Madam Dougherty worries about keeping her brothel open for business.
The night is late and the ladies are sitting in the greeters bar checking their phones. The 2am rush of bars closing yields no car lights rolling up to their plantation style estate. Madam Dougherty closes her laptop at the bar and rounds to the high top table with one of her lead escorts, Jamie.
“Another dead night,” she says as Dougherty settles into the seat. The bartender brings her regular drink: a margarita with a sugared rim. She takes a sip before she responds.
“Lots of dead nights out there,” she says looking at the closed door. By this time, men would be flowing in to select from the plethora of hookers waiting for new clients. Instead, only a handful of women sit about in their slim dresses and skimpy cocktail dresses checking their phones. One gets up and walks out the door.
“How much longer do you think you can operate like this?” asks Jamie.
“Not long. Ever since the Normalization Accords, we’ve been in the black because of the syndicates. But that’s because they compensate us for the high paying clients they end up killing. And I just don’t have as many women on the roster anymore. So, we’re basically being bought out and sucked dry of resources… I mean people,” says Dougherty.
She repositions her glass and takes another sweet taste of the drink. I’m going to miss this, she thinks.
“Guess that’s why there aren’t many women doing this anymore. Positions are opening up because there’s less men to do it,” suggests Jaime.
Dougherty gives a half scoff and half laugh. It’s true. Now that men have been knocked off their high horses, the women are the ones taking the reins. More opportunities for women. More jobs with higher pay. And less reason to turn to the oldest profession on earth.
“Maybe it’s time to rethink this old business model,” she says.
“You mean go after high roller men instead of the masses?” asks Jamie.
“No,” says Dougherty.
She opens up her laptop to begin writing a new business plan.
The succubus’s walk into the parlor confidently but cautiously. Jamie stands in the plush greeters bar in a professional pants suit and stands to greet them.
“Welcome ladies. You’re here for the show this evening I assume?”
All three of the succubus’s, dressed in dark fitted latex clothing, flash their glowing pink eyes at Jamie.
“Is this legit? I haven’t heard about this before,” says the tallest one.
“New concept. We’re trying it out tonight,” says Jamie.
The succubus’s exchange uneasy looks.
“Well if it is legit, then this is going to be fucking awesome. Can’t believe that you’d get a man to volunteer for this,” says the tall one.
“You’d be surprised. Hard times for men these days.”
Succubus’s laugh at the comment. Jamie extends her hand to lead them to the main showroom.
The room is round with red carpet except in the middle. A small padded stage over white tile is lit by a spotlight. Succubus’s sit cross legend in the wooden chairs around the edge of the room, all glowing eyes and talking low as they wait for the show to start.
Madam Dougherty is in the green room next door with their new performer. They sit in plush chairs listening to low music and the murmur of the conversations next door, waiting for the start time.
“I’m a little nervous,” says the former executive.
“Do you usually get nervous Zack? Didn’t you command a fortune 500 company?” ask Madam Dougherty.
“Fortune 150. And no, I never get nervous. Never used to at least.”
The robust man rubs his hands together. Dougherty gets up and sits on the couch next to him and holds his hand.
“Listen. I know this feels different. Everything is different now that the Normalization Accords are firm in society. But you shouldn’t feel nervous. You want this as much as they do. And besides, you’re making enough money from this that it’s basically a salary worth for the year.”
“Used to be about two months’ salary,” says Zach. “But I guess I shouldn’t be greedy. I should be thankful. After all, this is the first paying ‘job’ I’ll have had in six months.”
The irony and twist of the world is not lost on Madam Dougherty. She just smiles at him as Zach smiles back.
“You’re going to have a fun time. I guarantee it,” she says.
She hands him a green pill that glows. He takes it, knowing what it is. As he swallows, all of his veins flash green. His pupils dilate. Then he takes a short breath as the energy flows through him.
“That should help you last until the end,” she says.
