Jock and the Cop Ch. 03



“She says you’re ghosting her, bro.”

“So? She’s a bitch, dude,” I told my buddy, Rich, as we exited the freeway and turned onto a side street.

“Dude, she’s fucking hot! And you said she was the best pussy you ever had and suddenly you’re ghosting her?”

I was annoyed because he was hounding me about this girl I had been seeing but since I met the Cop, I decided I didn’t want to see her anymore. She was just a good fuck anyway and had nice tits.

“I can get good pussy whenever I want,” I said, sneering at him. “Besides, sometimes a guy just needs a break.”

“A break? Dude, you pull in more pussy than any guy I know. You’re full of shit. You’re fucking horny, like, all the time.”

I turned to look at him and started to protest when I heard a series of short siren bursts behind us.

“Dude, you’re getting pulled over,” my buddy Rich told me, the red and blue lights of a motorcycle cop flashing in my rearview mirror. I knew it was my Cop. “Pull over into that parking lot.”

“Fuck,” I mumbled.

“You weren’t speeding. It didn’t feel like you were speeding.”

“I wasn’t.”

I was frozen. What the fuck was Cop doing? I’m not alone and Rich knows nothing about me being gay. I swallowed hard and I began to shake.

Rich noticed my shaking hands on the steering wheel. “Dude, are you ok? You’re shaking,”

Rich asked me with concern. I didn’t say anything, just lowered my window.

Next thing I knew I was staring straight at Cop’s bulge as he stood next to my car. I looked up with an expression on my face that told him to please not fuck with me with my buddy in my car. He just smiled; it was a demonic smile. God, he looked sexy wearing his gold helmet, the strap snug under his dimpled chin and square jaw.

“Is there a problem, Officer?” I asked still with a pleading look on my face.

“Going a little fast, son. You in a hurry?” he asked tapping the roof of my car with his fingers.

I continued to stare him down, begging him with my eyes to not out me to my friend. I’m sure the look on my face showed him how pissed I was.

I gasped theatrically, obviously fake, and said, “Sorry, Officer….” I realized I didn’t remember his last name, I read his name tag. “…Wolf.” I rolled my eyes.

Ah yes, THAT’S what his last name was. I forgot after the first night I met him, so I just started calling him Cop and it stuck. Of course, his name was Wolf, a fucking predator.

“I wasn’t paying attention, Officer Wolf.”

Cop nodded slowly and I could tell by the look on his face I was going to regret my sarcasm. “License and registration,” Cop demanded.

“What? Seriously, dude?” I complained as if I was being inconvenienced. “I wasn’t even doing anything.” Then I quickly remembered that as far as Rich knew, I wasn’t supposed to know this guy and I was talking to him like I did.

“Dude!” Rich whispered as a warning, shock in his tone.

“Sorry, Officer,” he piped in.”He’s had a rough day. He, ah, he just broke up with his girlfriend.”

Suddenly, sincan escort it felt like my heart fell into my stomach. I closed my eyes. “Oh Jesus,” I mumbled. I knew Rich was trying to help but why did he say that?

Cop looked at me and smirked. “Just broke up with your GIRLFRIEND?” he said with mock concern. “That sucks, man. I bet she’s devastated losing such a good-looking guy like yourself.”

I was sweating now. “She’ll get over it,” I said sarcastically. All I could do was pray he would stop torturing me.

“Oh, I’m sure she will. A guy like you, probably has SOMEONE on the side, on the DL,” said the Cop, taunting me. “Now, I said, License and registration.”

Cop looked at me with raised eyebrows, daring me to defy him.

“Yes SIR,” I said seething with disdain as I gave him my license and registration. Cop took them and went back to his bike. I sat back, grasping the steering wheel in a death grip, looking straight ahead, and taking in a deep breath and blowing it out.

Rich slapped my arm with the back of his hand, which hurt because he’s a brute of a kid, big, muscular, blonde football jock.

“Brewer, dude, you don’t fuck with traffic cops,” Rich said, looking at me like I was crazy.

Still looking forward, I replied with no emotion, “Don’t. Just don’t.”

We were both quiet for a minute.

“All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t talk back,” Rich spit out quickly as if he couldn’t hold back any longer. “Randy’s a cop and he says they fuck with people who talk back.”

“Rich, I know your brother is a cop. Just be quiet. I wasn’t even speeding, it’s no big deal.”

“Why the fuck did he pull you over?”

“Just shut up, dude!”

Just then there came a knock at my window that scared the shit out of me. It was Cop knocking with a gloved hand, a sexy, black leather gloved hand. I suddenly remembered the leather smell of the glove as it covered my mouth to keep me from screaming while he fucked me. I lowered the window.

“Mr. Brewer. Please exit the car and follow me,” he ordered calmly. It’s the first time he didn’t call me Jock.

“Shit,” Rich whispered to himself. “You’ve don’t it now.”

“Sir?” I asked suspiciously with squinty eyes, showing him that I knew he was up to something sketchy.

“Are those pretty little ears deaf? Get out and follow me. NOW,” Cop demanded.

I got out of the car and followed him back to his motorcycle. I followed him and was in awe of his size. His tight, short sleeve, tan uniform shirt showed off his huge arms, the ones that would hold me down while he fucked me. His shoulders were so wide and broad, when he’d fuck me on on my back, I could barely reach my arms around his back. The muscles in his upper back could be seen through his shirt. His thick black belt cinched around his small waist, the belt holding a holstered service weapon. His tight uniform pants hugged his high, tight, rock-hard ass and his muscular legs. The part of him that turned me on the most were his knee-high, shiny black, leather boots. sinop escort He was such a fucking stud. My dick was hard even though I was angry.

