Mrs. Goodwin – A Unique Tutor!


Part One.

Mrs Beatrice Goodwin entered my life in the role of a private mathematics tutor. Employed by my parents to help me secure a place at university, I quickly discovered she was an erudite woman who spoke knowledgeably on any subject, a feature she was keen for me to cultivate.

While awaiting the start of the academic year, I’d taken a year out, I remained in everyday contact with Bea — that was what Mrs Goodwin insist I call her. I helped with the gardening, cleaning her car and other such menial chores. We enjoyed each other’s company and Bea treated me like a grown-up, which at twenty I suppose I was. So it seemed natural our relationship must evolve.

At that time I never considered Bea as sexually attractive. Her unfashionable and outmoded appearance seemed to reflect that of a woman her age — late forties, I estimated. Don’t get me wrong, she always looked smart with the occasional dash of elegance that displayed well proportioned symmetry. But, I didn’t look upon her as a sexually desirable woman.

However, that was all to change when out of the blue Bea presented herself in a new light. From her passé lifestyle a different person emerged. And, together with a sudden change in her fashion choices, her demeanour toward me developed a more intimate characteristic. In a nutshell – Bea starting exuding sexual appeal!

I mentioned earlier that Mrs Goodwin possessed a shapely body beneath her conservative choice of clothes. But when she took to wearing figure-hugging jumpers and tailored slacks, my eyes were opened to the fact that older women can look damned attractive, if not downright sexy! Gone were the plain cotton blouses to be replaced by smooth satin ones, some of which displayed more than a hint of cleavage; these were of great interest to me!

Bea’s sexual metamorphism was fascinating to witness for a lad my age, especially when her choice of skirts were of close-fitting pencil or skater design, demonstrating she had a backside and legs worth ogling. There was also a more noticeable use of make-up and she changed her hair style. Indeed, Mrs Goodwin became barely recognisable as the same woman I first met.

I realised Bea’s allure was having an effect on me when the throbbing erections became noticeably bedeviling, particularly when sitting opposite her and seeing her skirt rise alarmingly to display perfect legs and thighs. And, if I was lucky, a glimpse of a lacy hem belonging to a slip — this woman had become a sexual magnet for my youthful lust and I wondered if Bea was aware of the impact she was having on me.

For instance, could she tell when I had an erection. Did she consider my visits to her bathroom were of a more nefarious nature than just for washing my hands or having a whiz? Did Bea actually realise that her newfound sexuality was causing me to fantasize about touching her body — and to secretly masturbate in her bathroom!

It was during one of these self-indulgent episodes that I discovered Bea’s nightdress and matching robe hanging behind the bathroom door. The sensual aroma emanating from their coffee-coloured folds drew me closer until I found myself clutching a handful of the smooth silk material and pressing it against my face inhaling her recently perfumed presence. I luxuriated in the heavenly redolence of her body, intoxicated by the knowledge that this silky nightwear had been in contact with the most intimate parts of Bea’s body.

Without hesitation I unzipped and withdrew my aching cock, wrapping it in the smooth folds of Bea’s nightdress. I began to stroke its rigidity, the lustrous fabric affording my knob a brand new sexual experience. My heart pounded, the sensual excitement energising my hand to move faster bringing the thrill of ejaculation ever closer. That was the moment I discovered the erotic appeal of lingerie. Its soft, silky material would become an essential element in my sexual psyche.

It was a truly sensational few seconds and I was quick to finish. An amazing happening, leaving me breathless. Unable to control my thoughts and administer restraint, I pumped a mass of spunk into the folds of Bea’s nightdress, my impetuosity darkening the material.

After the initial thrill had passed and I saw the result, I panicked at the mess I’d made. So I hastily tore off sheets of toilet paper to clear up my cum, but the stained silk was all too obvious; I hoped it would dry out before Bea donned her nightdress again.

I purposely kept out of the way for the next few days fearful she’d discover the mysterious mark on her nightdress and put two and two together. Instead, I spent time with my current girlfriend, trying to make headway during our heavy petting sessions by finger-fudging around her pussy and even getting to feel her naked breasts. It was all very frustrating.

When I did pluck up enough courage to visit Bea again, it was with trepidation. However, nothing was mentioned about any inexplicable soiling of her nightdress and our relationship continued Sahabet as before.

