Italian Teases/Pleases Black Ch. 03


Please read Chapters 1 & 2 to follow the flow of this unfolding story


By the time Monday morning rolled around, Kirk had narrowed his choices down to two — Carmina and another candidate. Given his flubbed previous hire, the more experienced second candidate was the “safe” bet. He was leaning in her direction but opted to concentrate on his presentation first and make a decision afterward.

The presentation went exceptionally well with kudos from all around. However, the chairman’s effusive comments were both striking and out of character for “The Robot” as he was referred to out of earshot.

“That was probably the best presentation I’ve ever seen! Your numbers were good, you ran 19 ½ minutes, using videos was a nice touch and, by the way, thanks for using colors that I could read!”

With his praise still ringing in his ears, Kirk stopped and chatted with the VP of HR before returning to his office. He informed him that Carmina was his choice and asked him to notify her at once in hopes she could start work tomorrow.

With two major issues behind, he decided to catch up on emails. He did a quick scan of the “SENDER” column to pick out the items that needed immediate attention. With those addressed, Kirk turned to the rest. He noticed one from Carmina but, curiously, not one from her leading competitor. Carmina’s read:

Dear Kirk,

I so appreciate your taking the time to interview me. Even more so I appreciate the opportunity that I had to work with you over the weekend. I hope the presentation went well.

Because I know that you have better qualified candidates to become your assistant, I wonder if you would be kind enough to provide me a reference. Any positive feedback you might consider passing along to the temp agency would be most helpful when they have another fill-in assignment available.

It was a real pleasure to have met you and I wish you great success!



Kirk chuckled “Boy won’t she be surprised when she hears from HR!”

He turned his attention to several other items that had been left unattended and ate lunch at his desk to prepare for a couple of conference calls in the afternoon. He made good headway, survived the sometimes rambling calls and allowed himself a brief “mini mental vacation”. He pushed his chair away from the desk, took a few deep meditative breaths and allowed his mind to float on a sea of nothingness. His break was soon interrupted by the phone. It was the HR VP advising that Carmina had some questions before completing her paperwork.

“Would it be OK if I bring her down to your office now?”

“Of course!” pulling his chair from its reclining position and awaited their arrival. A soft knock on the door announced their presence.

“Please come in Carmina and thanks Jed!”

She was pensive at first but positively beamed as Kirk gestured her towards a seat at his work table and greeted her – “Welcome aboard!”

“Thank you! Those are just the words I wanted to hear! I’ve been pinching myself all day after getting the call!”

“Its very real so you need not pinch yourself anymore.”

“With all the other better qualified candidates, I was SURE that you’d hire one of them! I honestly didn’t expect an offer and let myself be a bit playful both Friday and Sunday. Far too playful! Can I ask why you picked me?”

“Oh that’s easy! There were three things actually. First, there was your work. You did a great job on my presentation with little direction.”

“Thank you!”

“Second, you demonstrated how observant you are. I wouldn’t have known about the chairman’s color blindness or the market research videos you suggested. I only wish you could have heard his praise personally!”

“Great! I tried to talk the exec I was temping for to use videos and change color schemes but he wasn’t up for trying anything new.”

“Third, you let me see the real you instead of tiptoeing around on egg shells!”

At that comment, she winced at bit. “I was hoping we could chat about that because I’m afraid I let you see more of the real me than probably was appropriate!”

Catching her drift, Kirk chuckled.

“I was sure I wouldn’t get an offer from you knowing you had better candidates. Because you identified me by my legs on Friday, I decided to give you a good view of them in the parking lot knowing that I’d probably never see you again.”

“I wasn’t sure quite what to make of the show but it did reaffirm that you have some awesome legs!”

“Thank you, I think, but …”


“Showing off my legs on Friday was one thing but then there’s Sunday. KNOWING I wouldn’t get a job offer, I decided to offer to help with your presentation to get a good referral from you. Then, things sorta got out of control.”


“As I typed your presentation, I was impressed by your choice of words. Then Kadıköy Ukraynalı Escort I heard you deliver them. — Oh, my goodness!”

