I admired my work allowing her to feel the slow burn ease in. The two globes of desirable flesh were blushed deep pink in certain areas but there was the last mark that left a fairly clear imprint of my hand on the right cheek. It was red like the sun kissing the earth upon its leave. When it had made contact she let out a low groan to which my cock had answered by flexing inside my pants wishing it was sunk deep inside her somewhere.
I preferred using my hand in most cases for this but I had an assortment of tools and toys I had collected over the years for this purpose. Today though I knew she wanted this. She needed to feel me personally. Flesh upon flesh. She was not strapped down but she lay prone upon the bed naked. Her knees firmly planted, spread apart about 2 feet apart to allow access to her currently weeping vagina. Her arms were crossed behind her back in ease with the palms facing up in a relaxed position. Her head was turned slightly to the right with her hair splayed upon the covers and her back. The dark cerulean blue covers made the colors display well from her skin to the flush upon her ass.
Her hands flinched, awaiting more. I contemplated just for a moment to just wait for her to wag her ass, begging for more. Often done in moments of teasing and desire which I absolutely loved but this wasn’t for me. I drew my hand and firmly made connection with her left ass cheek watching the pink blush deeper and bounce alluringly. The next few were just reminders of what was to come. Her hands closed to fist. A subliminal message that she unknowingly displayed. She was ready for it. I put force into it to leave another deep red imprint to match.
I took a step closer as I gently rubbed my palm against the spot I had just marked. Her ass was heated from the attention and I heard her hiss through her teeth. I continued to massage the area bringing up my other hand to place upon her other cheek as I sat down on her left side. We had been at this for almost 40 minutes to build up. I had slowly worked her up to take her down and then up again. When I was assured the biting edge had left I continued to play with her ass with my left hand but drew my right hand along her cheeks under the cleft of where they met her thighs.
I dragged my hand down her thighs and back to the edge of her ass. I was maintaining my own breath as her own hitched when my hands just barely breezed by her labia. I considered whether to throw her on my lap or not so she could enjoy the feel of my hard cock but I decided against it. I did not want to remove her from this moment. Attention to such details though were what many men often missed upon such encounters.
My left hand lifted to lay another blow across her ass as I trailed my fingers more firmly along her pussy feeling how wet she was. As my palm made contact with a loud resounding pop my fingers made contact with her clit. This time her cry was not fighting to be silent. Pain mixed with pleasure perfectly in that moment.
I continued to pepper her ass with various slaps of pressure as I encircled her clit in the same motion. Her moans made it easy to read her body as her fingers clinched, trying to fight off the release I had been building. She maintained the position I had put her in through it and did not try to buck me off as she was known to do.
“Does it hurt? Does this sweet little pussy need to come?”
My voice was husky with my own lust but she made no effort to respond as it needed no response. We had come such a long way since the beginning. I was only bringing her mind along with her body, urging it to submit further to me. I laid one last hard slap along her right ass cheek pleased with how red it now glowed. Without slowing the tempo of the pleasure I was doing to her clit, I slid two fingers deep into her cunt with my hand that had vacated her ass.
They went in with no resistance. She was dripping down her legs and a patch çerkezköy escort of wet carpet had grown in between her spread legs. She flipped her head to the other side to look at me. Her hair stuck to her damp skin around her face.
As I made eye contact with her I stated, “Do you need to cum? Does this fucking little pussy like being finger fucked?”
I amped up the curve of my fingers and the power I was using to finger fuck her but continued to maintain the pressure and motion of my hand upon her clit. My hand was starting to cramp from it but I didn’t dare refrain because she was almost there. I could see it. Her body was screaming for it even as she tried her damndest to fight it.
“This. Fucking. Pussy”,as I stated this I matched my fingers thrusting to my words. Our eyes glued though I wanted to look at my work badly. “Is. About. To…….Cum” I growled the last few words. The muscles in my arms were straining and my breathing rate now matched hers.
I felt her vagina muscles begin to tighten past the swelling of arousal. Her fist clenched and she broke eye contact with me to push her head into the covers as she began to scream. I looked down as I made the last few pumps of my fingers as the muscle spasms began from the inside, grasping my fingers firmly in a fluttering motion. Then liquid came spewing past my hand, as the force allowed it to travel slightly past my wrist and then splatter everywhere. Her thighs began to quake and I found a primal growl bellow forth, “Yesss.”
