My Colleague Wears Satin Blouses


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I’m fond of my colleague… She’s friendly, seems nice, we get along pretty well, and most importantly… shows up in satin blouses pretty often…

I think she’s in her early 30’s, has shoulder length black hair, has an average body and is about 5 foot 40 tall. For those who’s interested, she has fairly large breasts. I don’t know anything about cup sizes, so don’t ask. But definitely a D cup…

Anyway, the other day we were in a meeting and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was wearing a nice red satin blouse, unbuttoned at the top creating a nice cleavage… Fuck, I don’t even know what the meeting was about…

But then I met her eyes… I’m in deep shit… If looks could kill…

I tried not to look at her anymore for the rest of the meeting, but I knew I was in trouble.

After the meeting was over I tried to get away, but she told me to wait. Damn it! Just glanced at her cleavage again!

“What the hell are you doing? Shall I report this to HR?”

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about” I stammered

“Oh, please! You damn well know what I’m talking about, I just saw you looking, again, at my breasts just a second ago!”

“I… I’m sorry… but…”

“But what!?”

“You’re blouse… caught my attention”

She gave me a strange look “My blouse?”

“Yeah…” I almost told her about my kink. My kink about women wearing satin clothes. I don’t know why, but they give me weak knees… and a hardon…

She stepped closer… standing so close her large satin breasts gently brushing my chest… her arms folded supporting them…

“Are you one of those guy’s? You know…”

My mouth was dry, I couldn’t say a word…

“Cancel your plans for tonight and come over to my place, if you want to keep your job”

“Yes Miss…” I don’t know what happened, I’ve never muğla escort called a woman in real life ‘Miss’

It made her smile “I like the sound of that”

We left the meeting room and even before I was at my desk, she had texted me her address.

Later that day I arrived at her apartment. My heart racing in my throat, my mouth dry as the dessert…

She opened the door wearing that same blouse and black cotton pants.

I entered the apartment, took my jacket off and followed her to the living room.

“This is what we are going to do,” she immediately said. “I know your kind. Take off your clothes.”


“You heard me, take off your clothes!” she folded her arms.

I could see in her eyes that she meant it. Slowly I started to undress… the corners of her mouth started to curl slightly…

“Good boy…”

My boxers were already showing how hard my dick was… I apologized, but it only made her laugh.

I dropped the boxers and hid my cock, pushing it down with my hands.

“Nono, take your hands away” she commanded

And so I did. My dick pointing right upwards, it’s foreskin revealing the glance… My freshly shaven balls dangling underneath… It made her giggle.

She walked around me, I could feel her eyes inspecting my naked body.

“Very nice, now, the kitchen is over there. Prepare me a gin tonic but wait for me to call you, understood?”

“Understood…” the word was on the tip of my tongue…

“Understood who?”

“Understood, Miss”

“That’s my boy” she smiled, and left the room.

I don’t know much about alcoholic drinks, but I know how to make a gin tonic… I think.

I added ice cubes, found a little umbrella and even a raspberry to put in.

A little later she called me to go back to the living room. Still hard, I brought her the drink…

Entering the muratpaşa escort living room, I see her sitting on the couch. Wearing a long, white, satin sleeping gown with a matching long, white, satin robe…

Standing at the couch, I hand her the drink. Even covered in two layers of satin, I can see her nipples are hard…

The drink I made appears to be a little too strong, she coughs and laughs.

“How much gin did you use?”

It was three quarters, but that seems to be a lot.

After a couple of sips, strange looks and compliments about my cleanly shaven balls she stands up, takes a pink satin scarf out of the pocket of her robe and drapes it over my hard cock.

The touch of the satin makes me shiver and gasp… she bites her lip while she grabs my satin covered balls and squeezes a little harder than I expected.

“Hmmm, when was the last time you came?” she asks

“Uhm… I think about three days ago…”

She squeezes a little harder “don’t even think about cumming today” she says and grabs my satin covered dick, leading me to the bedroom…

I comply with everything she tells me to… it’s the satin…, the woman…, her superiority,…

She tells me to lay down on the bed, spread eagle, and tied down my wrists and ankles…

There’s something in her eyes, I can’t tell what it is but, it’s different than at work.

“It’s been way too long since I’ve done this…” She says and comes standing over my head on the bed, facing the headboard. She pulls up her nightwear and sits down, forcing her voluptuous pussy lips onto my mouth… it’s been a couple of days since she has shaved herself…

“Lick” she commands breathing heavily, draping her satin gown and robe over head and body. I feel her hands holding my head while she starts to gently rock her hips back and forth.

I’m giving her my best… sometimes muş escort I’m not able to breathe for a moment, but I don’t mind.

I guess it must have been too long. I think it didn’t even last for ten minutes after her body started twitching… she’s having an orgasm…

She leans forward, squeezing my head between her legs, panting and moaning…

After she’s done she sits on my chest to take a breather “Fuck, I missed that…”

Then she turns around and sits down on my face again. I feel my raging hard cock and balls getting draped with satin again, making it twitch and making her giggle.

I feel how she takes my satin covered balls in her hands and starts fondling them. One hand takes my cock… “Let me have my fun and keep licking, cum too soon and I make sure you’ll be sorry” she threatens.

While I set my tongue to work again, I feel her hands squeeze my balls and stroke my cock… the satin feels so great, I can’t take long!

And indeed so, I don’t think it lasted two minutes… I shot my load into the scarf…

“What the fuck!?” I get a slap onto my balls

“I told you not to cum!” I feel her squeezing my balls harder this time and continue to stroke…

I’ve never had this before, usually after I jerk off I stop! I want to pull back, but I can’t… I’m squirming under her while she’s laughing… and moaning. She clearly enjoys this.

“Keep licking!”

It’s hard to focus on the licking. I wouldn’t call it pain, but pressure neither,… I do my best.

After what seems an eternity she stops. She looked relieved, satisfied, and had fun…

She got off me and untied one hand. “Clean yourself up, and I don’t want to see one drop of cum on my sheets! Take the scarf with you and hand it over tomorrow after you’ve washed it”

I released myself, but never would have known how sore your limbs could feel from lying spread eagled in bed unable to move. I cleaned myself further with the scarf and checked the bed for cumstains. I couldn’t find any.

I waited for her to come back from the bathroom and for further instructions. She had me wash myself, make her a snack and a drink, and go home…

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