Reunited – 44 Years Later: The Move Home


This is the fourth installment in my fantasy story about Robert and Patrick. In the first installment I explained that elements of the fantasy are true. What the reader should do is read the earlier segments to understand how and why each installment builds. The author retains all copyrights associated with this writing and those that preceded this.


Part 1

Terri was not used to getting as high as she was that night, plus the wine she drank, she was wasted. Robert and Patrick made up a bed for her in the living room, laid her down, pulled a cover over her, and let her sleep, she was out cold. Robert and Patrick did spend much of the rest of the night making love. Everyone wakes up Saturday morning.

Robert was still sleeping soundly as I got out of bed. Remembering that Terri was in the living room sleeping, I grabbed some clothes and slipped quickly into the bathroom for a quick shower and anal douche. Robert had left a couple deposits over night.

I heard some movement outside as I was finishing my shower, drying, and getting dressed. I left the bathroom and entered the living room to see Terri moving around. Just as she saw me leave the bathroom, she flew past me into the bathroom. It was clear that she needed take care of the needs of nature. I heard the shower turn on and knew Terri was in the shower, I knew she would see the enema bag I used for douching and knew she would know it was recently used. “Dad,” Terri silently called from the cracked open bathroom door, “give me my hand bag, I need something clean.”

I came to the bathroom door stretching out my arm with the bag. Terri opened the door a crack more trying to remain hidden behind the door but she wasn’t trying too hard. She let me glimpse her firm breasts, shaved pubic area, and turned just slightly letting me see her firm butt. She was very toned from years of martial arts. Just as quickly as I got a glimpse, she closed the door. Did I hear a giggle as the door closed?

I checked in on Robert to see he was finally coming awake. I stepped in to tell him Terri was almost done in the bathroom. “Patrick, you already cleaned up,” Robert asked. I saw his naked body exposed to me and began feeling a stirring in my loins.

“I better get out of here before I forget my daughter is in next room. I’m feeling a stir in my stomach.”

Robert looked at me, “Really, even with a hot woman in the house? You turned on by me?”

“Yes. Now get up, clean up, I’ll make coffee.” I leaned over Robert to give him a little peck.

Terri was out of the bathroom and looking for something to eat. “Is Robert up,” she asked. Then she smiled realizing the innuendo.

“He’s awake, and he may be up too, I’m not sure. I’ll get coffee started. There are bagels and cream cheese, we can have eggs, too. If you have some serious morning munchies, we can have bacon also.”

Terri must have been suffering the residual effects of marijuana. She just said, “All the above.” At this point, Robert came through the bedroom door with some shorts on. Terri turned to look at him, told him breakfast was going to take a few minutes and he had time to clean up. “Hum, dad, I see why you find him attractive.” I’m was sure she was eyeing his endowment.

“You noticed what he’s packing, I see.” Hearing that, Terri went rouge when I caught her wondering eye.

“I saw an enema bag in the shower,” Terri had a hint of trying to play me as she made that statement, “you constipated?”

“Trying to embarrass me now? Of course there is an enema bag in the shower, I had to douche. You know douching don’t you? And, who was it trying to hide behind the door in full view when I handed over a hand bag.”

“Maybe we better concentrate on breakfast.” Terri and I went back to preparing breakfast. During our little tit-for-tat, the coffee finished, we both went for a hot cup. As we sipped coffee and worked on breakfast, we didn’t avoid making contact, hands, arms, thighs. I wasn’t sure whether Terri was tempting me or maybe me tempting her.

A few minutes later Robert emerged from the bathroom. He has showered, and I presumed did some deep cleansing as well. “If it tastes as good as it smells, we better keep Terri around. Where is my coffee, I need to get my head back in order.”

“You don’t know Terri very well, she is great at making toast and warming things in the microwave. I cooked the food. Still want Terri around,” I teased. “On most mornings she does look better than me; however, this morning she was a little rough getting up.”

“Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a wonderful looking woman,” Robert was looking right into Terri’s eyes as he complimented her appearance.

“Well, Robert, I am not dissatisfied with your appearance this morning either.” Terri was being a bit shy in her comment causing to Robert to look at me quickly.

“You’ll have to pull it out of her, I’m not going there.” Terri turned a deep red when I said pull it out of her, I just left it at that.

