Kween 01


Kween 01

Alright followers, I am asking for a rating. I mean, not for me, but for uncontrollable body movements like if shaking is the (1) top worst and vibrating is the (4) bottom best, then what’s in the middle of those? (2) Shivering? (3) Quivering? And shimmying does apply because I think that is a deliberate body movement. I’ll check back later for your rated 1, 2, 3, 4 responses, please and thank you.

Oh, and I’m sorry that you can’t rate me right now, but I’m Kween, not a selfie posting queen, but I’ll try to post worth rating later.

[Frank wasn’t vibrating on the couch, but then Kween walked inside of the house]

“Wha, what, what, what’s happening here, Kween?”

[A shaky emergency outgoing group text: “Kween is here.”]

“Oh hush, Frank. I mean, Ethan told me that he and one of his co-workers were leaving at midnight tonight to deliver a truck load of barnwood to Florida Bama area and I had a vision that he would over sleep and mess everything up because he said that the delivery trip was timed out down to the minute, so, I came to save the day and nothing more, the end.”

[A quivering emergency outgoing group text: “Tall socks night.”]

“I mean, were you going to make sure he woke on time, hmm, Frank?”

[Back to a shaky emergency outgoing group text: “Ruby red lips. Scolding lips.”]

“Kween, since when am I smarter than you because midnight technically means another 24 plus hours, so, tee he, let’s post that I’m smarter than you and then let’s celebrate with you making me a sandwich since we have so much time to kill and I promise, I’m not inviting the geek squad over, tee he, so?”

[Another quivering emergency outgoing group text: “Fluffy hair night.”]

I mean, sure, “technically” that idiot was correct, but that’s not how people speak of a Friday night, right? And my lips were Earthy Red. But Frank is an idiot, so I could see where he would make that mistake.

“Frank, I mean, with all of your geeky smarts, I mean, how would the guys arrive at the job site with a loaded truck of restored barnwood at 8am tomorrow Saturday morning if they left in 24 hours from now since this is Friday night, hmm?”

[Two people stare blanking at each other for a moment, blink a couple of times at each other and then Frank shows his geeky math work by slapping himself up-side the head]

“Well, I would have figured it out eventually anyways, like when Bruce was parked out front in the big truck and honking his horn like a mad man because, whoa, he would have been so mad!”

[Another vibrating emergency outgoing group text: “Kween schooled me.”]

“Well, anyways, I would appreciate it if you would hush about my visit tonight because I’m not trying to cause gossip talk issues in Ethan’s life and maybe I’ll make you a sandwich before I leave, so, hush about this, Frank.”

[An almost calm emergency outgoing group text: “Kween hushed me with index finger.”]

“Um, do not disturb, Frank, please and thank you.”

[Back to a shaky emergency outgoing group text: “Do not disturb sign on door.”]

“Wait, Kween, I mean, I mean, I mean, his bedroom door is messed up and it needs to be left open a crack, Kween, so, see to that then, okay?”

[Was that a shimmy movement emergency outgoing group text: “Creepy peeking time.”]

“Hah! Nice try, Frank. If you want to creep peek something, then get down to the “Peep & Pull” adult bookstore and leave me out of it! Tootles! And hush about this to anyone.”

[Tosses a couple of tokens to Frank from the “Peep & Pull” adult bookstore vending area. Tee he]

“Knock, knock, I mean, Ethan, you choose between hi, hey there, hey there, hey or surprise!”

[Huh, the bedroom door seemed to work just fine, but it was left open a crack anyways]

Well, I kind of woke him up from a sleep, so, I didn’t expect much of answer when I surprised Ethan in his bedroom, but it was legit since he had to get up anyways for his midnight delivery drive.

“(Grumble, mumble) Kween, what? What are you doing here and what time is it?”

“Ethan, none of that answered my multiple-choice question, but it’s about an hour before you need to get up for your delivery thingamabob in the big truck and what I’m doing here is waking you up on time because Frank is an idiot, so, say “hi, hey there, hey there, hey or surprise” or I’m leaving. Also, I’m not leaving since you have been sending me smooth talk texts lately, so, scoot over because I’m crawling into your bed!”

[Example of Ethan’s smooth talk text: “Your mouth is pretty, Kween, xoxo, Ethan”]

Hm, he didn’t say anything back about that! And tee he, Ethan sleeps in his boxers only. Which I only know because he lifted the blankets for me to crawl into his bed with him and he was right there. And like a perfect gentleman, he held the blanket up for me for the entire time that it took me to push my Denim shorts off, roll my tall socks off, pull my logo t-shirt off, roll my activewear shorts off and make a few other adjustments. And Buca travesti then a couple more thong adjustments because apparently, he liked that part.

