This story follows the series ‘Jen Finds Herself and Jeopardy’, and its follow-on series ‘Jen’s Family Four Years On’ and then ‘Jen’s Friends and Family Ch. 01.’
In October, the family had a week-end get together at Meg’s. Jackie and Betty came up from University, as did Christine and Jen from their cottage, and, for Saturday evening dinner, Helen and Eve were invited too.
Some time previously, during some intimate time together, Yvonne and Jackie had talked about going as a group on a Clothing Optional cruise. Later, Yvonne had discussed it with Meg, who found it intriguing, although was not certain about being naked when there would be a lot of men around – also naked. But, after doing some research, she had warmed up to the idea.
So after dinner, as they sat around finishing the wine, Meg brought up the topic. “Our business has had a great year, and we have some decent profits. In addition, Yvonne and I made money out of buying George out of the business, basically using his own money. So I am proposing that if we were to forego buying Christmas presents and pooled that money, then topped up from the company, we six could afford such a trip. There’s a great one in January from Florida, with quite a lot of totally naked sea days. Helen and Eve, if you have the funds, we would be delighted to have you come with us; it’s just we can’t run to treating you.”
Helen laughed. “First, we wouldn’t expect you to treat us. Second, we were looking at one in January too, because closing the B Meg asked her if she was stocking up on aphrodisiacs. Yvonne response was, “Why should you complain if I am?” and, of course, everyone laughed.
They drove back over the long straight causeway that links the Clearwater Beach area to Tampa and both Betty and Eve were fascinated to see the pelicans flying alongside them as they did.
On the Sunday, they went to Busch Gardens and had their fill of roller coasters, as well as riding the train and seeing all the African animals roaming around apparently ‘free’ in the Safari Park.
And then, finally, it was January 8th. Processing of boarding started at noon, and when they arrived in the hotel shuttle bus at 12:30 there was already a line-up. Their cases where taken from them as they got out of the bus, and they were told they would be in their cabins by 5:00 p.m. latest.
The processing worked quite efficiently and by 1:00 they were sitting in a large holding room, waiting for clearance to actually board when cabin preparation was complete. Then, it was a long walk up a sloping gangway to the main deck where the restaurants and bars were. As they stepped into the lobby, they were presented with a complimentary glass of champagne.
They wandered around and found the main cafeteria serving lunch. There were various food stations, one for salads, one for hot selections, one for sushi, and so on, and as they had breakfasted early, they decided to have a small lunch. Helen and Yvonne raided the sushi, Meg, Christine and Jen had salads, Jackie opted for an omelet, and was fascinated to have it cooked to order and impressed with how much stuff she could load on it. Betty and Eve both went for a Korean stir-fry.
They all thought it was wonderful, with the biggest advantage that they neither had to prepare it nor clean up after. Refreshed, they found their cabin, which was on deck 11, port side, amidships. The door from the hallway opened into a sitting room, with couch and armchair seating for 8, two small tables, and a few stools. Either side of that area, two cabins. From the opposite end of the sitting room, a sliding door led out to their balcony.
One cabin on each side of the sitting room had portholes that looked out on to their balcony, whereas the other two cabins had none, but were equipped with concealed lighting that made the room seem less claustrophobic. Each cabin had a small bathroom, with a sink, a toilet and a small shower cubicle. The way the ship was in the harbor meant that they were facing the dock, and from their height, they could see the traffic pulling up and unloading passengers.
A note on one of the tables advised Küçükyalı travesti them that there was a compulsory lifejacket and muster drill at 3:30 – before sailing – and telling them where their muster point was. Their lifejackets were in their closets in each cabin. On the other table were 4 complimentary bottles of wine from the travel company that had chartered the boat for the clothing optional cruise.
Each cabin had been set up with a double bed. Meg soon spotted that the beds were actually two singles pushed together, so that the cabin could also be two singles in layout if requested. The beds themselves were on metal frames, and so their suitcases, left open, could be slid under the beds once unpacked, out of the way.
Their muster point was on deck 5, the main open deck, and they soon found it. After being ‘accounted for’ and shown how to put on the life jacket, and then trying it on themselves, they returned to their stateroom and found their cases had been delivered. They quickly unpacked and then went up to the top open deck just as the ship sailed, around 4:30. The drink special was a gin and pineapple juice cocktail with lime juice and tonic, and they found it wonderfully cool and refreshing.
Meg had purchased the drinks packages which gave them each up to 10 drinks a day, on production of their cabin key card, which also served as a payment card for paying for any incidentals. The cards had an elastic attached to each of them so they could be worn on the wrist when wandering around ‘au naturel’.