“It is time to have some breakfast. Later zenci porno I want you guys to walk me around the lake. It been years since I did that and I want my dad and you to be with me.” Terri scooped up her portion while Robert and I had our shares. We put on another pot of coffee, cleaned up dishes and pans, then went out on the deck to have coffee in the late morning sun. Terri picked a chair between Robert and I, reached out her hands to us, took our hands and drew them to her. “I am still having trouble taking this all in, but I think we are a new family, my dad and his lover.”

Part 2

We finished our coffees then took turns in the bathroom. It was getting close to noon when we finally began walking around the lake. Robert and were wearing shorts and t-shirts, Terri opted for a bikini top that was not too revealing but allowed a lot of sun to give her some color. She also wore shorts but they rode low on her hips and tight against toned butt.

One neighbor she knew was outside and engaged us. I introduced Robert as an old schoolmate who was moving back to the area to retire, that he was here for a few days and leaving tomorrow. This neighbor I knew to be a busy body so I quickly said we wanted to get in a good walk and since she was doing yard work, we would press on.

As we walked on a bit, Terri asked why I was short with the neighbor. “Terri, she is the local snoop, loves gossip, spreads gossip faster than a forest fire. She tells all kinds of stories about Matt and Katie that are outright lies and I’ve caught he in them. No trust at all.”

“I wouldn’t guess that but I think it could happen.”

We walked on soon having Terri between us again. She was holding both our hands and smiling. Any casual observer might think were a threesome, two older guys with a 28 year old firm and attractive woman. Terri pointed out all the new things she was seeing, remodels, new places, boating ramps. We reached the point where we turned to go onto the dike when I pulled out my brown paper bag. “What’s that for dad?”

“We are going to pick some wild herbs to clean and dry for later use,” I said. “There are some really good herbs back here, just have to remember to leave some for others.”

We began walking the edges of the dike looking for some marijuana patches. Terri was adventurous plunging deeper into the overgrowth. “Be careful, I called, you might run into thistles and scratch your thighs.” I guess I called out too late, she backed out quickly with thistles stuck to her shorts.

Carefully picking them off, she asked what kinds of herbs we were looking for. “Marijuana, and it doesn’t grow in the high grass.” She picked a couple thistles out of the cups of her bikini top. How they got in there is anyone’s guess.

Walking on, we found a patch that didn’t looked picked although it was visible from the path. We didn’t fill bag at this patch since we knew other were along the way. When we were close to home, a neighbor on the other side of my cabin called out. “Is that Terri, wow, she is a doll.”

“Hey stop drooling, your girlfriend will cut you off and you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do, but that doesn’t mean I can’t admire the gifts of nature. Who else is with you?”

“Robert. He and I grew up together and he has been here for a few days taking care of business, moving back to the area in a few weeks.”

“Patrick, I’ve noticed your down here all the time, I never see your wife, what’s up.”

“Divorce. After 41 years we figured it wasn’t working. Now I can have friends stay, have Terri around, and not have to treat them like guests. Hell, Terri doesn’t even care if I fart in the living room.” Having a quick laugh, we walked the few yards across my property to the cabin.

Robert was quick to observe the neighbor was built huge. “Roaming eyes Robert? He used to be a semi pro kick boxer. His last match lasted a minute with the younger ‘stronger’ guy getting knocked out.”

“Well, old habits. Got to admit he does have some mass.”

“His girl friend would put you through her shredder. She is a fox and foxes their territory. Besides, she is as strong as him.”

Terri asked why the neighbor didn’t ask about the bag and the simple was, “Look up Dave vs. the United States. While he was in prison for steroids, he was fighting a 60 year marijuana conviction. He knows what is in the bag. There are multiple meanings for herbs.”

Robert quickly piped in, “I bet no one fucked with him in prison.”

“So the story goes,” I said, “the first week he was in, some gang of black guys started pushing him around, they put up their baddest strongest fighter and Dave damn near killed him No one ever found out what happened but Dave was king of the cell block for five years. Oh yeah, he won his supreme court battle too.”

Part 3

After returning to the cabin, Terri said she was going to leave but would be back tomorrow after we left saying she would begin moving her some of her property when she came back. She told us that we could zorla seks porno call any time if we needed to have her follow up with contractors before we got back. We said our good byes and headed back inside after watching Terri pull away.

