The first day of class was not unlike several other first days at a new yoga studio. I’m usually one of the few, if not the only, men there. I’m also usually a bit younger, at least compared to other students. I guess it helps that given my flexible work schedule, I can go to midday classes during the week, a schedule popular with stay-at-home moms or retirees.
But the teacher, Marisela, appeared to be roughly my age, perhaps early 30s. She was petite, with curly brown hair, a typically toned yoga body, and an infectious smile. She greeted me with a warm hug and a few questions about my experience/injuries/goals/etc.
I spent most of the first class just trying to do the positions as it had been several months since my last serious class. I guess I’m fine setting low expectations for the teacher, I think to myself laughing.
Towards the end of class Marisela came around to each student during the final and more meditative position to add some final adjustments. As I laid on my back, she squatted down near my head and pressed my shoulders into the mat. Such a small but powerful sensation to help stretch my chest. I also felt such an intense energy from her hands. I usually eschew the more spiritual aspects of yoga as I’m not really one to believe in astrology or “energy.” But this was undeniable. I didn’t want her to let go.
I continued attending Marisela’s classes regularly for the following weeks, at least twice a week. While I definitely arrived the first time motivated to maintain and improve my physical condition, it certainly helped the I found Marisela very attractive. Yoga, perhaps of all the types of workouts, is the best at showing off a woman’s physique. The form fitting wear, the stretching poses and how long they’re held. It can be a feast for the eyes and Marisela was no exception.
Any time we did cat/cow pose, it took all of my discipline to not fixate on Marisela’s incredible butt. It was especially tempting when she wore panties whose lines appeared beneath her taut yoga pants. I often chose to masturbate before class simply to lower my hormones and avoid an unintentional display of excitement.
But one particular morning, amongst a series of urgent work emails, I lost track of time and wasn’t able to get myself off before having to rush to yoga class.
To make matters worse, Marisela, of all days, chose today to wear a pair of white, and nearly see-through, pants to class. Her light-pink panties showing through made it impossible to focus. On two separate occasions in the first 20 minutes I forgot to transition to the ensuing pose, completely lost in the visual stimulation before me.
As we proceeded into cat/cow pose, the predictable occurred. I developed a solid erection at the sight of Marisela’s arched back and perfectly round butt. Her pants tightening and stretching as much as her body through each iteration, hugging her crack and creating a cameltoe. I began to panic at the thought of someone noticing my bulge.
Don’t worry, I told myself. No one is looking at your crotch.
But then it gets worse. Immediately after cat/cow we transitioned to güllük escort bridge pose. Now my erection was on full display as I lift my hips into the air while my shoulders press into the mat. We hold those pose for what feels like an eternity while Marisela walks the room to check on everyone’s form.
As I hear her footsteps approach, I’m panicking, and my heart feels like it’s beating our of my chest. This increase of blood flow probably isn’t helping my situation. Suddenly she stops, just out of my vision, and turns back to walk the other way.
“Everyone is doing so well, keeping holding that position, nice and hard, I mean nice and strong,” she challenges us. Thankfully my erection finally starts to subside. I might be in the clear, I think.
Class wraps up and as we finish putting away our mats and accessories, many begin leaving and saying goodbye. Just as I finish tying my shoes, Mar approaches me, “Alex, would you mind staying back for a minute? It won’t take long, I’m really sorry.”
“Oh sure, yeah that’s fine,” I respond nervously. I begin to wonder what my the consequences will be for my entirely inappropriate display earlier.
Mar approaches me as the last person leaves.
“Alex, you’ve been doing SO well lately, I’m really impressed with your progress so far. But um, I just wanted to uhhh, call something out about today’s class.”
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I’m starting to sweat.
“Look, I understand everyone’s body functions a little bit differently,” she explains. “But I uhh couldn’t help but notice you were uhhh, how can I say this…” She pivots her weight back and forth between each leg, nervously, but also somewhat flirtatiously, “you seemed a little… excited during one particular part of the class.”
I’m now beet red, fantastically embarrassed, and make an attempt to interrupt and begin whatever clumsy apology I can come up with but she won’t let me.
“It’s totally fine! Totally fine, I’m sure it was an accident,” she assures me with a nervous giggle. I’m still fire-engine red. “But I was thinking about how we can avoid any further accidents, you know, for everyone’s sake, and uhh, so yeah, I think it would be a good idea for you to come by a little early next class, like maybe 20 minutes before? That way we can work together on some exercises, you know like some breath work, some additional stretching, and help manage some of that energy. How does that sound?”
I’m absolutely baffled. I already know what “exercises” need to be done before class but at the same time, a private session with Mar sounds amazing. This is impossible to turn down
“Yeah,” I respond, faking confidence. “Twenty minutes before, you said?”
“Yeah about 20 minutes should be plenty.”
We agree and say goodbye without any hug or physical contact. I’m still incredibly embarrassed but at the same time fairly curious about what’s going to happen on Thursday before class. When I get home, I jerk myself off to completion in the shower thinking about Mar, pretty much as usual, except instead of thinking about her physique or attire, I’m completely hormonal gümüşhaber escort about the fact that she saw me have an erection.