****************************** Monday evening – Departure
So they watched as the boat pulled away from Terminal 3 and into the channel that led to the actual bay the city is named after, and slowly the city disappeared behind them. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were to be sea days, and so clothes out on the decks would not be required again until Friday when the boat docked in St. Thomas. As soon as the boat left territorial waters, the Captain announced that “Clothing is now optional on all Open Decks.”
Of course, there were some who had to strip immediately, Meg and her group decided to retire to their cabins and just relax. They would brave their first public nakedness in the morning. Their dining was scheduled for second session each day, at 8.00 p.m., and so 7:15 found them in the Martini Bar, watching the bartenders and their ‘performances’ making martinis. And, naturally, they each had to try one.
The dining room opened for second sitting and they were conducted to their table, which was a big round one for all 8 of them. The menu was great and they enjoyed the selection and, of course, the wine. They were still not fully adjusted to the time difference, but all felt they needed to stretch bedtime a bit, so after dinner they started to explore. They found the small dance floor, with a nice-sounding 5 piece group and singer, and Meg and Yvonne decide to stay there and enjoy a few dances.
They were intrigued by two guys who were carefully watching them, as they danced together. Meg made sure the guys were under no illusions by kissing Yvonne, a long kiss, with her arms wrapped around her, but the guys continued to watch.
Both men looked to be in their late 50s with salt and pepper hair – a good head of hair, as Meg remarked. But despite all the watching, the men, both quite tall and good-looking, and possibly brothers, did not approach them. Still, there were another 13 evenings left.
When Meg and Yvonne headed to bed around 11 p.m., the others appeared to have retired to their rooms or were still out, as no-one answer a quiet call of “Anyone Home?” They went to their own room, and gently undressed each other, which wasn’t difficult as both were wearing just a light-weight dress, bra and pants, and sandals. They hugged and swayed, as if dancing.
Yvonne asked “Did you see those two guys watching us?”
“Yes, I did. What do you think?”
“I think they are trying to decide if they stand a chance of at least dancing with us. I wonder if they will let us see them naked tomorrow. I must admit, I am in the Küçükyalı travestileri mood that I don’t care who sees me when naked, I’m just going for it every chance I get. They may be wondering if we’re lesbians or just bi.”
“Same here, but how do you feel about a guy chatting you up while you are both naked?”
“Don’t mind that. But if they try to chat us up when we’re naked and they’re not, they won’t get very far…”
“Or if they’re wearing a speedo!” They both laughed at Meg’s comment.
“Okay, but joking apart, are you interested in sex with a man?” Helen asked.
“Don’t know. After John died, I would definitely have said ‘No’. But after everything that has happened sexually in my life since, including with the girls, I don’t think I will ever say never again, to anything.”
“Well,” said Yvonne, “there are times when I would welcome a good hard cock in me that was real and not a fake. Trouble with that is the rest of the male attached to it!”
They got into bed, and Yvonne spooned up behind Meg, sliding her hand under to cup a breast while she used her other hand to gently caress Meg’s vagina. They drifted off to sleep.
Jackie and Betty were not in bed. They had decided to explore further after finding the dance floor, and after a couple of dances, left and found a piano bar with a woman of about 30 playing. They were lucky enough after dinner to get seats actually at the piano, which was closely surrounded by a narrow counter glasses could be placed on, near enough to talk to the pianist.
The pianist, whose name was Karen, made it clear fairly early in their conversation that she was lesbian, and flirted with Jackie and Betty constantly, which made them feel good. They stayed until shortly before midnight, when all the travel – and the wine – caught up with them, and so they said goodnight to Karen, who replied “Hope to see you again, and more of you.”
The girls actually blushed. Betty then looked Karen in the eye, and said “We really hope so, it could be fun.” Karen blew them a kiss as they slipped off the stools.
They headed for their cabin. Once there, they undressed each other and cuddled up in bed. “Do you think she actually fancies us, or was she just flirting?” Betty asked.
“I think her last comment about seeing more of us – and the way she put emphasis on the word ‘more’ – can be taken literally, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see her out on the open decks when we are out there naked.”
“Are you really going to go completely naked?” Betty was still feeling somewhat conservative about public nudity.
“Yes, except for flip-flops on my feet.”
“I’m still not sure…”
“Oh, go for it girl. Stop thinking you are still the old you, and enjoy just how beautiful the current you actually is. I am not the only person in this world who fancies you, you know. What about those two we mentored a few months ago?”
