Raped by his bully Ch. 03

Big Tits

Clara is feeling upset with both herself and someone else right now. The teen cheerleader is pissed off at herself for how she was such an idiot to cheat on a wonderful guy like Roger and break up him. She also resents Sofia for taking him away and fucking him. Deep down, even when breaking up with him, Clara has always known that she wouldn’t be able to get over Roger. He is the love of her life and she let him get away. But is it a foregone conclusion that they will never get back together? She isn’t sure about that yet. A part of her is telling her to keep fighting.

She approaches him in the library again a month after she found out that he just got fucked by Sofia. He is sitting there at his favorite spot and she moves over to sit opposite him. Roger looks up at her and sighs in irritation. “I’m starting to think that you’re actually dumb. I have told you countless times before that I’m done with you. I don’t want to see your face again. You’re the lowliest thing to have ever been in my life and I want you to please leave me alone already.” It hurts every fiber of her being to hear him saying that. It truly does, but she is willing to forgive him since she did put him through a lot.

“Don’t you remember what I said about telling everybody how pathetic you are in bed?” Clara asks. “Oh, right. I forgot you have Sofia now. But do you think she is serious about you? Will she stay around, or is she going to leave you dry once she’s had her fun? I’m the only one who loves you. If you don’t take me back I can do more than totally ruin your social life. I can send everyone the dick pics you gave to me earlier on in our relationship.” Roger gulps. He had forgotten all about those photos until now. Clearly he made some bad choices in the past. Really bad choices, in fact.

“I don’t care,” he finally says, slamming his hands onto the table, shocking her with how ferocious he is acting. “I just don’t care about society anymore. All I care about is being with Sofia and also being away from you. Spread any sort of rumors you want and send out all my pictures for all I care. Nothing could be worse than being you again. Every time I see your face I want to throw up. You are the worst thing to have happened to me and I regret going out with you in the first place. Now get the fuck out of here, you dumb fucking bitch. We both know you can’t even read so what’s the point of you being here in the library?”

“Do you really despise me that much?” Clara asks, sounding close to tears now. He quickly nods and she sobs. It is all her own fault for foolishly breaking up with him, thinking she could move on from the only boy she’s ever loved. But now she knows she will never be able to do that. Clara couldn’t stop thinking about Roger at all no matter how hard she tried. He is always right there, on her mind every second and every day. The curvy cheerleader spends every waking moment yearning for him, knowing it is futile and he will never return to her, no matter her best efforts. He hates her and she has no one to blame for it but herself.

Suddenly, Sofia arrives on the scene. “Of course he despises you after I banged him senseless,” she says to Clara, before turning to Roger. “You do, don’t you baby? I warmed your cock in my pussy so well, didn’t I? You couldn’t help but cum in my cunt when I ordered you to, because you were born to be my slut, my whore.” Her words are making him throb beneath the table and he looks up at her, his face bright red. The blonde athlete sits down right next to him and kisses him on the cheek, pecking him gently. Clara watches, seething in anger at what’s unfolding before her eyes. She’s never been this angry before, ever.

Clara jumps up from her seat and moves around the table, attempting to strike Sofia. She swings a massive punch at her but Sofia easily blocks it and responds with a crushing straight right to her stomach. Clara bends over ini pain but tries again, this time launching a left haymaker. This time Sofia ducks before sending a right hook to Clara’s ribcage. The devastating blow breaks a few of Clara’s ribs and she collapses onto the floor, clutching the side of her body. Her broken ribs puncture her left lung and she coughs up blood, getting up to her feet with great difficulty before stumbling out of the room, still in great, unbelievable pain. Roger watches this with shock. As much as he hates Clara, he doesn’t wish pain on her. He does understand though that Sofia had to do it to defend herself.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” she says to Roger, massaging her knuckles, rubbing them and then looking at him with a grin. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a fight.” Somehow her cool, calm confidence only makes her all the more appealing to him. God he is so smitten by this new version of Sofia. Gone is any trace of the malice and contempt she once showed to him. Now all he can see is her charm and how kind she is to him. She’s even stopped being mean to other people after he asked her to, and is a much better person than he çarşamba escort once thought she could be. He now sees that he made the right choice in saying yes to her when she confessed to him.

