Homesick Pt. 01-03

Big Tits

Part I

My wife and I had been married for three years in 2016. We met each other while we were both living near Philadelphia. We both had moved away from our families and were pretty much on our own. It gave us something to bond over and we quickly learned to rely on each other for everything.

We moved in together after only a few weeks of dating and got married in less than a year. Both our parents and immediate families attended the wedding, but it was a small ceremony since most of our family and friends lived across the country. That was the one and only time I had ever met Sarah’s parents.

Her sister visited us a handful of times but that was the only real link either of us had to our past lives. Sarah and I eventually found a nice house in the suburbs and settled in. We both had good jobs and having children wasn’t even a thought in either of our minds yet. That meant we both spent all our time with the other and had plenty of free time for having sex with no interruptions.

After three years we still had the passion of newly weds and we spent many mornings, afternoons, evenings, and nighttimes between the sheets getting to know what turned the other on. Sarah knew from the get go that I was the kinky one. It was probably only 2 weeks into our relationship that I introduced a dildo into our love making and she was even more surprised when she found out it was for her to use on me.

Sarah had come from a conservative family in the Midwest, and even though she liked to think she had shed her naive ways and sexual hang-ups, she still blushed whenever I talked about some new fetish I wanted to try. She was relatively adventurous and would make every attempt at trying new things. Some things, like pegging me, she actually found she enjoyed and began initiating herself in the bedroom. Other things, she decided, were just not her thing or they didn’t sound fun.

It was around the start of our third year of marriage that I started fantasizing about watching Sarah with another man. I was an OK performer in the bedroom but we both knew I wasn’t very big in the size department. My cock would stretch to about 4″ when totally erect. She always told me it was a perfect length for her. While I don’t think she was lying to me about it, I also didn’t think she knew what she was talking about. Sarah had had very few sexual experiences before me and I just knew she would enjoy feeling the sensation of a huge cock in her.

Now, we had an agreement never to keep desires from each other. So I shared it with her one night while we were engaging in some foreplay. She looked up at me from the bottom of the bed near my ass to see if I was serious. Then she just laughed and told me that there was no way she would ever be willing to do that. As she lubed up a finger and started to creep it into my ass she started asking me questions about the rest of the fantasy. I told her through waves of pleasure about how I wanted to stand by helplessly while she enjoyed some fit stud with a monster cock. She continued probing while she asked me if I wouldn’t be embarrassed about standing by with my small 4″ cock while a real man showed her a good time.

I breathlessly told her that I would be and that that was the point. Sarah removed her finger from me and started inserting the plug she had gotten me for my birthday. Then she crawled up the bed and lowered her small frame down so she was almost sitting on my face.

“You certainly do have a good imagination for this kind of stuff”, she teased. “I would never come up with any of this on my own. That’s what I get though for marrying such a dirty minded city boy.”

I knew what I was supposed to do and immediately leaned my head up to allow my tongue to gently begin tickling the bottom of my wife’s ass. I knew she would never go for this new fetish, but I also thought it might be fun to use for role playing scenarios at some point. As I started to lick my wife with more intensity I could feel her bending down to start teasing my cock with her finger tips. Even after three years I still couldn’t believe my luck at finding this lovely creature who was still so conservative in her outward appearance, and yet so willing to venture into new sexual waters with me. Just last year she never would have let my tongue anywhere near her ass. This had taken a lot of convincing and now she loved it.

As I made my way closer to her hole she started breathing heavier. She gasped as I glanced over it and she began her questioning again.

“So I’m assuming in this scenario you wouldn’t be allowed to be involved at all? Like no touching or helping or directing.”

I relaxed my tongue for just long enough to use it to answer. “Of course not. You’d be in charge and everything would be all about your pleasure.”

I began licking again.

She seemed to like that answer because she repeated, “All about my pleasure, huh? Well then I don’t see why you’d need to be standing next to the bed. As far gaziantep escort as I can tell, my pleasure would be much better served if you were tied up to a chair and gagged. That way I could look at your naked and vulnerable body whenever I felt like it, but I could also focus on enjoying the large cock in front of me.”

With that she pulled my own smaller cock into her mouth.

I managed to eek out, “You can tie me up anytime as long as I get to watch that beautiful pussy get fucked.”

With that I lost it and started cumming. She must have known I was getting close because she wasn’t surprised at all. She held my cock and pointed the spurts of cum up towards my torso.

“Uh oh. Looks like someone’s little cock couldn’t handle all the fun today. Maybe I should reconsider finding a bigger man to play with after all.”

She was really getting into this role play. I was starting to wonder if she was serious. I stammered that I was sorry and that maybe we shouldn’t have done so much foreplay but she brushed it off and asked if I wouldn’t mind finishing her with my mouth. I agreed immediately and switched my focus over to her very wet pussy. I brought her to orgasm and then she cuddled in next to me. I was thinking of something to say when she broke the silence.

“I’m sorry if I got carried away with the play. I could honestly never cheat on you, no matter what. But it was fun to think about.”

I smiled and told her I had fun as well and that I would never push her into anything she wasn’t comfortable with. We’d had this kind of conversation before and I knew that this would end up being another fun, new thing we’d add to our roleplaying to keep things exciting. I was thinking about possibilities when a thought flashed across my mind.