They both stand bilecik escort and exit the green room.
## ‘Number 1’
The tension in the round red room rises as the door opens. Dougherty leads the suited man with a collar and chain to the center of the stage. Jamie holds a basket and goes around the room to each succubus. They each take a small paper with a number on it.
Zach stands under the light on the stage while Dougherty places a small steel L shaped pipe a foot in length into the stage.
“Demons of the Dantes Realm, thank you for attending this evening. Tonight we start a new special offering for your tastes. You all have a number, and you will see that number appear on the screen over there.”
Dougherty points to a black screen with a red number zero on it.
“When your number is up, you are welcome to come to the stage and do what you will,” she concludes.
She hits a clicker in her hand and the black screen displays a number one.
“Number one. If you would do us the honors of preparing the incubus for your free use,” says Dougherty. She steps away from the stage to the outer circle as a Succubus in a long gothic revealing dress stands.
Her eyes glow red as she approaches Zach. He smiles nervously at her as she reaches under the stage, producing a set of safety shears and black sex tape.
She cuts off his clothes, right down the middle, and throws the pieces of the suit to the side as she peels them off of him.
“Kneel,” she says.
Zach does so and she attaches the chain to the L shape pipe. The leash is short and Zach cannot move that much. She uses the black tape to bind his hands together, then his feet and knees. Then, she wraps it around his head and eyes so he is completely blind folded.
Zach is now bent over, blind folded, chained, naked, and helpless on the stage surrounded by the succubus. The gothic succubus steps away back to her seat.
Dougherty clicks the device in her hand. The black screen dings and shows number two. She hits another button. A sign over Zach flashes in red letters.
Free Use Incubus.
## ‘Number 2’
The succubus is a short firecracker of red maroon latex and high heels. She walks up to the stage and slaps Zach on the ass. He jumps and yelps as she does. The succubus smiles and gives a fire red glow of her eyes. She reaches under the stage to produce a bottle of oil. She squeezes the bottle and lets long streams of it go over his body in quick circles. As the bottle empties, she uses her fingers and rubs him all over. Zach glistens like a butter chicken trusted and ready for eating.
As she spreads the oil around him, he becomes hard. She starts to spank him, flicks of oil splattering off of his ass as she does, to make him squeal more.
“Harder!” says one of the succubus on the outer edge.
“Make that slut’s ass red!” another one calls.
The Firecracker makes more of an effort, spanking him over and over again until Zach starts to kick his feet. He continues to yelp as the oil and his sweat start to combine.
## ‘Number 3’
A slender brown latex succubus with matching makeup and high boots marches up to the stage and takes Zach by the chin.
He moans nervously at the touch. She smiles, then spits right on his mouth. He recoils, but she lifts her short mini dress and puts one high heeled foot on the stage. Grabbing him by the top of the hair, she first kisses him. Her veins flash pink as she draws energy from him, then breathes out a satisfied sign. Then, she thrusts his head into her pussy.
Zach moans as she starts to use his face.
“Lick it you cum vial,” she says.
He obeys her and starts to lick more vigorously. She throws her head back in pleasure as she continuously fucks his face, being rough with his head.
Saliva and her wetness start to drip down as she comes close. Her skin starts to become that familiar black opaque as her veins flash more neon pink. As she climaxes, Zachs veins flash green as some of the energy leaves him. She pulls back and throws his head away from her like throwing away a cum rag.
Zach takes deep breaths from being smothered. His mouth is filthy with her cum.
## ‘Number 4’
A vixen in an olive dress with a high slit comes to the stage and reaches under it. She produces a steel plug with a red ruby at the end. She traces her fingers over Zachs back and shoulders.
“I really want you to squeal for me,” she says.
She slaps his ass and he jumps. She takes him by the face and kisses him, drawing the same color exchange of energy.
She comes behind him and makes bingöl escort him bend over, face on the platform, and ass in the air.