“It’s okay, baby,” Roger replies, kissing her back and then resting his head on her shoulder, looking up at her and pouting cutely. Her heart flutters. “You were so brave, taking care of that so easily. So awesome.” Hearing him say this makes her beam. It’s a genuine smile too. A lot of her smiles when she’s with him have become genuine as she grew to enjoy his presence. Maybe she is developing a little bit of a crush on him without realising it. That could be it. He really is a cutie pie. But she will have to break up with him eventually since that’s what she told her friends she will do, and she doesn’t want to lose them.

“Thanks,” she mutters as he puts his stuff back in his bag and then starts heading to the exit, with her following close behind. They have to leave now if they don’t want to be late for their first class of the day and that’s something neither of them want. He gives her a kiss before they go into the room and head off to their seats. Some of her friends giggle and wave at him, liking the way he blushes. They think he is really cute but wouldn’t dare to make a move on him since he belongs to Sofia and no one wants to fight Sofia, because she is way too strong for anyone to handle. Clara just learnt that lesson the hard way earlier in the library.

During the class, Sofia watches her cute boyfriend from behind, staring at the back of his head as he sits there. She is full of thoughts about how life will be like after she has to break up with him to honor the bet. The bet was to date him for three months and by now one month has already passed. She only has two months left and is starting to hate the idea of breaking up with him more and more every day. It’s gotten to the point where the girl is now seriously considering giving up her friends for Roger if she really has to. She has such a massive crush on him right now and can’t deny her feelings for any longer.

During the morning break, he asks her “Is something wrong? You’ve stared at me throughout our whole first lesson? Was there something that you wanted to talk about?” She quickly shakes her head and Roger frowns but decides not to press the issue further. If she doesn’t want to talk about it then he isn’t going to pressure her. He’ll give her time and space if that’s what she wants. Roger is still in slight disbelief at this but he can not deny that he is starting to like Sofia a lot. There are sparks between them and everyone around them can see this very clearly too. It’s just so obvious.

“Thanks for being here for me,” Sofia tells him. “I will admit it. I only bullied you and other kids because I was afraid of not being able to fit in with all of the other kids. But you mean more to me. I will choose you. From this point on I will always choose you, Roger.” Then she kisses him on the cheek. “See you at lunch,” Sofia says before she heads to her physics, him staring at her huge ass. She looks back at Roger over her shoulder and winks, and he blushes in embarrassment at being caught while checking her out. “Don’t worry. I like it when you stare at my ass,” she tells her adorable nerd with a giggle, still giving him a smile.

And she really does love it. Sofia loves the incredible power that she has from how she corrupted him. She raped him so well that he is now mind broken and belongs to her pussy and ass. Just last night she fucked him till he begged her to stop and then continued to fuck him some more. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to violate the boy so thoroughly and get away with it because he is now addicted to her strength. He will never be able to leave her because she fucked his brains out several times and even if there is a good reason for him to, he is now her brainless bimbo.

She spends her next class thinking about it as she listens to her teacher talk about the topic. The girl isn’t really paying any attention in the class right now though. Sofia is distracted by thoughts of Roger and can’t get him out of her mind at all. Maybe she should risk losing her friends for him and refuse to break up at the end of the three months period. That would be keeping the promise that she made to him earlier. But she grew up with Sarah and Patty. Could she really give them up if push comes to shove? Could she do that? That’s a question she doesn’t know the answer to. She’s so afraid of what would happen when she is forced to choose.

The girl eventually manages to push the thoughts out of her mind and focus on something else instead. She works for the duration of her next class, actually paying attention in it and taking notes. Roger still occupies her mind from moment to moment but she isn’t as distracted by the thoughts of him now as she was earlier. It helps that she has already spent the entire morning thinking about him and could therefore think about çatalca escort something else now, having sort of gotten him out of her system temporarily. He’s enchanted her without even having to try at all. Yup, if she has to break up with him, it will probably be the most painful experience of her life.