“You’re impossible, Kween, but, um, where is the roomie, huh?”

[Fiddles, like way over fiddles with the blankets after crawling into the bed with Ethan in just undies and over fiddling can be defined as inadvertent sideways shimmying]

“Oh, you know Frank, he’s stuck somewhere between shaking and vibrating on the couch from my bold visit and you know, probably texting with his gamer buddies by now, so scoot over, Ethan.”

“Tee he, Frank quivers a lot when you’re around, Kween. Also, stop shimmying so much around in the bed, Kween, unless this is a sideways lap dance, tee he.”

Well, it happens when “over shimmering around in the bed” occurs and nobody in the world can change that. It’s mathematical geometry equation and answer is always that the peg finds its nesting place.

[Meanwhile, out in the living room, there was mad shaking body texting going on]

[Weep, incoming response to the quivering Frank’s text]

“We’re on our way!”

Hah! Like that geeky nerd crew would do anything other than pass out.

But they are actually a good group of geeks and they actually do volunteer work, so, whatever.

Anyways, hey there, hey, my future Frozen Spiked Tipped Frosty dates, I’m Kween and other than I was born as a boy, there isn’t much else to not like about me! I mean, my dark hair perfectly fits my attitude and my skin tone and I do like my thigh high tall socks, but, tee, he, sometimes I look Halloween ready way to often during the year, but purple and black also work for my skin tone and I guess I am one of those who wear double shorts, like a lot. And I’m not boasting here, but that’s where my body is.

And my body is where it’s at for a lot of hard work, so, add a little something about efforts while you’re saying nice about my overall appearance. But say it in words because I already allowed Ethan to say a couple of things by pinching my sides just above my hips, so, that method is spoken for.

Oh, and, tee he, quiver as I keep backing away from your pinching finger advances, tee he. But award me a couple of points because, whew, relationship flirting for real is difficult enough and I can barely muddle through it as it is with one person, let alone playing the field or something. And keep in mind that I will award a few points back for even the weakest attempt at a little manscaping.

And then, you know, scoot over in the bed because I need my space too. I mean, it was just said above that your round peg will find a round hole sooner or later, so scoot over, make it fun and then make it even more fun and then give my space in your bed!

“So, Kween, you’re saying that we have an hour, huh?”

“Oh, Ethan, I’m saying that you need to scoot back and spoon me into a sweat and then if you flip me around and down, I mean, then sobeit because I’m finally seduced by your texts.”

[Another example of a sexy and seductive text “Kween, will you suck me off soon? xoxo, Ethan”]

Well, at least it was in the form of a question instead of just taking what he wants.

Now, first of all, I was there for a purpose, so, I started it, the end of that.

But the other vision I had in my head was a sequence of spooning, as aggressive as we both wanted without hesitation because I can do that, and then the old flip, roll, flip, shimmy down and let the round peg find a round hole or let the wet and warm round hole find the round peg, either way, argh, argh, ahh, ahh, ahh, that was great, have a safe delivery drive, Ethan, good night.

Ethan’s vision was different and just how does the round peg know exactly where to poke around with such accuracy when it’s so dark under the blankets?

[Poke, poke, poke, ahh, that feels like home base!]

“(Ooh, ooh, oh) I mean, Ethan, I came over to kiss your dick a couple of times (oh boy, oh boy, oh boy).”

But ah-hah! I was ready for that and flipped myself around and over! I mean, I will someday, but not when Frank was capturing the moving blankets on video through the crack in Ethan’s bedroom door.

[Shaky in his house slippers emergency outgoing group text: “The blankets are shimmying.”]

So, tee he, a guy, right? No matter how badly he wants a pre delivery job piece of ass, he won’t argue too much back once his round peg found the other warm and round hole, right? Whew!

And I will someday, I mean, have you saw me naked? I mean, I’m not too bad, right? And never mind that I have a freaky streak and like to read comments like “that’s a fine piece of boy butt” or things like that. I mean, I stay up late and surf Chang too, so, be nice.

[“Your Chang friend, Kween, posted new photos”]

Well, I don’t want you take my word about my body. Or my booty. And I already know that my booty isn’t big enough for spanking, so, let’s not carry on and on about that. I’m not going on a cheeseburger diet Buca travestileri for a monthly thing.

[Oomph, slush, oomph, gasp, oomph, slurp, oomph, suck, oomph, gasp, gag, ooh, gag, ooh]

“(Ahh, oh, ooh, ahh) I mean, Kween, I need more out of time jobs (aha, suck it, ahh, slurp it, ahh).”

