I wrote this story as a request from an admirer of my other stories. If there are any ladies out there who would like me to write something for them, feel free to contact me. I hope you enjoy this one.
With that little request you had you know more or less what is coming next. You still want to savour the quietness of the moment. You simply stand in the bathroom, dressing gown wrapped around you. You hold it tightly to yourself partly to tempt my eyes to see as much of your body as I can. You can almost feel where my eyes are, despite me standing behind you in a dressing gown to match. You slowly rock your body side to side, like that little dance, tempting my attention.
You know you have it, but you enjoy getting more of my gaze. You can just about feel the burning of my eyes around your body, desiring to see behind that dressing gown. You gently slide it downwards, teasing me with only your shoulders as you turn slightly towards me, peering at me out of the corner of your eye. You are not one hundred percent sure, but you think that what you see is me getting harder for you already. You want that cock hard for you, and you know you will get it soon.
You look back towards the shower as you take a step closer, letting the grip of your dressing gown loosen. You feel it gently fall from your body; bare skin exposed to my eyes. You can feel the burning of them intensify. That little grin comes to your face as you tempt me toward you. You turn the shower on and take a step forward, the flow of the water feeling relaxing against you.
You start by simply showering; nothing new, nothing special, just as you might any other morning. You know I will be there with you in only a minute or two, as per your desire. You can only just hear my dressing gown fall to the floor behind me. You pretend to take little notice, though the anticipation builds.
Your fingers grip your hair and pull it back, just as you might in any other morning. You can hear me take another step closer to you, the splashing in the water behind you. My movements break the constant dripping of the water to the floor. My hands and the first thing you feel against you, my palm sliding gently against your breast. Your smile grows.
My hand moves up and down, along your breasts in a passionate glide. The next thing you feel is my lips against your neck as I break the flow of the shower above you. Your smile grows a little more as a breath of air escapes you. We seem to be locked in this position for all the time it takes for you to long for the passion to build. My hands keep rubbing against your breasts, though my movements begin to reduce as my fingers waft over each nipple.
The next thing you feel is the tip of my dick as I get harder against you. You know that my passion for the moment is growing, you can feel it in so many ways. My fingers press against you, gently at first, but I slowly tighten my grip just that little bit. You cannot help but let out a whimper of joy as a wave of pleasure stirs within gelibolu escort you.
You still do your best to tease me, paying little direct attention to me, though this is getting more difficult. Your hands are doing nothing but just sitting in your hair. You let one fall by your side. It finds my hip and beckons for me to stand a little closer. You pull me gently against you, feeling my cock press against you.
You can feel the press of my thighs against your ass cheeks. You hold me close, wanting more, but not too quickly. You said before that you want to savour this, though that is getting difficult to do. My kisses against your neck seem to deepen as they increase in speed.
You cannot help but let your head fall to the side, somewhat holding my head against yours. I grip your nipples a little more as my hands press against your body just a little tighter. Maybe it is simply a hug, but it is certainly an embrace that you are enjoying. The dripping of the water is maybe only mostly from the shower above.
Your other hand cannot help but try and pull me closer, though I perhaps cannot do so. Each kiss seems to venture deeper into your body. I seem to slow, but your breathing seems to quicken. You cannot help but let one of your fingers wander down between your legs. You cannot help but press your clit gently as the passion seems to grow.
Another whimper of joy escapes your throat, this one louder than the last. You can feel my smile against your neck as your voice stirs me forward. Each kiss begins to go a little lower down your neck, down to your shoulder. I quickly switch sides, your neck now stretched against my kisses as I begin to travel back up your neck.
You feel the fingers of one of my hands let go of your nipple. My fingers venture down your belly to join where your hand is, pressing gently against your clit. I am only half holding your hand, simply pressing your own fingers just that little deeper into you. You can feel my cock twitching against you. You are sure that the anticipation is building within me as much as it is in you.
My fingers still against your nipple grip harder. I am still playful with your body, just as you like it. My other hand gently begins to steer your hand where I want it to be. Your fingers still play with your pussy, though the feeling is increasingly under my control. You are more certain that the water you feel is not just the shower. My kisses keep travelling up your neck. You feel my chest press against your shoulders as my cock slides across your back.
I let go of your nipple and once again, you feel my hand slide down your body. This time though, it seems I spend more time feeling your belly under my fingers. You know I like that feeling. One finger slides across your hip, hinting that it will slide further down your body soon. You cannot help but let your feet slide apart, hoping to tempt my hand closer to your clit.
You feel my fingers gliding across your hip, gently teasing you. I seem to kiss you even gemlik escort slower than before, though once again the passion simply holds onto you tightly. As the scene plays out, it seems that my body is just all around you, holding you from every angle.
