Author’s Note: While condoms are not used in this story, the author in no way advocates having sex without a condom. Do be tested for sexual diseases regularly and make sure your partner does the same. It is always the best practice to play it safe by using a condom. Unprotected sex could risk your health and even your life. Be safe!!
If you should enjoy this story, please let me know by leaving a comment at the end and/or sending an email through my profile. Thanks!
All of the characters in this story are 18 or over.
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It was a Friday night around 5 when there was a knock on the door of my dorm room. I shouted “Come in!” and Norm opened the door and looked at me lying on my bed reading.
“Hey, Mark! A group of us are heading out to get something to eat and then go to a movie. Wanna come?”
I pretended to think it over. “No, I don’t think so, but thanks. I think I’d prefer to spend a little time by myself tonight. I may just go down to the Quarter and look around some.”
Actually I had plans for tonight. I was secretly gay but had never done any gay stuff before except for a few blow jobs here and there. I hoped to change that tonight. Like I told Norm, I intended to go into the French Quarter , but I wanted to find a gay bar and hopefully would get picked up and just maybe have real sex (e.g. fucking) with another guy for the first time! I didn’t know whether I’d be successful but I thought I’d have a good chance. I was 21 but looked more like 19. I’m 5’11” and weigh around 155 with a 30″ waist. I have dark brown hair set off by a pale complexion. I exercise in the school gym almost every day, swim laps at least twice a week and love to play tennis on warm days, so I’m pretty athletic and I’m in great shape.
I got ready to go out after Norm left. I didn’t put on any fancy clothes or anything but just wore jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers. I walked over to the streetcar line and rode on down to the Quarter, enjoying the oily smells of the streetcar and the Mississippi which wasn’t very far away. It was a pleasant night, just a little humid and not too muggy. My destination was a hamburger place just across from Preservation Hall. I’d heard it was a gay-run establishment, and I hoped one of the waiters there would tell me where the gay bars were.
When I got there, I went in and sat at an empty table. It was pretty noisy and busy, so I had to wait awhile until a waiter came over to get my order. “Hi, I’m Sammy and I’ll be happy to take care of you.” He was a little older than me, slim and very cute. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before. Are you new in town?”
I smiled. “Not really. I’m a grad student at Tulane, but, yes, this is my first time in here, although I’ve heard about it. Anyhow, I’m Mark. I’ve heard you have great burgers here.”
“We sure do – one bite and you’ll feel like you’re in heaven,” he answered licking his lips.
I ordered one of their hamburgers with fries and a diet coke.
“Good choice,” he told me.
The burger was really good and I had grease dripping down my hands. Sammy noticed I was done and came back over. “It looks like you enjoyed that. Would you like dessert or anything else? Maybe something that’s not on the menu?” He actually winked at me!
I blushed. “Yeah, there is. Would you know of a gay bar in the Quarter that isn’t too noisy and where there might be some dancing?”
Not to be put off he asked, “Looking for anything special, Mark?”, again with a wink. “I’m available after work if you want to mess around some.”
While I was tempted, since he was very sexy, I answered, “Thanks for the offer, Sammy. Some other time if that’s ok. Why don’t we trade numbers and maybe we can meet up when you have a day free?”
“Sounds cool. I know I could show you a really good time!” he grinned.
I looked him up and down some more. He was hot – if just a little too obvious, but I’d love to see what he looked like without those clothes!
“Anyway, I just want to try out a gay bar for the first time. I’ve never been to one and I’d like to see what they’re like.”
He thought for a second, “There’s several, but why don’t you try the ‘Cajun’? It’s a nice place – it’s on Bourbon Street, about 6 blocks further down from here. And unlike most places on Bourbon, it’s a little quieter there.”
After paying, I walked on down Bourbon. Bourbon was as noisy and crowded as usual on a Friday night. There was the usual loud Dixieland music coming out of the open doors of the clubs, but it got quieter after a few blocks and the crowds thinned out until there were only a few people out walking. After a couple more blocks, I saw the ‘Cajun’ in the next block on the left side of the street. It was an old brick building like many in the Quarter, the door was open like most around here and loud classic 60-80s music was coming out of the door. It wasn’t a live band, just normal danceable music.
I walked in and looked around. The place was crowded as you might expect on a Friday night. Most beylikdüzü escort of the guys were standing around talking to friends with a few guys on the small dance floor dancing together; one couple was kissing as they danced and I knew that I had found the right place.
