Persona Training


I love the feeling of the brisk air as I jog through the dark streets of my neighborhood. It is early morning, and the sun is just starting to peek up over the horizon. I always take a light jog in the morning. Today is no different. As I head through a small forest road on the outskirts of the neighborhood I hear a car behind me. I think nothing of it. At the end of this road, I’ll turn around and head home. The car passes me. It’s an unmarked white van. I consider myself a pretty friendly guy so I give them a wave as they pass.

They stop a few feet in front of me. I wonder if maybe they want to talk. As I get close the back of the van opens and two men come out. They both have ski masks on and quickly approach me. Before I can react one punches me hard in the stomach and I clutch my chest because of the pain. Then I feel a large blow to the head and then darkness.

I open my eyes. The first thing I see across from me is a naked woman. She is pretty and has long black hair. She has a ball gag in her mouth and her hands are cuffed. The cuffs are attached to the wall and her hands are above her head and the cuffs are actually so high up that she is dangling off the ground. I try to call out to her, but my voice comes out muffled. It seems like I have a ball gag in my mouth too. I try to move but realize I am cuffed with my feet off the ground in the same way she is. I realize I am naked as well. The woman just looks at me, terror in her eyes.

Taking stock of where we are I realize we must be inside that van from earlier. Those men got the drop on me and took me. I guess they already had her. We appear to be moving. The van seems to take a sharp turn and I get swung forward and then swung back hard into the wall. The pain takes my breath away. It takes a moment for me to recover. After driving for a little while longer another sharp turn takes place, but this time I watch the woman slam hard into the wall of the van. These bastards don’t care what happens to us I realize as I watch the woman try to recover from the pain. After a little while longer we come to a full stop.

The doors to the van are opened and two identical-looking men with short black hair walk in. They are both wearing identical black T-shirts and jeans. One walks over to me and leaves me cuffed and gagged, but takes the cuffs off the wall and lets me stand. The other one does the same with the woman. We follow them out of the van and outside I see a woman. She has long black hair and is wearing a pink sundress. She is very cute and she also has a brown leather collar that has the buckle firmly in place and it even has a D ring as if a leash could be attached to it.

This woman starts to speak in a gentle voice, “My mistress can be cruel so I suggest you behave. She wouldn’t think twice about cutting off that,” she points to my crotch, “Or those.” She points to the woman’s breasts. “She would probably do it while you are conscious just to see your reactions. So just please behave.” It sounded strange, those clear threats coming from such a sweet voice. Also, the way she spoke at the end sounded real, like she really didn’t want her mistress to resort to that.

This woman starts walking away from the van and the man with me pushes me forward as if to say I should follow so I do. Looking around without moving my head I see that we appear to be in some kind of warehouse district. We are walking over the blacktop towards one of these warehouses. No one else seems to be around. I consider running but these two buff men would probably easily catch me. So we walk, with the woman in the pink sundress in front, followed by me and my fellow abductee next to me and the two men behind us. She stops at a door to the warehouse we are walking to.

There is a keypad jutting out of the wall and she types something into it. I hear a click and she opens the door and walks through and the rest of us follow. Inside the warehouse is nothing. It is completely empty. Despite this, we are led to the center of the warehouse. As we get closer I realize the warehouse is not completely empty as there appears to be a large elevator in the center. I’m not sure where it could lead as there is no second floor. We stand in the elevator anyways. The elevator has no ceiling, only a few small yellow rods coming out of the ground to indicate where it is.

The woman pushes a button and the elevator starts moving down. Once we are several feet down the empty space where the elevator was begins getting smaller as a panel slowly moves forward until the space is completely filled. I’m sure if someone would look in the warehouse right now it would look like there was never any elevator at all.

We only go down for a little while longer before we reach the bottom. We are taken off the elevator and we are in a pristine white hallway. We are led through this hallway into a larger room. This room has several different paths leading off it. There is another pretty woman with long black hair in this room. She is wearing a simple eğirdir escort black T-shirt and jeans. In some ways, she kind of looks like the two men. The first woman walks up to this new woman.

“Did I do good, Aliya?” she asks her.

This Aliya woman walks over to me. She walks around me as if inspecting my body and then she walks over to the kidnapped woman and does the same. Then she walks back over to the woman in the sundress.