I stood and reached for her hand. She moaned in protest but shifted to a more upright position by getting onto her feet without leaving the bed. It was not elegant but it allowed me to scoop her up so I could place her fully on the bed. I went to leave so I could clean up and get some oil to work into her skin but with fast precision she latched onto my arm.
A brief smile touched my face. I laid next to her as she flipped her body and curved into me. Wrapping my arms around her as I drew closer to breathe in her scent and the scent of her orgasm that filled the bedroom completely. She pressed her ass into me. I thrust my hips forward to give her access to what she was seeking and buried my hard dick into her ass. The only thing between us was the clothes I wore to which she let out a frustrated mewl.
“Shhhsss”,I growled as I squeezed her. I began to breathe deeply, encouraging her without a word to match my breathing. She fell into pace until she quickly fell asleep. I could tell as her breath lightened and her body completely relaxed into me.
She had come such a long way. I found satisfaction that she had sought me out today. In retrospect she was getting better at seeking me when she was in need but I know it still wasn’t easy for her yet. Like the beginning with those very first steps.
I had been restless all night. My brain stuck upon the images of her head tilted back. Eyes closed. The slight flush of arousal upon her face. As soon as I glanced over I saw her. I had seen enough women with similar looks to know that this woman was sexually aroused and doing something about it. She was pretty brazen to do that in the open. I found myself drawn to it.
She must have been at it for some time or exceptionally aroused because within moments I could see the expression on her face contort into climax. Her eyes flicked open and she saw me. I could tell that she saw I had seen her intimate moment. Her face showed a sort of horror which would have made me internally laugh if I hadn’t heard the gears crank in her car. Was that a manual? As I heard more grinding it verified that she was struggling to shift. Interesting.
She finally managed to get the car moving and I watched as she just went to a different spot across the lot next to the building. She got out and did a brisk walk into the building. I got to my truck and got in. I cevizli escort drove into her parking lot and parked next to her car. As I stepped out of my truck I looked down into her driver seat to see a glowing purple vibrator on her seat. I smiled to myself. I confirmed that she was indeed driving a stick.
So why had she been masturbating in public? I found curiosity striking me. Was she taken? What else did she do or would do in public? I looked up towards the building. I looked down again at the toy she had used and the thought crossed my mind of what did she smell like?
It was then that I decided I was going to test the waters you could say. I felt around my pocket for something to write on. I pulled out a crumpled receipt from breakfast and a permanent marker I had from the job site in my truck. I wrote clearly “You forgot something.”
I lifted her wiper blade and stuck it under. I wish I could have watched her come find it, to see her response but I had to get back. But now I could not sleep. It just kept replaying. I loved seeing a woman orgasm and I felt the desire to see her orgasm again building in my mind.
And so here I lay re-envisioning those moments. In this I realized I wanted to see her again. To see that moment when her body convulsed into pleasure.
The day progressed slowly. I kept revisiting the memory as I had throughout the night. At the end of day I volunteered to move the backhoe and excavator to where we parked them for the second crew to come pick up. Would she be there? Would she be masturbating again? My cock stood at half mast as I pursued these thoughts. On the other hand, I could return the favor. Did she like to watch? What would she do?
After parking everything I looked over to see her car still in the parking spot she had chosen for the day. I waited thinking about a mixture of things to do tomorrow so as not to be consumed by impatience. I was staring at the building almost lost in these thoughts when I saw her figure rush out. The long brown hair whipping in the wind she created. I stood waiting for her to hopefully look in my direction not exactly sure how I would proceed till it occurred.
Instead I saw her quickly get in her car and her figure slumped over the wheel. It looked like she had had a bad day. I almost considered walking the expanse of the parking lot to check on her. What had happened to make her feel this way? My mind raced to dirty thoughts. I knew some great ways to alleviate such a day. She raised her head, her posture went rigid and she threw her car into gear and with a small little roar the car took off.