I went up to the bar and asked the bartender for a Ramos Gin Fizz. (I’m not much of a drinker, but I do like the New Orleans drinks like the Gin Fizz and the Sazerac.) “Are you old enough, kid?”, the bartender (who was probably in his late 30’s) asked.
“Of course.” I pulled out my license which satisfied him.
There weren’t any seats at the bar – many guys were just standing next to it, so I stood with my back to it and looked around. I could see only a few guys about my age, practically everyone else was older, 30s, 40s and 50s. But the music was good and I enjoyed listening to it while looking around. A few minutes later an older guy, probably in his 50s squeezed in next to me. “Hey kid, how ya doing tonight.” It was obvious he’d had a few drinks already. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“No thanks,” I told him, “I’m still working on this one.”
“You’re cute, kid. Looking for a good time tonight?”
“I don’t mean to be rude, mister, but get lost, OK?”
“Hey I’m just trying to be nice.” He went on, ignoring the fact that I wasn’t interested in what he had to offer.
Over at a nearby table, “Hey guys, did you see that cute young guy that came in a few minutes ago and is standing at the bar?” Patrick asked the others. “Yeah, we saw him – he’s not only cute but he’s hot as well. I wonder how old he is.” Jeff replied.
“Well, that old guy next to him seems to be pestering him. I think I’ll go over and see if I can’t rescue him.” He picked up his drink and walked over.
I saw him coming over and pleaded at him with my eyes. He touched me on the shoulder and said loudly, “I’m glad you made it, Tom – I wasn’t sure you would.” He continued, chatting, but basically saying nothing. The old guy finally knew he’d struck out and left.
He laughed, “You’re a troll magnet if I ever saw one. My name’s Patrick and I saw that old fart trying to mess with you.”
“I’ve got to thank you. I told him I wasn’t interested, but he just kept on.”
“Look, I’m with some friends of mine at a table over there. Why don’t you come and join us? I’m sure they’d like to meet you – plus it would be easier to talk over there.”
We got up and Patrick steered me through the crowd until we finally reached his table.
“Everyone, this is Mark. Mark – this handsome hunk on my right is Matt; the slim, tall country boy next to him is Jeff and the dorky guy on my left is Peter.”
They all stood up to greet me and shake my hand. Matt was about 6’1, the same as Patrick, but a little heavier. With the exception of Patrick, Jeff was the best looking and also the tallest at 6’3 and slim as Patrick said. Finally Peter was the smallest and the cutest – he was about 5’8 and lanky. I suspected he was probably very flexible. Jeff was the only blond one of the group – the rest had medium to dark brown hair.
As to Patrick, he was gorgeous. Since it was a warm night, he was just wearing shorts and a muscle shirt and I could see some dark hairs protruding from his armpits. It was apparent that he had shaved but had left a dark stubble on his chin. He had a trim, fit, athletic body – it was obvious he worked out.
“Hey wait a minute, I’m not dorky, Patrick,” Peter protested, “maybe a little goofy, but definitely not dorky!” Everyone laughed.
They made space for me and I sat down between Patrick and Peter. “So tell us about yourself, Mark. You owe me at least that after I rescued you!”
I had taken my drink with me, so I took a sip and began. “Well, I’m a grad student at Tulane. I grew up in the L.A. area in California and got my undergraduate degree out there. Tulane gave me a fellowship in English Lit, so here I am. I’m gay, but actually I’m still in the closet. No one at school knows or even suspects, or at least I hope they don’t. Girls don’t do anything for me, but I find good looking, young guys very attractive and exciting.” I grinned nervously. “I’m 21 and in my 1st year graduate school. I’ve been in New Orleans for about 7 months now and haven’t met any gay guys that I know of. So I decided that I’d look around a little in the Quarter to see if I couldn’t meet someone nice down here who’s gay and at least close to my own age. So, what about you guys? Any information you’d be willing to share?”
Patrick started and told me what sort of work he did and so on. I listened politely while studying him, impressed by his poise and obvious intelligence. He was very animated as he talked – and I thought, very sexy too.
After that, Jeff spoke up, “I think we’re all glad you happened to come in here tonight, Mark. The four of us are all roommates and we have a loft nearby here in the Quarter. I’m a nurse, Matt is a mechanic, Peter is a chef and Patrick, as he’s already said, bolu escort is a manager at a local gift shop.”