Betty smiled and cuddled up. Snuggled up close to Jackie was simply Betty’s favorite place to be.
Helen and Eve had taken a stroll after dinner, and had found themselves at the stern of the boat, watching the continuous wake forming behind them. They stood side-by-side with an arm around each other’s waist, heads inclined towards each other.
Helen asked “Are you still wanting us to go ahead and get married? Or are you not quite ready yet?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, sometimes I think that you think you are maybe a little young to be hooking up permanently. I’m not that much older than you, but I sometimes think that at this stage in your life, you feel the gap is a bit more substantial than I do…”
Eve looked at Helen, directly in the eye. “I do want to be with you. The others — Jen and Jackie’s family — are great and like real family — but you are my closest person in the whole world. My family doesn’t talk about me being gay. They just don’t talk about me, or to me, period. So sometimes I wonder why I need a wedding. You and I are already properly committed to each other, and my family travesti Küçükyalı won’t come to it anyway, so why do we need to spend money on it.”
“You do realize,” said Helen, “that the wedding is the actual ceremony. That’s it. That’s the important bit. The reception is optional. For that, all we need is the eight of us here, and the dining room at the Swan. Two simple dresses — and that’s it. It needn’t cost us an arm and a leg.”
“In that case, then of course I’ll marry you. Don’t you plan to invite your family?”
“Have you ever met my family?”
“Ever wondered why not?”
“No. I just figured that they are a long ways away.”
“Yeah — about thirty years away! My family disowned me for being gay when I came out after leaving High School, so they won’t come either!”
“Well, in that case we can justifiably have a cheap wedding.”
“I prefer to think of it as ‘classy but inexpensive’ rather than cheap”.
They laughed, kissed and headed off slowly to their cabin. On the way, Helen said “I think it is significant that we have both been suppressing — hiding — our family situations. I think since getting in with the Paige family, it’s taught us how family can be, should be, and we’re now ready to be honest with each other about our own families.”
Eve just nodded and smiled.
Jen and Christine had gone for a short walk on deck 5 to get some fresh air and appreciate how mild February on the Gulf of Mexico can be. Christine no longer worked regular nights, but still, occasionally, had to put some night shifts in, and in fact, because of Christmas scheduling, had had to put in a week of night shifts between Christmas and their departure, so she wanted an early night to start to get her body on to a proper schedule. They got back to their cabin a matter of minutes after Meg and Yvonne had closed their door, and were happy that, with no-one around to talk to, they could simply get undressed and get into bed.
They snuggled up and, thanks to the fresh air, were asleep in minutes.
****************************** Tuesday – Sea Day
In the morning, they all decided on breakfast inside in the main cafeteria where they had eaten lunch the day before. So, dressed in T-shirts and shorts, they headed there.
Jackie was amazed to see the different variations of Eggs Benedict they had, with options like smoked salmon and capers, or smoked meat and avocado, or guacamole, and different versions of the sauce, from the usual hollandaise to lemony and to cheese. She loved eggs, and figured she would just work her way around the various options, or else change sometimes to an omelet, as the cruise progressed.
There was a buffet with all sorts of sausages and deli meats, fried eggs, bacon, and even black pudding with Cumberland sauce. There were salads, different breads, Continental pastries, cheeses, and even kippers, although the group decided to skip those.
Jen had wandered around undecided until she saw Jackie at the eggs station, and decided that the smoked salmon eggs benedict looked great, so she had two of those with some small cherry tomatoes and sliced Vidalia onion, and was quite happy.
So, nicely fed with a good breakfast and some hot strong coffee, they went down to their cabins and prepared for their first ‘au naturel’ stint. Meg and Yvonne put on bikinis and a beach wrap, while the younger ones had all decided that a bikini top and bottom with a sarong style skirt would be just right. They worked in pairs applying sun-screen, emphasizing all the parts they would not normally cover with sun-screen.
They headed for an Open Deck with a small pool at the stern of the vessel, and were able to get four loungers and four deck chairs close together. Initially, they all laid there in their bikinis getting used to the sun. Fortunately, there was part of the deck near them that was covered by a higher deck, giving them the option to get out of the sun every so often and let the heat dissipate.
So, stripped to her bikini, Jackie looked around and realized that in their vicinity there were a few people wearing swim suits (who looked, in her opinion, much better for doing so) but most were completely naked. Some looked fabulous naked, others, less so. So after a few minutes, she leaned forward in her deck-chair and removed her bikini top. Her breasts looked remarkably white in the sun.
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