Steven Shaw only half concentrated on the free throw shot he was about to make. Dribbling the ball a few more times, he launched it at the basket hung over his garage door. The ball hit the back board, bounced once on the faded orange rim before dropping through the tattered net. The lanky youth retrieved the ball and returned to the make shift line on the driveway. He was just killing time. He had no aspirations of becoming a NBA player, although he was wearing a Lakers jersey. He wasn’t even going to try out for the freshman team at the college he was to attend in the fall; he was more of a geek than a jock. Steven was about to send the ball arching to the goal once more when the Henderson’s white SUV turned the corner and rolled to a stop in their driveway next door.
Cheryl Henderson put the vehicle in park and shut off the engine. Steven watched as her leg appeared from the drivers door, extending to the ground. The 4″ sandal heels she had on made her look so much sexier even in the most casual of clothes. The light blue sun dress she wore, stopped at her knee, giving Steven an excellent view of her toned legs as she slid from the seat. The loose fitting garment also helped to hide the unmistakable swell of her pregnant belly, but Steven still found her irresistible. He could remember the day he first met her and her whole family almost nine years ago.
Steven focused carefully on the delicate brush strokes he made on the X-Wing fighter model he was building. His dad had cleared an area on the garage work bench for the ten year old to build and paint his scaled replicas. He had labored long and hard on this latest one, trying to get it perfect but the loud rattle of a large diesel engine approaching distracted him. The noise increased until finally there was a whoosh of air then the motor fell silent. He put his brush in some water and went to investigate.
Stepping out into the warm sun on that late June day, Steven saw a large moving van in front of the recently vacated house next door. A brand new Ford Explorer pulled into the driveway before he even got to the side walk.
“I hope the new neighbors aren’t another old couple like the Flynn’s,” he muttered to himself, thinking of the last occupants.
James Henderson, Jimmy he preferred, stepped out of the SUV, arching his back to get the knots out after the long drive. It felt to him like every inch of his slime 6′-3″ frame had some kind of kink in it. At 40, his close cropped hair was still jet black with only a slight sprinkling of gray at his temples. He had prominent cheek bones and a very angular jaw with what appeared to be two days worth of stubble on it. His piercing blue eyes were the final accent to his ruggedly handsome appearance.
“Thank you for flying Henderson Airways, on behalf of the crew we hope you enjoy your stay,” he recited with a slight Texas twang.
After so many years flying commercial airplanes it became an inside joke to use the modified announcement whenever he arrived some place. The rest of his family just groaned hearing him repeat it…again! In response, the back door of the white Ford flew open and out scrambled Jimmy’s two children, Alan and Lisa. Alan, eight years old, and his six year old sister both shared many of their fathers traits. They both had shockingly black hair, Alan’s cut short like his dad’s while Lisa’s flowed mid way down her back, they had their father’s eyes and they were both exceedingly tall for their age. Steven was excited to see the new arrivals had kids close to his age and when he saw Alan’s Star Wars T-shirt and action figures in hand, he knew he was going to be happy to welcome them, but when he saw her, his heart seemed to skip a beat.
Cheryl Henderson appeared at Jimmy’s side and gave him a hug around the waist as she surveyed the front of their new home. To say she was petite was an understatement. Cheryl barely reached 5′ in her Nike tennis shoes and was less than a hundred pounds soaking wet. Her thick long mane of chestnut hair fell just below her firm round ass. The tight fitting tank top she wore showed off her B cup breasts, which on most women would have been considered small but on her they looked voluptuous. The top also hugged her narrow waist and accentuated the subtle flare of her hips but it was the shorts that highlighted her best assets; her curvaceous legs.
Jimmy and Cheryl met when he was flying for United Airlines and she was a flight attendant. He was 32 at the time and she was 21; it was love at first sight. They were married a year later. Cheryl continued to fly up until she found out she was pregnant with Alan. He was born one month before her 23rd birthday. Lisa followed almost two years to the day after her brother. Jimmy and Cheryl couldn’t have been happier. They lived in the house Jimmy had bought near Corpus Christi until his recent promotion and transfer to Los Angeles. He wanted to stay away from the city so they moved into the more rural Orange County town of Irvine. The four bedroom, Gaziantep Elden Ödeme Alan Escort two story house gave them plenty of room and with the pool and Jacuzzi in the back, it was a nice step up from where they had come from.