At the end of the day, she goes home with thoughts of him still popping up in her mind as she finds that she’s now back to square one, with no class to distract her. At this rate, there’s a fair chance she won’t be able to make herself break up with him when confronted by her friends about it.

One month later

Roger is just reading in the library as he waits for his girlfriend and her close friends to arrive. They are at track and field practice right now and should be back here soon enough. It has already been forty minutes. He has read twenty pages and sets the book down to take a sip of his water. Soon Sofia would be in the library here with him and they can talk and hang out. Whenever he isn’t in the same room as her he thinks about her and wishes she’s here. That is just how much she means to Roger now. All the past resentment no longer matters as he has learnt to let go of it fully.

Finally Sofia and her friends arrive at the library. Sofia walks straight over to him and quickly kisses Roger on the cheek. Roger blushes and Patty says “Aww, look at you two.” Her teasing only makes him blush more and Sofia ruffles his hair before sitting down on the chair next to him, while Patty and Sarah take opposite seats. “So what were you really doing while we were at practice? Were you thinking of Sofia and jerking off under the table as you wait for us? You can admit it. There is no embarrassment at all, you know? I make my boyfriend jerk off to me when I’m not with him.”

“Patty, you once made him jerk off to you while you were sitting right next to him,” Sarah remarks. “I have no idea why you would do that though. I find the act of sucking a guy’s cock to be so much better than watching him stroke it, even if it is to a picture of me.” She is a very enthusiastic cocksucker and also proud of the fact, never afraid to admit how much she loves sucking guys off left and right. Every guy who asked her for blowjobs always got them, even the ones who are ugly. As long as he has a cock, she will suck it, no matter what. No discrimination agains anyone at all.

“I wasn’t jerking off,” Roger interrupts to stop this from getting more explicit. “Can we please not talk about that? I only want to talk about sex with Sofia when we’re alone and with no one else. It just doesn’t feel right.” Then he turns around to face his tall girlfriend who is beaming at him happily. He loves how he can make her smile like this. It just makes her look so radiant, so perfect. She is always perfect in his eyes, yes, but when she is smiling, it takes that to a whole new level. There is no denying that she’s the most beautiful girl he has ever met.

“Can’t believe this all started from a bet and actually worked out so well,” Sarah mutters before Patty elbows her in the ribs. Sarah gulps. Both Roger and Sofia are staring at her now, with Roger only curious while Sofia looking positively angry. “Forget what I said. It was just some nonsensical thing,” the tall teen backtracks. Roger squints at her in his suspicion and she trembles, mostly due to the anger in Sofia’s eyes. Patty isn’t helping either, also glaring at her for the way she managed to mess it all up so spectacularly. There is no way she’d be able to get out of this now and Sarah knows it.

“What bet?” Roger questions the three athletic girls suspiciously as they start to look in different directions. All three of them avoid eye contact with him and this only increases his feeling that there is something wrong going on right now. “Are you hiding something from me? I could tell, you know? I might be really socially awkward but I’m not stupid. I know you’re hiding something. Just tell me already.” Then Roger turns to look right at Sofia. “Sofia, you will tell me what is going on, right? Please tell me that you will. Didn’t we agree to keep no secrets from each other?” Normally he wouldn’t press but something tells him he should today.

Patty sighs. “If you don’t tell him then I will,” she says to Sofia. Sofia starts to protest, sputtering. “Come on, we have to do this. He deserves to know about it Sofia. You know he deserves to know.” Then Patty faces Roger. “She started to date you because she lost a bet with me and Sarah. It’s our way of punishing her for not getting a gold medal in that most recent match.” Roger’s mouth is now hanging open in shock and the boy shifts his gaze from her back to Sofia, who looks at him very guiltily out of the corner of her eye. “Come on, Sofia. Tell him the truth,” Patty now says to her.