A couple of days later when I called on Bea, I found her in the kitchen washing up breakfast things. We greeted one another cheerily. I sat at the table and poured myself a cup of tea, all the time ogling the glorious vision of Bea’s rear in a dress of gossamer thin, green material. The tight-fitting garment clung to her curves in a most erotic manner highlighting the fact that even at this time of the day she took the trouble to look immaculate.

I noticed how her legs below the knee-length skirt were sheathed in a fine mesh with a dark seam running down the back. I wondered whether they were stockings or pantyhose like my girlfriend usually wore. I mention this in light of the fact that, since Bea had taken to wearing stylish clothes, and I’d experienced the thrill of handling her silk nightdress, I had a growing penchant to learn more about Bea’s lingerie choices and what she liked to wear.

I was in deep lustful admiration of her bra outline when I noticed Bea’s shoulders shaking and deduced she must be sobbing.

‘Is there something wrong, Bea?’ I asked sympathetically.

My concern must have touched a nerve because she dropped the dish mop into the wash-up bowl and leaned her elbows on the sink edge crying unashamedly. I stood up and went to her.

‘Whatever is the matter?’ I asked putting my hands on her shoulders and gently squeezing. She placed her hands on mine. ‘Can I help?’ Bea straightened up and turned to face me. At that moment, as we looked into one another’s eyes, I perceived our friendship had gravitated to a higher plain.

‘Oh, Peter, I’m sorry. There is nothing wrong. It’s simply that I’ve been thinking about my husband, George. The anniversary of his death is today.’ Tears filled Bea’s eyes once more.

Putting my arms around her seemed the natural thing to do in the circumstances, so that’s what I did. What I wasn’t prepared for was Bea’s response. Expecting only a maternal embrace, she reciprocated by blatantly pressing her body hard against mine and hugging tightly, burying her face in my neck acknowledging my concern.

‘Thank you for being here at the right moment, Peter.’ She whispered against my skin. ‘I just wanted someone to hold me close and tell me they care.’ Embracing Bea felt wonderful.

‘I do care about you, Bea.’ I answered.

‘Do you, Peter?’ She replied intensifying her body pressure.

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable, my erection impossible to disguise.

‘What do you see when you look at me, Peter? Just an older woman?’ I felt unnerved at her line of questioning. What did she want to hear. I simply didn’t know how to answer and at that moment felt very immature in the ways of women.

‘I’m not sure what you mean, Bea.’

‘Well, for example, accepting the huge age difference between us, do you find me attractive?’

‘Yes, I do.’ Then added. ‘Very attractive.’

‘Really! In what way?’ Bea sounded surprised at my candour. The situation was becoming troublesome. She persisted. ‘Just attractive, as an older woman or someone you’d like to date?’ Bea delivered the last question by shifting her body and rolling her groin over my erection.

I was breathing heavily and felt hot. Should I put distance between our bodies, I wondered? Bea’s movement was deliberate and designed to arouse? We’d never spoken like this before. It was one thing fantasising about sexual intimacy with her while masturbating onto her nightdress. But holding the woman as close as this and knowing she was deliberately teasing me was a different thing.

‘Well, Peter? Have you ever fantasised about having sex with an older lady?’

I was considering my reply when Bea delivered her bombshell.

‘About having carnal relations with a mature woman, does that appeal to you? An older lady wearing erotic lingerie perhaps? Or perhaps wearing an elegant silk nightdress?’ Undoubtedly, Bea’s enigmatic smile indicated knowledge of my dirty deed in her bathroom. She paused, pushed herself away and looked me in the eye.

‘Well, Peter, have you an answer.’ I avoided her gaze and tried to think of a reply. I was so out of my depth. I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. Bea smiled adding to my discomfort. My brain and mouth wouldn’t work in tandem. I must have looked desperate. Bea saw my malaise.

‘I don’t mean to embarrass you, Peter. But my questions are of a serious nature and judging by your physical reaction to our bodies touching, I’d say you were definitely interested in having sex with an older woman. So, what I want to know is, could that older woman be me?’ It was time to man up.

With my heart beating wildly and mouth dry I managed to croak an answer.

‘Bea, you’re a wonderful lady and if I was certain you weren’t teasing, then yes, I’d love to have sex with you!’

There was a moment of hesitation before our lips met and our passion spilt. Bea turned into a wild thing, Sahabet Giriş nibbling my lips and sucking on my tongue, her groin shamelessly rubbing over my erection. She was in charge of the moment giving me little chance to demonstrate my own amorous capability. I had no idea Bea could possess such powerful emotion, but I was so glad she was sharing it with me now.