I looked down at my dirt crusted boots thinking to myself, maybe she was going home to do exactly that to which I had thought. Sex? An orgasm. By another man?…or maybe woman? Or was it just her and Purple Bullet. I hoped it was just a toy. Some toy touching herself and working to rid herself of whatever stress had taken her that day.
I needed to do that before I left for the upcoming job. I needed to have a woman under me and to fuck her till she screamed my name. I took out my phone and texted a number I knew would respond immediately taking a last look at the building. My phone dinged and upon glance I saw the response. I smiled and started walking towards my truck.
I was drying my hair after the shower I had just taken. The night had been long but both us had left satisfied. I hadn’t thought about the other woman all night. But now that I was headed into work it went through my mind. I cleaned up the assortment of toys and rolled my rope up for another day.
As I pulled up I saw she had already arrived at work by her parked car. Instead of parking I drove over to her car and looked inside. There was nothing obvious but I had to check. I looked towards her building and considered what I could do. I could walk in and find her but there cide escort was the thought of what she had actually done. I mean a part of her had to know that someone might see her. Did she want to do it again? Would she do it again?
I left to go check in with my crew and get them ready to go for the day. In the back of my mind I kept rolling over decisions on what to do or if I should just drop it. Just log it as an interesting encounter that doesn’t happen often. But then I saw her again just slumped over the wheel and I knew I was going to take a chance to see if she wanted more. I grabbed a sheet of paper and a maker and simply wrote “Again.” As everyone loaded up to head out, I folded the paper crisply and tucked it in my shirt pocket to put it somewhere safe.
We finished the trench work and decided to call it a day a bit earlier than usual. As everyone else went in to pick up vehicles or get ready for the upcoming site I drove to the car I recognized from the street as I had been seeking it as soon as the building came into view. I left my car running and opened my glove compartment and pulled out the note. Hopping out I glanced at her building and then left the note as I had before.
I got back in my truck and waited for a brief moment considering to just stay there and greet her upon her leave and to tell her she could just hop in my truck. I could take her home and take away whatever needs she had or…. Or I could just take her here. Up against my truck. Out in the open. I felt my cock swell at the thought.
No. No. I wanted to see her make the decision. She would either do it. Or she wouldn’t. And if she didn’t I wouldn’t pursue any further.
Before work I got my hair cut as I usually did and went into work. I was able to get away to get my truck to the wash to get the mud off from the site we were finishing up. As I washed it by hand I contemplated what might happen. I finished and decided I would grab something to eat before heading to the original spot. Once I got there I made the decision to park parallel in a way to shield the spot in case anyone took notice. Then I got out and waited, leaning up against my truck.
I saw her walk with purpose from the building to the car and I felt a small smile touch my face. With that walk I could tell that she was going to come. Both figuratively and literally. I felt the anticipation of knowing build quickly. I crossed my arms in confidence of her decision and watched her drive over. Her body language showed nervousness and she looked to be avoiding my direction. She parked and I heard the engine cut off. For a moment nothing happened. She still had not looked at me and then I saw her arm and heard the engine turn back on. I went to stand but her eyes met mine and though I couldn’t see the color I could tell the determination. I leaned back and watched as she drew the purple lover to her.
She closed her eyes and her head slightly tilted like before. Her mouth slightly open as her breath quickly picked up pace. She was eager for it, so easy to see. It wasn’t going to take her long as her body raised slightly. Her eyes opened to meet mine, seeking affirmation.
I was more then happy to give her what she needed. And based on this she needed a lot. And I wanted to draw that out. As she came, her body releasing tension and the hold of breath, I realized I was holding mine as well.
I stood up and got into my truck taking a glance back in my mirror as I saw her slowly recovering from the orgasm. I was not abandoning her. I was leaving her wanting more.
I had been gone all week up state finishing out a large job. I had focused on work and thought about her off and on all week. I think she was the type who liked exactly what I liked. And I was eager to get back.
We had just rolled into the parking lot. I had to use the restroom so I went in real quick and had a brief chat with the next foreman. As we walked out together the secretary joined us. I was taking no notice in general till a truck pulled out and there she was. Sitting in her car staring like a doe in the road.
In that brief moment our eyes met and then she took off before we could get any closer. My co-workers were a bit bemused. I was not.
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