It wasn’t long before Robert and I were sans clothing, naked, and getting high again. We decided to eat a light lunch as we got mellow. We decided to have a dose of Levetra as we ate allowing it time to get to work. We ate some cooked weed and puffed on another joint.

It was a warm Saturday afternoon with many people out around the lake, in paddle boats, or swimming. Robert and I were soon embracing enjoying the contact of our bodies. There was not doubt that before long, we would be locked in hot sex. I knew I was going to receive a thorough sexing.

I knew what was about to happen as Robert bent me over the couch cushions, massaged my sphincter with lube and fingered lube into ass. He removed his fingers and I was quickly impaled on his full length. He was buried in me and by instinct, I began muscle contractions against him. Robert was putting a lot of energy into his strokes; I knew he wasn’t going to last long, that I wasn’t going to have an anal O. I didn’t care, as long as Robert was enjoying himself. I knew that he usually stays hard after taking Levetra, his first cum is just a prelude to more and longer loving.

Robert was driving into me with powerful strokes as I continued anal muscle squeezes. It wasn’t long before he drove hard and deep into me, his cock expanded and contracted spilling a load of his cum into my bowels. After his orgasm subsided, he started slow gentle strokes. “Patrick, I didn’t make you cum, I really needed to have a release. I want to make you have a big anal O.”

“Robert, I want you to feel good. I already enjoyed feeling you cum. Now you can take your time to give me a good p-spot O. Just keep fucking, I like what your doing.” Robert kept the pace slow. He didn’t withdraw fully and slowly slid back to fill my depth. As he created a rhythm with his stroking, I matched his rhythm with anal contractions and releases.

It was clear Robert wanted me to have a p-spot orgasm, he was being very deliberate to hold his angle of entry so my prostate would receive the maximum of pressure. My muscle contractions against him kept me at the height of arousal.

Time was passing but I had no idea how much time. Robert began to withdraw more and thrust more strongly and deeply giving me his full length. He kept this pace going, it wasn’t a demanding pace it was just faster and longer. Soon I was at my peek. “Oh fuck Robert, oh fuck, I’m cumming. Oh fuck, fuck me, make me cum Robert.”

The first wave of my p-spot O took over my mind and body. Robert held himself deeply in my bowels with as much pressure as I was pushing trying to expel him. In one breath I moaned, in the next I screamed. I was experiencing a second wave crash over me. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.” I was sounding like a record with the needle stuck in a grove. A third wave hit me. “Robert! Oh fuck Robert. Fuck me, now fuck me. I’m still cumming. Oh fuck another O.”

I was having a multiple p-spot orgasm. I’d had more than one orgasm, but never wave after wave of multiple orgasms. Robert withdrew then drove home as I screamed out yet another orgasm. He continued stroking me but all I was aware of was my cumming. I don’t know how many waver swept over me but I was aware that I was not in my conscious mind. I was on the verge of blacking out from the pleasure Robert was giving me. Another orgasm swept over me. Where were they coming from.

My conscious mind knew I was cumming like never before. But my conscious mind was lapsing into my subconscious as I felt something somewhere giving me pleasure but my connection to reality was having a short circuit.

“Patrick, are you okay?” I heard that question from someone without realizing it was Robert. He had stopped his invasion although my orgasm was still overtaking me. It was seconds, minutes, I don’t know before I responded.

“Robert, that was crazy, I’ve cum seven, eight, nine times. Holy fuck Robert what did you do to me? Please keep fucking me, don’t stop.”

My conscious mind was back in control as Robert began to probe me again. He was driving into me, deep, holding his position before withdrawing only to drive back again. “Robert, cum for me, I want you to give me another wet load of you sperm. Oh fuck, please Robert.”

He drove into me hard, held my hips to him. I contracted against him just in time to feel his cock expand and contract. He was doing it again, giving me his total essence and I couldn’t get enough.

“Patrick, oh fuck Patrick. That was amazing. I’ve never had a bottom like you. You give me so much pleasure.”

“I’m the one who just got fuck into multiple anal orgasms. I may have to write a new chapter in an online blog. Men can have multiple p-spot orgasms. Oh fuck, I need to have a drink but I don’t want to disconnect from my lover love tool.”

“I’m starting to soften, at some point we are going to break. I want to stay in you too.”

