Misty Breaks Ch. 02 – The Long Slide


Please read the first chapter of this series to gain some understanding of the sequence of events that led to this chapter. And rate and comment constructively on it, if you haven’t. I write for both your pleasure and mine. Thank you, B.



David came home from school upset. Again. Some of his friends had been teasing him about his mother – what a hottie she was, how she looked in the yoga pants and running top she’d worn when she dropped him off that morning. They called her a MILF and a ‘hot mom’. That hurt more than they could imagine.

It had been six days since Misty’s error in judgement with DeShawn, the young man she brought into their home. She thought she understood what had happened. She had been lonely, lonelier than she would ever admit to herself, since her divorce three years ago. DeShawn recognized that and tapped into that loneliness, and things had happened that she cringed to even think about, now. She had allowed him to debase her, physically and emotionally. And in the process, she found herself craving even more of it. This conflict of emotions had her stomach in knots. She felt, if she stayed busy, this just might pass.

She had only just lost the ‘love bites’ DeShawn had put on her neck and breasts, so she could do her workouts again without wearing a high-collared shirt.

During those six days, DeShawn had gone to her house almost daily, but Misty wasn’t staying home during the day any more. He contacted her on social media. How he found her she didn’t know; but then, she had a following and didn’t attempt to hide anything there. She had pictures of herself and Davey, their home, and lots of posts about how much she loved working out. DeShawn left her messages, ‘liking’ the pics of her in workout clothes. She deleted them as they appeared, finally blocking him after a couple of less than complimentary posts. That was a part of her past she didn’t want anyone to know about.

The second day after, as he promised, DeShawn had left her a package. She found it when she and Elaine had gone by the house for her to change clothes, after their workout. She didn’t let herself think about it for two days, but then her curiosity got the better of her, and she pulled it from her closet late one night. There were two ‘outfits’ in there, if you could call them that. No self-respecting woman would ever wear them out of her house! Still, she tried each of them on, curious as to what they looked like on her. One was a see-through mesh dress that looked like spider webbing, with a pair of tiny black bun-hugger shorts and a matching black balcony bra enclosed. The other was a slinky purple one-piece tube top mini-dress with a deep cutout at the neckline. That one, she realized, barely covered her ass cheeks, and was backless, besides. There was no way to wear a bra with it, and no way to sit or bend over without showing things that she shouldn’t.

She spent more time than she should have in front of her mirror that night, changing back and forth between outfits. She admitted she looked sexy in both of them. But she shoved them into the back of her closet at last, knowing she could never wear something like that, and wondering how to give them back to DeShawn without actually coming face to face with him. Unlike him, she didn’t know where he lived.

DeShawn, meanwhile, had been busy. He had abandoned his crew at the grocery market when he thought things were going south that day, and they were angry with him for hooking up with someone instead of staying on as a lookout for them. He spent a lot of time trying to make amends, only winning their trust back after he pulled off an armed robbery at a convenience store, and shared what little he got with them. He also promised them a shot at the white MILF he had bagged last week. Now that he had some ‘cred’ with them again, he decided to visit Misty in the evening, knowing her boy would be at home, but no longer caring. He wanted more of that pussy, and he figured the wimpy kid couldn’t stop him from getting it. She was going to put out, and she was going to like it, just like the last time! He knew she had a longing for a cock like his in her little white heart. It was just a matter of getting next to her again.

Misty saw that Davey was upset as soon as he walked in the door. “What’s the matter, baby?” she asked, “did you blow a test or something?”

David Reynolds was a really smart kid. He didn’t fail tests, but it seemed like a way to deflect what had really happened. His mom didn’t need any other complications in her life right now, he reasoned. So he nodded his head and told her, “I think I messed up on some of the questions in science, yeah.”

“Awwww, it’s okay,” she soothed, cradling his head in her bosom. “Everybody has a bad day.” That was certainly true in her case, she told herself, then put the memory out of her mind again. She had done that often, in the last six days. Still, she felt a certain segment of nerve endings respond when she remembered, making Bahçeşehir travesti it impossible to totally put it from her mind. That night had been…

‘Ughhhh! What am I doing?’ She shook her head, trying to rush away the thoughts that kept going through it. She still saw DeShawn’s long black cock when she closed her eyes. She went to bed with these images in her head – of his facial expression as he sucked at her nipples, of that veiny tube of black meat sliding between her puffy pussy lips, of the words he used to excite her. How was she ever going to forget that?

