Chapter 1.
I smiled, sipping a lemonade, watching my tiny but gorgeous niece Mia and her friends in the swimming pool. I was hosting a graduation party for them. High school was over and my niece, who had graduated top of her class, was soon off to college.
The girls were playing volleyball in the pool when my niece hit the ball high in the air. I watched it sailing out of the pool and right over the fence.
“I’ll go fetch it,” I said.
I put a long t-shirt on over my bikini and headed next door, knocking on the door.
I usually avoided my neighbor, Mandy. We disliked each other.
She was envious of me. I was a wealthy woman, still young, my body in its physical prime.
She was already in her fifties, and even when she was younger, her body was no match for mine. I had fuller breasts, a prettier face, longer, more shapely legs, and a perfect ass. I was her superior in every way.
While Mandy disliked me out of jealousy, I disliked her because of her profession.
Mandy was in Network Marketing. She sold a pill that she marketed as “Perfect health in the palm of your hand”. The tiny blue pill was said to fight against over 400 diseases – all you had to do was take one a day and your immune system would see an exponential boost.
“You understand,” she’d say, “That such a powerful pill doesn’t come cheap?”
She’d show pictures of people who hadn’t taken the pill and had been struck down by terminal illnesses.
And then she’d show pictures of happy, beautiful people who had taken the pill.
“You can be like one of these disease ridden people, or one of these beautiful people – healthy, strong and beautiful. Which would you rather?”
Mandy knew that 1 in 10 people couldn’t resist acknowledging they needed the pill.
“Of course,” she’d say. “You really can’t put a price on being happy and healthy…”
But Mandy had most certainly put a price on it. She charged $100 for a pack of seven, so if her client took the pill for even just one year, it was $5200 into Mandy’s bank account.
Unfortunately, once Mandy had someone convinced they needed the pill, her victim would become obsessed with it.
I remember sitting with a friend who’d been sucked in by Mandy.
I showed her the list of ingredients on the packet.
“There’s nothing special in that pill,” I said. “Look – it’s basically a salt tablet!”
But my friend got angry.
“Look Olivia, nothing is more important than my health, and if this pill could make sure I stay healthy, it’s well worth the money!”
I shook my head. Mandy was ripping her and many others off, but her network marketing worked so well that they just couldn’t see it.
There was no answer at the door.
“Probably out ripping someone off,” I grumbled, heading around the side of the house to the gate. I opened it, heading into her backyard to get the ball.
I scanned the yard, no sign of the ball, and then I saw it – and her.
She was wearing little shorts and a black top, sitting reading a book, her feet propped up on a little glass table, the ball under the table.
“Pass me the ball,” I snapped at her.
She raised an eyebrow. I’d entered her backyard uninvited, and instead of apologising or even saying hi, I was simply demanding she do something for me.
The stupid old bitch just looked back down at her book, continuing reading.
I huffed, marching over toward her, lowering myself to reach under the table for the ball.
But something had my attention. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I felt… funny… as I stretched under the table for the ball.
I couldn’t focus on the ball… there was something else digging away at the back of my mind.
For a second, I thought it was her legs. Despite her age, I had to admit Mandy had a great set of legs. Her thighs were thick and powerful, her calves shapely, and she was perfectly tanned.
But as my eyes looked at her legs, roaming over her thighs, her knees, her calves and then her ankles, I froze.
It wasn’t her legs that had caught my attention.
It was her feet.
My eyes lingered on them longer than they should have. Her soles were wrinkled, but the skin looked like pure silk, completely blemish free. Her arches were perfectly formed, and each long, manicured toe was just the right length. They were unquestionably the prettiest feet I’d ever seen. But I wouldn’t ever think that I could find feet so mesmerizing…
My attention on her feet was snapped by the sound of her dropping her book onto the table.
She looked down at me with a “what’s taking so long?” expression on her bitchy face.
I quickly reached for the ball, pulling it toward me and standing.
“I uh… sorry, Mandy,” I said. I don’t think I’d ever heard myself speak so humbly. Especially not to some old bitch that I despised.
I started walking away, ball in hand. But as I reached the corner of her house, I just couldn’t resist glancing back for one last look at those mesmerizing feet.
She burdur escort was back reading her book, and I was sure she hadn’t noticed my last second glance at her feet.
When I returned to my own backyard with the ball, my niece looked at me.
