The room stank of sex. It was a smell that I was extraordinarily familiar with – for the past several months, I’d been helping my brother with an unusual medical condition.
My brother, you see, can’t cum when there’s someone else in the room.
At first, I’d tried helping by just sitting in the room while he masturbated. We’d always been extraordinarily comfortable around each other, and so it made sense that if he could get off near anyone, it would be me, his little sister.
It hadn’t worked though, and so we’d started taking more and more desperate measures. I’d started masturbating alongside him, just to make it less weird. Then I’d started wearing fewer clothes as he did. Soon I was topless, then totally naked, letting him stand above me, staring at his cock as he wrapped his hand around it and pumped it up and down, up and down, over and over and over and over.
Still no dice. There had been countless times when he’d gotten close to cumming, but we just couldn’t get him over the edge.
I think of myself as a pretty good little sister, and so I’d tried to be as helpful as I could. When his hand got tired, mine had taken over. When he was feeling too sensitive, I’d taken his cock in my mouth to try to help him get off.
My boyfriend had been distracting me from the cause so I’d dumped him to dedicate myself to helping my brother out full-time. It had been weird at first, but soon I was used to the feeling of my brother’s cock inside my cunt, my ass.
Truth be told, I had grown to love it. Nowadays I can only cum while my brother is fucking me…or when he orders me to.
He had fantasies of fucking a porn star, so I’d made a website, and built up quite a following online. Anything that would help him, I did. He had a serious fetish for lesbians, and so I went out each night and seduced a new woman, bringing them home and making love to them while my brother watched from the closet.
That had gotten us closer than anything else – one night, he’d managed to cum while he watched me with another woman, and so we continued down that path. He hypnotized his ex-girlfriend Kelly into coming around and letting me abuse her, but that hadn’t done it.
Mom and Dad had even joined the cause – Mom joined me in helping my brother with his condition, which had left me and Kelly to take care of Dad’s sexual needs. Dad had been hypnotized as well, to think that everyone was helping my brother with a genetic condition that meant he had to get off more than a dozen times a day…and, weirdly, Dad had even believed that he had it too.
I thought my brother’s stamina was impressive, but Dad easily matched it…and Dad got off each time as well.
Then, something weird had happened.
I’d walked in to find Mom and my brother fucking – that wasn’t the weird part, of course. Just like I’m a good sister, helping my brother out however I can, Mom works hard to do everything within her power – oral, anal, threesomes with Kelly. My brother and mother have fucked every way imaginable; sakarya escort I’ll normally leave when they start, but I just happened to wander in just as they were finishing up.
That’s when I’d seen it. My brother had cum inside her, or at least acted like he had. And instead of being excited, over-the-moon that my brother was cured and we could get back to our normal life, they’d acted like…
Well, they’d acted like nothing weird was going on at once. I’d asked how he came…and Mom had seemed confused by the question.
What the hell was going on?
“Come here, Hannah,” my brother said, and I did as he said. Of course I did. My purpose was to serve my brother, to obey his every command.
My brain felt fuzzy, and my feet felt as though they’d been turned to lead as I slowly walked towards him. The room was softly spinning, and I felt nervous – scared, even.
Mom was looking at me with concern as I sat on the bed, and made the mistake of glancing down.
My brother…wasn’t wearing a condom.
As my eyes widened, I couldn’t help myself – I looked between Mom’s legs, and all at once, my greatest ambition and my greatest fear met.
Cum was oozing out of her hairy pussy.
My brother hadn’t just acted like he’d orgasmed, he’d actually came.
This should have been the happiest moment of my life, but I was in shock. My brother had reached orgasm – and I hadn’t been the one to help him.
That was my purpose. That was all I was good for. I was nothing but a worthless slut, who existed to serve my brother.
I existed to serve my brother. I existed to make my brother cum.
My purpose was to help my brother.
I was a good little sister, and sisters help their brothers cum.
“Hannah…” my brother said, and I looked up at him blankly. My world had been rocked, and I didn’t know how I was going to cope. “I need you to do something for me.”
“Of course,” I whispered. I felt like I was in the middle of a breakdown, but if my brother needed my help, I knew I would give it to him.
“I need you to suck on my cock.”
I didn’t even question it, I just bent forward and swallowed him down. I could taste Mom’s juices, I could taste his cum. I’d always thought that tasting his cum would be a glorious moment, a victory after all the effort we’d put into making it happen.
But it didn’t taste like victory. It tasted like defeat. Also, it tasted strangely familiar…
My brother’s cock was flaccid, but I’d had his soft cock in my mouth before. Without thinking, I used all my tricks to make him hard. By now, I was an expert at it, and I worked my magic on instinct, even as my mind continued to race.
He could cum. He could cum inside Mom. Was there something wrong with me? Was this why I’d been given to Dad, so that my brother could cum inside Mom?
Why hadn’t he told me?
It took a few minutes, but I felt my brother’s cock sakarya escort bayan starting to harden, even as my mind came up with more questions, more worries.
Mom hadn’t been surprised. She’d made him cum before – so why were we still working at it? If he’d overcome his condition, why were they still fucking?
