Naughty New Years


‘Who knew it would be so easy to be naughty?’

That was the thought that ran through her head as she sashayed her 5’5, 122 lbs frame from one part of the house to another. Every step she took caused the soft, silky hem of her short sleeveless black dress to swish and twirl around her toned and bare thighs; the faces of the male partiers were drawn to that seductive swish and twirl, as were the few female faces that followed the wondering eyes of their male escorts. The music was thrumming and pulsing at a comfortable level that still allowed the revelers to communicate comfortably if they so wished.

All in all, whoever was hosting this particular bash could give themselves a satisfactory pat on the back at their success; and, to her delight, she was able feel a modicum of comfort in the fact that the party was in full swing with a heady mix of strange and familiar faces.

She had always held herself aloof and restrained from the cavorting and frolicking of other people her age. She had different priorities. Priorities that did not include random meaningless encounters, drunken binges, and endless partying night after night.

It’s not that she was judgmental; it’s just that she had known from early on that she did not want to spend her mornings sleeping off the indulgences of the night before and the afternoons preparing away for whatever frivolities were on the menu for that night.

She wanted to finish school, though she truly despised it. She wanted to branch out on her own and live her life as she chose it, not as her family dictated. What it all boiled down to was freedom; she wanted it, and nothing was going to stop her from getting it.

But maybe she had just not known about a different kind of freedom.

An arm snaked out from one of the throngs that she passed and grasped her firmly around her slim waist. With a surprised yelp she was hauled into a group comprised of mostly intoxicated male revelers.

“Happy New Years Sherry!” This was mumbled in her ear after she had been hauled backwards and slammed up against the muscular frame of one of the fraternity boys named Jonathan.

Sherry squeaked as her ass made contact with an obvious erection from the frat boy, and for a split second, she cursed her decision to follow one of her girlfriends to the private New Year’s house party.

Keeping an arm snaked around her waist, so she wouldn’t escape his clutches, he planted a wet kiss on her bare shoulder and announced to the group “Hot isn’t she? But no matter how many times I ask her out she refuses! What am I supposed to do, except hold her hostage and try to steal a kiss on the pretext that it’s a New Year’s tradition?”

Sherry laughed along with the group and said, “I’m not nearly drunk enough to fall for that one yet, but maybe you should try that again in an hour!”

In the erupting laughter from the people surrounding her, no one saw her grind her ass against his dick in a teasing manner. He was shocked enough at her actions to gasp in pleasure and lessen his hold around her waist providing her the opportunity to wiggle out of his grasp and escape his clutches.

Sherry spun around on her red $250 dollar Nine West heels (yeah Christmas presents rocked!), her long black hair floating around her and settling into place. She couldn’t resist grinning up at the attractive face of Jonathan. His blue eyes were wide with shock and his jaw hung open, while his fingers tried to catch her again. She just slapped his hands away and laughed up at him in a teasing manner. “Too slow! You’re never gonna catch a girl if you let her slip through your fingers!”

This again set off the group into hysterical laughter and it allowed her to back up and make her escape.

When she started walking away, she heard another guy in the group give a low whistle and comment on her “nice ass.”

She was feeling powerful tonight, like she was master of her world. She had people laughing, boys wanting her, and girls feeling envious of the power she seemed to hold over the guys.

With a big grin on her luscious lips, a twinkle in her green eyes, she looked up and found her path blocked by the most beautiful man she had ever seen. For a split second it felt as if the world stopped and became silent, like there was nothing but her and this stranger looking and discovering each other. Then the noise and din of the party resumed in her head and she realized that moment of stillness had been nothing more than a figment of her imagination.

Sucking in a much needed breath of air, one that had involuntarily escaped her when her green eyes had met his grey eyes, she blinked up at him and smiled. Sherry didn’t know him, but she fully intended to make his acquaintance. She was feeling adventurous tonight, happy and powerful. What better way to start off the year, than by making one more conquest tonight.

“Hi,” she said as with a sultry smile on her lips.