When Robert had shrunk from full staff, we did disconnect. Tissues were close by and provided a convenient way to hold back the flood of cum and lube in my bowels, I didn’t want to let it out now anyway.

When we did try to stand, Robert was a bit awkward getting to his feet, I was like a punch drunk fighter, I couldn’t make my legs obey my commands. When I was able to stand, I saw how much semen Robert had milked from my prostate. “Have to spot clean the carpet before we leave tomorrow”

We planted a kiss in each other’s lips as we realized we were both thirsty. A cold sports drink to replace fluids was what we needed. Finding two in the refrigerator, we drank deeply. It was time to refresh our highs with some cooked weed and another joint that Robert rolled.

Before we smoked it, I had to use the bathroom. “I’m fucking full of your sperm and lube. I got to go before I have an accident. Its no accident that you made me cum like a girl tonight. I love you Robert.” I dashed off to the bathroom.

Robert heard me returning a put a match to the joint. We roached it quickly and felt our minds floating. Robert’s staff had returned to full length, breadths, and hardness. I was marveling at his ability to recover. “Robert, what has you so hard, ready for round three, already? Do you have unnatural ability to reverse age?”

“Patrick, I want to take you again, fuck your ass, stake my claim on you and drive my stake in you. I want you to feel me.” I was prepared, I’d cleaned myself a bit anticipating Robert’s renewed energy. I strode to the center of the living room, laid on the floor and told Robert to take me missionary. He prepared me with lube, applied some to his shaft of pleasure, then mounted me.

He pulled my legs up to his shoulders, rested his torso on my calf’s, took am with his raging cock. His aim was excellent, he hit hard against my ass as his ample man meat stretched me again, filled my bowels, and filled my senses. A gasp escaped both of us as we felt our merging into one being. Robert was prepared for a long coupling after two good orgasms and I was prepared to take him all night if he offered.

With my legs held over his shoulders and his torso resting on my calf’s, I was stretched, my hips were tight against his, my ass cheeks were tight, the angle of my sphincter matched the angle of his dangle. I wasn’t getting much p-spot massage in this position but it seemed that Robert was reaching new depths.

Robert began rotating his hips, not much cock withdrawn no hard thrusts back. This motion was smooth and highly enjoyable. Face to face we were able to see pleasure in each other’s eyes, we were able to share little peck kisses and deeply passionate kisses. We continued this motion for a long time, Robert stayed mostly in me full length with short hip strokes. There were no words spoken, none needed, our eyes expressed feelings more completely than any words in any language.

I had no concept of time, I knew we coupled while the sun was moving to the westward sky and now the dim light of evening was replacing the sun in the sky. Robert propped himself up on his arms for more leverage, this gave him more power for an ass assault, and he began assaulting my willing ass and bowels. It was clear that he was getting ready to empty a third load of DNA into me. Although I was very sore from being in this position for so long, I didn’t want to interrupt Robert’s demanding strokes, his thrusts were long and meaningful. Finally his cock expanded in me, then contracted, expanded and contracted several times. He was making me his man and marking his territory.

Robert was gasping, “Oh fuck Patrick, I love you, love fucking you.” This round was complete as Robert pulled his rapidly shrinking cock from its sheath. He fell to the side as I relaxed my legs.

“Robert, I am sore, my hips hurt from being stretched so long. But you filled me completely, I loved it.” I rolled onto my stomach and arched up on my arms stretching me hips in the opposite direction. “I wonder if I can even walk, you mad ass fucker.”

Resting on the floor laying on my stomach, I was only semi alert. I heard Robert rustling around a bit but paid no attention. My weed induced high had me in a euphoric place somewhere between reality and the land of make believe. I was only slightly aware that Robert had crawled over me. When I suddenly felt his weight on me, his raging hard cock at my ass hole did I become completely alert. “Please, Robert, no more. I can’t take another round.”

Although I complained I didn’t want to go again, I felt him push against my sphincter, felt my ass opening, felt him sliding into me. Instinct took over as my anal muscles tightened and released urging him on. “Robert, where have you gotten your energy tonight. I’ve fucked you dry yet you spring back for more.”

“If three is the charm, I’ve charmed you. Now your going to get harmed in the best possible way I can think of.” Robert was not harming me as harm is defined, but he was harming my ability to think beyond his luscious tool grinding against my p-spot. He was working against me making sure I was going to have another anal orgasm.

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