Steven’s parents, John and Nancy, had joined him at the sidewalk when Jimmy noticed there was an audience to his families arrival.
“Howdy neighbors,” he cheerfully waved holding Cheryl tight to his hip.
‘He’s staring at me again,’ Cheryl observed with a smile. Looking back at the lean 19 year old as he devoured her body with his eyes. She was amazed at his fascination with her and how it gave her a warm feeling inside. Ever since the day they first met, Cheryl had noticed the lingering stare of their neighbor’s son. She had chalked it up to ‘puppy love’ then but now she could tell there was more going on since he hit puberty. Most women might have thought it rude to be stared at like that, maybe even creeped out by it but Cheryl was enjoying it. She loved having men look at her with desire in their eyes; it gave her a feeling of beauty and empowerment. She needed that, especially now being pregnant and not feeling very attractive in her mind.
Jimmy hadn’t paid much attention to her since she found out she was pregnant which was strange considering when pregnant with Alan and Lisa, he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her. They were having sex right up until both children were born. In fact them having sex caused her to go into labor with Lisa. But now; he hadn’t touched her in months. ‘It must be because he’s still angry I got pregnant after he told me he didn’t want any more kids after Lisa was born,’ Cheryl thought, while mentally seeking other possibilities. She had initially ruled out an affair but now she wasn’t sure. She hoped he hadn’t found another woman; a younger, prettier woman. She didn’t think she could handle that. ‘Stop it Cheryl!’ she commanded herself, ‘He still loves you.’ But her resolve seemed to be wavering since the last time she had these feelings.
She focused her attention back on Steven who followed her every move with his unblinking gaze. Smiling she waved, “Howdy neighbor!”
Hearing those words again snapped Steven out of his revelry. He could see Cheryl waving at him as she hefted a bag of groceries from the back of the SUV. He tossed his ball onto the grass and jogged over to help.
“Let me give you a hand with those,” he offered, hoping his staring hadn’t been too obvious.
“I can manage.”
He took the two bags she had in her hands and quickly scooped up a few more. “Go open the door and I’ll get the rest of these.”
She placed a soft hand on his cheek and stared into his eyes. Unlike her husband, Cheryl had luminous green eyes that had a slight almond shape that hinted at her Euro-Asian ancestry. Her gentle touch and captivating gaze sent a shiver through the teen. “You’re so sweet,” she smiled and went to unlock the front door.
Steven could feel his cock stirring and hoped it wouldn’t embarrass him by tenting his shorts as he followed her into the kitchen and set his load down on the counter. He couldn’t help but get aroused around this beautiful woman and now with her being six and a half months pregnant, added a new level of attraction he hadn’t figured on.
“Steven, could you bring in that big box in the back for me too? Its a new high chair for the baby and I need to put it together one of these days,” she said, running a tiny hand over her swollen belly.
“No problem,” Steven replied as he dashed out the door.
He removed the box and closed the back of the vehicle. Lifting the relatively light yet awkward sized container, he returned to the kitchen.
“Just put it down there in the family room,” she directed.
Moving the box to the floor in the family room, Steven saw an opportunity to spend more time with the woman he’s had a crush on for the last nine years. That crush turning to pure lust once he hit puberty. Many a night had been filled with fantasies of Cheryl riding his cock on his bed or bent over the kitchen table as he drove into her from behind. Her lustful cries begging him to take her any way he wanted, never failed to produce an explosive orgasm. Even now his cock was reacting to his thoughts.
“Why don’t you let me put this thing together. You’re no good with tools anyway. You might break a nail or something,” he teased.
“Listen mister! I know how to handle tools. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten!” she blustered, pointing a manicured finger at him while trying not to laugh.
Steven laughed at her phony anger, not sure if she realized how her statement could be taken in more than the way she intended. He thought he might sting her again just to see how she’d react.
“Oh really? I think the mishandling of a tool put you in the condition you’re in right now,” he laughed again.