It took me a long time to get around to thinking that I should contribute to this sexual scenario, and I started by forcing my tongue around her mouth. Bea moaned with pleasure her exaggerated groin-massaging of my erection intensifying. I kissed her neck and nibbled her ears as she writhed and groaned, her urgency both a revelation and inspiration for me to explore her body further.

My hands ran up and down her back, fingers finding fascination in the outline of her bra, before settling upon her arse cheeks squeezing them aggressively forcing her onto my hard cock. It was pure magic. Then Bea broke the clinch and stood away; we were both breathing hard from our wanton embrace; my love for older women firmly cemented.

‘How was that compared to kissing your young girlfriend?’ Bea wanted to know. I looked deep into her eyes.

‘Sensational. No comparison.’ I managed to whisper.

‘Come with me young man.’ Bea said taking my hand. Our destination, her bedroom.

On entering she went to the dressing table to check her make-up in the mirror. ‘I need to touch up after our little encounter.’ She admitted. ‘Can’t have you seeing me less than perfect. Why don’t you sit on the bed and reacquaint yourself with my nightdress. Don’t be shy.’

Feeling mortified at Bea’s words I nevertheless sat down. The silk nightdress was laid out next to me, its sensual appeal once more impossible to ignore. I wanted to reach out and run my fingers over the material once again.

‘It’s a shame you haven’t been around for a few days because you would have discovered more of my lingerie lying around in the bathroom. Further titillating items you might have wrapped around your cock and wanked into.’

Bea’s directness was discomfiting and her openness challenging, but her language was something else. But it was nothing to what she said next. ‘Peter, I want you to take your clothes off.’

‘What!’ I declared.

‘You heard. Strip off and show me how you masturbated and spunked on my nightdress!’ I hesitated, the feeling of humiliation freezing my limbs. Bea stood up from the dressing table to stand before me.

‘Come on, Peter, no need to be bashful. I want to see how big your cock is.’ I couldn’t move. ‘Perhaps, this it might encourage you.’ So saying, Bea reached behind her back and lowered the zip of her dress. ‘I think you can do the rest, Peter.’

I stood up and embraced her alluring body. Then tugged the dress sleeves down her arms exposing an erotic, mint green bra filled to overflowing with the firm looking flesh of her tits. My mouth dropped open as I stared at the green silk lingerie and the creamy lace adorning the cups. The perfectly shaped orbs were crushed together, creating a cleavage of divine proportions. She took my hands and brought them up to breasts. ‘You can caress and look at them at the same time.’ Bea whispered.

I cupped each one sensing the nipples pushing through the green satin and into the palms of my hands. Exerting a slight pressure, I pressed and rolled them causing Bea to gasp. In response I felt the nipples harden in sympathy with my erection, which was out of control and throbbing madly. The mood was intense made more so by bouts of aroused kissing.

We broke apart to allow Bea to take off her dress. She hooked her thumbs into the material tightly gathered at her waist then wiggled and wriggled the garment to her feet. I drank in the wonderful spectacle of her amazing mature body, my eyes approving the matching panties. These were cut high on her hips and pressed tightly against the graceful outline of her labia, its silhouette highlighted beneath the mint green silk.

My heart pounded madly. I wanted to run my fingertips across the taut fabric covering her labia and stroke the deep lacy welts of her tan hold-up stockings. I stared at Bea’s lingerie clad body imagining that particular thrill until I eventually found my voice.

‘Christ, Bea! You look amazing! A different woman!’

‘Thank you, Peter. Now I want to see what you’ve got in your jeans.’ With trembling trepidation I removed my jeans and trunks.

‘My word, Peter, you’ve got something special there. Now your shirt. Take that off too.’

Bea was demonstrably delighted with my firm, muscled torso and stiff, throbbing cock. She set to pleasuring both herself and me, moving her fingers over my chest and scraping green fingernails around my sensitive nipples making them stand proud. She tweaked them gently before sucking each one, her vivid red lips effecting a thrill of magical proportion. My knees weakened as I groaned with pleasure.

‘Ha-ha, something Sahabet Yeni Giriş you’ve never experienced before.’ She said lifting her mouth up to mine. We indulged in a further extravaganza of osculation during which Bea’s fingers enfolded my shaft, forcefully tugging and pumping it before rubbing the helmet against her silky pussy; I groaned some more. ‘You like your cock brushing my panties, don’t you? Does it revive the memory of wanking into my nightdress?’