She faces the woman in the sundress, her back to us, and says, “You did very well, Aniya.” She then takes her hand and moves it under Aniya’s dress and seems to start to molest her. Then Aliya takes her other hand and uses it to palm Aniya’s breast through her dress. For her part, Aniya seems to be enjoying this. Her face has a look of pleasure and her breathing seems heavy. Aliya leans her head forward and the two kiss. After a moment, Aliya breaks the kiss, looks back at us, and says, “Take them to their rooms. I need to reward my pet.” She goes back to kissing Aniya as I am led down one hallway and the kidnapped woman is led down a different hallway.

This man leads me through a maze of hallways and stairs. I have no idea how he could possibly not get lost, but he seems to know exactly where he is going. Finally, we arrive at a door. The man opens the door and then he takes the ball gag out of my mouth and pushes me into the room. I stumble and trip and fall on the floor. I look back at the man and he closes the door. I hear a click and I assume he just locked me in.

This room I’m in has the same pristine white walls as the rest of this place. There is a very plain bed with white sheets in the corner. In another corner is a toilet with a sink next to it. On the ceiling is a single long white light source. I get up, which is hard to do with my hands still cuffed, and I sit on the bed. Unsure what to do I lie down on the bed. It’s impossible to know how much time passes when I hear a noise. I look at the door and see a tray of food pushed through a flap at the bottom of the door. I am very hungry and despite not trusting the food I eat it anyway. After eating I lie back on the bed and find myself falling asleep.

I wake up and nothing has changed. After lying there for a little while the door is opened. In walks one of the men from before. He gestures for me to follow him. I don’t want to, so I stay on the bed. The man then walks over to me, grabs the chains of my cuffs, and uses them to pull me to my feet. He then yanks me forward and pushes me into the hallway. He shuts the door behind me and outside I see the other man from before. They then escort me, with one man in front of me and one man behind me, through the maze of hallways and stairwells again until we arrive at a new room.

The only entrance to the room is the one we came in from and inside the room are both Aliya and Aniya. Aliya is wearing a pink tank top and jeans with a lab coat over them. Aniya is wearing a strapless yellow sundress. Aniya is watching me while Aliya is looking at some lab equipment on a table. She seems to be in the middle of some kind of experiment. I look over and on one wall are some computers. I look over at another part of the room and see three large things covered by black tarps. This room is pretty large and the three large things are many feet apart from each other. There is also a bed in the center of the room that looks far more comfortable than the one in the room they had me in.

Aliya seems to be done with her experiment and she holds what I assume is the finished product. It is a syringe that has a pink liquid inside. Aliya uses her other hand to signal the two men. One takes a key out of his pocket and uncuffs me. I rub my wrists and they ache from being cuffed for so long. The other man pushes me towards the bed. He pushes me down so I am sitting on the bed. Then he grabs my arm and holds me. The other man comes over and helps hold me down. Aliya walks over to me, the tip of the syringe dripping with that pink liquid. The man holding my left arm extends it out. Aliya is walking straight towards my right arm with the syringe.

“No!” I yell, “Please don’t!”

Aniya kindly says, “It’ll be easier if you don’t struggle.”

I ignore her and try to break out of the grip of these men, but I can’t. All I can do is watch as Aliya takes the syringe’s needle and stabs it into my arm. I feel a sharp sting as it enters me and then she presses the plunger down, inserting whatever the liquid is into my veins. After it’s all injected she pulls the needle out and calmly walks over to Aniya and turns around and they both watch me. The two men let go of me.

I get up but stumble and barely catch myself. A strange unknown feeling sweeps through my body. I look down at the ground and see little black things all around me. I bend down to look and realize all of my body hair has fallen off. I feel my head and learn the hair on my head is still there. It’s not normal, though, as my short elazığ escort blonde hair is getting longer. As I feel my face and realize my facial hair is gone too, my face feels strange, like it’s changing. My hand feels weird too and I look at it and it’s getting smaller. My arms too, even my legs, my whole body is getting smaller. I look and see my stomach fat disappearing, my body becoming lean. My chest is expanding out while my penis and testicles shrink. They continue shrinking until they’re gone completely. A vaginal opening begins to appear as my new breasts continue to get larger. My hair has finally stopped growing and it now reaches past my shoulders. My legs and arms are small and dainty. I think my height has changed as I look up at the men near me, where before I was at eye level with them. My new breasts have also stopped growing and if I had to guess their cup size is about DD. I look over at Aliya.

