I find politics to be interesting, although sometimes depressing when I realize that we bicker about government and fail to see how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. Regardless, I love the power dynamic in politics. It has a Game of Thrones feel to it. Everyone is trying to accomplish something and there are so many maneuvers to get it done. Not to mention that at times politics can actually influence change for the greater good. For that reason, not long after graduating from high school, I decided to volunteer as an intern for a state senator. I decided to apply for an internship with a moderate Republican senator named John L. Johnson.
I knew an extreme right wing conservative would probably drive me insane and I could have volunteered for a democrat but there is something about a conservative man that I find charming. There is a certain kind of manliness to them. In fact, for no apparent reason I often find republican politicians attractive while I have trouble finding attractive democrats. Not to mention that there is something good-hearted and welcoming about bipartisanship and getting along with a man despite disagreements.
Senator Johnson did not break the trend of how I usually feel about conservative men. He was a white man in his forties who definitely hit all the marks for someone interested in older men. He struck the perfect balance between looking older and being attractive. He stood at about 5 foot 10 and had kind eyes, an adorable smile, thin lips that I wanted to kiss, and hair with streaks of white in the right places. He wasn’t perfect, but what most considered his bad physical features I either liked or didn’t mind. I was especially fond of his face. His facial features were symmetric and he was always clean shaven although the subtle outline of his facial hair remained (especially above his upper lip), which helped give him a somewhat rugged look.
My position as an intern was one of low responsibility. I basically made coffee, printed or made copies of documents, was a messenger for the other staff members, directed phone calls to the appropriate person, and sorted the office mail. I was only a high school graduate so my job having little to do with the actual political work was expected, but the simplicity of my tasks allowed me much free time. Sometimes I used that time to look at the senator. He always wore suits that fit him well with nice expensive ties and subtly colored shirts I liked. His hair was neatly combed and he spoke in a commanding yet gentle voice. While I was fond of his attire, I wished he would break his monotonous routine to wear something more revealing once in a while. Specifically, I wanted to see him free from his shoes and socks. Yes, I have a foot fetish and so I wanted to see the senator barefoot, but the closest I would get was seeing his black socks whenever his legs were stretched out. I tried to imagine what the feet under those socks looked like, but my imagination could never make a satisfying guess.
My thing for male feet is something I’ve had for as long as I can remember so while I do get aroused at other male body parts, seeing an attractive man’s feet is to me like seeing their genitals. Hence, I regard seeing the bare feet of a good looking man as something personal and intimate. It’s as if I’m seeing their dick.
When I see a good looking man I deeply wonder what his feet look like in the way that some men might wonder what the boobs of a woman they find attractive look like. The lucky times when I do get to see a handsome man removing his shoes and socks I get caught off guard and almost gasp in disbelief and anticipation. I then involuntarily disregard everything else and focus only on taking in what his feet look like.
My favorite part of feet are the heels. They are pretty uniform in look so there is little to be turned off by (unlike with the toes). That means I can count on liking the heels of pretty much most attractive men. I also love the top of the foot. It just looks hot to me and the skin has this nice soft, firm feel to it. I love the whole sole as well because of the usual light sweatiness and moistness it has. And it may be disagreeable to other people with foot fetishes, but I am not a huge fan of the toes. I don’t mind them, but they are not my favorite part. I prefer the rest of the foot. Toes can be unattractive, so what essentially determines whether I like a guy’s feet or not rests on the toes. So ones I don’t like can be a turn off of sorts. And often I do find them to be a turn off. However, seeing a man’s toes is kind of intimate, in a good way.
Despite having an enduring foot fetish, at the time of my internship I had never done anything with the feet of a man. I was 18 and I had never actually truly rubbed the bare feet of a man. I had never kissed a man’s feet or licked them or anything else. Throughout my teenage years just masturbating tekirdağ escort to the thought of that was enough. I guess because I just did not have anyone to do that kind of stuff with.