“Your words … your mannerisms … your melodious voice and to be honest, the way your awesome physique looked in your outfit, I couldn’t contain myself! I probably needed to listen more and leer … ah, er … look less!”

“Then I felt your soft full lips when I dropped you off at home. I almost begged you to drag me inside and ravish me! I waaaay overstepped professional bounds and I apologize.”

“That could probably be said of both of us! Look you’ll have to admit that the circumstances were most unusual. We were both lightly dressed due to the weather and hadn’t expected to see each other. And besides, despite what HR guidelines say, we’re human and humans (at least living ones) have very real reactions to the opposite sex!”

“I just didn’t want to leave any false impressions.”

“No, your impressions were very real!”

She blushed brightly “I fretted all weekend about certain impressions I left in the boardroom!”

“Not to worry, I’m pretty observant too so the tabletops were cleaned and polished this morning!”

“Now I’m doubly embarrassed! That has NEVER happened before! First my eyes wandered, my mind followed and I … I just couldn’t hold back! Stammering to find her words, I had a … err … ahh … an uncontrollable visceral reaction!”

“Again, not to worry, its unlikely to ever happen again. I have a fiancé and you’re happily married. I just hope your hubby didn’t catch me leering at you!”

“Him?” chuckling “The only thing he said was ‘Did you see the guns on that guy!? I’ll bet they’re sixteen or seventeen inches!’ Was he right?”

“Right about …? Oh, let’s just avoid discussing anything that requires a tape measure!”

After a shared laugh, she said “I just have one more question — a very important one to me.”

“Please ask.”

“Can we, after the events of the weekend, work together as two professionals without any expectations of anything personal?”

“Absolutely! Besides our having our own relationships, even a hint of me having an affair with a married direct report, of a different race to boot, could ruin my career.”

“I am so glad to hear you say that. I think we can make a great team! And …, can we make one small exception to our rules?”

“And what would that be?”

“Is it OK if I give you a discreet ‘Good Luck!’ peck and you give me one in return to say ‘Thank you!’ when I’ve done a good job? That’s showing professional appreciation, not a sexual come on.”

Kirk reflected on the possible implications — “OK, deal!”

With the air cleared, they planned the next day from the time of her arrival to what he hoped to accomplish. She left smiling broadly after a half hour chat to complete her paperwork.

Over the next year, Kirk could not have asked for a better assistant. Her work was top notch. She managed his schedule despite the numerous changes and emergencies plus efficiently managed both his business and personal travel. She contributed heavily to his quick promotions to Sr. VP and then Exec VP.

They enjoyed friendly banter when they were alone including an occasional quip.

“Men get grouchy when they don’t get laid often enough so hurry so you don’t miss your plane home! Your poor fiancé has to be climbing the walls!”

“How do you know I’m not getting laid?”

Her head snapped around in genuine surprise. She later learned that he wasn’t kidding when he asked her to make reservations for one of his “friends” who would fly in when he wasn’t going home to the east coast. She grew comfortable enough to ask a bit about each of them.

Over time, Kirk observed several of her tendencies. One of the more interesting was that she’d wear the red dress that she wore to her interview on special occasions. He particularly recalled once on the day before her birthday. He alluded to the fact that he knew she had a special day coming up and he’d have to do something appropriate. She arrived the next day beaming brightly in her red dress. Her smile widened when she saw the roses he’d had delivered on her desk. As lunch time rolled around, Kirk told her to drop what she was doing and follow him.

She was positively radiant as he opened the door to his Porsche and she slid in awkwardly giving him a generous view of her thighs.

“That’s more of me than you’ve seen since the first weekend we met!” she chuckled.

“Not quite unless you’re not counting the wardrobe malfunction when the buttons on your blouse popped open and put the girls on full display!”

“That doesn’t count because my breasts are small and I already know that you’re a leg man!”

“So you noticed? Yours are sensuous indeed due to your running and those awesome hose you wear!”

“Hmmm … Kadıköy Üniversiteli Escort so you noticed something too?” she said, lifting the hem of her dress in an exaggerated fashion showing both legs well up her thighs and slowly crossing them. “I try to put my best foot, or rather leg, forward!”