“(Plop) you were getting this anyways, Ethan, I’m seduced [slush, slurp, first time slurping].”

“(Oh, yeah, finally) I mean, tee he, we have a creeper peeper, Kween (that’s it, keep it after it, ahh).”


Tee he, that “plopping” sound is half the fun, folks, tee he.

[Creeper peeper quivering big time emergency outgoing group text: “It’s sex.”]

“(Plop) well, pull the blankets off of me just a little bit and then finish, Ethan! Nobody ever said this could take forever [gush, slush, oomph, oomph, slurp, suck, suck, suck, oomph].”

Oh, nobody ever said that pulling of the blankets “just a little bit” meant all the way, but, well, they always pass out, so.

[Creeper peeper shivering like mad emergency outgoing group text: “I’m passing out.”]

They always pass out and I’m not just saying that to avoid talking about how poorly I may have handled the next step. Um, it was bad. Like really, really bad. So bad. I mean, aren’t there any bananas out there that squirt something, hmm? I mean, bananas are great practice for the start and the middle, but huh, not so great for the finish!

“(Wheeze, huff, puff) tee he, condom butt sex isn’t sounding so bad right about now, is it, Kween (wheeze, huff, puff)?”

Stupid guy logic! But maybe he was onto something. Not! I’ll get better, right?

“Well, I mean, Ethan, my other plan was to launder your bedding anyways, so, shut it!”

That’s how bad I was. Um, tee he, ranking between (1) gagging as the top worst and (4) spitting as the bottom best, I mean, is it (2) choking and (3) I’m dying then, hmm?

“Um, I need to quick soak my head in the shower, so, I mean, you could take Frank out for a week if, tee he, if you do my bedding laundry in just these undies, Kween, so, tee he, I’m daring you.”

Oh, circling back just a little bit, not! But maybe with just my activewear shorts. But Ethan received a couple of points for how he ran his finger under my thong edging as he said “in just these undies”, but not enough points to score a win. And then I took a couple of points away because, I mean, did he seriously just dare me to flaunt and prance around in front of his roomie in just my undies while washing the messy bedding? That’s not a fair trade.

And that didn’t happen, folks! I mean, it happened alright, but only while Ethan was in the shower and only while Frank stayed passed out anyways, so, unless there were other home security cameras around the house, that didn’t happen.

LOL, it so happened and it was actually exciting. Well, it half happened because I did slip my activewear shorts back on and my logo t-shirt, so, I’ll still award Frank a couple of bonus points another time for, you know, missing out on that because activewear shorts are just thick undies.

And then, OMG, that co-worker big truck driver guy, Bruce, I mean he stole a couple of points because as I heard it, he was going to beep from the street and not come inside of Ethan’s house!

LOL, he did beep from the street, but since Ethan was still drying his hair and getting dressed and since it was midnight dark out, other than the street lights, I mean, I ran out to give that a guy a status update.

And, tee he, smooth move inventor guy who invented that step-up step on big hauling trucks.

“Oh, hi, I’m Kween and Ethan will be just a moment more since he is just finishing drying his hair and slipping his traveling jeans on and sometimes towel dried hair only looks like sex hair, so?”

“Oh, Queen?”


“Oh, I mean, you’re riding the eight hours with us, right, I mean, right here in the middle and um, you looked dressed for a road trip, Kween, so, um, I’ll make room. And you stay dressed like that, okay?”

“Hah. Um, apparently, I might disappoint. But listen, how many guys work at the barnwood shop anyways, hmm? I might be inclined to stop by someday with an arm full of Angry Meals in white bags or something, so?”

“Oh, um, 12 on a busy day, but about 9 on normal days, so, um, are you, um?”

“Spoken for, Bruce the truck driver, hmm? Not really, but I checked something out since a certain guy we both know pinched my sides like four times last weekend, so, um, 12, 12 sounds like a good target number, so, um, will I cause a fuss if I show up at the barnwood shop baring food gifts, hmm?”

Well then, I guess there are some questions that you really don’t need to ask then, right? I mean, fine, no matter how lucky in the looks and body department, I mean, I would still be a guy delivering a lunch meal to another guy in front of his work crew, right? That’s a fuss. And why is that such a fuss anyways, hmm?

“I mean, Kween, is it the end of the Travesti buca world, you know, since you’re not spoken for, for a little action while Ethan takes his sweet time getting ready, hmm?”

Hm, action, right? Hug embraces can be considered as a little action and lip locks are most definitely considered as action and we don’t even need to recognize the hands and legs stuff, so, hm, action then while Ethan takes his sweet as time getting ready, so, um, nope! But it was nice to be asked. I guess.