Cheryl was suddenly quiet and got a somber look on her face then turned back to the putting groceries in the pantry. Seeing her reaction, Steven realized his mistake. Her pregnancy wasn’t planned and it had cause some serious tension between her and Jimmy over the past few months. He quickly rose and made his way to the kitchen.
“I’m sorry Cheryl…I didn’t mean to upset you,” he tried to console her.
“It’s alright. I know you were just teasing,” she sniffed, “I’m just a bit sensitive with all these hormones running wild in me. It’s Ok, really.”
He could see the tears running down her cheek, making him feel truly terrible. Noticing how distraught the young man became at the sight of her crying, Cheryl wiped her eyes with the back of her arm and took the his hands in hers.
“Don’t worry, I’m alright,” taking a deep breath she continued, “Jimmy has some tools in that big red box in the garage. I think you’ll find what you need in there.”
Steven headed to the garage to get the tools he needed. Watching him leave, made Cheryl feel very alone even though he would be back shortly; she felt his absents. With Alan off back packing in the mountains for two weeks, Lisa spending the summer with her aunt in San Diego and Jimmy in Asia on business, the house felt very empty. She was actually happy Steven had offered to help out, if for nothing else to have some company in their home. She straightened herself and finished the task at hand. After putting the last of the groceries away she decided a swim would help sooth her frazzled emotions; allowing her to unwind.
According to the box, Steven knew he’d need a flat blade screw driver, a pair of pliers and a small crescent wrench. Jimmy’s box was a mechanics dream and it didn’t take long for him to find what he was looking for. Entering the family room once more, Steven set down the tools and removed a jumble of loose parts from the card board box. He had just started sorting through the mechanical jig saw puzzle when Cheryl reappeared in a tight fitting red bikini she had bought since out growing the last of her regular ones about two months ago. She went out the sliding glass door and tossed her towel on one of the lounges by the pool; his eyes never leaving her. She pulled her long hair up into a loose bun on top of her head before wading into the shallow end of the pool. With him in the house, Steven knew Cheryl wouldn’t be sun bathing but unbeknownst to her, he had already seen her many times before.
‘My God how he’s grown up,’ she thought as she headed for the sliding door. He is in nice shape for the book worm type, not rippling with muscles but nicely defined and very lean. Steven reminded her of Jimmy although a bit shorter but tall and lean. The way he looked at her was the same too. She missed it from her husband but was going to revel in it from this young man. ‘I bet he’s staring at my ass right now?’ she wondered, stepping into the cool water. That warm feeling was back but it was concentrating between her legs. Her conscience kicked in and reminded her she was married and Steven was the teenage son of her best friend. The turmoil that ensued within her made her feel guilty and ashamed, but she couldn’t deny that warmth building in her core; it was there and it was real. Her hormones were wreaking havoc on her since her pregnancy began and she knew it must be the cause of these improper thoughts. Wild mood swings, depression, emotional out bursts and the constant horniness was driving her crazy.
It was late May of his freshman year and less than a week to go before Memorial Day weekend when Steven came down with a serious case of Conjunctivitis. Being that it’s a highly contagious ailment, he was kept home from school and wasn’t allowed any physical contact with his friends. His mother had retrieved the assignments he would have missed from so at least he wouldn’t lose any ground in his classes. Steven wasn’t worried about that since he was pushing the top grade in most of them, but what did bother him was missing the biology field trip to the tide pools. The chance to see some of the more attractive female members of his class wearing bikinis, since that would be allowed on this trip, had been highly anticipated. Now he was stuck at home.
By the third day of his sequestration, all his home work was done and being bored with the mid week shows on TV, Steven settled down at his bedroom window that looked out over his back yard. He wished he could be out there, lounging in the sun but his warden of a mother wouldn’t allow any yard time, at least not yet. He was about to fire up one of his video games when he saw Cheryl walk out onto the pool deck. From his second story vantage point, he had a clear view into the Henderson’s back yard. She was in a tiny yellow bikini, carrying a towel to one of the chase lounges. ‘Things are looking up,’ he thought as the prospect of watching his best friends sexy mom do some sun bathing in a ‘barely there’ swim suit would be very arousing.