“That was quite a performance back there.” His eyes twinkled Gaziantep Olgun Escort and a mysterious half smile graced his lips; it gave him a distant and almost hypnotic air. He was tall, probably a foot taller than she was, with dark blond hair pulled back in a pony tail that reached his shoulders. He had the defined chiseled features that would have made Brad Pitt jealous, firm full lips, with a strong muscular body that would have had made Vin Diesel cry. Even though he didn’t move, hadn’t twitched a muscle, he exuded the raw animal grace and strength of a lion waiting to pounce. Surprisingly, she wasn’t afraid.

“Hmm… wasn’t it though?” she said with a superior smirk. She was proud of the skillful way she had escaped the clutching hands of the half drunken frat member.

He took a step closer and brought a hand up, using a single finger to touch the tip of her nose lightly.

She lost her smile and froze at the contact, her eyes locked onto his.

Then that same finger touched the corner of her pink mouth, trailed down to her chin, down the slim line of her neck, pausing at the base where her pulse drummed madly, then continued till it skimmed the top of her firm cleavage. She knew that the tight bodice of her sleeveless dress would not allow her 34 C breasts to escape, but in that moment she wished that the whole blasted dress would just disappear so that he could continue skimming that finger along her whole body.

Then he took a step back, taking his finger with him, and she was able to draw a ragged breath in. Her heart was pounding, her breasts felt full and achy, her legs felt weak and a hot ball of lust had gathered in the pit of her stomach; not to mention the tingling pressure that had snaked its way between her legs.

He took another step back and smiled at her, like he knew what that small contact had done to her. Lifting a beer bottle up from a table behind him he lifted it and took a drink. She saw the way his Adam’s apple dipped down and up in his neck as he turned to look at her again.

“You should be careful who you play with little girl, some boys aren’t so easy to handle.”

Then he smiled again and waved her on with the beer bottle, as if giving her permission to continue on her path.

Sherry stared at him for a minute, shocked at his dismissal of her, and it wasn’t till he lifted an elegant brow in question that she was able to take a step forward to make her escape. She felt oddly embarrassed at the encounter, like a naughty kid caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing. When she turned around to catch a glimpse of the stranger, he was surrounded by a group of people merrily chatting away and having a rousing good time. But his eyes were intently on her, that slightly mocking tilt of his eyebrow gone but replaced by a knowing smile on his face.

Sherry gasped and turned back around, making her way to the kitchen were the hired bartender had set up shop. Grabbing one of the pre-made shots off one of the trays she downed it, letting the burning fingers of the pure alcohol warm her mouth and throat. It soothed her and helped calm her racing heart. She then turned to the bartender and ordered a beer chaser.

Before he could hand it to her she was grabbed from behind and spun around. Expecting her enthralling stranger, she was disappointed to discover her perky friend Rhonda, her shock of red hair tied in a loose bun at the nape of her neck. She was shorter than Sherry, but her sweet contagious smile and kind brown eyes gave her a great presence. “Where have you been darling? Dave and Lisa are here! We haven’t seen them in years. Come on, grab a drink and stop hiding. I promised you’d have fun tonight.”

Her enthusiasm was contagious and Sherry, after grabbing her beer, allowed herself to be tugged back into the party. She felt on edge now, and her eyes automatically sought out the eyes of the stranger who had left her that way.

He was there alright, having moved to another end of the room and still surrounded by a laughing group of partiers. His eyes were still on her, watching her move through the room. Sherry pulled her eyes from his and pretended an indifference she didn’t feel. He made her nervous; he made her feel like a fly treading on the spider’s web.

Rhonda, bless her soul, pulled her to a group of people far away from where he stood. Turning her back on him, she allowed herself to be enveloped into the group. Her friends hugged her in welcome, Dave and Steve planting quick kisses on her lips, Matt and John clasping her tightly in their arms and lifting her up so that her feet dangled. The girls were also enthusiastic in their welcomes, a few looking right at her tightly bound cleavage and giving her a thumbs up or a mouthed “nice!” in an approval. These were some of her oldest friends and she had been greeting them thus for as long as she could remember; but in the back of her mind she wondered what He thought of her actions.