“What did you do to me?” I ask her. My new higher-pitched voice sounds weird coming out of my mouth.

Aliya calmly says, “I changed you into a woman. It is just the first part of my experiment involving you.”

“First part?” I ask, “If you think I’ll participate in any other part you’re crazy.”

‘Marianna,” Aliya says, “Emmeline, Brennan.”

I look at her wide-eyed and terrified. Marianna is the name of my wife, Emmeline is my daughter, and Brennan is my son.

“That’s right, I know all about you,” Aliya says, “If you’re not cooperative maybe I’ll take one of them and use them for an experiment.”

“No please,” I say desperately, “I’ll be good. I’ll be cooperative. Just leave my family alone.”

“That’s great,” Aliya says. She then snaps her fingers. The two men walk over to one of the large objects. They remove the tarp. It’s a soft-looking chair with a dildo sticking up from the seat.

Get on the chair,” Aliya says.

Her previous threat still in my mind I walk over to it. I go to sit down, but as soon as I start to feel the dildo enter my new vagina I immediately stop and start to stand back up out of instinct. Aliya sees this and snaps her fingers. One of the men then grabs my shoulders and roughly pushes me down onto the dildo so that it is fully in me. The feeling of being full in such a foreign place is strange and uncomfortable. The force the man pushed me on it with was enough for it to hurt too.

“I can have my men hold you there or you can be a good girl and just sit there on your own,” Aliya says.

“I’ll be a good girl,” I say, the pain from the man pushing me on the dildo still fresh in my mind.

“Great,” she says, “Aniya bring the headset.”

Aniya walks over with what looks like a VR headset. She places it on my head. For now, the screen is black. I hear some movement and it sounds like there is something directly in front of my face.

“Open your mouth,” Aniya says,

Still afraid I obey her. With my mouth open I feel something being pushed inside. After trying to get a sense of the shape with my tongue I learn that it is a dildo. Aniya pushes it further into my mouth, right before the edge of my throat, and then leaves it there.

“I am going to put headphones on you now,” Aniya says, “I suggest you do your best to stay there on your own. If you try to get up, the men will force you to stay.”

She puts the headphones on my head and I can’t hear anything, they completely drown out all sounds. Between the headphones and the black screen of the headset, it’s like I am both blind and deaf now. After a few moments, the screen finally turns on.

There is a video on the screen. There is a naked man with short black hair. He is sitting on the edge of a bed and he is stroking his large penis. A naked woman comes into the frame. She has long blonde hair. Looking at her I realize she looks exactly as I must look now. This woman who looks like me gets down on her knees in front of the man. The man stops stroking his cock and she starts doing it instead. Then she starts taking him in her mouth. Watching this hot blonde suck this guy off is turning me on. I can feel my nether regions getting hot and wet. Despite being a married man, I am jealous of the guy. Then in a moment my view changes. I am now looking up at the man. The dildo in my mouth begins to move and between it and my new view, it feels like I am sucking him off. I try to spit the dildo out, but I can’t. I’m not gay, I love my wife, I don’t want to suck a man off or do anything with a man. I don’t want these dildos in me. The dildo in my pussy begins to vibrate, sending a shiver of pleasure through my body. My entire self as a man feels like it’s being violated. Then I hear a voice. It sounds exactly like my new voice. “I am Kelly. This is my husband, Vance. I love my husband. I love giving him blowjobs. I love pleasing him. I am a good wife.” The voice repeats again and again. There seems to be some kind of static in between the repeats, but I’m not sure what it is. After being forced to suck on the dildo elbistan escort for a while on screen it looks like this Vance cums. When he does the dildo in my mouth lets out a liquid. It tastes salty and bitter and if I had to guess it is semen. I don’t want to swallow it, but with the dildo stuck in my mouth, I have no choice. The taste is awful and I find myself gagging. In order not to choke I try to calm myself and breathe through my nose. I hope this is the end of it, but the image cuts back to me sucking Vance’s penis. I am forced to hear that same message repeat over and over and the dildo and Vance cum two more teams forcing me to swallow two more mouthfuls of semen. Finally, the image cuts out and the headphones and headset are removed.

