Japanese Princess
It was March of 2020 and all we were hearing about was the Corona Virus, which had evolved to being called Covid. You could not go 60 seconds of TV or radio with hearing some aspects from it–number of cases in Italy or New York, closures, social distancing and unfortunately deaths of the elderly. I was single, as meaning no girlfriend and with all that was going on figured it was going to be a while with no dating or any fun sex with some Asian hottie. I had been doing all my dating from legit online dating sites. As a few weeks went by I actually found that I was getting even more “likes” than before from women and the Asian women I reached out were more than happy to reply and talk on the phone and still meet. It was if these women wanted to be in a relationship and not go through this “Covid unknown” all alone.
I made contact with a woman Dawna. She was Japanese-American and fourth generation so in other words Asian in appearance only. After two phone conversations I was surprised how she jumped at my idea of a parking lot date. I suggested we meet at a grocery store parking lot and park next to each other with our windows down and just chat.
Dawna was about 5’1″ and petite. With the exception of some nice looking breast enhancements she looked like her profile pics. She had long full flowing hair that was perfect, which made sense being a sales manager in the high-end hair salon product industry. She also had a sexy little Cindy Crawford mole that accented her perfect pouty lips.
As I drove to the parking lot in Huntington Beach I was very excited to see her. Our phone calls had been fun–a lot of laughs and bantering. Dawna also had a slightly low smoky voice –it sounded sexy.
I will be honest I wanted to make the best possible impression so I drove my flashy Porsche–all I told her was to look for a unique blue colored car to keep a little mystery. I know I was being a bit shallow but I also thought in her line of work it was all about image and appearance too so why not.
I got to the parking lot and found an upfront spot where she would be able to see me and in an area where we could have some distance from other cars. I sat and waited about ten minutes when she drove up with a great smile–her hair was perfect.
“Hi Greg. Wow nice color on the car.”
“Hi Dawna. Nice to meet you.”
We immediately fell into great conversation. We had each brought fruit and drinks and we sat in our cars and chatted for almost two hours–it was obvious we were interested in each other.
“I need to get out and stretch my legs a bit,” I said. “Don’t worry I’m not going to attack you.” She smiled.
“Ohhh. You are tall like you said. I like,” she said in a flirty way. “Even though I’m short I prefer tall men.”
“Good. So are you really that short? Let me see.” I mostly wanted to see how tight her ass was.
“Okay.” Dawna jumped out of the car being more than happy to show me her tight compact body. I could tell she wanted to keep distance so I stood about 15′ away.
She did not disappoint. Tight jeans on a nice tight ass. A very fuckable body and she knew it as she even did a little spin for me. We both laughed at the situation of our first date.
We talked for another twenty minutes and our vibe was growing. We finally agreed it was time to go home. When I asked to see her again she was cool by saying…
“You bet. I like your confident subtle edge. But I need to ask you a question?”
“Sure fire away.” I was wondering is the “trapdoor” opening. Things had been going too well to be true.
“Are those your real blue eyes or are they contacts?”
“Ha. They are original factory equipment.”
“I like,” she said raising her eyebrows. “The last guy I met actually had colored lenses and highlighted his hair. It was a bit too much. He looked like he had done it after his profile pics. He was trying too hard.”
“Unfortunately I do look like my pics,” I said as we both laughed.
“No I like what I’m seeing Greg.”
“Me too. Not to be too shallow but I think you are a doll.”
You would have thought I hit her hot button. She gave me a sexy smile and let out a little sigh. I think her panties got wet when I said it.
We said goodbye. As Dawna drove off she blew me an exaggerated kiss and winked at me.
That night I texted her good night and I hit another button. She told me how much she appreciated the text with a couple emoji’s giving kisses. I suggested a picnic Friday where we could sit on opposite ends of a picnic table at a local park and she accepted enthusiastically. She also mentioned that while not paranoid about Covid personally she appreciated that I was trying to be respectful.
The next morning I gave her a text to have a nice day. I could tell she got creamy by her response. Dawna was a princess that loved and needed to be adored. She was a sexy romantic woman.
The next two days we texted and talked once and I gave her the address of a spot to meet for our picnic. I will admit I liked the picnic idea because you are really in the “moment” sitting in a park Beşiktaş travesti with our own lunches just chatting.