When she learned they were headed to a lunch that he’d set up with all her executive assistant colleagues, he wasn’t sure if she was pleased or disappointed. That concern was erased when Kirk escorted her into the restaurant on his arm and the ladies all stood to wish her a happy birthday. She was gushing when she returned. She locked the door, rushed around his desk and gave him a warm hug with a lingering soft peck on the lips.

“Thank you so much! The other girls are envious of me working for you!”

In addition to her ‘red dress on special days, one other insight gleaned was her unfailing light ‘Good Luck!’ peck on the lips before his monthly overseas jaunts and her looking forward to a ‘Thank You!” peck upon his return. He typically returned late Friday afternoon and asked her to leave his mail on his desk so he could retrieve it as he passed from the airport. Invariably, even when his flight was late, he’d arrive to find her waiting expectantly for her kiss.

On several occasions Kirk changed flights and flew directly to the east coast or Midwest. He’d sometimes forget the ritual kiss on Monday and be reminded by a stern “Where’s my kiss?” On one trip, even though he was returning to home base, he called ahead and told her that he was tired and going straight home and would stop by the office Saturday morning for his mail.

“I’ll bring it to your house!”

“No, I’ll get it in the morning!

“Don’t be silly! I pass your place on the way home so it’s not a bother. Since you’re arriving earlier than usual, I’ll be there at 4:00!”

“OK” he said little sensing that a change in their relationship might be in the offing.

She arrived promptly at four, parked in front of his townhouse and rang the door bell. Despite her arms being full of mail, she turned away as Kirk reached to unburden her.

“First things first!” she insisted and puckered her lips. He smiled and obligingly kissed her, lingering longer than he might in the office.

“Now take all this crap! Its heavy!”

She’d already sorted the mail in order of importance so they sat side by side on his elongated couch, made short work of the mail and she caught him up on the office scuttlebutt. They’d finished but she showed no signs of leaving so Kirk offered her a glass of wine.

He heard, “I’ll come with you” as he started up the steps to the dining room and kitchen level. He poured them each a glass and they sat at the glass topped table chatting. Although they were side by side, she faced away from him with her arm resting on the table. He took in her profile as they chatted — a dark orchid silk blouse, a textured rough silk skirt, her usual silky hose and doe skin loafers with one dangling from the tip of her toes. He noticed that her skirt was pulled conservatively to her knees as he looked through the smoky tabletop. They continued chatting about nothing in particular when their eyes met and he detected a questioning look.

Then it hit him! As he connected the dots, there were too many of them for their being alone together to be a coincidence. First, the blouse — it was the same one that suffered the wardrobe malfunction … the insistence on bringing his mail to his home for the first time ever … her insistence of being kissed before handing it over … her lingering and accepting a glass of wine …

“I’m slow but not dumb — she planned this!” he decided “In for a penny …!”

Almost simultaneously, she glanced at her watch.

“Where did the time go? I’d better get going!”

They stood and went down the stairs to the lower level. She retrieved her purse from the sofa and threw it over her shoulder and strode back to where Kirk was waiting in the middle of the room. She looked up expectantly awaiting their ritualistic peck. He bent slightly and as their lips met, his arms began to encircle her and his tongue lightly probed her lips.

It was as if he had flipped her lust switch and released a year of pent-up passion!

She shrugged her shoulder allowing her purse to drop to the floor and hugged his neck tighter than he’d been hugged before or since. Despite a 75 lb weight difference, he couldn’t have extracted himself even if he’d wanted to. Her pelvis slammed into his quickly hardening manhood and her tongue explored his lips, plunged deeply into his mouth as she moaned and grunted with excitement. She rose higher on her toes each time he probed her mouth. As he caressed her ass, she rolled her hips slowly and pressed even harder against his now prominent cock.

After five minutes of interrupted Kadıköy Vip Escort dancing tongues and throbbing loins, she pulled her head back slightly and heavily whispered “You really know how to get me going!”

Biting his lower lip gently and again rolling her hips against his groin, she gasped “I wondered if you were ever going to hit on me!”