That being said, my reaction the day I walked into the Senator’s private office to hand him his mail is understandable. I walked in and saw that he was in the middle of removing his black socks. My relaxed mindset turned to one of focus, my dick became instantly hard, and my heartbeat sped up. I was sexually aroused, excited, and in disbelief all at once. Weeks I had been working for the senator pretty much having accepted that in this professional environment I would never get to see much besides his face. It reminded me of my high school years when I found a guy attractive and hoped for a chance to see what his feet looked like, but throughout our four years of being in the same graduating class, he never once wore shoes that had the chance of revealing his bare feet or even appeared in photos barefoot. I thought it would be similar with the senator so this was a lucky surprise. It all happened so fast though. He quickly changed into other socks and put on a different pair of shoes. He said he was switching to more comfortable footwear because he had some long speeches to give on the legislature floor. But before he did that he walked towards me,still barefoot, to take his mail from me. I tried to casually focus my eyesight on the floor to get a look at his feet. I wasn’t sure if I made my staring obvious; I just hoped he didn’t notice.
As I said, the incident was unexpected and quick so I only got short glances of his feet before he quickly covered them with a new pair of socks. I was not able to take in the details. Nevertheless, when I left his office I headed for the bathroom because I needed to masturbate after what I had seen. I masturbated with the faint image of the senator’s feet and quickly came. The senator had no idea that he had an intern that was masturbating in the legislature bathroom to the thought of his feet. I wondered if that would be the strangest thing he has heard if he found out? What would be his reaction?
After hastily masturbating I got back to my desk. The sexual urges which built up in that moment with the senator were now relieved, but I still felt some slight adrenaline over what happened. But just like any other time that I had masturbated to the thought of someone’s feet, I quickly regained my composure and went back to my routine as if nothing had happened. A few times later I tried masturbating to what little I remembered of the senator’s feet, but I knew that memory had become inaccurate and useless. In the meantime, the senator was the same as always. He continued to wear the same non revealing clothes and I continued my tasks for him monotonously. It was back to the same way it was before I walked in on him. I guessed that meant my weird stares at his feet that day went unnoticed. I attributed the incident to a one time thing. I did not think I was going to see him barefoot again.
It was business as usual at the Senator’s chambers for some time until one afternoon I had to knock on the senator’s private office to hand him the copies of the bills the committees he was on were going to be considering. I had to knock several times before he told me to come in. He was sitting on his office couch reclined forward, but what caught my attention immediately was that beside the couch were his shoes and inside of them were his socks. After that clicked in my mind, I looked at him and saw his bare feet. They were beautiful. They were white and manly and his toes were not a turn off. The view of the top of his feet was complimented by being able to see his ankles and his lower legs due to his pants being raised up from his sitting position. That image combined with the good looks of the senator was breathtaking. Not just because I was seeing his feet, but because it coincided with all the specifics I liked.
He must have noticed me looking because before I was able to tell him about the bills he told me, “Oh, sorry, I wanted to take a short nap because of a headache and I just can’t sleep with socks on”.
That was an interesting revelation, but I did not know how to respond to it. My heart was beating so fast I could feel it. I was caught off guard looking at his feet. I just wanted to disappear so I stumbled saying the words, “I-I wasn’t”.
“What? What do you mean?” he asked.
“I wasn’t looking,” I tried again. He looked confused.
“At my feet, you mean?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t looking at them.”
“I didn’t say you were,” he said with a puzzled but studious expression. Why was I being so awkward and obvious? But how could I not when the senator was barefoot in a room with me.
“These are the bills you will be considering next week,” I told him.
“Set them forumagic.com on my desk,” he instructed. After I set the bills on his desk, I tried to stall to look at his feet a little more so I would remember what they look like.
“Was that all you needed Senator?”
“You are looking at my feet,” he said. Once I heard that I realized there was no lie I could tell to get out of this. He now knew I had some weird thing for his feet and I had to deal with whatever reaction he might have. But I was so embarrassed that I said nothing. I stood there trying to avoid eye contact.