Dawna showed up in a little casual sundress–she was showing off her nice tanned legs and some nice cleavage. She looked hot to me. A couple times when I would say something she thought was sweet she would smile and say “Ohhhh that is so nice” We had a great time and after it was over I walked her to her car. I kept my distance still and it was obvious we both wanted a to have a hug and a little kiss but we refrained–I also looked at this as foreplay and kept the mystique going.
The next few days was more of the same–good morning and goodnight texts and a phone call. I suggested another picnic at the same spot and she loved the idea.
Dawna showed up looking great in some yoga pants–her ass looked so kissable. She also wore a tight t-shirt that showed a flat tummy. The picnic was going well but then I got the sudden urge to put my hand out for her to take and she did so with a sexy smile. We kept talking as we caressed each other’s hand and forearms–it was innocent and turning slightly erotic as we held each other’s hand and looking into each other’s eyes. My cock was hard and I am sure she was wet.
Then I made a move.
I stood up and leaned across the table and Dawna leaned towards me a bit and we kissed. It was a couple short little kisses and her lips opened and we began teasing each other’s tongues. Our only contact was lips and tongues.
“I was hoping you would kiss me today. Greg I think you are a good guy. I am enjoying this.”
“Me too. I just got the urge and after you used your fingernails lightly on my arms and so I kissed you.”
We sat there for another 30 minutes holding hands and chatting. Soon it was time to get going and I got to her car we looked at each other and almost fell into each other’s arms. We kissed for a few minutes and I had her slightly pinned into her car with my leg between hers and ever so lightly nudging her. She moaned into my mouth a couple times as we kissed. My cock was raging and she moved her pussy into my leg while rubbing her leg across my cock. The tension was there.
“I better go before I don’t want to,” she whispered.
“Yeah I hear you. You want to go to the beach tomorrow? It’s outside and safe,” I said with a grin.
“Safe. Ha. You just want to see me in a bikini. Sure that sounds fun,” then she said with a sexy smile.
“What beach you do you want to meet at?”
“Meet? Don’t you think we are past that now? I mean we just spent the last ten minutes kissing.”
“Well I am trying to be considerate,” I said laughing.
“I will text you my address later.” With that she grabbed my hips and pulled me into her for a long passionate kiss. “I can’t to see you tomorrow.”
“Me too babe. Oops that just slipped out.” Referring to calling her babe.
Her nose wrinkled up in cute way and she smiled. “Ohhh I like that. I want to hear that. Greg are we a couple?” Dawna looked a little vulnerable for the first time–it looked sweet and hot.
“I was just going to ask you if you wanted to be exclusive. I had a great vibe the first time we met. I actually like how we have been meeting. It seems like a courtship–sweet and simple.”
“Me too Greg.” We kissed again and she pulled my hips into her.
Driving home I was ecstatic that this little Japanese hottie princess wanted to be my girlfriend. I was already wondering what type of bikini she would be wearing and how her pussy tasted.
I pulled up to her house the following day and before I could open the car door Dawna came out the door with some tight shorts on and a loose t-shirt. She had her hair cascading over her shoulders. It was almost like she practiced her approach. She had her beach items and drinks and snacks for us.
Getting to the beach was easy–many people were not going out and even though the Orange County Sheriff said he would not ticket people at the beaches they were almost empty and parking was easy. We walked to a spot close to the water. Dawna then did part two of her appearance as she shimmied down her tight shorts and then took off her t-shirt. All I could do was smile and think what a hot little sex kitten. Her bikini was lime green and looked amazing on her nicely tanned skin–I was glad that she was not one of those Asian women that lived in fear of the sun.
When she saw me check her out a second time she said, “I hope you like tan lines?”
“I do. Very sexy.”
Fortunately I was in great shape and had been spending a lot of time at the beach and was tanned. Dawna looked at me and said…
“Been working out have we? Nice. I like a man that keeps in shape. I could tell when we first met you were in shape but not this much. I like.” Dawna was ogling my body just as much as I was hers.
Our beach date was going great and as we went for a little walk I said to myself that it’s amazing it’s our fourth date and I had spent less than $50–my picnic lunches and some gas.
We went back to our towels and were laying down chatting about anything when Dawna Beşiktaş travestiileri almost blurted out…
“You know the beach and the sun both relaxes me and makes me….,” she suddenly stopped.
“Ahh. Never mind,” she said with a giggle.
“What? Come on I don’t judge.”