“(Quick cheek peck) bring him back alive, Bruce the big truck driver, so?”

I mean, the step-up step had me right there, so, shut it! We just all agreed that I’m not spoken for, so, shut it! And scoot over in the bed! After you get home from a truck delivery!

[The front door slams open] I’m coming, I’m coming and OMG, Kween, I have neighbors who stay awake on Friday nights! But [booty slap, booty slap], you look great in these, um, bike shorts, so, well, let’s get it after it, Bruce.”

“Wait, did you lock the front door, Ethan because I’m not going back inside to be alone with Frank, so?”

[Beep, honk, toot, beep]

Well, it was a simple question and only required a one word “yes or no” answer, but you know guys, they hit it and then they quit it and then they hit the road in the big barnwood delivery truck even while still pulling up their jeans and their zippers!

And no, no, no, no, front door locked or unlocked, I mean, nope, I was not going back inside of Ethan’s house to have to deal with his roomie, Frank. I mean, I texted him and asked him to keep his creeper video of me attempting to kiss Ethan’s dick a little bit to himself and then to forward it to me, but that was it for that.

LOL, he so posted in it on Creeper Chang, but it was a shimmying booty angle mostly, so, whatever. Unless you pay attention enough to notice the lower corner of the mirror reflection, so, forget that I even mentioned that.

And we all lived happily for the next few hours. I mean, until about 10am he next morning when I stopped by the barnwood shop. I mean, I dress at all hours of the day and I wasn’t sure how long the crew worked on Saturday’s, so, I made an early trip.

[A quivering, a pissed off quivering, foreman scurries to the large open bay doors]

“Miss, Ma’am, Misfit, Miss, Ma’am, Misfit…”

Huh, of all the things I have been called in my life, that was first misfit.

[Buzz saw, grr, grr, wind, wind, buzz saw, grr, grr, wee, wee, buzz saw, grr, grr]

“Miss, Ma’am, Misfit, Miss, Ma’am, Misfit, you can’t just wander into a wood shop like this! Our equipment is dangerous, so, stop right there (and tee he, strike a pose for daddy).”

“Oh, trust me, sir, I like my glitter every third Friday night, but trust me, “sawdust” isn’t in my spice rack of glitter!”

“Well, that’s just another reason why you need to stop where you are! (And to hold that pose).”

“Well, I’m Kween and…”

“Queen? (Yeah, you are!)”

“Ahem, it’s Kween and I know that a couple of your guys are on a job site road trip down south and I might have wanted a sneak peak at where Ethan works. And I brought 9 Angry Meals with me, so?”

“Oh, you drive a hard bargain then, Kween, um, I suppose the guys could take an early lunch break, um, Ethan then, you say? Um, like in bulletin board trash talk or what, huh?”

“No, no, sir, let’s not trash Ethan. He deserves better and you know that, so, um, they are called tall socks, so?”

“Oh, sorry for gazing, um, with just a little more material, I mean, they would be full pant legs, so, damn, am I behind the times again?”

Well, if you’ve ever worn thigh high socks and you’re about my size, I mean, they pull and stretch up pretty high!

“Oops, that’s enough of a demo, Kween, I mean, I mean, they were fine the way they were and um, um, the lunch break is this way, um, we don’t usually get visitors and since you knew Ethan wouldn’t be here, I mean, just how behind the times am I, huh? And I’m just asking and not complaining, um, shake this way, I mean, walk this way please and stay inside of safety yellow lines on the floor, Miss, Ma’am, Misfit, Kween, so um, follow me.”

Well, all I’m saying is that safety line yellow isn’t a bad shade of yellow, if I had a different skin tone.

[Buzz cut, screeching halt! Buzz saw, screeching halt! Grr, grr, screeching halt! Big vacuum off!]

“Boss, we mean, we mean, we mean, we should work more Saturday’s! Hi. Um, hi, um, hi.”

“LOL, hi, I have Angry Meals for everyone, I have a fresh coat of sawdust glitter all over my Saturday morning body and clothing and I have a proposition for all of you, so, tee he, hi.”


“Um, hi.”

“Tee he, hi.”

I mean, there must be other greetings, right? Circle back above and see my original multiple-choice greeting for Ethan, right?

“I mean, I mean, I mean, I’ve saw you before on the Strip, so, um, hi, I’m, um, um, what’s name my again, guys?”

“(Psst, it’s Bill.)”

“I mean, I’m Bill and you can call me Billy and I mean, it’s just that I saw you before hanging out on the Strip, and I mean, I mean, I mean, you’re Queen, right?”

“Oh, well, it’s Kween, Bill Billy because I left Queer Queen behind me back in school, so, um, well, hi.”

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