“Do you want to touch them?” he asked.
I was almost dizzy with confusion. My nervous heartbeat went back to one of confused excitement. For a moment I thought I must have been dreaming.
“Do you?” he asked again.
“Yes,” I answered, afraid he might change his mind.
“Well come touch them then,” he said before laying fully back on the couch, resting his head on his hands.
I was ecstatic. My hands were shaking as I walked over to the senator and leaned down next to his feet. This time I was not looking at his feet from a distance or getting just a quick rushed look. No, this time I had his feet centimeters away from my face and I had all the time in the world.
His feet turned me on like nothing else. They were the tipping point that assured me of his perfection. His feet were big, but not dramatically so. They had a subtle amount of hair on them. The color was the same skin tone as the rest of his skin but with a better, more vibrant look. It’s hard to explain. His heels were smooth and wide, his toes were not long (a turn off for me) and they were lined up perfectly. His feet were clean and his toenails kept.
I didn’t wait there just looking at his feet for long. Shortly after, I grabbed his foot with my two hands and covered as much surface area of my hand with his foot as possible. I pressed firmly and rubbed my hands with friction as if I was rubbing off more of his feet on my hands that way. That moment was absolutely euphoric. My dick was bulging in my pants so hard it hurt. I could feel my pre-cum and I was so enthralled that I didn’t pay mind to my pulsing adrenaline and my rising temperature. I only focused on his foot. As I touched his feet, some light sweat built up on them which I just loved. I kept rubbing his soles, cupping his heel with my hand, and feeling the top of his foot. I even interlaced the fingers of my hands with his toes. I started touching both feet at once. I continued rubbing, touching, feeling, and playing with his feet for a while. I could have done that all day.
But I wanted more; I was dying to taste his feet, but I didn’t know how he would react to that so I started by giving his foot a kiss. He saw that but said nothing. I took that as permission to do more. So I placed his feet to my face. The coolness and moist feeling of his soles on my face was enjoyable. But the actual realization that I had the feet of the 40 year old senator on my face just added to the euphoria. I held them to my face and felt the need to say, “Thank you senator”. I was in heaven.
I proceeded to kiss his feet again. I covered both of his feet with kisses before giving his foot a kiss with my open mouth. From there I started licking them. I licked the heels, the soles, and the sides of his feet. The vigorous licking I was doing made some noise but I didn’t care because the taste was delightful. Of course they didn’t literally have a taste so the pleasure was more psychological but to me this was comparable to kissing the senator, or giving him a blowjob. Actually better than that. If I thought touching his feet was euphoric, this topped it. It was like I was on an amazing high. It was as if my sexual arousal was continuously being satisfied as I continued to lick his feet. I didn’t forget about the top of his foot and started sucking that part, my sucking actually left him hickies there, some on the softer part of his soles as well.
I lowered myself below his feet and from underneath started sucking on his heels and up his soles. I placed his whole heel in my mouth. There was not enough sweat for there to be a salty flavor but knowing that I was licking up the senator’s foot sweat was almost the breaking point that made me cum but I wanted a chance to suck his toes before that. I grabbed his foot with one hand and put his big toe in my mouth and slowly sucked on it. I was sucking on it back and forth and somehow there was something pleasing about that feeling. I also enjoyed the feeling of his toe deep in my mouth. I moved on to the other toes and enjoyed the wet feeling from sucking on them. I also licked in between his toes. The cleanliness of his feet was such a turn on. I sucked multiple toes at once, stuffing his foot in my mouth.
Intermittently while touching and sucking his feet I looked up at him to judge his expression. He was simply looking calm but serious, mostly looking up at the ceiling, at times he had his eyes closed. I assumed he was enjoying it.