She uses her finger and starts to circle his ass. Zach wiggles and moves around as she plays with him. She slaps his ass again, digging in her nails into his ass.
“Stay still you cum dumpster,” she says.
Zach obeys as she starts to dive her finger into him. He moans out loud as she does, taking time to go deeper and deeper each time. Two fingers make it in, and it makes Zach grip the stage with his bound hands. He moans.
“You like your ass being stretched like an incubus?” asks the succubus.
“Yes!” he says.
She takes the silver plug and teases him with it. Zachs breathing rises with each press that she makes into his ass, until the widest part starts to enter into him. Zach moans out loud. It slips into him and the crowd around shouts out in pleasure and jeers.
“What a good slut you are,” says one succubus.
“Can’t wait to pound that ass,” another voice says.
Zach starts to shake with anticipation as the succubus goes back to her seat.
## ‘Number 5’
The succubus in the white mini skirt with glitter on her eyes swagers up to the stage with the glistening Zach perched on the platform. She watches him breathe and looks over him. She sees him seeping cum out of his erect cock. It makes her eyes glow white.
She pushes him back on his heels and stands over him on the platform.
“Open your slut mouth incubus,” she commands.
He does. And then she slips her fingers into him. First she’s gentle. Then she starts pushing them down his throat, making him gag. Zach tenses as he does, then spit follows her fingers out and drips down his chin as he catches his breath. She takes him by the chin.
“That’s a good boy,” she says.
The succubus pulls up her dress then squats down onto Zach. She kisses him, drawing the color of energy from him just as she sits down onto his cock. She grinds him, fucking him as hard as she can. She then takes him by the neck and squeezes, using his neck as leverage every time she drops her pussy on to him.
Zach fights for breath in between the times she lets him. His face turns red as he gets closer and closer to cumming. Then, she slaps him and it catches Zach off guard.
“Don’t you dare cum until I fucking tell you slut incubus. Is that clear?” she commands.
“Yes!” he responds. Zachs body continues to tense as she rides him even harder. The crowd eggs her on and makes insults at Zach as she puts on leg up for leverage and for everyone to see.
Her skin starts to turn to the scales of black and her veins shine bright white. As her eyes glow, she takes him by the side of the head.
“Cum in me now!” she roars.
Zach’s entire body tenses so much that it rips some of the tape. The white succubus throws her head back in absolute ecstasy as the cum explodes within her. She stops as it settles in her and drips out onto his dick. Satisfied, she slaps him across the face for good measure and returns to her seat.
## ‘Number 6’
A succubus with black rose tattoo on her arms and legs rises and comes up to the stage. Zach looks sweaty, oily, and is panting from the amount of energy taken from him. She inspects his restraints, seeing that his last orgasm just about undid most of them.
She turns and calls forward a few of her friends.
“Take his restraints off and lay him on the stage. Hold his arms and legs down,” she says.
They do so, leaving Zach on his back and a set of hands holding him on each limb. He pants and shakes his head, still blind folded and in ecstasy from being used by the succubus.
The black rose succubus takes off her dress and stands over Zach, letting the light bathe her firm and fit body. She looks down at his messy cock and it makes her eyes glow purple.
She squats down and hovers her pussy over his cock, setting a hand on his chest. It glows purple. The green neon in his veins flashes. It gives Zach new strength and he tries to lift himself off the platform. But the strong succubus keeps him pinned. The Black Rose Succubus smiles seeing his muscles flex.
“I like a little fight in my fucks,” she says.
She sits down on him and mounts his cock and begins to bounce on him, using her hands on his chest as leverage to slam her pussy down onto him.
Zach grunts and moans out in pleasure the more she goes. She grabs him by the neck as her eyes start to glow.
“Cum hard you slut,” she says.
He does so and fills her.
Then, feeling his energy and wanting more, bingöl genç escort she gets off and mounts his face.
“Now lick me up you useless cum rag,” she says.