You can feel my cock getting harder and harder for you, wanting to be inside you so badly. You are not sure how long you can deny this feeling, though the one you are experiencing now seems to have all control over you. You feel my finger glide across your thigh, reaching about as far down as I can go.
I grip your thigh with my fingers as best I can from this angle. I seem to be trying to pull you closer to me. You know that cannot happen, but you try to push yourself closer to me anyway. Your legs cannot help but part just that little bit more as you do. Another gasp escapes your body.
You try your best to have some control over yourself. You cannot help but slide your hand from between your legs around to my hip, trying to pull me closer. Now it is only my fingers rubbing your clit. I have full control over that wave of emotion winding it’s way around you. A finger from each hand tempts your pussy to get wetter, rubbing you gently, softly, slowly.
There is little feeling of the water falling against you, though that is not the feeling you feel the most right now. It seems that my fingers have any sense of control. You feel one finger slide gently into your pussy, so wet with pleasure. I let one hand venture further up your body. I once again touch your belly, gently hugging you close to me. I once again grip your nipple softly, stirring that desire for more into you.
My fingers slide to your neck. I gently hold your neck and try to pull your head to the side, letting my kisses go deeper into you. Another gasp of pleasure rushes around your body. I seem to be going slower than before even, or is that just the desire for more? You don’t care, your pleasure builds and builds, your pussy dripping.
You part your legs some more, hoping I get the hint that you cannot help but want me inside you. You even lean your hips closer to me, trying to ride your body closer to my cock. You hope I get the hint. You lean forward as best you can, bracing yourself against the wall with your hands. Maybe if you give me nowhere else to go, I will simply have to push my cock into you.
Maybe I have taken the hint. You feel my kisses start to travel down your back as my cock slides gently against your back. You feel one of my hands venture away from your body, the other still pressed against your clit. You feel the head of my cock rubbing gently up against your thigh, teasing you like my fingers did just before. My shaft wafts across your skin and slowly up your thigh, closer to where you want it to be.
You feel the head of my cock rub gently against your pussy. You try to push backwards against me, holding yourself tightly against me as best you can. I am holding my cock against your pussy, gently rubbing your clit with it, toying, gerdek escort tempting, teasing us both to what will happen next. You can feel an orgasm building within you. You want to let it out, but you will need my cock within you for that.
You feel the head of my cock gently press against your pussy. Your legs are wide open for me, letting me into you, finally penetrating you. I push only slowly though; it seems so long that I am simply pushing myself into you. The feeling of my cock gliding through your pussy catches your breath within you. No air seems to escape you as my penis pushes further into you.
You try to keep your hands pressed against the wall in front of you, though the passion of the moment is making that so difficult. You can feel the water falling against your back again as you lean forward slightly. My hand now returns to your body. Again, my fingers press against your nipples, though they seem to move a little quicker this time. You feel my grip as I pull myself into you. Finally, the air seems to return to your lungs as I gently pull out of you.
You do not wait long for my cock to be pushed into you again. The feeling of me gliding up and down your body as my fingers hold you close simply takes control of you. I simply cannot kiss you as all my attention seems to be directed with each push into you. Each time I do, you moan a little louder, your heart beats a little quicker, I seem to grow a little more within you. How far into you am I going? You simply cannot tell. The passion has control over you.
My fingers grip your breasts as best I can, though I seem to be losing control of those movements. I am just pushing myself into you, using your breasts as a way to anchor myself against you. You try to hold yourself against the wall, though with each moan you seem to lose your strength. That orgasm is the only thing that builds.
My cock pushes deeper and deeper into you as you try to part your legs to let it go further and further. Your moaning is so loud in the shower; you can hardly hear the water falling around as. You know you cannot hold your orgasm back anymore. Your pussy seems to create a wave around you as you try your best to hold yourself up in a standing position. It is far too hard to do. You must rely on my grip of you to hold you there.
Your orgasm bursts around you, crashing like a tide within your body. Your pussy seems to gush with ecstasy. I do my best to hold you up. You feel my cock push deeper into you. You know I am going to cum. The feeling of me exploding within you vents that little bit of air left within you. You feel the air escape my body as my voice joins yours in orgasm. I lose some control myself, simply pushing you gently against the wall, your body pressed close to mine.
Neither of us can quite stand up straight, despite our efforts. The air seems to return to your lungs. You finally turn around, a giant smile on your face, and kiss my lips. You do not yet have the strength to move your hands far, but our kiss takes the moment as the water continues to fall around us.
I wrote this story as a request from an admirer of my other stories. If there are any ladies out there who would like me to write something for them, feel free to contact me. I hope you enjoyed this one.
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