Dawna used her finger to write in the sand at the edge of my towel– WET
I gave a little chuckle. I mean how do you respond to that. All of a sudden my cock filled and it was good I was laying on my front. I wanted to rip off that little bikini and lap her pussy right there.
“Well. Is it just the beach and sun in general or is it with me too,” I said with a smile teasing her.
“Baaaabe. Of course because of you. Haha. But even if I am at the beach by myself the sun and getting warm makes me want it.”
Needless to say I was distracted and as much as I was enjoying seeing Dawna in her sexy little bikini I wanted to get her back to her place and take a shower together and ravish her tight little body. As it turns out we spent a good five hours at the beach and had a great time.
As we drove back to her house our conversation flowed easily and we bantered back and forth. When we turned down her long street she put her hand on my leg and smiled–my cock filled.
“Oh my daughter is here?” Dawna had a quizzical look when we pulled up to her house.
We pulled into the driveway and her daughter came out of the house. She was very attractive as well and looked about 26-28 years old.
“Hi mom. I was a little worried. Don’t you remember you were going to help me with my resume re-do and then dinner?”
“Oh honey I thought it was tomorrow. No worries. I want you to meet Greg. The man I told you about.”
After introductions I realized that I was in the way. I asked to use the restroom before I hit the road. While using the upstairs bathroom in Dawna’s room she was waiting for me as I came out.
“Babe I’m sorry. I got the nights mixed up,” she said pressing her body up against mine and acting very flirty. “Do you forgive me?”
“No worries. We can go to the beach again soon,” I said jokingly in reference to her word in the sand. She peeled off her shorts and t-shirt.
“Oh baby. Let me..” with that she slipped to her knees and pulled my trunks down and proceeded to give me head. She pulled away quickly and put her finger to her lips telling me to be quiet. Dawna was giving me a hot cock sucking. “Hurry up babe,” she said telling me to blow fast seeing her daughter was downstairs.
I began pumping my cock into her mouth and watching those sexy lips closed around me was getting me to a quick finish I felt. I was enjoying this and having her on her knees and in a submissive position was great but then when I noticed the mirror behind her and then switching off from looking at her suck my cock and then her hot ass with the bikini in the mirror was too much.
“Ahhhh, ah, ah, ah.” I whispered out my orgasm. I could feel Dawna’s lips, tongue and mouth going through the motions of swallowing my hot cream. She looked at me and winked and smiled. She then squeezed my cock to get out the last few drops and quickly licked it off while looking at me. I pushed Dawna back onto her bed and pulled her bikini bottom to the side and saw a beautiful hairless kitty. I needed to taste her and licked her for about thirty seconds and she got very wet but then said we had to stop with a giggle.
“You are such a tease,” she said with a little smile.
Dawna quickly got up and up and put her clothes back on and pulled me by the hand back downstairs. She began talking to her daughter as if nothing happened. A couple times she looked at me and I noticed a droplet of my cum on her upper lip. I made a subtle motion to tell her and she casually licked into her mouth and smiled.
I said goodbye to her daughter who had a grin as if she knew that something fast occurred upstairs. Dawna walked me out to the car and gave me a nice kiss goodbye–all in all it was a great day.
A few days later I was at Dawna’s house and she asked me to go to the local Home Depot to get six large wooden posts and some slats for her handyman to repair her fence. While at the store she was being playful and poked my butt as I was loading the wood on the cart.
“Hey. Be careful there when a man is working,” I jokingly said. She did it again and I said. “Behave you naughty little girl.”
“Babe I can’t help it. Seeing your arm muscles when you lift that is so sexy.”
The next time she brushed my cock acting as if she was helping me.
“So if you are going to act like a naughty little girl maybe I should buy you a sexy Japanese Schoolgirl outfit.”
“Ooooh. I like,” she said puckering her lips and raising her eyebrows.
On the way home from the store Dawna began giving me head as I drove and I had to stop her–I wanted to give her my load at her house.
“Leave the wood babe. I can’t wait any longer. I’m really wet.”
We ran into the house and up the stairs and our clothes were off in seconds.
Dawna was a great kissing travesti Beşiktaş machine and we kissed for quiet a while my hands played with her breasts. I moved my hand down her body and her breathing became louder.
“Oh babe I love the way you touch me,” Dawna purred. She was a hot sexy kitten.
I got up on my knees and she looked at me with such a sexy, ‘come fuck me’ look as she played with her nipples. I kissed her again and then sucked on her amazing nipples. I moved my hand down to her perfectly smooth pussy and discovered she was not kidding–she was so wet. I moved down and began feasting on her tasty slit.
