Author’s Note: The following narrative is pure fiction. There is no connection between the church herein described and any known organized religious order. There is no such church as St. Benecine. The fact that I use certain vocabulary traditionally associated with various religions is purely coincidental and should not be taken as a slur against anyone’s customs or beliefs. Pastor Thomas is simply a concocted image of my own twisted and perverted imagination and does not represent any clerical personage or religious affiliation that I am aware of. However, I am sure that within every religious order there have been miscreants whose activities are just as foul and reprehensible as those described below. For the moment, set aside your own beliefs, customs and traditions and enjoy reading the exploits of this truly degenerate cleric.
Pastor Thomas sat in the magnificent old leather bound high-backed chair in the senior pastor’s study. It was Friday afternoon. The senior pastor and his assistant were away at conference. Pastor Thomas took this opportunity to relax in the quiet serenity of this room, normally off limits to all but the senior pastor himself. The sun poured in through the stained glass windows of the book lined room and filled the space with an aura of peace and tranquility seldom experienced by this 54 year old cleric. He mused over the past decades of his life. He closed his eyes and thought of all the parishes in which he had served, of the scandals his lecherous and larcenous nature had created. Now, contemplating what awaits him on Saturday, he frowned. Dismissal, defrocking, and banishment from the order weighed heavily on his lips as he mouthed the words.
The Committee of Inquiry [or inquisition as he termed it] had come to St. Benecine in answer to numerous complaints by parishioners regarding his behavior and after several days of interviews with staff and clergy alike, they reached their final conclusion. On the morrow were to announce their decision. He knew in his heart what the judgment would be and he had to admit to himself that in their shoes, he would have probably come to the same decision. He sighed and opened his eyes to gaze at the walls of bookshelves, crammed with world renowned texts of every philosophy mankind has ever thought of. He had read many of them and marveled at their acumen in explaining the ways of human nature, their interpretation of the Holy Word and the teachings found therein. And yet, somehow the wisdom of these thinkers had failed to create in him a passion for truth, decency, compassion for his fellow man and most importantly, the strictures that he was taught and vowed to uphold during his quest to become a pastor of this church. How had he strayed so far from the straight and narrow path? What demons had possessed his soul such that he had never been able to resist the temptations that seemed to present themselves to him on a daily basis? His crimes were not trivial. Stealing money from collection plates. Running up huge phone bills calling 900 numbers to talk to husky voiced harlots. Using church computers to access pornographic web sites. His sexual exploits with both single and married women in the church were the stuff of gossip at the Women’s Auxiliary teas. The angry admonishments and beratings that fell on his ears when he was being castigated by his superiors caused him great pain and humiliation. He was transferred from one diocese to another, each frustrated pastor hoping that the new post would somehow reform his perverted ways or at the very least, rid themselves of this moral derelict. But Pastor Thomas knew in his heart that the demons would never let him have a moment’s peace, even though, on this, his last Friday, he did experience some measure of inner tranquility.
His reverie was interrupted by a soft knocking at the door of the study. For a moment he was flustered. He should not even be in this room but there was only one door so he could not escape. He rose, crossed the erzincan escort lush Persian rug and opened the door. There, before his eyes stood a vision of beauty he had seen and lusted after for quite some time.
Mary L___, a young blond girl of barely 18 years stood with eyes wide in surprise.
“Oh, I was looking for Pastor Williams. Is he here?”
“Oh, I am sorry, my dear, but Pastor Willaims and Pastor Smith are both out of town until late Saturday evening. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Well…she hesitated. I really wanted to talk to Pastor Williams. You see, I… well that is…”
Her shoulders began to slump and she started to sniffle.
“Come, come, my dear, ” he said as he put his arm around her shoulder and led her into the study. “I am sure that we can talk over what is troubling you so. Just sit down here and tell me what is weighing so heavily on your soul.”
She sat down in a chair opposite his and as she did so, her short skirt rode up on her creamy thighs causing him to momentarily glance towards her crotch.
“I feel so ashamed,” she blurted out. “I have sinned terribly and my conscience is driving me crazy. I don’t know what I can do!” She looked up at Pastor Thomas with tear filled eyes, imploring him to say something that would relieve her of her pain.
