Neural Network Trap Ch. 02


Transformed couple embraces themselves and new friends.


“I’m going to be fired.” On my laptop was an email reminding me of company policy for sick leave lasting longer than three days. I had to produce a doctor’s note within 48 hours. Easier said than done. No doctor would believe what had happened to me and my wife.

In fact, Monday morning the first thing we had done was log into the health portal for an emergency phone consultation. The first thing that had gone wrong was discovering that even my health records had been swapped to my new identity. Then when I had spoken with a nurse and tried to tell our story, I had been sternly lectured about wasting valuable health resources and warned that she would have to bill if I wasted more time.

“I’m sure if you sucked Tom’s cock, he would excuse anything,” Alyssa said without looking up. “Your boss is as horny as they come. Do you remember what he said when we met? The nerve of that man to expect that in this day and age an employee’s wife would have sex with him for a promotion.”

“You weren’t exactly saying no.”

“Just playing the game. Flirt. Keep the door cracked open even if you have the chain latched. It’s something you’ll have to figure out now that you’re a hot bitch like me.”

“Very funny. How about help me with how to respond?”

“You could quit.” Alyssa flipped her tablet around, pointing at the screen.

It didn’t make sense. The bank portal for our joint account looked like it always did except the number was wrong.

“Some sort of error?”

“Don’t think so. Check out the transaction history. Payments every day. Two on Monday, but one was dated from Sunday. All from ‘NNVR.’ Neural Network VR. Hailey, that’s more in four days that either of us makes in a month! We’re rich!”

I fought down excitement. “If they can put it in our account, they can take it back. Happens all the time with errors. In the real world, bank errors don’t work out in your favor.”

“Shit. You’re right.” Alyssa studied her tablet.

I’d called in to work each day since our transformations. Alyssa did remote project management, and her changes couldn’t be heard over the phone or seen in a video call of the neck up, so she had gone back part time after the second day. That wasn’t an option for me.

Every spare moment had been dedicated to figuring out a solution to our problem or blowjobs. Me blowing Alyssa, that is. She was insatiable. Nothing matched her appetite for getting head other than my need to give it.

Four days in, and we already had a routine. I woke her with a blowjob to completion, teased her through a morning coffee, then finished her off in the shower. My lunch was cum, and I put her to sleep with at least one blowjob. The only change from day to day depended on her meetings. After frustrating calls, I helped her relax.

Our sex life had surpassed even the most absurd Penthouse letter, and I was improving rapidly. I could take almost three-quarters of Alyssa’s cock now.

But for all the fun we were having, we had made no progress on understanding what had happened to us. The forum posts were a dead end. Whoever had posted them did not want to talk. By Monday morning, every post was gone, the accounts deleted.

The Neural Network VR computer was just as useless, and not to be trusted. Monday, we draped a blanket over the dome. Tuesday, we ran an extension cord into a closet and relocated the whole setup into quarantine, opening the door just to see how many more pixels had filled in on the progress bar. That bar was a worse tease than Alyssa. At the rate it filled we would be a year older by the time it was done.

“Maybe we should–“

My phone rang. It was my boss, Tom. Again. I let it go to voicemail, then played it.

“Harry, this is Tom. Look, I don’t want to be a hard ass about this, but I got Robert breathing down my neck about the return-to-work policy. They’re looking to make an example. I can stall another day, but that’s it. We both know if it was up to me, I’d approve some unpaid leave and remote work, but my hands are tied. Get me that doctor’s note.”

“Classic,” Alyssa said. “Take no responsibility. Blame the higher ups. He could cover for you if wanted to.”

“He’s actually a good boss,” I said. “But I’m working directly with his boss on the next launch. We’ve got a big milestone going on the test environment next week. I’m going to get fired.”

“Not if we get a doctor’s note,” Alyssa said, dragging me from my chair to the bedroom. “Get dressed. We’re going out.”

I froze. Since she’d first put me in panties and some of her clothes, I’d been dressing like a girl of my own free will. But that had been, with the exception of chasing after the delivery man, in the privacy of our home.

“I don’t think I can go out.”

“Don’t think. Here. Shirt. Baggy jeans. I’d offer you a bra, but it would drive you nuts. Bralette maybe? Your feet are smaller than mine were, so we’ll have to make do with some flip flops.”

Before I could organize a defense, I was dörtyol escort being herded out the door, a cute young woman indistinguishable from any other out for errands. Alyssa drove, and I was just starting to reach an equilibrium when I realized where she was taking me.

“No, not her!”

“It’s our best option.”