“Uh – are you ok Aunty Olivia? You look like you saw a ghost!”
I nodded, forcing a smile, handing her the ball.
“I’m ok, hun,” I said.
But I wasn’t ok.
I went in the house, leaving the eighteen- and nineteen-year-old girls by the pool, slumping down onto the couch, the image of Mandy’s pretty feet burned into my brain.
“What the HELL is wrong with you, Olivia?” I said to myself.
I tried everything that day to get Mandy’s feet off my mind. But whatever I thought about, Mandy’s feet worked their way into the scene.
I tried to think about the presentation I’d be working on the next week at work – but I saw Mandy’s feet sitting on top of my desk.
I thought about being in bed with my husband, but Mandy’s feet on his chest entered my thoughts.
I thought about cooking dinner, but my mind drifted to kneeling at Mandy’s feet while I served dinner to her.
I tried thinking of visiting my favourite place – the beach at sunset – and for a moment I was able to focus on the beautiful image of the setting sun over the ocean. But within seconds, I could see wiggling toes from the corner of my eye, my eyes turning from the gorgeous sunset onto something even prettier – Mandy’s feet.
For days, I tried to get her feet off my mind, but I kept thinking about them over and over again. It was driving me crazy! Finally, I told myself I was being silly. Her feet simply couldn’t have been as amazing as my brain was leading me to believe. I told myself that if I could just see them again, I’d see that they were just fifty-year-old feet – nothing special.
I called Mandy from my office, asking her if we could have lunch.
There was a long silence, Mandy obviously shocked that her harshest critic wanted to dine with her.
“I don’t think so, Olivia. Everyone knows you have a problem with my business. I won’t be having a nice lunch with some woman who speaks badly about my work. Goodbye.”
She hung up the phone.
If Mandy wouldn’t meet me for lunch, I’d need another way to get some one on one time with her. I just needed to see her feet to prove to myself that they weren’t worth obsessing over. I simply HAD to get them off my mind.
When I got home, I took a deep breath. I knew there was one way to get Mandy to spend some time with me. The thought of supporting her disgusting business made me sick… but I had no choice. I picked up my purse and headed next door, tapping on the door.
She rolled her eyes as she answered the door. I glanced down, annoyed to see she was wearing socks. I wouldn’t be able to take a quick look and move on. I’d need to follow through with my plan.
“Hi Mandy. I was talking to one of my friends who bought your pills. She thinks they’re the best thing ever, and I was thinking I might buy some… you know… try them out myself?”
Mandy looked completely shocked, but then she laughed.
“Do you think I’m stupid, Olivia? Everyone knows you think my pills are fake. I’m sure you just want to buy a pack so you can have them tested and prove to everyone that they don’t work. Go away, girl, I’m not selling you anything.”
She was closing the door and closing off my opportunity to finally take a look at her feet and get them off my mind once and for all.
“I’ll pay double,” I blurted out.
She stopped closing the door, opening it, studying me.
“No,” she said. “I know you don’t believe in them, Olivia. If you really do want them, a packet of seven will cost you $500.”
I stared at her. That was five times the normal price! The pills were worthless, I knew, and this bitch wanted to charge me $500 for one week’s worth?
But she was closing the door again. $500 for the pills was crazy, but $500 to finally see her feet and get them off my mind once and for all… that was worth it.
“I’ll pay,” I whispered.
She grinned from ear to ear. “Come on in.”
I opened my purse and started counting out the $500, but seeing all the notes in my purse and studying me, Mandy said, “You’ll also pay for my commission. All up, you owe me $1000.”
I glared at her, but lowering my gaze to her sock-covered feet, I knew I had to pay. I’d come so far, and I was so close. I could always make more money, but I might never get an opportunity to end my obsession with my ageing neighbour’s feet.
“I’ve only got $700 on me,” I said, showing her my empty purse and giving her money.
“Well, I said $1000. What will you give me to make up the difference?” she said, putting my money into her pocket.
I had no idea, but Mandy knew exactly what she wanted.
She pointed at the diamond anklet above my heel-clad foot.
“I’ll take that,” she said.
I shook my head. No way! That anklet was worth at burhaniye escort least $2000 and I only owed her $300.
But then an idea dawned on me. If I put the anklet onto her, I’d be able to get close to her feet.
“I uh… sure, Mandy.”
I bent down, undoing the anklet, kneeling, moving my hands toward her ankle.