“Well, my child, tell me what sin you have committed that troubles you so. You must remember that anything you say here will never leave this room and perhaps I can help you in absolving your guilt.” For a moment she was silent, wrestling with a decision to tell this fatherly figure everything that she had done or to just bolt out the door and run away. Father Thomas took a moment to assess the creature before him. She stood about 5’2″ inches tall. She had shoulders that were wider than one would expect on such a small frame. She had an almost angelic face with big brown eyes and luscious, fat, “bee-sting” lips for which any cosmetic company would die to have in their women’s magazine ads. Her breasts were pressing at the seams of her cotton blouse. They were like grapefruit, sliced in half and stuck to her chest. They heaved in time with her heavy breathing.
“Well, she began, it all started after the prom at the high school. My boyfriend, Derek, wanted to go to this party. Some kids had rented a room at a motel and he said they had stolen some liquor from their parents and…”
“I understand, my dear, ” Pastor Thomas said in a low, soothing voice, “that sometimes these temptations are hard to resist. Did you go to the party?’
“At first I didn’t want to but Derek got real mad and told me he was going and if I didn’t I would have to walk home.!”
“So what happened at this party? Is that where your problem occurred?”
“Well, she sniffled, when we got there so many kids had showed up that there wasn’t enough space in the motel room for everyone so a lot of them were just sitting outside in their cars or in the back of pickup trucks. Derek went inside and got some drinks and we sat outside on his tailgate. He kept getting more drinks and I began to get dizzy. I told him I didn’t want any more but he kept telling me that I was a party pooper and that he was embarrassed in front of his friends because I was acting so up tight. I told him I wanted to lie down somewhere so he put me in the backseat of someone’s big car and I fell asleep. When I woke up a lot of the kids had gone but Derek was sitting right next to my head. Oh, Pastor, I was so shocked. He had his…thing, you know…out of his pants and in his hand.”
“You mean his penis?”
“Yes, and he was moving his hand up and down on it. I closed my eyes but he said I had to watch him. Then he leaned over and…” She started sobbing again.
“That’s alright, my dear, just tell Pastor Thomas everything.”
“Oh, Pastor, I am so ashamed. He put his…thing…his penis right in front of my mouth and told me to suck on it. I had never erzurum escort done anything like that. I told him I wouldn’t do it, that it was a sin but he kept pushing it on my lips and all of a sudden it was in my mouth. I was so shocked and ashamed, I didn’t move at first but he kept shoving it in and out of my mouth. He grabbed my head and jammed it into my throat. I gagged and coughed but he kept doing it until…Oh, I can’t tell you what he did…it was so awful.”
“Are you trying to say,” Pastor Thomas suggested as he laid his hand on her shoulder, “that he ejaculated into your mouth?”
“Yes, yes and I choked on it and swallowed some of it and…”
“And what happened after that?’
“I started crying and insisted that he take me home. I guess he got scared a little because I was making such a scene and so he drove me home. Pastor Thomas, what can I do? I have sinned so badly that I may never be forgiven. I haven’t told my parents or anyone but you about this. I can’t sleep at night. I just don’t know what to do…”
The old cleric sat back in his chair and watched the sobbing girl with a mixture of sympathy and unbridled lust. Here was a golden opportunity for him to serve in the capacity of father confessor for which he was trained and ordained. Or, his lecherous demon suggested, a chance to get his nuts drained once more before the axe fell on him.
Sadly, his weaker nature prevailed and he instantly hatched a foul scheme to satiate his carnal lust.
“Mary, my child, I could just tell you that you could light a candle and beg forgiveness and that would be enough to absolve you of your sin. However, that may not satisfy you since your soul seems to be tortured beyond normal limits. I have a very radical suggestion that you may find offensive at first but if you consider it carefully, I think you will agree that it will be the most direct course to ease your troubled mind.”
“Oh, Pastor Thomas, please tell me what I must do. I will do absolutely anything to get rid of my terrible thoughts and fears. I put myself into your hands.”
She reached forward and grasped both of Pastor Thomas’ hands and squeezed them tightly.
“Well, “the old lecher replied, “you must drink of the Holy Essence to gain forgiveness for your sin. It is a very old custom in the church that has rarely been applied but in a situation as serious as this, I see no alternative.”
“Holy Essence?” she asked, gazing intently on Pastor Thomas’ face.
“Yes, he said. Each pastor of this church has been blessed with a special decree that he should deliver the Holy Essence to those sinners who have otherwise led a chaste life but for some reason, had committed only one sin. I have been so ordained and would like to see that you receive this special blessing.”