I looked at Sarah and asked her, “So were you imagining being with another guy when you orgasmed?”

She blushed hard and looked away. That was a dead giveaway.

I followed up my question immediately with, “It’s fine either way. I was just curious. You won’t hurt my feelings.”

She slowly looked up and said, “I was. I didn’t mean to but the whole scene was playing in my head and I couldn’t help it.”

I smiled and hugged her close to me. I asked her what, particularly, she was imagining that put her over the edge. Her face turned even redder but she pushed through her embarrassment and continued.

“I was imagining looking over and making eye contact with you all tied up. Then sinking down onto my knees and putting his big dick into my mouth while looking at you. Thinking about watching your reactions to seeing me got me so hot. I don’t know why. You need to know though that it’s pure fantasy and I would never be comfortable with that in real life.”

I told her that sounded amazing and that she didn’t have to worry about it. I told her to pull that scenario out in bed anytime she wanted to without feeling guilty and that I would never read into it anymore than our other bedroom games. With that we held each other and fell asleep.

Part II

It had been months since that first night of cuckold role playing. Since then we had used similar situations in bed several times, and each time to more powerful orgasms from both of us. I had also brought several new fetishes into the bedroom that were received with mixed reactions.

I bought a male chastity device to play with that Sarah fell in love with. She wasn’t into anything long term or torturing me, but every time she closed the tiny lock onto the cage around my shaft she let out a mischievous little giggle. She loved the idea of sending me to work locked up and being the only one with a key to my “boyhood”, as she started calling it. That was a callback to our cuckold roleplay where she enjoyed comparing my size to bigger men. That seemed to spill over into our other play, much to my joy since I love humiliation, especially when Sarah takes the initiative on her own.

I also tried to introduce some diapers and ageplay into the bedroom. That one she was much more hesitant about. She was OK with me being the baby sometimes, although never thrilled about it. But she hated being the baby herself. The first time I put her into a diaper she just rolled her eyes and said she didn’t get it. I was surprised at how against it she was and tried to coax her into wetting for me. It was clear though that she was uncomfortable with some aspect of it and wasn’t going to change her mind on this one.

I made a comment about it being a waste of a diaper if she didn’t use it and she popped off the tapes and said, “fine then you pee in it.”

I ended up doing just that after she taped it onto me. I was the baby the rest of the night, and while my temporary mommy enjoyed the mock breast feeding, she wasn’t into the rest of the scene at all. So after that night the rest of the diapers and the few other little baby accessories I had picked up were put into our konya escort box of failed sexual adventures and forgotten about.

Now I don’t want anyone to think that all Sarah and I did was have raunchy sex all the time. Far from it. We were two normal people who did completely average things with much of our time. We went to see movies once or twice a month, we loved trying new restaurants, and even did bar trivia with a few friends from her work every Wednesday.

It was after one of these trivia nights that we were still finishing our drinks around the table when one of her friends tried to make small talk with me while Sarah was in the bathroom.

Most of her questions were normal idle boring questions…

“Are you guys thinking of having any kids?”


“Do you like your job?”


“This weather’s been crazy lately right?”


Then came a question that I didn’t see coming.

“So Sarah tells me she’s thinking of moving back home.”

“Sure. Wait. What?”

Did I just hear her right? Why would Sarah tell her that? Was it true? If it was, why wouldn’t Sarah say anything to me about it? Was she planning on leaving me? I had just enough beer in me that it was making focusing on logical answers a bit difficult. Her question wasnt even really a question was it? It was more of a statement. And she seemed pretty confident in it.

At this point I realized I must have been staring into empty space for too long and snapped back to the moment. By this time another of Sarah’s friends had returned to the table and the questioning girl either got bored of me or forgot she had asked me a question because she was now turned the other way, completely ignoring me. Sarah got back to the table and we left soon after. We decided she should drive home since she only had a single glass of wine.

On the way home I decided that this conversation couldn’t wait until later and against my better judgement, I started with, “So when were you going to tell me you were moving back home?”

She was a little surprised by my tone of voice and said she didn’t know what I was talking about. I told her about the questioning girl (For the life of me I can’t remember this girl’s name) and she started to explain that she had just mentioned to her that she might want to return to her hometown someday when she’s ready to settle down.

I asked if she was planning on telling me before she packed up her bags and left. She started getting upset and explained that of course we would go together if that ever happened. She realized that we never really discussed it but that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to live on the east coast forever and that it would be nice to start a family closer to home.

Being my charmingly drunken self, I started accusing her of everything from misleading me, to trying to make secret plans of leaving me and I used some truly awful words to describe her. The fighting lasted until we got home and I fell asleep on the couch listening to my wife sobbing from the bedroom. Most of the fight is now a blur to me but I remember telling her that she would never trick me into moving to her podunck little town so she may as well leave me now. Although I didn’t remember it, I knew it was the worst fight we had ever had so far.

Weeks passed by and I apologized for being an ass and she said she was sorry I was blindsided like that. We had a conversation and decided that it wasn’t the right time to talk about moving across the country and maybe we could revisit the topic in a few years.