“Ohhhh Greg. Yes that feels sooooo great.”
I could not get enough of her wetness. Her juices were flowing and all over my lips and chin.
“Ohhhh babe. Yes. I’m cummmming. I’m cummming. Ahhhhh.” Dawna got wetter and then got off with a powerful orgasm.
I wasted no time and stuffed my cock into her tight little Japanese slit and began to slowly pump into her. She was so tight I wondered of this is what it feels like to be with a virgin.
“Are you ok? I asked as she gasped from my thickness.
“Yesss. Its great. My god you are thick. Fuck my little pussy babe. Yessss.”
I kept a nice easy movement going due to enjoying her snug fit. I could feel her pussy get wet again like when I was lapping her up and could see it was a precursor to her getting off.
“Ohhhhh babe I’m cumming again. Harder. Fuck me.”
I didn’t need to be told twice–when a woman demands you to fuck her harder you do it.
I was pounding into this little minx and she wrapped her legs around me and slapped my ass a few times.
“Ahhhh, ahhh,” I was getting close too.
Soon we were both moaning and groaning like a duet. I kept pounding her faster.
“Cum in me babe. I want to feel you.”
As she said that I released my hot cream into her waiting pussy and she seemed to get off hearing and feeling me cum. I tried to take some of my weight off of her but Dawna kept me close.
“Babe that was amazing. I never get off two times. Can we rest and do it again. This was amazing.”
“I want to ride you okay. Wooo look at you,” she said as her statement made my cock pulse to life again some.
Her statement did arouse me again. Dawna had the body of a woman in her 20’s. Her long beautiful hair and great manmade breasts were a sight to cherish. The thing that really turned me on was her tan lines–she had perfect smooth tanned skin and seeing the color change around her breasts, pussy and ass was an instant hard-on for me.
Dawna mounted my cock and did not waste much time. She grabbed the headboard and began fucking me hard.
“Oh fuck babe. My god I have never been split like this. Ohhhhhh. Ahhhhh.”
She kept impaling herself on my thick shaft. Watching her fuck me was hot. Soon I could feel her body get wet from breaking out in a sweat. Dawna let go of the headboard and began rubbing her body and playing with her nipples. When she began to tussle her beautiful hair the sight made my balls glow with heat.
“That’s it babe. Fuck me. Ride my cock. You look so hot.”
“Ohhhh babe I can feel it. I’m cumming again. Oh babe I’m cumming. Ahhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhh.” Dawna crashed on me as she got off.
I immediately pushed her off and put her on her tummy. Next I pulled her hips up and she purred knowing I was going to doggy fuck her.
“Babe you look so hot like this,” as I penetrated her wet tight slit. I grabbed her hips and immediately began pounding her fast and hard.
“Oh give it to me Greg. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Dawna liked to be plowed.
I moved my hands from her hips to her shoulders for a more aggressive and dominant fucking and she arched her back and moaned as I fucked her hard. I didn’t want this to end–the feeling, her moans, seeing the tan lines on her tight ass. I switched to long slow plunging ending with a harder end as I pushed my cock hard into her.
“Take this cock. Take it you little slut. You want my cum?”
“Yessssssss. Please.”
I began to give her another load of hot cream when she yelled out with another orgasm. “Oh babe I’m cumming again. Please go harder. Fuck me.” We collapsed onto the bed both panting and moist. After a couple of minutes Dawna began lapping and sucking the cum and pussy off my cock. While she did this I pulled her pussy over my mouth and feasted on our wetness. We cleaned each other completely.
The next few weeks were a series of great times–both dates and sex. We had certainly settled into a nice relationship. We had a few quickies in department store dressing rooms or in the bathrooms of restaurants when the urge hit us. We went on a trip up the coast to San Francisco and I got us a room in Napa with a fireplace and it was romantic and erotic.
On this trip I also learned that Dawna liked some anal play. The first time after we had sex and she was resting on her tummy I began to massage her ass and then dipped my finger into her pussy from behind–she loved it and had a very quick orgasm. I took my wet finger and began rubbing up and down her crack and she shivered when I would pass over her star. I dipped into her pussy to lube my finger again and then began to massage her star and the moaning grew. I decided to penetrate her ass to see how she would react. I put my finger in about to my first knuckle and wiggled it a little.
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