Peter looked at me with interest, “I hope you’ll forgive me, but sometimes I get to ask the embarrassing questions. If you haven’t met any gay guys since you got here, what have you been doing for sex?”
“Nothing really, just jacking off frequently,” I said self-consciously.
“I’m sure we could do better than that, Mark.” Peter, who was sitting on the other side of me, replied mischievously while shifting slightly so that his leg touched mine. My dick immediately stirred.
“So what did you do back in undergraduate school?” he continued.
“Mostly studying,” I answered. “I did get – and give – occasional blow jobs in department store and bus station restrooms, but that’s it.”
There were looks of disbelief around the table. Finally Patrick spoke up, “How in the world could a cute, attractive gay guy like you, be from California and yet never gotten laid???”
“It’s not that I want to be that way, Patrick, but, really, I didn’t know any gay guys, and contrary to what I’m doing now, I wasn’t into the bar scene. Then again I was so much into my studies in undergraduate school, I really didn’t want to take the time in trying to meet other gay guys.”
“Well it’s nothing to be ashamed about, Mark,” Patrick told me with a grin. “I was a virgin myself at one time.” They all laughed at that.
In the meantime, since I hadn’t moved my leg away from him, Peter had now placed his hand on my knee while Patrick was speaking and was moving it toward my crotch. While I appreciated the gesture (and it did feel good), I wasn’t ready to be groped, even by a cute guy like Peter, so I moved his hand back onto his own lap.
“Hey, Mark,” Matt broke in, “come back to our place tonight, and one of us’ll be glad to take care of that little problem for you!”
A chorus of things like “sure will” came from all of them.
“Definitely.” Peter chimed in, “Hey, maybe we could even have a raffle!” Loud guffaws followed.
Now I was really embarrassed – and blushed.
“Anyone here ever take a guy’s cherry,” Patrick asked.
They all shook their heads, except Jeff.
Jeff spoke up, “I did. I was a junior in college, still living in the dorms. It was on a weekend when the dorms were pretty empty. I was in the common room watching this stupid comedy on TV when a cute freshman came in and settled in the chair next to me. It wasn’t any secret that I was gay and this freshman, his name was Danny, started asking me when I first knew I was gay, how other people treated me, and so on. Then he started asking me about gay sex, blow jobs and fucking and such. I laughed and told him that he could come down to my room and I’d show him. There was a long pause – and then he asked if I really meant it. I told him I did and we went down to my room where I blew him and then fucked him. He was great and really enjoyed being fucked after he adjusted to my dick being in him. Boy, was he tight! We got together several times after that until he finally got a boyfriend.”
I was hard as a rock after that.
Everyone was quiet at the table for awhile.
Peter finally broke the silence. “Hey, guys, I just heard a new joke,” he announced. Everyone groaned. “No, guys, this one is really good, you’ll like it. You see, there were 2 older gay guys who lived together, Tom and Joe. Tom was into fitness and always went out running in the morning. He ran a couple miles that day, came back and looked for the newspaper on the porch but couldn’t find it. He went inside, but Joe wasn’t there, so he called upstairs, ‘Hey Joe, has that paperboy come yet?’. After a few seconds, Joe shouted back: ‘Not yet, Tom – but he says he’s close!'”
We all laughed. Jeff smiled, “Maybe I ought to start taking a paper!”.
Matt looked at Peter and stood up, holding his hand out to him. “Come on, Peter, let’s dance, OK?” They got up and moved to the dance floor, dancing to a rock & roll number and both looking sexy doing it. It was clear they were into each other.
“Do you dance, Mark?” Patrick asked.
“Sure do – I love dancing,” I replied.
He pulled me up and we walked onto the small dance floor. It was a fast number and we danced well together. I loved the way Patrick’s sexy body moved around the dance floor, especially the pelvic thrusts he was doing when he faced me.
A slow dance came on and Patrick took me in his arms, holding me close. He nuzzled against my neck and then licked it. He slid his hands down to my ass, pulling me even closer until our crotches were rubbing together. (Such a turn on!) He slowly turned me around and then wrapped his arms around my chest and pressed himself against my ass. I could feel his hard dick rubbing against my butt and pushed back against it. His hands slipped under my t-shirt and pinched my nipples. (I was really getting hot now.) But then his right hand tried to slide into the back of my pants. I wasn’t ready for that, so I moved bursa escort away, turning back around, shaking my finger at him and grinning. “Not yet,” I mouthed for his benefit.