As the thought of pulling off yet another scandalous caper formed in his perverted brain, the old man’s cock began to rise underneath his cassock, forming a small tent between his legs. His cock was surely not the largest but it was long and fat enough to satisfy uncounted women who enjoyed its tumescence in all three orifices and some others not to be mentioned here.
“But how can I receive this Holy Essence, she whined?”
“You have to understand, my dear, that this is a very unusual ritual and that you are indeed very fortunate to have come to someone who is experienced in performing it..
Now, just get on your knees with your hands behind your back and close your eyes.”
The young girl dropped to her knees and closed her eyes.
“You need to unbutton the top half of your blouse because you will need to do some deep…he paused, grinned and continued…breathing while the ritual is in progress.”
She unbuttoned her blouse such that the tops of her marvelous breasts jumped into view.
He gazed at them in wonder. Mother Nature had indeed been generous with this child.
“The whole purpose of this ritual is to place bursa escort the Holy Essence in exactly the same place as the sin occurred. While you may think it is shocking, you must remain silent during the whole time and do exactly as you are told or you will break the spirit of the act. Do you understand and agree to follow my directions?”
“Oh yes, Pastor, I will do whatever you say and I won’t say a word.”
Pastor Thomas opened the front of his cassock and took his cock in hand. He gently wiped it and its pearly preseminal fluid across her pouting lips. He did this a few times and suddenly his penitent realized what was happening and opened her eyes.
“Close you eyes,” Pastor Thomas sternly barked at her.
She twitched slightly at the sound of his now commanding voice and did as she was told.
“Now, open your mouth and accept the vessel I have presented to you.”
She opened her red lips and the fat, slimy cock slid into her mouth. It slid all the way to the back of her throat and she momentarily gagged a little. He drew it out just a bit and proceeded inward once again. Several times he slowly slid his pulsing cock into her mouth only to be rejected again and again. Throwing all caution and concern to the wind, he grabbed her head in his big, meaty hands and began thrusting harder and faster than before. Tears began to flood from the poor girl’s eyes and ran down her cheeks.
Thoughts raced through her mind. She knew what she did with Derek was wrong and now her confessor was doing the same thing and yet, somehow this was all completely different.
It wasn’t that she did not like the feeling of pleasing someone she admired, but she kept reminding herself that this was all for her benefit, to ease her troubled soul, to clear her conscience of the guilt she had suffered from for so many days. She began to accept the validity of this act and in doing so, she raised her hands from behind her back and placed them on the hips of her savior. The move was not lost on Pastor Thomas and he redoubled his efforts to get his fat cock down the girl’s throat. The serenity of the normally quiet room was now broken by the feral grunts of the old man and slurping, coughing and mewling sounds of his felatrix. Shluck, shluck, shluck, the sounds of his thick cock thrusting into the fat red lips continued as the tide of orgasm began to rise in his loins. The moment of truth was but a few seconds away. With a final forceful lunge, he drove his cock into her throat and unleashed a torrent of white, hot, salty come in spurt after spurt. He immediately withdrew just in time for his victim to gag, cough and spit up some of the semen. A few drops fell into her opened blouse and ran down into her cleavage.
Pastor Thomas threw back his head and howled, “The Holy Essence has been delivered and the sins have been washed away. Swallow as much as you can, my dear, and the more you swallow, the sooner your soul will be as chaste and clean as the driven snow.”
The young girl stopped her coughing and continued to swallow as much of the sticky slime as she could. She finally opened her eyes and raised her tear stained face to see Pastor Thomas smiling down at her.
“Oh, thank you, Pastor. I feel so good. That was a wonderful ritual. I feel like a terrible weight has been taken from me. How can I ever thank you for what you have done for me?”
“Your cleared conscience and purified soul are more than enough reward for me. I would only warn you that you have been blessed with a very special experience and you are hereby warned never to tell anyone of this. We clergy reserve this ritual only for those who truly deserve salvation and we are not about to allow people with frivolous claims to have this privilege. Do you understand what I am saying, Mary?”
“Oh, yes, Pastor, I won’t tell anyone. I am so happy to have been cleansed that I would not do anything to ruin this wonderful feeling I have Thank you, dear Pastor, thank you so much.”
With that she buttoned up her blouse, and with a confident stride, left the now darkened study. Pastor Thomas sat back in his chair and sighed. He felt the old familiar ache in his testicles as they busied themselves producing another load of his “Holy Essence.”
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