Refusing to give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his presence she let herself fall into the conversation. It was the usual: how are you? What have you been up to? getting reacquainted nonsense that we all do when we haven’t seen each other in a while.

At one point Dave turned her around so her back faced the group, and grabbing her ass he turned to the others and said, “This girl has always had the hottest ass, look how tight and round it is! I swear, if I wasn’t completely in love with Lisa, I’d be hounding her for a chance to bite it!” With those words he smacked his hand hard on her ass, leaving a pleasurable burning tingle where his hand had made contact.

Everyone laughed, including Sherry. It was a standing joke between them that Dave was an ass guy. She was used to him handling her in that way and it made her feel safe and warm in the familiarity of the group.

Looking over her shoulder at the people in the group, she rubbed her ass against Dave’s fondling hand and said, “I’ve always been proud of it!”

They all laughed and Dave emboldened by her flirting lifted his hand and smacked her ass again, making her jump at the sharpness. Then he groaned and playfully nipped at her shoulder. “I love your ass!”

Sherry giggled and spun around till her arms were around his neck. “I know you do darling, but you can’t have it. You’ve got your Lisa’s ass.”

“Don’t I know it!” he said giving her a smacking kiss on the cheek and giving her warm hug.

Sherry laughed again and removed herself from his arms. She looked over at Lisa and saw the pretty blond grinning widely at her. No hurt feelings there, Lisa knew her man was hers and only hers.

Rhonda, not one to left out, pulled Sherry into a hug and took her turn at Sherry’s ass. She planted a loud smack that caused Sherry to yelp and grin widely at her friend. Sherry turned back to the group and said, “Dave may be the ass man, but Rhonda knows the perfect spot to spank!” Then rubbing her ass and giggling she turned back to Rhonda and said, loudly enough for everyone to hear, “I think you left your hand print on my ass!”

Rhonda threw her head back and laughed louder than everyone. “What can I say, it’s my gift!” Then pretending to reach for Sherry’s skirt she said, “turn around; let’s see if I left a hand print.”

“Whhoo! Yeah!” shouted Dave.

“Yeah, show us!”

“Come on Sherry, don’t be a prude!”

“Yeah, let’s see some ass!”

Sherry laughed them off. Some people might find her friends a little odd and off putting, but that is just how they always acted. They weren’t afraid of their sexuality, were completely loyal to their partners, and weren’t afraid to joke and tease each other about anything and everything.

She, in fact, was the prude in the group. For all her teasing and flirting that particular evening, she was still single. She tended to shy away from the attention of men because of the goals she had set for herself. ‘Later’, she reasoned, ‘I’ll let loose later, when I’m free!’ It had become her mantra, one which she clung to a little too steadfastly.

But there was something in the air that night; maybe it was the drinks working their way through her system. She felt like she was not herself, like she had been possessed by some free spirited entity that emboldened her and made her want to shock.

She took a step into the middle of the group and turned around looking at all of them in the eye. While she turned she managed to sneak a peek at Him to see if he was still watching her.

He was. Rather intently actually, with a smirk on his face and glint in his eye that was visible even across the room.

It made her feel powerful and bold to be standing in the warm circle of her crazy friends while He watched, and waited.

“You want to see my ass?” she asked her friends.

“You know it!”

“Hell yeah”

“You won’t do it!” Rhonda taunted.

Sherry smirked at her and reached for her skirt. “Are you sure?”

“Do it!”


“Show it girl!”

Sherry noticed that it wasn’t just her friends watching her now. There were other party goers, other groups of people, who had noticed the commotion and were trying to see was going on.

Sherry tilted her head back and laughed at the exhilaration she felt. She risked one more look at Him.

Then she did something she wouldn’t have ever done before. She lifted the back of short black dress and exposed her red Brazilian cut panties, which left the lower portion of her ass cheeks exposed, and asked the group if they could see any hand prints.

When the cheering started, which extended way beyond her close circle of friends, she felt herself blush beet red. ‘At least it matches my shoes and panties!’ she thought to herself. Sherry lowered her skirt and threw herself into Steve’s arms. He was like a big gruff teddy bear, completely enamored of Rhonda, and he knew that she was embarrassed far more than she was letting on. He patted her back and planted a kiss on her cheek. Then he whispered in her ear “nice going kid! I knew you had it in you!”