I could tell she was disappointed so I asked her if she would like to have some of her family come visit. I thought maybe it would cure this temporary bout of homesickness if her parents stayed for a few days. Then she could remember what a pain in the ass they were and she’d never bring up moving again. She perked up and said that would be great. She hugged me and told me I was the best. After that I felt a little guilty about my true intentions but not bad enough to admit to it.

I hugged her back and told her to set it up and let me know when to take off work for. My adorable wife disappeared into the living room with her cell phone and I knew this would work.

After about an hour on the phone she came into the room red faced and bleary eyed. I put my iPad down and asked her what was wrong. She sat down next to me and blurted out that her parents were getting a divorce. I felt even guiltier now about my initial thought and hugged her close to me. After a few moments she began telling me the details.

Apparently her parents weren’t happy for a while now and they had just decided this week that they were better off separating. They were planning on telling the kids at an appropriate time but Sarah’s invitation made keeping the secret difficult. Supposedly they were still on good terms with each other but didn’t want to waste the rest of kayseri escort their lives making each other miserable.

Her mom was staying in her childhood home while her dad moved into a condo in the nearest city. Sarah’s parents had a good bit of money and neither of them would be hurting financially from this. Sarah had invited her mother to come visit, despite all of this, but knowing how her mother hates to travel she wasn’t surprised to hear her mother make some excuses about it being a bad time.

Sarah had then called her father, who confirmed the story but said that he would love to come out and visit his little girl and that it had been way too long. He said he would have come out way more often if Sarah’s mother hadn’t hated flying so much and that he could be out in three weeks. Now it was my turn to be disappointed. I figured the impending divorce might sour my wife’s memories of her home.

I also thought I was going to get out of this visit after hearing the news. Now not only was it still going to happen, but the news of divorce might work against my favor if her dad could inspire pity. I caught myself starting to connive and shook the thoughts from my head. I made up my mind to stop being selfish and try to make this visit a fun one for Sarah and her dad.

I agreed to take time off work and really show him the sights of Philly while he was in town. Sarah smiled for the first time since she started talking and thanked me. From there we went up to bed and delved into some more roleplay. Since it was such an emotional night, I could tell Sarah needed something special so I got out the chastity device. She giggled immediately and said that she couldn’t believe she forgot to lock up my boyhood that morning.

“Although, I guess this little guy is pretty forgettable, isn’t he?” She asked while pinching my soft cock in between her fingers. “You know who isn’t forgettable though? My new boyfriend. Why don’t we get you all locked and tied up and I’ll tell you about him.”

With that we started one of the greatest love making sessions to date in our relationship. While I drifted off to sleep that night I wondered if I could ever get Sarah to try the real thing. I decided it was impossible just before dozing off in Sarah’s arms.

Part III

We had been preparing everything for Sarah’s dad’s visit for weeks. I had only met Sam once on our wedding day and I didn’t remember much about him. We talked for all of ten minutes and he didn’t seem especially concerned with getting to know me.

I did remember how he fawned over Sarah though. You could tell he missed his little girl and that they used to have a close relationship. I once asked Sarah why she didn’t talk to them more and she told me her mom had never been close with her. She said that she and her dad had always been very close but that she got the impression he was angry with her for moving away, although he would never admit it.

He was a tall man, probably standing a little over 6 foot. He also seemed to be in great shape. I was surprised at how fit and energetic he was when I met him. Being from the east coast, I was expecting someone more stereotypically western, but Sarah told me that he had always loved the bigger cities and that he probably would have lived in one of it weren’t for her mom.

As we were preparing things for his visit, I remembered that the company I worked for was contacting with a limo service at the time. I thought Sam might get a kick out of being picked up from the airport in one so I asked my coworker if he could arrange for me to borrow one. He came through for me but couldn’t give me a driver, so I’d have to drive it myself or find my own driver. I was fine with that and told Sarah. We joked about me being their driver for a while and then continued getting ready.

On the morning of the big visit, Sarah walked into the bedroom as I was picking out my clothing. She told me how grateful she was that she had such an amazing husband and thanked me for putting together such a great trip. Then she pulled out a couple packages from behind her back and told me she had some surprises for me. I told her she didn’t have to do that but she insisted they weren’t much.

I opened the first one and it was a limo drivers hat. She laughed and said that she thought it would be funny and that I’d get a kick out of it. I put it on my head and laughed as well. Sarah knows my sense of fun and humor all too well and knew I’d enjoy playing limo driver for the day.

I left the hat on and opened the next gift. I pulled the paper back and then looked back at Sarah, puzzled. It was a small diaper changing kit, with wipes, powder, a pacifier, and several of the adult baby diapers from the box in the attic. She pulled the rest of the paper off for me and asked if I liked it. I told her I didn’t really understand it.

“Well I know I’m not always into the fetishes and new stuff you try with me. But these past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about how compromises work in marriage and I decided that, while I’m not really into this, babying you every now and then could be fun if I let it be.”

As grateful as I was to hear that, I still didn’t understand why she was giving me this gift now. She seemed to sense my confusion and continued explaining.

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