David pulled away from his mother’s absent-minded embrace, not liking the feel of her boobs pressed against his face. He was too old for this kind of cuddling! “Mom,” he said, “it’s okay. I know it. It’s just been… kind of crazy at school lately, you know?”

“Sure, honey. Finals are coming up fast. Just try to put them out of your mind. It’ll be summer break in a couple of weeks; maybe we’ll go up to Aunt Patty’s house, then.”

David wandered off without answering. Aunt Patty’s was the last place he wanted to visit, but he could work on his mom in the coming weeks. Maybe a trip to the ocean; or the other direction, to the mountains. Anything to get out of this town for a while!

Misty went back to preparing dinner. She hardly noticed the knock at the front door a half hour later, as she was spreading butter over the rolls. ‘Was that someone?’ Straightening up, she was shocked to see DeShawn stroll into her kitchen like he owned the place!

“What are you doing?” she whispered to him, not wanting David to hear her.

“Hey there, Miss Misty,” he said casually, leaning over to kiss her quickly, “where you been? I ain’t seen you around, and you didn’t thank me for the dresses neither.”

She recoiled from the kiss, her breath catching in her throat. Glancing towards the other end of the house, she looked again for David. He had the door closed and the CD player going, probably doing homework. She took DeShawn by the arm and tried to pull him towards the front door, but he was too strong. He stood his ground, smiling at her feeble attempt.

“Did you like them?” he teased. He’d imagined her in the dresses, and knew she’d look super-hot, if she could only loosen up a little.

“DeShawn! Seriously, this is not appropriate,” she whispered. “We’re about to eat dinner! You need to.. well, go now.” This last was not spoken as forcefully as she’d intended, and she wondered why. This young man had no business here, trying to rekindle feelings she should be repressing.

“So, what we havin?” he asked, glancing over her shoulder at the food, fresh from the oven. “Mama’s been gone, so I ain’t eatin’ too good lately.”

Misty, to her credit, wasn’t fooled. “Listen,” she said, shaking her head, “this can’t happen. You need to go. NOW!”

She was in his face now, and DeShawn slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. As he kissed her, his hands went to her ass. She tried to pull away, but he held her there, his lips mashed against hers, until he felt her relax slightly. She couldn’t help herself, he knew. He grasped both of those tight ass cheeks, kneading them in his big hands as his tongue entered her mouth. Her arms snaked up between his and she pushed against his chest, but not very forcefully. He knew she hadn’t forgotten last week, and could just as easily be turned again.

Misty was conflicted. Common sense told her to get rid of this guy forever, but her body was responding to him, despite her half-hearted objections. No matter how crudely he treated her, he was almost impossible to resist for the conflicted MILF.

“No, please! Davey’s in the other room! This can’t…”

Her lips succumbed to his assault, finally, closing on his. Her hands flattened against his pectorals, now fondling more than resisting. He was a beautiful young man and at her age, she should be flattered that he found her so attractive. She felt his cock against her groin, and actually arched her back slightly to feel it more acutely. God! The way that thing affected her was amazing!

DeShawn pulled her hips forward, crushing himself into her. Her tits against his chest reminded him of how they felt as he squeezed them that night. She was like putty in his hands, in more ways than one. Those C-cup breasts were soft and pliable, and just begging for his mouth again! He loved how pale they were where her tan lines ended, how the nipples were darker brown against her smooth white skin. He slid his hands to her waist again and plunged his tongue into her wide-open mouth. She responded, touching it with hers, allowing him access to her mouth as she inhaled his probing digit.

He pulled away after a full two minutes, leaving the blonde MILF gasping. “So what are we eating?” he asked again.

Misty stared into his dark eyes. She wasn’t going to get rid of him; she knew it. She didn’t want to. Her nipples were hard and aching and that familiar twinge was going on in her belly.

“Only Bahçeşehir travestiileri if you act nice,” she said, patting his chest with her hand. “You have to make friends with Davey. He’s not sure how to take a black stranger in the house, you know?”

“Sure, Miss Misty,” he assured her, “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

As she turned to go to David’s room, he added, “but I wanna see you in them outfits later, then we gonna fuck.”