Withdrawing from his embrace and kicking off a shoe with each step towards the sofa “I’ve got to sit down to catch my breath!”

She slumped on the burgundy cushions at one end of his L-shaped sofa as Kirk took a seat at the opposite end. Her chest heaving, her eyes never blinked as she stared in his direction.

When her breathing became a bit more normal, he patted the cushion next to where he was seated — “Come closer!”

Instead of standing and walking over, she slid back further on the cushion where she sat, pulled her legs beneath her into a kneeling position and pulled up her skirt to almost reveal her panties and began crawling towards him. His eyes alternated between feasting on her exposed legs and her hungry stare as she crawled forward. Her nipples were pressing against her blouse, her face a mask of lust.

As she drew near, Kirk slipped a hand inside one thigh and reveled in the silky smooth texture. Sliding it beneath hiked up skirt, he cupped her hot, damp, puffy mound. She didn’t flinch at his first intimate touch. As he continued caressing her pussy lightly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and began planting light kisses on his neck and face.

Kirk pulled her into a sitting position, her legs folded and her skirt mid-thigh. He caressed her breasts through her silky blouse. Her head bowed and followed every move of his muscular black hands. As he unbuttoned the top button, she craned her neck lower to follow the movements of his fingers.

Her gaze never shifted as he slowly released each button, pulled the hem from her waistband and pulled the sides open to expose her heaving chest under her lacy pink bra. Kirk unfastened the plastic front clasp to reveal her pert nipples.

“I love the contrast of your strong black hands on my pink skin!”

She jumped slightly as he ran his fingertips over each hard nub and flinched as his lips enclosed one. With each flick on his tongue on one nipple and the accompanying light squeezes from his hand on the other, she moaned.

He moved her legs onto the floor to gain access to her pussy and continued sucking each breast in turn. She spread her legs wider to give his hand access as he slowly stroked her inner thighs … up one until feeling her damp heat and then down the other. When he again cupped her mound, her hips rose to meet his hand.

He moved upward to the waistband and slipped a hand under her hose into her damp panties. He lightly brushed his fingers through her soft velvety pubes and alternated kissing her lips and nuzzling her nipples. He slipped one finger into her hot, wet slit and softly caressed her erect clit with his thumb. He increased the pressure and speed of his movements, probing her deeply with his tongue when she exploded with a loud grunt!

“Ooommmph!” Her hips thrust upward and humped his hand in a frenzy driving his finger deeper into her sopping wet canal. Her heels dug into the carpeting and she froze in mid-air! First she stopped breathing and then erupted into another fit of hip thrusting and came hard again. She slumped after her explosive release and began sliding off the sofa unto the floor. She moaned, “Ooooh…! Oooooh…! Oooooh … WOW!” as ripples of tiny orgasms fluttered through her loins.

She collapsed against him and only his holding her prevented her from sliding completely onto the floor.

Kirk lifted her back into a sitting position as he withdrew his hand from her panties. She left her legs gapped open and stared at him. “You’ve got GREAT hands!”

With her legs still spread and her breasts heaving she glanced at her watch.

“You’re not going to let me say no are you?”

Knowing that she was already likely later getting home than usual and knowing that she’d probably told hubby that she was at his place he said –

“Yes, for two reasons. First I don’t do quickies and second I want you to be sure this is a step you want to take. It’s a big one and once taken, there’s no going back.”

She seemed torn, disappointed that he’d stopped but somewhat relieved as she began to straighten her clothing.

“Where’s your bathroom, I need to touch up my face and hair.”

Kirk took her hand guided her up the steps to the powder room and encircled her waist with his hands from behind holding her blouse open. Her eyes barely left his dark hands as they stroked her red tipped breasts until finally withdrawing them to allow her to finish making herself presentable.

They walked to the door, shared a soft kiss with flashing tongues before she strode to her car.

“I’m looking forward to seeing you on Monday!”

“Are you going on another trip soon so I can drop your mail off?”

“Let’s see what comes up.”

She looked at Kirk’s still hard cock and then into his eyes.

“I think I know!”

She walked unsteadily to her car.

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