That was when I could not take it anymore. I had been sucking for a while now and just had to undo my pants so I could come. My dick was overbearingly hard and I was wet with pre-cum. While continuing to suck on his feet, I grabbed my dick and trusted eagerly and within a few strokes cum was shot out to literally feet across the room. I felt deep satisfying contractions in my penis when my cum was pushed out and the sensitivity around the area of my dick became so intense I moaned as I continued to touch myself. There was this wave of enjoyment that my eyes literally rolled back to the back of my head and I didn’t focus on anything but the feeling. I almost drooled on his feet some and my toes curled with how strong and deep the orgasm was. The total combined pleasurable feeling lasted around twenty seconds, the longest orgasm I have ever had. After it was done, I felt such a feeling of calmness. I felt emptied and relieved, satisfied to the extreme. I was not horny anymore and it felt like I was not going to be for a long time.
I realized I had just masturbated in the senator’s office and looked up to check if he had been bothered by that. His eyes were closed but this time he seemed to be asleep. I had been playing with his feet for a good amount of time, so I guess it was relaxing and put him to sleep. I used this time to get something to clean off where my cum had landed. It felt a little silly to be hunting for cum in the office of the senator.
When I was done, I was not sure whether to wake him up to tell him I was leaving or not. I decided to shake him softly to see if he would easily wake up. He did. “I’m going now,” I told him.
He sat up. “That’s fine,” he replied. “Just wait.” I looked at him waiting for him to go on. “Uh, I don’t think you should work here anymore.”
“What do you mean?” I felt like I had heard wrong. Why the sudden change of treatment towards me. One minute he was allowing me to suck his feet and the next I was fired?
“I don’t think what happened today was ethical or appropriate and thus you would agree you continuing to work here is not the best idea.”
I was disappointed. I did not like how abruptly an internship I was enjoying had ended. I was disappointed that I would not get to see the Senator anymore. That I would not get to see him looking handsome as always in his suits anymore. That I would never get to touch or kiss or lick his feet anymore. I guess he did have a point, but it was immature that he allowed it to happen then got mixed emotions about it.
“If that’s what you want Senator.”
“It’s not like I want to do this. I just don’t think it’s ethical for one of my interns to be masturbating in my office and sucking my fucking feet for sexual pleasure!” He paused then exhaled. “I’m sorry, it’s just that at first I thought you were just going to give me a foot massage. I did not expect you to get all into it and do all that you did. It was my fault for giving you the wrong idea.”
“I see… I guess I understand,” I replied.
“Thank you. Now I hope this stays between us, right?”
“Of course, Senator.”
“Thank you for allowing me to intern here. It was nice. And uh thanks for, umm today.”
He just nodded and pointed towards the door.
“Goodnight, ” I said.
I walked out of the office and went to my desk. It was 8 at night and some other staff members were still here. I felt like they knew something had occurred. I had been in the office with the senator for over an hour and now I was packing my stuff. A colleague (another intern) named Alice asked me what had happened, but I just replied with, “Nothing, I’m just leaving.”
Once I exited I turned around to look at the legislature building. It was a cool night with a clear dark blueish sky. Although an internship I had enjoyed ended, I wasn’t upset. I felt happiness. A kind of almost silly, juvenile happiness as if I had just gotten my first kiss. This was my first time doing anything with the feet of a man and it happened to be with that gorgeous senator. That felt to me like sex for the first time. My first time was with the hot feet of that 40 year old stud. Even though I didn’t work for him anymore I felt lucky to have had such an experience. It was up there with the most unbelievable experiences of my life.
I got in my car and drove home with my window open, feeling the wind on my face and listening to music. I was in such a good mood after my weird, quirky, unexpected, and very sexually arousing and satisfying event. Today I had sucked the feet of a senator in the state legislature. That would be something only me and the senator would know. I will never be able to look at the senator the same way, though that’s not a bad thing.
I arrived home and grabbed a favorite meal and sat down to watch some Netflix. Feeling like kind of a big deal that my first time had been with Senator John L. Johnson.
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