Massage Surprise


I had been feeling especially stressed. At 32 I had steadily climbed the corporate ladder and became consumed with all the responsibility that goes along with it. So one Friday evening I decided to schedule a massage at a salon not far from the office.

I showed up at the appointed time, which was rather late in the evening. Upon checking in I was informed the only masseuse at this time of evening was a male by the name of Ron. While I wasn’t all that thrilled to have a dude rub me down I decided to go ahead and keep the appointment. It would be nice to have a lady but ultimately I just needed the massage for some needed stress relief.

Ron welcomed me into the room and instructed me to get undressed and lay on my stomach with a towel covering my rear. He left the room and I complied. A few minutes later Ron returned and as he prepared and started the massage he started a friendly conversation. The massage felt great.

He told me that I was extremely tight and knotted. I explained that I had not taken much of a break since I had graduated college and that I had not even started a relationship.

The few breaks I had taken were short and were used to visit my parents back on the east coast. The massage felt great and along with the conversation the whole experience was therapeutic. On a couple of occasions I even let out a few light moans because the release of stress in my muscles.

Ron explained to me that he actually has several clients that are in similar situations that I am in. He called us the ultimate in alpha males. We work hard, take charge, and do not take care of ourselves enough. He also explained that he could also offer other treatment.

This treatment was not part of the normal offering but that it really works well on people like. The treatment would touch parts of my psyche and other areas that I had probably never experienced. He also explained that part of the treatment was to relinquish control and allow someone else to be the quote/unquote for a short period of time. He thought if I allowed him to perform this treatment that I would be as relaxed and stress free as I could possibly imagine.

He said the treatment could be a little scary but worth it. Many executives working in the area initially were reluctant but now come back specifically to see him for the treatment every couple of weeks, some even more frequently. I asked him what the treatment casino siteleri included. He said, I can’t tell you. If he did then the experience would not be the same. I told him I would think about it.

He was finishing up with the regular massage and asked what I thought. I told him I was intrigued and said let’s do it, it would be nice to have someone else in control for a little bit. He commented that is what most people think and what they get out of it.

Ron stepped back from me and I heard him open a cabinet. He said; remember this can be scary but to trust him. This will all seem a little unorthodox and scary but he would he would work his magic. He assured me that no matter what occurred in the room would stay in the room. I thought the last statement a little odd but he had done such a wonderful job with the massage I figured I could trust him with therapy.

He started by placing restraints on my wrists and fastened them to the table. I could not move my arms. He then spread my legs fairly wide. He then moved over to the light switch and turned off the already dim lights. The only light in the room came from a candle in front of me. I could not turn to see behind me very well but even if I could I wouldn’t be able to see much because it was so dark.

He then touched the inside of my thigh down near my knee and slowly moved upward. He hands stopped just below my ass and balls. He did this several times on both legs. At first it made me tighten up but after a couple of times it really started to feel good. Finally, I laid my head completely into the face pillow and let him take over.

He sensed this and the next time he ran his hand up my leg he continued up through the crack of my ass. I tensed up but his reassuring voice eased me tension once again.

He continued this new massage path several more times. I was torn. It was weird having a man touch my ass but at the same time it felt really good.

The next change was him using both hands on both legs at the same time but when he got to my asshole he stopped briefly and massaged. Again I tensed but he assured me that I would enjoy the results. I had to admit that the brief finger swirl on the outside of my ass felt good as a matter of fact my cock was starting to come to life underneath me. No one had ever touched me there before.

The next time up my legs he spent even more time on freespin bonus my ass. This time I let out another one of my light moans. This let him know I was feeling good and emboldened him to move another step forward.

On the next pass of my ass I anticipated his finger on my ass but was surprised once again when he stuck his finger up to the first knuckle in my ass. I gasped and lifted my head from the pillow. This time he reassured me with his calm and knowing voice but instead of moving on to continue another pass up my legs he stuck his finger in further. I was both horrified and pleased.

He had found a spot. I did not know at the time what that spot was but it felt great. I both wanted to jump up and leave and grind his finger on that spot at the same time. He placed his free hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back down onto the pillow all while calmly reassuring me with his confidence a and gentle voice. I returned my head inside of the massage pillow. I moaned lightly at the surprising pleasure coming from my rectum.

He gently inserted another finger into my ass. I jumped with a startle. This actually hurt a little but still felt good at the same time. I returned my head to the pillow. He slowly worked his fingers in and out of me. Again, I felt torn. I didn’t want this but it felt good. After a couple of minutes of gentle in and out he took his free hand and pulled one of the padded slats I was lying on out from under me. This allowed my cock more room and I was surprised to realize that I was as hard as I could remember being.

He continued gently pumping his fingers in and out of my ass while his free hand reached through the now open slot and started caressing my cock. I would have jumped up and punched him in the face but it just felt so damn good.

He continued his work on my ass and cock for a few more minutes and then stopped. I was now starting to feel desperate to cum. I figured that was the point. But he stepped away from the table and told me to relax. He then worked his way onto the table in between my legs. I felt something press against my ass and then a quick sharp pain as something lodged into my ass.

He continued assuring me with his gentle voice. Whatever it was in my ass was bigger than his fingers but it stopped just inside of me. It was as if knew when I was growing accustomed to the feel because he started özel bonuslar to push the object further into me. As the pain started to flare back up he stopped again. After a brief period of time he started pushing back into me.

That is when I realized that what he was pushing into me was his cock. I again lifted up and exclaimed that I wasn’t gay. It took a little longer this time to calm me down. In my startled confusion I didn’t realize he had pushed all the way into me and was now completely on top of me with his cock as deep as it would go. He leaned down and licked the inner part of my ear. My struggle became less animated and he pulled almost all the way out and quickly thrust all the way back in. I

was pissed but at the same time I realized how good it felt. He continued pumping in and out of me gently. He continued this until he heard me moan as his cock hit that magic spot over and over. He steadily picked up the pace. He was now pumped in and out of me faster and faster. I surprised myself in that as he pulled out I lifted my ass upward to meet his next inward thrust.

He was now working at a quick pace when words came out of my mouth I do not remember thinking to say. I said “oh, fuck me.” With that he started pummeling my ass at a very rapid speed. He kept hitting this mysterious wonder spot. I was surprised once again as I felt a climax building within my own body. All of a sudden cum exploded out of my cock. It felt better than anything I had ever felt in my life. I rocked my ass upward just as fast as he was pumping in me. I could hear his breath becoming rapid and then he let out a loud grunt and I felt hot liquid splashing inside my ass. He continued to pump in and out for another minute or so. Finally, he collapsed on top of me.

I was in post orgasm bliss while also feeling as confused as ever. He lifted himself off of me and returned to the floor. He asked what I thought. I stammered, stuttered, and made odd uncertain noises.

Ron said, he understood. The first time is unexpected, confusing, scary, and utterly amazing. I stammered some more, then simply agreed. He giggled then asked if it was safe to release me from the restraints. I told him that I should punch him but it felt too good to be mad.

He released me and I started to stand. He told me to slow down and take it easy. I needed to get my legs underneath me slowly. He gave me a towel just as I started to feel his cum leak out of my ass. He told me that the entire session was on the house but to remember him the next time I needed stress relief. I told him I wasn’t sure about that yet. But, in my mind I knew I would have to get fucked again, it just felt too damn good.

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