Steven was not prepared for what happened next however. Cheryl reach behind her, untied the miniscule strings at her back and pulled the top of the bikini over her head. She stood there for a moment with her top in one hand while adjusting the angel of the lounge with the other. Once satisfied with its placement, she tossed the small bundle of strings and stamp sized pieces of fabric onto the near by table. Steven’s throat had become very dry and his heart raced as he stared down at the most perfect shaped breasts he’d ever seen. They hung on her chest with only the slightest hint of sag. The rosy nipples standing proudly on the already golden tanned flesh of her perky orbs. He had gawked at lots of breasts in Jimmy’s Playboy magazines that he and Alan would ‘barrow’ from time to time but hers were magnificent; not a single tan line on them. His cock had become uncomfortably hard in his shorts, causing him to make a quick adjustment. When he looked back down, Cheryl turned in his direction. Steven dropped to the floor before he realized there was no way she could see him through the heavily tinted class and the partially open blinds that covered the window.
By the time he was back on his feet, Cheryl was bent over, dropping her thong bottoms to her ankles. When she stood, Steven got another shock as he noticed the thin line of close cropped hair that ran down to the top of her sex. He could see a thin pink line between the tanned outer folds of her labia, which caused him to groan audibly. He had to see more, racing to his closet he searched for the miniature binoculars his dad had given him. He quickly returned to the window with the binoculars glued to his eyes in time to see Cheryl reaching for the bottle of tanning oil sitting on the table where her suit had ended up. She was now partially facing away from him when she lifted her right leg up, placing her foot on the lounge, before drizzling the clear oil along her muscular thigh, down her shin to her tiny foot. She thoroughly massaged the oil into her skin then repeated the process on the other leg. This time Steven got a close up look at her nicely shaped firm butt. He was breathing faster now as she coated the round globes of her ass, her back and shoulders in the clear liquid.
Cheryl sat on the lounge wearing nothing but her dark sun glasses and holding the bottle of tanning oil. She saved the front half of her torso for last. Leaning back in a slightly reclined position, she poured a large ribbon of oil above her breasts then zig zagged the line back and forth across her nipples, over her flat tummy until it reached her narrow landing strip. Steven could hear his pulse pounding in his ears, watching the oil running down the front of her as she set the bottle aside. He focused in as tight as the small optics could go which allowed him to see from the top of her head to the light pink soles of her feet. Her hands glided over her slippery flesh starting from her collar bones, working the oil in to her skin as she moved down. She cupped her breasts in her hands, kneading the supple mounds with her fingers and running her thumbs over her erect nipples. As she moved toward her belly, Steven felt a tremor run threw his body. When she parted her legs, leaving her heels at the sides of the lounge, he could see her rosy inner lips beginning to part. Her right hand moved closer, passing over the plain of her abdomen, heading for her pussy. Three fingers made the journey into the V of her thighs; one on either side of her slit while her middle finger cleaved into her valley, disappearing for a moment.
Steven saw Cheryl shudder when her digit penetrated her wet cleft and watched her toes curl enough that he could easily identify the shade of polish on the nails. ‘Did she just cum?’ he wondered. This time when the tremor raced through him, his body stiffened. There was a sudden surge in his groin as the first orgasmic spasm sent a blast of semen into his shorts. He dropped the binoculars, bracing himself against the window sill. Two, three, four more contractions in his loins left him panting with his knees near to buckling. He hadn’t even touched himself. Just watching the erotic show below caused him to orgasm violently. It wasn’t the first orgasm he had ever experienced but it had been the best so far. He moved his computer chair to the window so he could sit and admire his luscious neighbor and jerk off without collapsing. In the hour and a half Cheryl had remained outside that day, Steven had came three more times. By the end of the week his cock was raw. Fortunately for him or at least for his penis, she only sun bathed in the nude during the week while Alan and Lisa where at school or when she was sure they wouldn’t return home to find here exposed.
The sudden opening of the sliding glass door yanked him back to the present. Cheryl was on her phone and sounded very agitated.
“What do you mean Thursday? That’s nearly another week!” she fumed, “You were supposed to be coming home tomorrow.” There was a long pause as she listened, presumably to Jimmy’s excuse, on her way up stairs. “That’s BULLSHIT! You know-” The slam of her bedroom door ended Steven’s eavesdropping.
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