After a few more minutes dancing with each other, we went back to the table. Peter and Matt had already returned and it looked like they had just about finished their drinks. Looking at our crotches, Matt said, “It looks like you two were really enjoying yourselves out there.”
“I’m not sure about Mark, but I did. I always love to dance with a sexy guy!” Patrick answered.
“Oh I did too. Do people around here often dance like we did?” I asked.
“Sometimes,” Jeff observed. “It depends on the guys. We saw one guy who pushed his partner against the wall and actually tried to fuck him until the bartender stopped it.”
“Really!?” I exclaimed.
“Yeah. We all wished the bartender hadn’t interfered,” Peter answered with grin.
There was a pause in the conversation and Patrick announced, “I guess it’s about time to go home, guys. Would you like to come with us for an hour or two, Mark?”
“I’d love to,” I told him, “if no one minds.” I looked around – there were smiles on everyone’s faces.
“No problem there, Mark. I think we’d all like to get to know you better, Mark – a lot better!” Jeff grinned.
Soon we were all walking further down Bourbon Street, laughing and joking. As for me, I was nervous as hell. I wanted to do this and yet I’m wasn’t sure about it – but I was pretty much determined to go through with it. I liked these guys – they were older and more mature and I felt I would be good hands. Hopefully, they wouldn’t do anything to me that I wasn’t OK with.
It turned out their place was only about 7 blocks away, down a small side street off of Bourbon. When we got upstairs, Patrick held the door open for us. I was the last one to enter and Patrick rubbed my ass on the way in. I liked the way it felt, so I didn’t object.
The apartment in which they lived, was on the 3rd floor of a building in what looked like an old attic that had been reconfigured into a loft. It had a small kitchen, a bathroom with a nice shower and two large bedrooms, each with king-sized beds. The living room was very large with a bare hardwood floor, a few medium-sized rugs, 2 large sofas, several chairs and an entertainment center with a large TV on the wall over it. There were a number of nice pictures on the walls, mostly of framed photographs that someone had taken.
I looked around the room, noticing what a wonderful place it was.
“Hell, it sure is hot in here! I know it costs, but I’m going to turn on the air conditioner until it cools down a bit,” Jeff remarked. “I know it adds to the power bill, but I think it’s worth it tonight, especially since we have company.”
“It is hot, isn’t it,” Patrick agreed. “Go ahead. Until it cools off, I’m going to take off my shirt.”
We all pulled our shirts off and I admired everyone’s chests. Peter and Jeff were both pretty smooth. Patrick had a small patch of hair on his chest and Matt had a lot more, but I wouldn’t call him hairy. Personally, I’m smooth as well. I especially liked the treasure trails that Patrick and Jeff had.
We went into the kitchen where most of them got cold beers and went back into the living room, but Peter pulled me aside and had me stay there with him.
“Mark, I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes.”
“What were you looking for when you came down to the Quarter tonight?” he asked.
“Not much really. I just wanted to see what the gay scene was like there.”
“Was sex on your mind at all?”
“Well, I’d be lying if I didn’t think it was a possibility, but mostly I just wanted to have a good time, look at guys and dance a little. I’m really glad I met you guys – I think all of you are great!”
“Then let me ask you, Mark, if you want to have sex tonight and if you want to have your virginity taken? Because if you do, you’ve come to the right place, but you’ll need to loosen up. You look as tight as a violin string. You even look a little worried – and there’s no need for that. We’re just a bunch of guys who enjoy each other’s company and like to have some fun once in a while. But no one’s going to pressure you into doing anything, so you need to get relaxed.”
He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of rum and got a can of coke out of the refrigerator. “I’m assuming you like rum and coke?”
I nodded. He filled the glass a fourth of the way with rum and the rest with coke.
“I want you to drink all of this before we leave the kitchen – and then I’ll make you another one that you can sip on in the living room.”
As I drank that (it was pretty strong), Peter went on. “Patrick’s a really great guy and if I hadn’t been fucked before, I’d want him to be my first. He’s very gentle and considerate and his dick isn’t real thick – plus he’s never in a hurry.”
“Jeff’s good too, but he’s bigger than Patrick. As to Matt, stay away from him until you’re more experienced. He likes to get rough, which I really like, but he’s definitely not for beginners.”
“What about you, Peter?”
He laughed. “Not me, I’m strictly a bottom boy. I’m not really into fucking a guy, but boy, do I love having a dick inside of me!”
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