much to his surprise, and rapidly crawled it’s way down his leg.

The doubt crept it’s way into his voice, “Yeah, Um, I’m gonna go lay down, call me when dinner is ready.”

Jason pulled his phone out as soon as he closed his bedroom door, texting one of the few female classmates that were the same age as him.

*Get your ass over here, now.*

It was less than a minute when the response came through.

*I’m in class, not everyone can just get expelled like you.*

He contemplated for a second before replying.

*I don’t care, make up an emergency, you got 15 minutes. Park down the street and use my window, mom is home.*


Fourteen minutes later there was a quiet knock on his window, a pretty face framed by light blonde hair peering inside. He strode over and unlocked it, sliding it open and helping her inside. As soon as her feet were on the ground Jason pushed the girl towards the foot of his bed, issuing a firm command, “Bend over.”

There was no hesitation, obeying as if it was instinctual, which by this point, it may well have been, he had trained her well after all. He knelt behind her and roughly yanked her skirt and panties to her ankles, exposing her tight, firm ass, causing her to let out a lusty moan full of anticipation. He spread her cheeks and lapped at her pink star, completely ignoring the trim folds of her pussy. The rimming only lasted a minute, his spit providing ample lube for her well stretched hole. They had needed real lube the first forty or so times that he had fucked her ass, but since then, a healthy rimming was more than enough, and he had taken advantage of this development at least once every day.

Twenty seconds later, eight and a half inches of thick meat sakarya escort was completely buried in the supple teenager’s tight asshole, causing her to let out a pitiful whimper at the feeling. His hand reached down and found her hair, roughly pulling her head back before switching his grip to her throat, “Be quiet slut, unless you want my mom to walk in and see my cock buried in your ass.” At this, he pulled out halfway and quickly thrust back in, causing her to grunt and shiver at the miniature orgasm.

Stacy was Jason’s favorite cocksleeve after discovering her aptitude for anal sex. The girl could take a relentless pounding, and had quick, explosive orgasms without so much as a gust of air on her pussy. She needed very little time to warm up, especially after adapting to the daily ass-fuck she received in the empty auditorium during lunch at school. She took a perverse pleasure in walking around for the rest of the day with a fresh load of cum in her ass, squirming in her seat at the pleasurable soreness that accompanied it, often leaving her pussy soaked the entire time.

She was snapped out of her revere by a deeper, harder thrust as Jason began to thoroughly ream her tight hole. Pulling back until only the head remained, stretching her hole obscenely wide, he slammed his hips forward, causing a visible ripple to travel through her ass and dissipate at her hips. He repeated this, again and again, shoving her face down into the mattress to muffle her grunts and squeals. He relentlessly pounded her ass, gripping her hips and slamming forward with every ounce of strength in his body, the pent up frustration from the day escaping as he gave in to the animalistic rutting.

Stacy did her best to lay still, her fingers wrapped tight around the sheets as she endured an unusually brutal pounding, grunting every time her body was jarred forwards, squealing into the mattress every time she came. She could barely maintain coherent thought, lost in the anticipation of what her reward would be for ditching class and coming. “Maybe if I’m a good girl and take it, he’ll let me swallow this time. Wait.. No, I want him to fuck my pussy. God, it’s been so long.”

Jason heard his door shut, too distracted by the tight body beneath him to spare it more than a cursory glance. “No point in sneaking her back out now.”

Jason slowed his thrusts enough to speak, “I think *slap* my mom *slap* just saw *slap* me pounding *slap* your tight *slap* little *slap slap slap* ass.”

Stacy could do little more than squeal as clear fluid gushed out if her neglected pussy, splattering the floor as the prospect of her master’s mom walking in and seeing her bent over like a good girl, taking her son’s cock in her obedient little ass.

“Oh fuck! You like that, huh? You want her to come watch me abuse your tight ass?”

Stacy mumbled incoherently into the mattress, lacking the strength to raise her head and speak as she shuddered through another orgasm. Jason slapped her ass at the laziness, “What was that, slut?”

Stacy jerked and spammed through yet another climax, mumbling again. Jason immediately gripped her hair and yanked her upright, growling into her ear, “Louder, bitch!”

He snuck his free arm down and around to finger her clit, continuing to pound her ass, limited to short, brutally fast thrusts as she screamed into a mild seizure, her pussy gushing more liquid, in sync with the thrusting of her hips.


Her anal passage clamped down tight around Jason’s thick cock, finally milking him into his own climax as he tried to ineffectually bury his cock even deeper inside her ass, unleashing rope after rope of hot cum into her bowels, grunting with each pulse. Finally, after what was surely the longest and most intense orgasm of his life, Jason let her limp body drop to the mattress, pulling his cock free and watching as her hole quickly closed, trapping his cum inside her ass.

He quickly stepped into the ensuite bathroom, retrieving a warm washcloth before cleaning himself, and then her, of their residual juices. She twitched and groaned at the sensation, her whole body shuddering as he finished and tossed it into the hamper. Deciding against making her leave immediately, Jason climbed onto the bed and pulled her to his sweat-slicked body. She curled into him almost immediately, nuzzling her face into his shoulder and mewling as he stroked her hair like one would pet an animal. He kissed the top of her head, whispering in her ear, “That’s it, shhhhh, just rest. You’ve been such a good girl.”

He turned and flipped the switch next to his bed to turn the ceiling fan on, quickly drying the sweat from their bodies. Once the chill set in, he grabbed the blankets and covered them both, holding and petting her until eventually, the exhaustion caught up to him and he slipped into a deep sleep.

Jason opened his eyes, glancing over to the clock that lay upon his nightstand, the green digits peering back at him, 9:43 P.M.

Fuck, he thought, “No way in hell I slept that long.” He was surprised to see that he was alone, thinking Stacy must’ve left while he was asleep. Jason took off his dirty shirt and changed into some comfortable sweatpants before changing the sheets on his bed. Luckily, Stacy never squirted on his blanket, the thick fabric was much too tedious to wash.

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