If only her feet weren’t covered in socks.
“Isn’t it too warm for socks?” I asked, trying to come up with any reason for her to remove her socks.
She didn’t answer me, instead looking down. I could imagine how funny the sight was for her. She saw that my eyes were focused on her sock-covered feet as I wrapped the diamond anklet around her ankle.
Mandy’s brain began to churn. Could it be that her arrogant rich neighbour had a thing for her feet?
“You know, Olivia,” she said slowly, “Some of my best clients help to promote my product. They do photo sessions to help spread the word about how amazing my pills are. Is that something you’d be interested in doing for me?”
I went to say “absolutely not”, but Mandy wiggled her toes in her socks.
“It would mean we’d get to spend lots of time together,” she said, the hint of a smirk in her voice as she raised her foot a little and flexed it.
“Sure, Mandy, I’d love to promote your product for you,” I breathed.
She pulled her foot away. “Good. Be here tomorrow at 8am and we’ll do the photo shoot,” she said. As she escorted me to her front door, she said, “I’ll send you over a script for the shoot tonight. Learn it off by heart.”
She slammed the door shut. I just thought she hadn’t even given me the pills in exchange to my money and anklet.
That night, as I laid in bed, I decided this was all a big mistake. My stupid obsession with a woman’s feet had already cost me $700 and my diamond anklet. And now I’d agreed to promote her product, potentially ripping off hundreds of people. I decided I’d have to find another way to get over her feet – I’d tell Mandy I wasn’t doing her photo shoot.
But when she sent through the script, I read it out of interest. She wanted me introducing myself on camera, talking about her pills, saying how grateful I was to Mandy for supplying me with the pills. It was ridiculous, and I refused to do it. But as I got towards the end of the script, my heart pounded.
“Olivia concludes the shoot by giving a heartfelt thanks to Mandy. Olivia falls to her knees, places her palms on the ground either side of Mandy’s feet, and kisses her feet.”
I couldn’t sleep.
I didn’t want to promote her pills.
I didn’t want video footage of my kissing the old woman’s feet.
But I really did want to see her feet again. Just one more time. Just to get over my obsession.
In the morning, I pulled on a designer dress, fixed my hair and makeup and walked next door. As usual, I looked stunning, and I smiled to myself when imagined that Mandy will definitely be envious. I even laughed thinking that this oldie should be paying me a fortune for being in her clip, such classy woman as me will definitely attract the interests of many new clients.
Mandy greeted me in a black top and denim shorts, just like that day in her backyard. Her meaty legs were on full display. My diamond anklet sparkled against her tanned skin. But my eyes settled on what I came here for. She wore tanned wedges, the cute white strap hiding some of her foot, her manicured toes on full display.
And I immediately felt my heart rate increasing, my cheerful and confident mood fading away. I even stuttered when greeted them, which immediately caused a laugh from both women.
She had a colleague with her, another fiftish woman called Tracie. She was a big woman. Unlike the curvy Mandy, Tracie’s body didn’t have a toned firmness to it. She was chubby, breasts sagging a bit, stomach out of shape. She wore a long flowing dress, hiding her white pasty legs. Tracie would be in charge of the camera.
“As you saw on the script, the first shoot is called “Grateful Clients”. Once it’s done, you’ll have the option to participate in a second shoot called “Client Support”. Ready to start?”
I nodded.
“Oh, one last thing. My time is precious. Since you’re using my time to do this shoot, you’ll pay me and Tracie $200 an hour.”
I went to argue, what a hell?! But she simply looked down at her own shoes, and I followed her gaze. As soon as my eyes met her foot, she wiggled her toes a bit. I immediately whispered “Yes, Mandy”.
It took forever for Mandy to be satisfied with the first part of the filming. She had me repeating my lines over and over and over again, three hours worth of repeating myself until she was finally happy with my tone, my facial expressions, the lighting, the camera angle.
“Hi. I’m Olivia. Yes, I’m beautiful. Wealthy. Supremely successful. But I’m no different from anyone else. My perfect world can be pulled apart with illness. We have so many diseases that can’t be treated and can’t be defeated. Until bursa escort now. Introducing Mandy’s Magic Pills. They fight against over 400 diseases, strengthening your immune system and ensuring you live life to the fullest. What’s more important – your money, or your health? Sign up today, and let Mandy save your life – just like she saved mine!”