Being the punctual person I always am, I arrived on Thursday at 10:08, 22 minutes before our 10:30 start time. As I approach the studio front door, I can see Mar, stretching alone. She waves excitedly with one hand while the other reaches forward towards one foot with that leg fully extended. Her flexibility is impressive.
I feign comfort with the situation hoping she’ll return the favor. We begin by doing some simple breathing exercises seated in front of one another. With her legs crossed, my self-restraint is immediately called upon to not look towards her vagina through today’s pair of aqua colored pants.
We move onto stretching. She helps me get deeper into each stretch by applying pressure to certain parts. I’m again energized by her touch. How is this helping me avoid an erection? I begin to wonder. If anything I’m going to be more turned on after 20 minutes of this.
Eventually we move to one of my favorite back stretches, child’s pose. I lean forward with my face down on the mat. My knees and hips bent under me, my arms fully extended. It’s also a particularly good hip stretch.
She’s guiding my breath, applying some pressure to my shoulders helping me get deeper into this pose. My eyes are closed and I can feel her hands starting to become slightly more active. The slide down to my lower back, then she grips my waist lightly.
“So yeah, I think these kinds of slow, deep stretches will help you stay present but also in control. And remember, just keep breathing,” she seems to want to address what happened last class without addressing it. I’m fine to just let it be.
“Yeah, mhmm,” I grunt out as I continue stretching.
“Does that feel good?” She asks as she runs her hands up my incredibly sensitive sides.
I take a really deep breath, signaling my intention to follow her lead while simultaneously signaling my pleasure. “Yes,” I say somewhat obediently.
“That’s good.” She lets the word “good” hang in the room while her hands again travel back down my back. She’s kneeling behind me now, my butt sticking out in front of her. I’m surprised to find myself in this position but not unhappy about it.
“I’m going to continue to apply some pressure to certain points and alleviate some tension. If anything hurts or doesn’t feel comfortable, you just let me know, OK?”
“Yeah that’s fine.” Touch anywhere you like, ma’am. Just don’t be surprised by anything you find, I think to myself as I notice I have once again developed an erection.
Rather quickly she begins running her fingers up and down my thighs before beginning a massage of my butt cheeks. Sensing where this is going, I start to breath not only a bit deeper but a bit louder to make sure she understands my silent consent.
She applies her middle finger to the top of my crack, and runs it slowly but with ample pressure all the way down to my perineum. I lift my head and rest on my elbows, allowing my a little bit more movement while maintaining güngören escort my back arched and my knees wide.
She then takes both thumbs and applies pressure to my groin area, an incredibly sensual massage on either side of my testicles. My erection is now at maximum length, causing a bit of discomfort against my boxer briefs.
As if she already knew my sensitive spots, she begins caressing my testicles with her fingertips. I now cannot help but begin to moan. I’m only barely aware of where I am or what I’m doing as the pleasure become my singular focus.
She grabs at my waist band, lifting and pulling down so that my butt and testicles are completely exposed. My penis is dripping with precum. I awkwardly adjust myself so that we can remove my shorts on at least one leg allowing my long legs greater movement.
“Really nice, yes, let’s get you comfortable for a big release and make sure you’re ready for a good class today,” she says as she strokes me from behind with her right hand while lightly touching my anus with her left.
Now completely uninhibited, I am moaning loudly and beginning to rock back and forth, almost fucking her hand.
She continues to encourage me and my pleasure, “Yes, that’s it. Keep going, let’s get this big load out of you. Don’t forget your breathing.” I almost laugh at the seriousness of her instructions. I have become exceptionally excited exceptionally fast. I decide there is no reason to wait.
I sit up, still on my knees, and lean back slightly into her embrace. She wraps both arms around me and with her right hand continues to grip my penis. I start to pump aggressively and moan loudly. She lifts herself up to reach her left hand towards my face and cover my mouth as my moans become louder, almost like yelling.
I freeze my hips in the forward position as I begin to cum. Three long ropes fly across my mat, some of it landing just beyond on the hardwood floor.
“Yeeeessssss, that’s it, let’s get all of it out,” she encourages. “I want to make sure you are completely dry and milked.”
I’m almost embarrassed by how dirty she’s talking to me. But I love it. I rest on all fours, completely blown away at the quantity of my cum, and now intensely aware of the cleanup necessary before other students begin to arrive. My penis is still hard, my testicles now hanging low after emptying. As I put my shorts back on, Mar arrives with a wet towel and begins wiping the floor.
“That was really great,” she says, looking down at my mess. “I think we should consider making this a regular thing before class to ensure you’re ready to focus and don’t have any distractions. It’s also good practice for me to get in touch with my students and get to know their bodies.” I’m almost in disbelief of what she’s saying, but I’m loving every word.
“You’re obviously producing a lot of semen and I think there’s a lot of potential in developing your yoga along with your ejaculations. So let’s keep working on that.”
“OK,” I concur as if I understood how those two thing relate to each other.
She cleans everything up and even takes a moment to pull my shorts down again and wipes my penis dry with a fresh towel, never making eye contact with me.
“All set!” she exclaims with a giggle. I sit in pleasant disbelief on my mat and run my hands through my hair. Moments later I hear others arriving for the start of class.
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