Aliya is still there with Aniya and the two men and she says, “Did you enjoy your hour?”

“I was stuck like that for an hour?” I ask.

“Yes,” she says, “You will be on this machine for an hour every day.”

Aniya then walks up to me and she is holding a clipboard, “I need to ask you a few questions.”

“Fine,” I say.

“Are you a man or a woman?” she asks.

“You turned me into a woman, but I am a man,” I say.

She writes something on the clipboard, “What is the name of your spouse?”

“You already know, it’s Marianna,” I say.

Again she writes something down, “Do you have kids?”

“Yes,” I say.

She writes again, “What is your name?”

“Landen,” I tell her.

She writes on the clipboard again. Then she walks over to Aliya and says to her, “She got every question wrong.”

“That’s what I would assume for the first day,” Aliya says and then to me, she says, “You may get up now.”

With a shlurp, I get up off the dildo. It and the chair are slick with my feminine juices. Aniya notices me looking at it and she says, “Don’t worry. It will be cleaned before you use it next time.”

Aliya says, “We’ll see you next time, Kelly.”

“My name’s Landen,” I say as the two men escort me out of the room.

“For now at least,” Aliya says, managing to get in the last word.

They escort me all the way back to my room. I am tired from earlier and lie down. I feel the need to pee and it humiliates me to have to sit down as my new tits jiggle in front of me. At some point, food is brought in and I eat it without hesitation. What more could they do to me at this point?

The next day is the same. An hour sucking that dildo as the dildo in my vagina vibrates. Followed by those same stupid questions and Aniya saying I got them all wrong. This then starts to repeat day after day. I have no way of telling time in this place and I have no idea how many days have passed, but if I had to guess it’s probably been roughly a month. When I walk into the room on this day there is a man who hasn’t been in the room before. It is the same man I have seen in the videos, Vance. He is naked.

“Say hi to your husband, Kelly,” Aliya says to me.

I walk over to Vance and hold out a hand for him to shake, “Hi,” I look over at Aliya with a glare, “My name is not Kelly. It’s Landen.”

Vance shakes my hand and says, “We’ve met already. My name is Johanna. Though they’ve been insisting that it’s Vance now.”

“Are you the woman they took me with?” I ask.

“Yes, though I’m not a woman any longer. Just as you are no longer a man,” he says.

We both look at our captors and I say, “What do you want from us?”

Aliya says, “We want you to show your husband here the fruits of your training. Give him a blowjob.”

“What?” I say, “Ew. No. I don’t want my mouth anywhere near another man’s dick.”

“That’s too bad,” Aliya says, “If you don’t want to demonstrate on Vance I suppose I could have my men here hold you down, shove a ring gag in your mouth, and then have them face fuck you until I feel like telling them to stop.”

She goes to snap her fingers, but I yell, “Wait!”

“Are you going to do as you’re told?” Aliya asks me.

In a defeated tone of voice, I say, “Yes.”

Aliya puts her hands together and says, “Fantastic.”

She and Aniya watch us expectantly. I kneel in front of Vance. He looks down at me. He seems unsure of what to do, but thanks to all my sessions it feels like I’ve already done this thousands of times. So I take his dick in my hands and gently stroke it until it gets hard. I then put my mouth over it. The real thing feels different from those dildos. It feels warm and soft. I look straight up at him as I start to bob up and down on his dick. I lick his glands with my tongue and start sucking on it even stronger. Above me, he seems lost in it, but his hands grab my head and force me to quicken my pace. When he starts to tense up a part of me wants to get away, but another part of me wants to swallow it all. When he cums that second part wins and I swallow all of it.

I get up and he says, “Thanks. That felt great. Sorry, you had to do it.”

I give an angry look at the two women and then look back at him and say, “It’s not your fault. They are the ones who made me do it.”

“Well?” Aliya asks me.

“Well, what?” I ask her back.

“Did you enjoy it?” she asks me, “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy sucking your husband off? Feeling him cum down your throat? Proving to him that you are a good wife.”

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