‘It does.’ I replied breathlessly. ‘It feels fantastic.’

‘Then let’s take it further. Lie down on the bed.’ Bea commanded. I didn’t know what she had in mind but did as I was told, my cock rigid, pulsing and swaying uncontrollably.

Bea paused to admire it. ‘A beautiful example of manhood, Peter. I want it. I want to see it ejaculate pumping semen for me. But for now, I’m going to tease it with my silk nightdress. Would you like that, Peter?’

‘Oh, Christ!’ I mumbled. ‘Please make me cum, Bea. I don’t think I can take much more.’

Bea picked up the silk nightdress and holding it aloft by the spaghetti straps, slowly dragged the lacy hem over my legs till it reached my cock. Here she inflicted the most exquisite delight by trailing it back and forth across my helmet until she got the reaction she wanted.

I squirmed arching my back. The intensity of excitement impelling me to thrust my cock upwards into the soft shiny folds, my cock demanded more of the nightdress’s silky caress. I continued to writhe, struggling to control myself as Bea dragged the nightdress over my chest and face. Then, following a spell of this excruciating gratification, Bea laid the garment full length on my nakedness and watched my reaction.

‘Peter, you look divine. You obviously love it caressing your helmet.’ She took hold of my cock and stroked it slowly, the silkiness extracting untold pleasure. Then, lowering her face, Bea took it between her lips. She sucked on it and I could sense her tongue lapping at the eye encouraging a copious amount of pre-cum to spill and stain the silk once more. I swore.

‘Fuck! I can’t take much more. Please let me finish. I want to cum!’

‘Of course you do, Peter. And you can. But first let me offer you another tease.’

Bea straightened up, removed her green silk panties and laid them over my face, ensuring the crotch was in contact with my mouth. ‘Can you smell my pussy? Breathe deeply. Savour its fragrance. Taste my pussy juice.’

I did as she said experiencing for the first time the intoxicating bouquet of a woman’s pussy. I sucked on the material desperate to savour more of Bea’s scented cunt. Smiling, she watched my efforts, then bent to kiss me, our lips and tongues engaging through the silk to create a truly sensual experience.

‘Please, Bea, let me cum before I….’

She whipped the panties aside and taking a firm hold on my shaft, pumped it like crazy. The sexual adventure proved too much for my teenage inexperience and I lost control, groaning increasingly louder until I ejaculated. Sperm flew everywhere in a frenzied release of passion making Bea gasp and squeal with joy, as she milked every last drop of cum from my throbbing helmet.

It wasn’t until I opened my eyes and saw Bea’s face running with my cum that I realised she must have wanted it to finish this way. There was sticky cum in her hair, her eyes and dribbling down her chin. My immediate feeling was one of embarrassment, that was until she smiled down at me and lowered her mouth to take my helmet between her lips again.

In disbelief I watched her sucking on my cock. The sensation excruciatingly beautiful. Her mouth devoured my helmet and half my shaft making me flinch with ecstasy. I abandoned myself to my post-climatic bliss and watched Bea. Our eyes met now and then and when they did Bea dug her teeth into the hard flesh of my shaft making me clench my buttocks in pleasure.

‘Would you like to fuck me now, Peter?’

‘Oh God, yes!’

‘Would you like me to show you how to fuck?’

‘Yes! Yes! Yes! Please teach me.’

‘Very well. Now you’ve released all that nervous spunk you should be able to complete the basics without being premature this time.’ Bea straddled my cock – my tutor once again.

The initial contact of helmet, soft fuzzy pubes and the moistness between her labial parting had me throbbing instinctively, a reaction which pleased Bea.

‘There’s a good boy. Exactly what I wanted to feel.’ She said reaching for my cock and wiping it around the entrance to her damp pussy. ‘You’ll discover where to put your knob next time we fuck. But for this demonstration I’ll do the work. Are you ready for another new experience, Peter?’

I gulped and nodded my head.

Bea adjusted her position slightly and nudged my helmet between her lips before lowering herself to accept my knob. Then, satisfying herself the angle was correct, she started to slide my entire shaft deep into her vagina. It was the moment I’d anticipated and relished in my fantasies while masturbating; I was about to have sex with this gorgeous mature lady.

‘Oh God!’ Bea moaned in ecstasy as I filled her love tunnel.

In response, I forced my cock upwards, feeling it scrape along her vaginal wall.

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