“Perfect!!” Mandy smiled. ”With a glamorous promoter like you, I’m sure I can triple my sales!”
But of course we weren’t done – it was time for the gratitude part.
I couldn’t sort out my own feelings. I was frightfully nervous about the implications of kissing this woman’s feet on camera. I wanted to call it off. But I couldn’t deny that the idea of being near her feet was the reason I was here in the first place. Mandy’s feet had a hold on my mind, and I wouldn’t be able to move on until I’d been near them. I was sure that kissing her feet would be a horribly traumatic experience. I’d hate it, and I’d finally be able to forget my infatuation with them.
I stared into the camera as it rolled.
“I can’t thank Mandy enough for supplying me with her pills. I owe her my life.”
I fell to my knees.
I looked up at Mandy.
She looked utterly triumphant.
Her rich, snobby neighbour was on her knees, on camera, literally paying her to be filmed kissing her feet.
I followed the script.
“Thank you, Mandy, from the bottom of my heart.”
I began to lower my eyes, drifting down her body, over her legs, to her wedge-clad feet.
I placed my palms on the floor either side of her feet.
I was shaking, my lips nearing her feet, and as they touched the top of her feet, I immediately felt the stench. I got taken aback just a bit, this bitch hadn’t even washed her feet! But hesitation took me just a quarter of a second, and I lowered my head. The feeling of my lips finally touching her feet overwhelmed me. Her skin was so silky soft, and I couldn’t get enough. I was smothering her feet with tiny, gentle kisses, and my hands involuntarily began loosening her wedge straps. Soon I even found the smell to be… Interesting.
My hands went to her ankles, helping her step out of her shoes.
I’d lost myself. I was sinking long, deep kisses into the tops of her beautiful feet, camera rolling, capturing my capitulation. And all the while, Mandy smirked.
She loved the feeling of another woman’s lips on her feet. And that feeling was only made greater since it was the lips of a woman she’d hated. And even better, she had it all on film. She’d use the bit where I’d first shown my gratitude, first kissing her foot, to boost her business. The rest–me uncontrollably making out with her foot – she would use to keep her foot-loving victim under her control.
She allowed me to go on worshipping her feet, running my tongue all over the tops, kissing each of her pretty toes. For five minutes, she stood in silence, grinning while I let myself treat her feet like the loves of my life.
Finally, she stepped back, taking her feet away.
I was breathless, staring up at her pleadingly, so obviously wanting more of her feet. Kissing them was supposed to gross me out. I was meant to hate it. It was meant to cure me of my obsession with her feet. Instead, it had only strengthened my feelings towards her feet. They were perfect, and I simply NEEDED more.
“I’d ask you if you wanted to participate in the second part of our shoot,” Mandy laughed, “But it’s pretty obvious you’ll do whatever me and my pretty feet want.”
I heard Tracie laugh from behind the still-rolling camera.
“But before that, let’s finish money matter. The first scene took us three hours and four minutes, so you have to pay for four hours each of us, i.e. $800 to me and the same to Tracie.”
I looked up at her in shock. It was a total rip off! Mandy didn’t say anything, she just moved to the table and sat on it, stretching her legs along and crossing them in ankles. Now I could see both her face smugly looking down at me and her soles facing me. Immediately, I felt all my strength going away.
“That is for scene one. I believe we can estimate scene two time to be the same, so all in all you owe $1600 each of us,” Mandy smiled. She was confident I won’t argue. But I wanted to. These sums are simply ridiculous and huge! Why not just take all my money for being shot in this stupid clip! But I didn’t say any of these. Once again, she flexed her foot a little and wiggled her toes. That was all it took her to wipe out my resistance.
“I got it, Mandy.”
I didn’t have such sum with me so I opened my bank app, crawled closer to Mandy and held out my phone to her. My face turned out to be right near her soles and, of course, my gaze got glued to them immediately.
After about a minute Mandy announced, “All right, it’s done. I rounded our payments from 1600 to 2000, you know, for easier counting. And I sent us tips on your behalf, 2000 each. Sounds good?”
I almost cried out of my helplessness. I couldn’t hold a couple of tears that appeared at the corners of my eyes. She was just taking my money left and right, and the only thing I could do is gazing at her feet. Yes, I was a well-to-do woman, but it doesn’t mean the bitch I hate may take my money as she likes. Maybe first time in my life I felt like a loser.
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