He begins to do so, just as Madam Dougherty clicks the button for the next number.
## ‘The Train’
A succubus who held him down trades with another and mounts Zach’s cock as the Black Rose rides his face. Zach can only moan into the pussy on top of him as the new succubus grinds herself onto him. Both succubus flair their colors.
The one riding his cock slaps him on the side of the stomach.
“Cum now!” she roars.
He does, and both succubus’s flare their colors brightly as they suck the energy and cum away from him. They both dismount, then trade with the other succubuses holding him down.
They ride his cock and his face, making a mess of him and sliding over his body. They cum, filling the room with their light and making the neon green in his veins flare, then trade with more succubus.
Round they go, like a two person train riding the rails, making him eat them out and draining his dick from all the cum he has.
Soon, after the succubus’s orgasm, the green light in his veins starts to dim. The cum he produces is less. And the vigor of his fight starts to fade.
All in all, Zach satisfies all twelve succubuses in the room at least two times over.
“I’m impressed by Madam Dougherty. You brought us an incubus that can really last. What energy this piece of dick has,” one remarks.
Madam Dougherty nods slightly in approval, but is still in shock at the absolute ravage fest that the now glowing transformed succubus’s have as they all stand around him, taking turns, holding him down, and mocking him.
Dougherty checks her watch and then sees the last of the green neon go out at the last orgasm. She hits the lights and the house lights above turn red.
“Awwww,” all of the succubus say. With snarling teeth and some with wings now out behind their backs, flapping in frustration, Dougherty has to yell over them.
“That’s it ladies! That’s it. It’s all done for the evening,” she says, coming forward. She has to practically push two of the succubus’s off of him and shoe them out of the room.
“Go to the bar. Jamie will take care of special drinks for you to help you unwind and settle down.”
They all snarl at her and Dougherty becomes frightened for a moment. But then she turns on her Madam commanding stance.
“Don’t patronize me. You want to come back and do this again, you follow my rules. Clear?”
The snarling stops and turns to laughter. They all file out, flapping their wings and fluttering their colors to each other. They pat one another on the back and remark about the incubus and how much they enjoyed it.
## The Green Room
Madam Dougherty and the newly hired house doctor, Dr. Douglas, carry Zach into the green room and put him on the couch. The doctor takes his pulse.
“You okay Zach?” he asks.
He doesn’t respond or open his eyes, but simply raises a thumbs up between his panting. It drops dead weight on his chest as he relaxes on the couch.
The doctor puts a blood pressure machine on his arm and uses a stethoscope to listen to his breathing and heart. The machine in the room beeps once it’s done.
“He’s alright. But his pulse is weak. It’s a good thing you stopped them before the extra energy pill you gave him expired,” he says.
“I’ll give him two next time,” says Dougherty looking at Zach. “How often can he do this? Like, when will he be at full strength again to be able to perform?” she asks.
Dr. Douglas puts his equipment into his bag then puts his hands on his hips.
“Is this ethical? I mean, he could die doing this,” he says.
“Now you know the problem women have always had when we do things like this,” she says back.
Dr. Douglas drops his hands to his side and looks over at Zach. She can see a million thoughts race through his mind, but he says none of them. He picks up his bag.
“Two weeks. Three if you want to be kind to him. He won’t be able to feed himself for the next few days so make sure you tend to him,” he says. He walks to the door.
“How do you know that?” she asks him.
“Trust me. I’ve been treating Incubus since before the Normalization Accords started.”
The Doctor walks out, and Madam Dougherty checks her phone.
The account has deposits and tips from all of the succubus that are currently in the bar. They paid, just as they said they would, after the event was over. It’s more money in one evening than the Bunny Ranch’s best month of the year.
She looks between Zach and her phone.
In her business plan, she changes the name of the establishment to “Incubus Ranch,” then sends a text to her new business partner, Jamie.
“Open up applications for seven incubus. We’re doing this every night if we can for a long… long time.”
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