Why did I have his cock in my mouth?
I sat up, allowing my brother’s semi-erect penis to fall out of my mouth.
“No,” I said softly, and my brother raised one eyebrow.
“I beg your pardon?”
“No,” I repeated, slightly louder.
“Hannah,” he said, “why do you exist?”
The answer popped into my head immediately.
I exist to serve my brother.
I exist to make my brother cum.
I am a good little sister. I exist to help my brother.
I exist to obey.
“No,” I whispered, trying desperately to block the thoughts, trying to stop them from taking over my brain. “Mom…”
I looked at Mom to help, but she was staring blankly into space, two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.
In and out. In and out and in and out.
In and out and in and out…
No, I mentally told myself, but I couldn’t stop watching. The rhythm was so entrancing. They just kept sliding, in and out, over and over and over and over.
In and out and in and out.
I turned away, trying to look anywhere else, but my eyes fell onto my brother’s cock.
It was hard, and his hand was wrapped around it, slowly stroking it, slowly pumping up and down.
Up and down and up and down. His foreskin bunched up, and then was pulled taut. Bunched and then taut, up and down, and up down.
Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.
No, I mentally whispered, but I couldn’t turn my eyes away.
And that was when my brother spoke.
“Cum,” he said softly, and against my will, my body began to shake with orgasm.
“Cum,” he said again, and the second orgasm crashed into the first, pumping it up, combining and growing.
“Cum,” he repeated, and my eyes widened as I realized he was speaking in time with the movement of his hand. “Cum, cum, cum, cum.”
Up and down and up and down. Stroke, stroke, stroke stroke.
Mother began to moan, and it was immediately obvious that she was joining me in orgasm. Each time I came, she came.
Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke. Up and down and in and out. Cum, cum, cum, cum. Soft, rhythmic moans. So relaxing. So comfortable.
I tried to worry. I tried desperately to remember what he’d done to me, but it’s hard to think at the best of times when you’re a stupid sister slut like me. When orgasm after orgasm is wracking your body, when your mind is slowly turning to mush, when your mother is pushing your brother’s cum into her body with each stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke…
Cum, cum, cum, cum. In and out and up and down.
I am a slut. I am a slut for my brother. I exist to help my brother. I am Hannah, escort sakarya the stupid little sister slut.
“Why do you exist?” my brother asked. For a moment, I wondered if Dad minded. After all, he was still sliding in and out of me, a sensation I was familiar enough with to know that he wasn’t far off coming.
“To get my brother off,” I replied with a smile.
My brother has this condition – it runs in the family, actually. Mom is the only one who doesn’t have it, but she’s such a stupid slut that she’s always happy to help out the rest of us who do.
See, everyone in my family has to get off like ten times a day. I don’t know exactly what happens if we don’t, but I know it’s bad. That’s why I let my Dad fuck me whenever he needs it, and that’s why Mom spends most of her stupid slutty time wrapped around my brother’s amazing cock.
They weren’t sure if Mom would be enough for him and Dad – that’s why they had me. I literally exist for one purpose; to get my brother off.
Fortunately, I need it just as much as he does.
“Cum inside me,” I moaned, and Dad increased his pace. I didn’t mean literally, of course – I always make sure my family wear a condom when they fuck me. Soon, he was shooting his stuff inside the little piece of latex wrapped around his cock.
“Here’s the problem,” my brother frowned, and I my ears pricked up even as Dad slipped out of me and went to wake Kelly.
Oh yeah, Kelly. She’s my brother’s ex-girlfriend. She was a real bitch about his condition, and so as punishment, he hypnotized her into being our maid. He made sure that she loves it though, and everyone loves her. I’m not even gay, but my condition doesn’t care – when I gotta get off, I gotta get off.
Of course, nothing beats feeling my brother’s cock inside me. It’s the reason I was born.
“You know my type…” he said, and I nodded. I know everything about my brother’s sexual requirements.
“…and look, I’m worried that your tits just aren’t big enough to satisfy me.”
I looked down in dismay. He wasn’t wrong – I was such a stupid slut that I hadn’t even inherited Mom’s massive boobs. I made a mental note to have Dad spank me stupid next time he got off inside me, just to punish me for such a huge fuck-up.
“But I have a solution,” he continued, and I my eyes lit up. I knew that my brother wasn’t a fan of fake tits, so I was keen to hear what his idea could possibly be.
“When women get pregnant…” he started, but before he could even finish his thought, my tongue was halfway down his throat, and my hand was on his cock, guiding it to my bare, fertile pussy.
“Fuck me,” I breathily moaned into his ear. “Fuck a baby into me. Please…”
As I lowered myself onto his cock, I shut my eyes, imagining how big my tits were going to grow as they filled with milk, how hard they’d make my brother…
My genius, lovable brother. I was finally going to become the sister he deserved. I was going to be his pregnant, big-titted, constantly-wet, utterly fuckable sister, fulfilling the purpose I was put on earth for – getting my brother off.
“Are you sure?” he asked, and I’m sure my fervent nod was enough to convince him of my conviction.
“Okay, sis,” he smiled in response. “Thanks.
“You’re always so helpful, Hannah.”
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