“Is it true?” Roger asks his girlfriend in a shaking voice. She nods slowly. He is clearly devastated by her admitting this and doesn’t know what to do about it. It is far worse than çaycuma escort anything he could have feared. He didn’t think it would be something this bad. The boy jumps up from his chair, pointing at her face with a trembling finger. “I can’t believe this! Why would you do this to me?” Roger demands angrily as he takes his bag in anger and prepares to leave. She grabs his wrist first though. “Let go of me. I am leaving now,” he tells her as Sofia shakes his head, refusing to let go of him.

“I’m so sorry,” Sofia tells him. “At first it was just a bet but then I started truly enjoying spending my time with you. It has been the best couple of months of my entire life.” She looks at him and he knows his gaze is softening, but he still tries glaring at her, not really wanting to make this easy for her right now. She should prove herself to him first. There is going to be no quick forgiveness now. This is really messed up and he has to ensure that she understands and won’t mess with his feeling the same way for a second time. No, he won’t let her do that to him again.

“I don’t know, Sofia,” he replies. “What you did was pretty messed up and I am not so sure I can forgive you on such a short notice. You agreed to ask me out and date me as a punishment which is basically saying that you thought about dating me as a horrible experience that will work as a penalty for losing a race. How would you feel if I asked you out as a punishment after getting less than an A in a history paper? Pretty horrible right? So please just put yourself in my shoes for one moment here, will you? How can I know that you won’t hurt me this way again, Sofia?”

At this point Patty and Sarah decide to leave the scene, giving the two a little time and space to sort this issue out by themselves. That’s what they need right now and both Sarah and her sidekick are aware of it. They move to another of the library’s corners and wait there in trepidation. It’s too far away for the duo to hear what Sofia and Roger are saying but they can still look at them as they talk. They can figure out if this is going well based on body language. The duo know Sofia well enough and Roger is an open book, so to speak. Nothing too challenging to read him.

For once in her life Sofia is at a loss on what she should say. Then she recovers and looks him in the eyes, showing that confidence again. “Because while I may have started dating you out of a sense of obligation, my feelings for you also started to change. I was unhappy when we started dating but now I don’t want to be anywhere else but with you. You are where I belong and I will never ever leave your side.” She looks at him and he can feel his heart softening as Sofia holds his hands. He almost smiles now but doesn’t do that just yet and instead decides to ask her something.

“I’m in love with you now but do you love me too?” he asks her. She gasps in surprise at hearing him say those three words. “I don’t expect you to say that to me today. How about this? Can you see yourself falling in love with me one day Sofia? Is it possible? I’m willing to wait for you. Just tell me that it is possible and I’ll wait no matter how long I have to. Tell me that, even if how we started out was a lie, what we have today is real and what you said to me today is true.” He has never looked so vulnerable, not even when he found out that Clara was cheating on him, probably because he loves Sofia much more than he ever loved Clara.

Sofia leans in and kisses him on the lips after a moment’s pause. “Baby, you do not have to wait any longer,” she tells him. “I love you already. I love you and I will never stop loving you till the day I die.” Roger’s heart swells with joy and he is far happier than he has ever been in his entire life. She embraces him and her two friends who are watching both smile as they see that everything’s gone very well. They return to the desk and Sofia says to them “I’ll forgive you two for messing up and revealing the secret since it led to me and him admitting our love for each other.”

“You have us to thank for that,” Patty says. “You see, we knew from the start that you secretly had a crush Roger, a crush that you refused to admit, even to yourself. That’s why Sarah and I made that bet with you. We knew you wanted to go out with him but were afraid of what everyone else would think. That’s the reason we made you do it so that you won’t spend the rest of your life living in regret. We didn’t want you to hate yourself for not taking the risk when you had the chance to. And now it’s clear to see we made the right choice!” Both Sofia and Roger are stunned to find out the real reason of why she asked him out

At the end of the day though, they are happy together and that’s all that matters. Sure, the way they got together was highly unusual but who cares about the past? What matters the most is right now and right now they are a happy couple and nothing will ever be able to change that. The rest of the week goes by uneventfully and they manage to maintain a long-distance relationship during college. Both of them trust each other completely and it all goes fine the way they knew it would. After graduation, Sofia makes him move in with her and they go looking for jobs at the same time, as in love with each other as ever.

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