“She’ll believe us. Trust me.”

With Alyssa behind the wheel, I had no other choice.


Dr. Beth Pressley was an old family friend. She had baby sat for me and my sister before going off to med school. On her return, my mom had been her real estate agent. She had even attended my wedding. Now she practiced family medicine in a clinic on the other side of town, the perfect person to go to for help except for the little detail that she knew my entire family!

But it was too late to do anything. Alyssa had ambushed Dr. Pressley in the parking lot, sweet talked her way into an exam room, and was now sitting next to me in a paper gown while Dr. Pressley talked on the phone in the hall with my sister. They had been chatting for almost ten minutes.

“Just let me know when you’ll be back in town. I’ve got a spare ticket to the Green River Spa with your name on it. Yep. See you soon.” Dr. Pressley hung up but did not immediately come back into the exam room.

I glanced at Alyssa. An encouraging smile and her fingers weaving into mine helped, but I still wish we had never come.

“Alright, so let’s say I believe you,” Dr. Pressley said, standing in the doorway. She had never been a big woman. I was taller than her, even now, but where I was slim from head to toe, she had the pillowy cleavage of a goddess. After removing her jacket, the thin blouse showed as much as it revealed. “I mean–and pardon my complete lack of professionalism here–What. The. Fuck.”

“I know, right?” Alyssa said, more at ease than I had ever been at a doctor. “I wish we had some way to explain, but you know as much as we do.”

Dr. Pressley rubbed her temples, then stepped in the room, securing the door behind her. “Look, this is way outside my specialty. Outside medicine and science! I can’t help you.”

“Actually,” Alyssa said, “you can. Hailey needs a note. For work.”

“Hailey…” Dr. Pressley studied me. Despite the change in each of our circumstances, it was the same look she had given when catching me mid-scheme while babysitting me. “If I hadn’t just been on the phone with your sister, I would think this was a joke or a prank.”

“Except for this.” Alyssa flipped up the hem of the paper gown.

I yelped but was too slow to stop her.

“Yes,” Dr. Pressley nodded. “Except for that. I might have convinced myself it was a prosthetic, but is she hard?” Dr. Pressley frowned. “Is he hard? It’s too late in the damn day for something like this.”

“She’s easily excited,” Alyssa said, with no explanation that while she had gotten off in my mouth or on my face at least three times a day, I had not been afforded more than accidental relief.

“So, both your genitals work?” Dr. Pressley asked, a note of curiosity entering her voice.

In answer, Alyssa parted her legs. She had trapped her cock between her thighs. Freed, it flipped the paper gown out of the way to stand like some forbidden tower. There it throbbed, admired by all in silent reverence. I tried to swallow quietly.

“Sorry. It was getting a bit uncomfortable trapped like that. Normally Hailey would have helped me out after work.” Alyssa didn’t look the least bit apologetic.

“Um, wow?” Dr. Pressley licked her lips. “I mean, that’s… certainly on the larger side.”

“I might have been gifted some muscles, but I’m still small compared to most men. That makes it look bigger.” Alyssa leaned against me. “Hailey can fit at more than half in her mouth, so it can’t be that big.”

A flush crept up Dr. Pressley’s neck. “No, that’s one big cock.”

“Is that your professional opinion?”

“Both as a doctor and as a reformed slut,” Dr. Pressley quipped, her eyes never leaving Alyssa’s dick.

She was a family friend. I had no reason to feel threatened, yet I couldn’t help but notice how Alyssa tracked Dr. Pressley’s generous bosom. Worse than the jealousy was the keen ache in my crotch that spread up into my gut. Nerves, I told myself. I was not turned on by Alyssa flirting right in front of me, especially not with another woman, which was nothing new for her. It was just banter.

I cleared my throat. “So, will you write a note?”

“Of course,” Dr. Pressley said.

Alyssa had other ideas. “Shouldn’t you do an exam? You’ll need to put down some sort of reason, and truth be told, I am worried.”

“An exam. Right. Yes.” Dr. Pressley struggled to keep a professional calm. Clapping her hands and the jiggle that set off did not help. “Hailey, let’s have you hop up on the table.”

What followed was a thorough physical. Dr. Pressley had not put on gloves. Her hands were warm and soft. I couldn’t will my erection to go away, but I managed a calm dulkadiroğlu escort disinterest right up until she had me step in front of her stool.

“You know,” Alyssa said as Dr. Pressley cupped my diminutive testicles with one hand, “Hailey used to have the hots for you.”

“Used to?” Dr. Pressley giggled. “Looks like she still does.”