Sherry giggled and let go of her security blanket.

She refused to look in His direction again. She immersed herself back into the conversation and tried to ignore the appreciative looks sent her way by the guys outside her group.

It was a while later that she got the urge to use the bathroom. Turning discretely to Rhonda, she was directed up the stairs to the second floor bathroom. Sherry excused herself and walked briskly in the direction she was meant to go in. She didn’t look up fearing that she might find His eyes on her.

When she reached the second floor she found a pretty Hispanic girl standing by a closed door talking on her cell phone. When she approached, the girl informed her that the bathroom was being used by her puking friend and it might be a while. “There’s another bathroom down the hall, but I think it’s also busy,” she informed her with polite smile. “I think there’s another bathroom one flight up, if you want to try.”

Sherry smiled in thanks and turn back around to go up one more flight. Her need had become pressing, and she didn’t want to wait around for one of the bathrooms to become free.

When she reached the third floor, she found it oddly quiet and dark. There were two huge rooms up there, one a massive office with library and another room which appeared to be the master bedroom. Figuring the master bedroom to contain an en suite, she stepped into the utterly masculine bedroom with its plush and luxurious white carpet. A dim lamp was on by the gigantic four poster bed. It cast a soft light that revealed dark burgundy/red walls, matching dark oak furniture scattered throughout the room, a sleek and flat big screen television hanging over an unlit fireplace and an antique looking white chaise lounge, strewn with burgundy pillows and a matching throw folded at one corner.

It was a stunning room, rich and understated, but what held her attention was the gigantic four poster bed. Its thick oak columns matched the rest of the furniture in the room. The soft white billowing curtains or panels matched the carpet, and the curtains bordering the windows that hung on three sides of the room. The burgundy/red duvet was turned down revealing the black satin bed sheets and a profusion of pillows were artfully arranged against the headboard.

Sherry closed her eyes and could almost picture herself naked on that bed, her body entwined with that of the beautiful stranger who looked at her as if he could see her naked despite her clothes.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat and forced herself to look for the bathroom. On either side of the door she had walked through to get into the room were two other doors. One turned out to be a large walk in closet that had her drooling at its size and the other the massive ensuite that she was seeking. As she did her business, relieving the pressure in her bladder, she couldn’t help but admire the equally opulent and elegant bathroom. It was almost completely tiled in an elegant grey stone. There was a large shower and beside it, separated by what appeared to be a shallow stone wall, a massive tub. Calling it a tub only because of its elegant silver fixtures, it was actually more of a large Jacuzzi or spa bath with jets discretely logged within it sparkling clean interior. A narrow shelf between the tub and the wall, held a collection of candles; some large, some small, most obviously lit at some point or another.

As she washed her hands, Sherry got another image of her and her mysterious stranger having some fun in that gigantic tub, all the candles lit and glowing as she wiggled and moaned in his lap.

Amy looked at her image in the huge mirror above the sink and smiled at herself. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were sparkling. Her nipples formed little points under her tight bodice and she knew that if she kept thinking those wicked thoughts she was bound to get her panties damp with her arousal.

Shaking her head and vowing to behave she opened the door. Not looking up from her musings she walked straight into a hard chest blocking her path. Strong hands clasped her arms and pulled her tight against that hard chest. When she looked up she was stunned to find Jonathan’s drunken face leering down at her.

“Jonathan, what are yo-“

Her words were cut off as he dipped his head and slammed his mouth against hers. For a split second she froze but then she pulled away and tried to shove him away from her.

It was like trying to move a rock. He had certainly not maintained his athletic scholarship by laying about and not working out.

“Stop it!”

“Come on Sherry… Aren’t you tired of playing the cock tease?”

Sherry gasped and almost retched when he again slammed his mouth against her. One of his hands was on the back of her head, preventing her from dislodging her mouth and she started pounding on his chest, scratching at his face and the hand lodged in her hair.

“Oww!” he yelped as she yanked on the back of his head.

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