Another twinge reverberated in her lower body. Misty shook her head, but she didn’t mean it as a no, exactly. More like a ‘what am I going to do with you?’ sort of expression. As she turned again, she knew he was watching her ass. ‘I could have worn a dress,’ she thought ruefully, ‘instead of these stupid slacks.’ She put a little extra movement in her hips, with the schoolgirl hope that he noticed.

David wasn’t thrilled at all to see DeShawn, but he didn’t want to cause a scene with his mother. He remained silent through dinner, only looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Misty was pensive, even when DeShawn leaned into her to compliment her on the meal. She was having second thoughts, but having him this near made it impossible to remember what she needed to say to him. Every time she thought she had an argument planned out, his leg would brush hers or he would gaze into her eyes, and suddenly her mind was in turmoil again. After dinner she sent David off to get his shower. She tried to organize her thoughts while picking up the dishes. DeShawn stayed right by her side, occasionally sliding his arm around her waist and pulling her in for a deep kiss.

When she filled the sink and began to wash the dishes, he slid up behind her and surrounded her waist with his arms. He kept kissing her neck, telling her how much he needed her and how badly he wanted to feel her cum on his cock again. It pressed against her tailbone insistently, and when he slid his hand down the front of her slacks and inside her panties, she couldn’t stop the low moan that escaped.

“Yeah, you need it too, I know,” he told her. “I can feel it in the way you body reacts to mine. Push that ass back at me, you such a hot little slut!”

Misty bristled at the use of the word slut, but her back arched without any conscious thought.

“Please,” she moaned at the same time, “don’t do this to me, DeShawn. Davey’s got school tomorrow, and I have to get up early to get him there.”

He continued to kiss her neck just inside her blouse. “Okay, but you sure?” he murmured into her neck, knowing there was no way she would refuse him, now. Her body was sending off sexual signals all over the place! As his fingers found her wet snatch and pressed inside, she groaned loudly and pushed her ass back against him.

“Ooooh, god, no,” she moaned, “please don’t. Oh, god!”

Already she was imagining his cock pushing inside of her, spreading her pussy open as his warm hands wrapped around her tits. Part of her was already naked and in her bed with him, but the responsible mother side was telling her to get him out of her house; to apologize to David and try to get some sleep. Not that she could, now that her libido had been unleashed again so soon. She was in heat. She just didn’t know it quite yet. But DeShawn did.

He had her blouse unbuttoned and her bra hanging from the shoulder straps when she had her first orgasm, standing elbow deep in sudsy dishwater, her legs spread wide. He had a breast in one hand, pulling at her nipple as he skillfully manipulated her clit. Her knees threatened to buckle, and she had to rely on him to hold her up.

“Oooooh, baby,” she murmured, “that feels so g…”


‘Oh, god!’ She jerked her hands from the water. “I… just a minute, honey!” she called shrilly, even as her voice broke. Reaching for the dish towel, she begged DeShawn to let her go; that she needed to see to her son’s needs. He did, slapping both breasts cruelly before allowing her to tuck herself back into her bra and button her blouse.

“You gotta attend to me, too, you know,” he warned.

“Yes, yes. I know, baby. Just let me see what he needs,” she said, still breathing hard as she tucked her blouse back in. She checked herself in the hall mirror as she paused outside his door.

‘Ugh! I hope I can pull this off’ she thought, and took a deep breath.

“What is it, Davey?”

In just a moment, the doorknob turned slowly, and he swung the door open. “Is he still here, Mom? He asked, looking out.

Misty stepped inside, moving him back. “He is, but he’s leaving soon,” she promised. “Are you going to do your homework now? I can bring you some apple pie for dessert later, if you’d like.”

David yawned and told his mother, “Nah, I already did it. I’m going to read a little and then go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning, Mom.”

Misty’s heart skipped a beat at this sudden opportunity, but she worried for her son. “Are you sure you’re okay? You hardly ate at dinner, Davey.”

He assured travesti Bahçeşehir her he was fine. Then, accepting her goodnight kiss, he asked her, “Is he gonna be coming back, Mom? I don’t like him.” His hand was on her arm. “He’s not a nice guy, I think,” he told her, his eyes searching hers.