Then to my horror, she reached with her left hand, her diamond engagement ring sparkling, and stroked one finger along the underside of my cock. It was a short trip. A breeze might have been as stimulating. But it was too much for me.

“Please–” I gasped, but by then the first jet of cum had splashed across her face.

Dr. Pressley should have been horrified and would have been justified to report me. Instead, face flushed, she continued to tickle the underside of my twitching dick. Cum ran down her face, between her lips, and coated her breasts. When I had stopped spraying, she kept up the pleasurable torture.

“Interesting. No apparent refractory period.” After withdrawing her hand, she looked down at herself. “My goodness, you’d think a girl with such small testicles wouldn’t ejaculate so much, but shows what I know!”

Dr. Pressley winked at me on her way to the paper towel dispenser. Quick as a snake, her tongue darted out to taste what I’d left on her. A shiver ran through her. When she saw me staring, the situation became real.

“Sorry. Shit, I shouldn’t have done that,” she said to the wall as she wiped cum off herself.

I felt the absurd instinct to comfort her.

Alyssa giggled. “Not your fault. Hailey was never a marathon man, if you catch my drift. And now that she’s not a man at all, she’s got a hair trigger. Last night, I got her to–“

“Alyssa!” I hissed, mortified.

The two women shared a knowing look but said nothing else. I wanted to crawl into the wall and disappear. The next best thing was to excuse myself to the restroom to clean up the cum that had dripped onto my legs. Leaving was a mistake. I should have seen what would happen if I left those two alone.

I was gone for less than five minutes. When I returned, Dr. Pressley was stroking Alyssa’s cock with her left hand while they tried to eat each other’s mouths. The painful ache of arousal returned to my abdomen. I felt entirely inadequate as I watched Dr. Pressley work over my wife’s cock–both because she did a better job, and because my wife had a cock that put mine to shame.

Yet I had never been more turned on. Flirting with women for my benefit had long been part of Alyssa’s repertoire. Some oversexed kissing couldn’t compare to this, though. It was more than the sight of two of the hottest women I’d ever crushed on going at it. I felt I was in competition with Dr. Pressley, like she wanted to give Alyssa something I couldn’t.

Fear and jealousy twisted with arousal. I wanted it to stop. I needed them to keep going.

Dr. Pressley pulled away first, panting. Diamonds glinted on the hand working Alyssa’s cock.

“Am I bigger than your husband?” Alyssa asked casually, but there was a dangerous undertone to the question.

“Yes. By about… this much.” She winked at me. “But it’s the girth that counts, right Hailey?”

“Hailey is a virgin.” Alyssa had a possessive arm around the doctor, but her eyes were fixed on me.

“Oh, yes, well I imagine it would take some adjustment to fit this.”

“I bet you could take it.”

“I know I could. Like I said, that’s a big cock, but there are bigger out there.”

Dr. Pressley pulled away. I thought that was the end of it. Everyone would come to their senses.

But Alyssa didn’t move from the exam table, and her cock didn’t waver.

“Neither of you can mention this to anyone, got it?” Dr. Pressley said as she unbuttoned her pants. She caught my shock and had the decency to blush but not to stop. “Just need to collect a sample. The how can stay between us.”

“We won’t tell anyone, right Hailey?” Alyssa asked, stroking her cock.

I don’t know if I answered. Neither acknowledged me if I did. Dr. Pressley had on an expensive pair of lacey black panties that looked like they belonged to a set of lingerie. They hugged a surprisingly firm looking ass and lasted about five seconds. As soon as she was in reach of Alyssa, my wife tugged the doctor forward by her panties, ripping the lace.

“Alyssa!” Dr. Pressley giggled. She fell on top, where Alyssa proceeded to silence her with an aggressive kiss.

Alyssa had been right about me having the hots for Dr. Pressley. In a way, she’d always be Beth the cool, hot babysitter. I’d imagined her tits a thousand times, and her pussy hundreds. The reality was better. She was waxed bare with a slit worthy of a centerfold.

And my wife was going to fuck her. Leaking precum, her cock was the millstone to Dr. Pressley’s grinding. It looked as if they might finish each other humping like teenagers. Alyssa had two hands full of ass and a mouth full of tongue as they thrust away.

Dr. Pressley düzce escort took the first step, reaching back to take hold of the cock that would soon penetrate her. Alyssa pinned her arm in place and whispered into her ear. A furious but muted argument took place, which Alyssa seemed to win.

Sitting up, Dr. Pressley looked over her shoulder at me. She was nervous until her eyes darted down to my crotch. I snapped my hands to cover myself, but she had seen all she needed to. “Hailey, would it be okay if Alyssa fucked me?”