“What the fuck, dude?” I asked him when we got back to his bike. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Cop was grinning and broke into a laugh. “Should have seen your face,” he said as he clicked off the blinking lights on his bike.

“I can’t fucking believe you pulled me over. You know he knows I wasn’t speeding.”

“Fuck you, Jock. I don’t give a shit,” he said condescendingly. “Is he your boyfriend?” he asked with nod towards the car.

“Fuck no! No one knows I’m into dudes.”

“Too bad. He’s cute.” Hearing him say the word cute sounded like a dog that meowed. It didn’t fit his voice or his demeanor calling a guy cute.

“Dude,” I ignored his comment, “you can’t just pull me over for no reason. You’re being a dick,” I told him, folding my arms over my chest in defiance.

“Listen you fucking closet case,” he said poking me in the chest with a gloved finger. “I’ll do what I want whenever I want. You signed up for this the minute you first sucked my cock,” Cop said sternly.

“Wait, what? I didn’t SIGN UP for anything, dude.”

He stared me down, fire in his eyes. Instantly, I knew I fucked up. “Shut your cock sucking mouth! Faggot!” he yelled.

I freaked out, checking to see if Rich heard what Cop said. “Shhh, dude,” I said in a hushed tone. “He’s going to hear you!”

“You afraid he’s going to find out you’re a COCK SUCKING FAGGOT?” he said even louder in his deep baritone voice.

I thought I was going to die right there where I stood. My chest started beating fast. “Dude! Please!” I pleaded with low volume. “I’m sorry, ok? I’m sorry. Cop, please.”

He folded his huge muscular arms over his big meaty chest and said quietly, “Suck my dick.”

I recoiled. “Wha… what?” I stammered.

“Suck my dick or else I’m telling your little boyfriend in there you’re a fucking homo and you love to get fucked.”

I looked into the car rear window. Rich was staring straight ahead, the glow of his phone could be seen, obviously, he was texting.

“Cop, don’t do this,” I whispered.

“SUCK. My. Dick,” he repeated with emphasis.

“Cop! He’ll see,” I pleaded quietly with him again. I looked around the parking lot, it was vacant being late at night. At least no one would see us clearly in a dark parking lot.

He shook his head and sneered. He walked around me and up to Rich’s window.

“DUDE! What are you doing?” I gasped, and my eyes wide, my heart raced.

He knocked on the window and Rich lowered it.

“Yes Sir?” he asked Cop.

“Open the trunk,” Cop told him.

“Ok, Sir,” Rich replied. He reached into the glove compartment and hit the trunk release button.

Cop looked at him strangely. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”

Rich sat there for a few seconds before having a revelation and said, “My brother is a cop. People say we look like alike.”

“Who’s your brother?”

“Randy şiran escort Turner.”

A smile turned up on Cop’s face. “Yeah, that’s it. Man, you look just like him, a little younger but still. Yeah, Turner and I are good buddies.”

Rich sat there and smiled like a dumbass.

Suddenly, Cop’s mood turned serious. “Turn on the radio and stay in the car,” Cop said as he walked away.

The trunk door was up, blocking the rear window. There was no way Rich would be able to see anything out the back of the car.

Cop came back to me and said, “Now, get down on your fucking knees and suck your man’s dick.”

I froze and I felt the air leave my lungs. My stomach felt queasy. My mouth went dry.

“Come on, Cop. Don’t make me do this here.”

“DOWN,” he growled. “Or I’ll tell jock boy in there and then you’re cut off.”

I looked down at the ground and shook my head. Then I looked back up into his deep inset eyes. I was pissed and at the same time panicked. I was pissed he would make me do this and scared he would cut me off. I didn’t want him to stop fucking me, I had to do what he wanted. I hated being put in this position, but it looks like in Cop’s eyes, I made my own bed and now I had to get fucked in it.

As I lowered myself to my knees, I gave him the dirtiest look. He unfastened his big, thick belt buckle, unzipped his tight pants, his cock already hard. I took the heavy cock in my hand and brought it to my lips.

I looked up at him and said, “I fucking hate you.”

“Good,” he replied.

I opened my mouth and swallowed his thick cock whole. He grasped onto the back of my head, fingers gripping my hair and started to fuck my mouth. I wanted to get this done as soon as possible so I gave him the best blow job of his life. I sucked and swallowed like I hadn’t done before. After only a few minutes, he slammed my head into his crotch and shot his load down my throat. I choked. I swallowed his warm load and then sat back on my heels, wiping my mouth with my forearm, panting hard.

I stood up while he zipped up and buckled his belt. My eyes were watery, and my face was flushed.

Cop had a shit-eating grin on his face, his dazzling white teeth almost glowed in the dark.

“Can I go now?” I asked with disdain.

“Have a safe night,” he answered as if nothing happened.

“Yeah, you too,” I snapped back sarcastically. “Asshole.”

I heard him chuckle as I closed the trunk and got back in my car. He started his bike and sped off around us.

“Brewer, are you ok?” Rich asked concerned.

“I’m fine,” I said monotone.

“What happened? Why did he want to see in the trunk?”

“He was just being a dick.”

“I told you cops can be assholes if you piss them off.”

I started the car and put on my seatbelt.

“What’s on your face?” Rich asked, looking strangely at me.

“What?” I asked as I rubbed my cheek with my hand. Sure enough, there was a drop of cum on my chin. I panicked again. “Nothing,” I replied as I wiped it off and onto my pant leg.

“Were you crying, dude?”

“What? No,” I replied.

“Your eyes look like you’ve been crying. What the fuck happened back there.”

I put the car in gear.

“Nothing. Just forget about it. Drop it.”

Rich sat back and said, “Fine. Sorry I asked.”

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