Misty put her other hand over his. “He’s just had some problems growing up,” she said, smiling at him. “He won’t be any trouble. Don’t worry.”

Leaving her son’s room, she intended to tell DeShawn that she needed to make it an early night herself, and that he must leave. She hesitated, then doubled back into her room and pulled the box of slutty clothing from her closet. She carried it out to the kitchen where she had left him, intending to return it to him, but he wasn’t there.

She felt a sudden sadness, and realized she had been looking forward to being with him more than she dreaded the feelings of guilt. She rushed to the front door. “DeShawn?” she called. She took three steps down the walkway, wondering where he could have gotten to so fast. She felt an unexplainable anger at having taken so long with her own son; time that she could have spent with the man she now admitted to herself, she craved again as a lover.

A hand closed around her throat. “Shhhhh,” he said, “you wanna have your whelp out here?” DeShawn pulled her back into his chest, half-turning her so he could kiss her lips, and she melted into him.

“You miss me already?” he asked, breaking the kiss to wrap his arms around her waist once again.

“I did,” she answered honestly.

“Well, then show me.” He pushed down on her shoulders, muscling her to her knees on the concrete walkway. She obeyed without a word, and was reaching for the waistband of his shorts even before he could order her to. When she released his cock and it sprung upwards, her mouth was open to receive it.

“That’s it,” he urged, “show it some love. Show it how you be my slut.”

Misty found she didn’t mind the term now. She was beginning to think of herself in that way. She would be a slut, if that’s what DeShawn wanted her to be. In those moments she realized how much she had craved his touch. Even his demeaning words could not extinguish the fire inside her. If anything, they stoked it. She would now freely admit that the nights she had spent since their night together had been empty for her. She could do this somehow, she thought. Keep DeShawn happy, and keep Davey happy, too. There had to be a way! As the submissive MILF sucked and slurped noisily over her lover’s cock in the moonlit air, she felt at peace.

That night, though it was far from peaceful, was exactly what Misty secretly craved. They went to her bedroom after she took his first load on her face. He had her try on the dresses for him as he sat stroking his cock slowly, encouraging her with words she was growing used to. He called her ‘snowflake’; she was a ‘bangin’ bitch’. And always, she was ‘his slut’ – a term that now began to fill her with pride. DeShawn aroused her as he abused her, all the while using his cock to bring her to mind-numbing climaxes. He was hopped up and seemed tireless. By dawn she hadn’t slept at all.

When DeShawn left to make what he vaguely referred to as ‘a run’, she dragged herself to the shower. By the time David got up she appeared almost fresh, though she still carried remnants of DeShawn’s seed inside her, and she was exhausted. Her love bites had been refreshed and added to, so today she wore a scarf when she took him to school.

Before her yoga class, Elaine noticed the marks. “Good god, girl,” she exclaimed, “what have you been up to?”

Misty tried to laugh it off. “I met a guy,” she told her friend. “He thought it would be fun to give me hickeys, like back in school.”

“Hickeys? These…” Elaine took Misty’s chin in her hand and turned her head this way and that. “…are more like vampire bites! Did you check this guy for rabies, honey?” The two women laughed, but Elaine could see the fatigue in her friend’s eyes, and told her she looked like shit.

“Gee, thanks,” Misty replied. She could barely stay awake as they began to stretch.

Around noon, when she went home, DeShawn was waiting. “Put that black dress on,” he told her, “I wanna show you off.”

Despite her willingness to please him, the idea terrified her. “No, baby,” she pleaded, “we’ve got a few hours until Davey gets home from school. Let’s make love until then. I’ll make you so happy, I’ll do anything you wan…”

A slap across her face brought Misty to silence. “I told you, put the mother-fuckin’ dress on,” he growled. Then he kissed her, using his tongue to emphasize his desire to see her in the sexy garment. By the time the kiss ended, she was resigned to doing as he ordered, as long as it made him happy.

“DeShawn,” she whined, looking over her shoulder at her reflection in the mirror, “this thing is way too revealing!” The shorts showed the lower cheeks of her ass, and the balcony bra put her breasts on display so blatantly that she worried someone she knew might see her. The dress itself was no more than webbing, designed to draw attention to the body that she used to feel so comfortable in. Now she was riddled with doubt, despite his constant compliments. He plumped up her breasts, pulling the nipples just over the top of the bra cups.

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