I was caught, too turned on to say anything but yes. “Maybe a little? Just to help her.”

“Aww, I knew you two cared for one another,” Dr. Pressley said, already turning away.

With her engagement ring sparkling, she aimed Alyssa’s cock. The sigh of contentment she let out as she sank down on that cock was simultaneously the sexiest and most painful sound I’d ever heard, right up until Alyssa moaned.

I remember the first time I had sex. After handjobs and blowjobs that could at best be called enthusiastic, the embrace of a wet pussy had been heaven brought to earth. With the way Alyssa was groaning and clutching Dr. Pressley, I expected she’d last about as long as I had.

Instead I got a first row seat to an exhibition on how to fuck, with the primary lesson being that I’d only ever been adequate at sex. As soon as Dr. Pressley had adjusted to the monster in her pussy, she started bouncing. And Alyssa thrust up to meet her.

A button on Dr. Pressley’s blouse lost a war against her swinging breasts. Alyssa ripped the rest right off, then tore open the front clasp of the bra underneath and helped herself to a handful of the breasts I had fantasized about for years.

All the while, the two went at it with fervor I had never been capable of physically or sexually. It was porn sex, the sort of thing I’d told myself for years was unrealistic, overwrought fantasy material. Unobtainable.

It was also the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I didn’t realize I was touching myself until I caught Alyssa watching me over Dr. Pressley’s shoulder. Embarrassed, I jerked my hand away.

But I could not turn away. Alyssa’s cock, the object of my oral obsession the last few days, split Dr. Pressley. Juices from the doctor coated the shaft and dripped down to the paper cover on the exam table. Outside of porn, I had never seen a pussy cling to a cock like this one.

Their pace turned frantic. The perfect rhythm of Alyssa thrusting up while Dr. Pressley slammed down broke into the messy cadence of an amateur drummer. Alyssa had a tight hold of Dr. Pressley’s ass, spreading her to make sure I saw the cock I wanted to have and to have in me. Her balls were high and tight and twitching.

“I’m going to cum,” Alyssa gasped.

Someone moaned. Dr. Pressley? Me? Both of us?

All I knew was that I wasn’t going to look away, that I was about to see firsthand Alyssa mark another woman as hers. I’d felt her cum drench my face. Fill my mouth. Drip down to my small breasts. Now I wanted to see that happen to Beth Pressley, the hot, older babysitter I’d crushed on for years. MILF in every way except she was not yet a mother.

But Dr. Pressley did not hop off for the messy finish. Alyssa did not pull out. Mouths mashed together, Dr. Pressley gave one last hump then went rigid in my wife’s arms. And Alyssa’s cock jerked and swelled and cum gushed out, too much for even Dr. Pressley’s tight pussy to seal inside.

It wasn’t enough for either of them. Alyssa kept Dr. Pressley firmly in place, but the doctor reached back to coax every drop of cum from my wife that she could. I had never seen anyone, except for maybe myself, that desperate for cum. She massaged Alyssa’s balls, then milked the base of that thick cock.

And the cherry on top of the horny show were the rings sparkling on Dr. Pressley’s and Alyssa’s fingers, a reminder that while these two women were married, it was too other people. Leaking cum soon dulled Dr. Pressley’s diamond, but not her enthusiasm. As much as her panting allowed, she kissed Alyssa like she wanted to go again.

I had never been able to go again without a break. Alyssa didn’t have that problem. Her cock was hard. So was mine. She looked at me with muted satisfaction, her tongue dueling with Dr. Pressley. Her gaze said that she could still fuck. That she wanted to fuck. But not with Dr. Pressley.

Alyssa broke the kiss, smirking at me but speaking to Dr. Pressley. “You’re a great fuck. Now how about that note?”

“I…” Dr. Pressley took in herself. She looked at the woman filling her pussy with an impossible cock. She glanced back at me, face turning red from embarrassment rather than exertion. “Note. Yes. Shit.”

Without ceremony, she hopped off. Cum dripped down her thighs and spilled onto Alyssa. I stared at the mess. Even the captivating site of an old crush walking around almost naked could not take my eyes from Alyssa’s cock.

Alyssa raised an eyebrow. The corner of her mouth twitched.

Without realizing what I was doing, I crossed the room and began to clean her with my tongue. I had always liked going down on Alyssa, but the combined flavor of cum and pussy was better than either alone. I couldn’t get enough. Not caring about anything other than licking up as much as I could while it was still warm and wet, I debased myself.

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