Robin , Lisa Ch. 08.5


To my small group of fans, I apologize and thank you for your patience in waiting for this installment.

Robyn & Lisa Chapter 8.5

A Blissful Reunion

“Okay. Okay. I missed you too.” Lisa said patting Robyn over her smooth leather jacket.

She felt her tight squeeze enjoying the feel of Robyn’s joy in her arms. Lisa would have enjoyed it even more if their embrace were someplace less public for strangers to cast their eyes upon them.

“Come on, Robyn. That’s enough.”

Robyn slowly released her tight grip lifting her head from Lisa’s body. She dropped her hands down and held Lisa’s giving them a firm squeeze. She looked at Lisa’s face shyly smiling back with Lisa’s big brown eyes looking back at her. Of course, underneath the warm smile and the inviting eyes were those golden strands of hair. It was swept back towards the left and held in place with a silver barrette leaving a few strands loose in the front to flutter on her face in the cool night air.

“Yellow.” Robyn said surprised and still reeling from shock.

Her head swirled with a jumble of emotions and questions making her incapable to organize anything to say.

“I knew you’d be surprised, but not this surprised.” Lisa said.

Robyn just stared and laughed.

“Can I give you a lift back home? A nod will do.”

Robyn did.

“Okay then.” Lisa said and began walking toward her car.

They walked side by side and Robyn felt silly that she couldn’t shake the grin off her face, but it didn’t concern her too much, because the feeling just felt so good. She looked at Lisa’s feet stepping lightly from one foot to the next in her black Toms. Her eyes rose up along Lisa’s bare legs up to her tight olive green short shorts. Robyn bit her lip at the images that danced in her head then brought her eyes higher on to Lisa’s orange T-shirt. She licked her lower lip staring at the stretch wrinkles on Lisa’s shirt over her breasts. Lisa looked over and Robyn quickly cast her gaze up to meet her eyes.

“Whatever you’re thinking, I know it’s no good.” Lisa said.

“I was only thinking about red velvet cupcakes. I know they’re not good for you, but they taste…yummy sweet.”

Robyn had an innocent but sly look on her face which Lisa had grown accustomed to. She had come to enjoy Robyn’s pushy bluntness as well as her sexually motivated wit.

“You’re stupid.” Lisa said amused.

She clicked open her car doors and walked over to the driver’s side. Robyn got in remembering the last time she sat in the same very spot she was now. The shady motel entered her mind. She saw the mirrors on the wall and above the filthy covered bed. She remembered the spider and how they overreacted like two little girls. Robyn smiled at the fun time they had, but it all came back to Lisa. In that dreary motel room with the sleazy mirrors and filthy bed was the yellow haired girl that brought her there always looking at her with a coy smile.

Lisa sat down in the driver’s seat and saw Robyn with a misty eyed smile looking back at her.

“What’s the matter?” Lisa said.

“I love you. That’s all.”

Lisa smiled back reaching over and gave Robyn’s hand a squeeze. She turned her attention to the car and started off down the street. Lisa knew that Robyn’s words were sincere and they were as warm as the rays of the morning sun, but they still created an awkward tension. Lisa felt loved, but at the same time felt sad that she could not give the same love back.

“Come on. Let me take you home.” Lisa said trying to change the subject.

“Are you going to walk me to my door too?” Robyn said wiping her eyes.

“If you need me to.”

“I’m sure you already knew this, but once we get inside the apartment, I’m going to fuck your brains out.”

Robyn shifted in her seat turning towards Lisa paying close attention to her reaction. Lisa made no loud protest or flinch in surprise or anything. She didn’t even say, “You’re stupid” which had been so common in these situations. All she did was take a deep breath and shook her head just a bit and said, “I know.”

Robyn blinked. She was prepared to hear some sort of protest and had formed a bunch of different answers in her head, but this outcome was not one of them.

“I mean it has been weeks since the last time we fucked. I do have to make up for lost time, you know?”

Robyn explained when no explanation was needed, but she couldn’t find anything else to say. Still, Lisa made no expression. She heard the words and kept her eyes to the road and again said with a touch of reluctance, “I know.”

And that was all that Robyn could take.

“Wait. What? You know what?”

“I know you want to have sex.”

“And you’re going to let me? Just like that?”

“Would you rather rape me instead?” Lisa said giving Robyn a sarcastic look.

“Wait a minute.” Robyn said taking a moment to collect her thoughts, “I’m going to fuck you. All night. Non-stop. Everywhere. Every place. And you’re okay with it?”

“Yes.” Lisa said growing annoyed.

Robyn bahis siteleri fell silent at the simple agreement bringing up reasons and conspiracy theories as to why this was so easy.

“Did something happen with you and your boyfriend?”

“What do you mean ‘happen’?”

“Did you get into a fight? Break up?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Lisa said smiling, but before Robyn could answer Lisa continued. “No. Nothing like that. We just both agreed that my time was wasted there. He’s too busy for anything else other than school. I would only get in his way over there. And I was bored to death.”

“Hmm. I see.” Robyn said then smirked, “Unlike my apartment, huh?” she said giving Lisa a nudge on the shoulder.

Lisa shook her head with a smile keeping her eyes to the road.

“Really boring over there?” Robyn said.

“Um-hmm. Nothing to do. And no money to do anything.”

They drove in silence for a moment looking out the window and seeing the passing lights flash by.

“Did you buy carrots?”

“Stupid!” Lisa shouted smiling.

“To eat! Don’t you eat carrots?” Robyn said laughing.

Lisa shook her head laughing and looked over at Robyn. She laughed and looked so happy and warmed Lisa’s heart.

“You’re such a pain, you know?”

“You mean the pain like when you get so horny your nipples tighten up so hard the tingle?”

“Like a pain in the ass.”

“Oh. Like how it feels when the skin stretches wide when putting a plug in your hole. That’s not so bad.”

“You and your one track mind.” Lisa said pulling the car over and parking next to the curb.

Lisa turned the motor off and looked over at Robyn. She looked happy and eager. Robyn stared at Lisa, but she wasn’t looking at Lisa’s brown eyes or her curved lips. She was looking through her with a bestial excitement like a tiger ready to pounce.

Lisa brought her finger to Robyn’s lips and pushed her back onto her seat. Robyn had not even realized how close she was leaning toward Lisa.

“Hey. We’re not in your apartment yet you horny dog.”

Robyn got out of the car still glazed with a bestial stare in her eyes. Lisa tried to hide her smile and looked away.

“Lead the way, Poochie.”

Robyn smiled and walked toward the apartment with Lisa following a few steps behind. She keyed in the pass code and they entered into the common grounds of the complex.

“Shit.” Robyn muttered under her breath upon seeing Mike.

His front door was open again giving his apartment a clear look at the comings and goings of the tenants.

“Hello ladies. How’s it going?” he said.

“Hey Mike.” Robyn said quickening her pace up the stairs.

“Have you had any dinner yet? Would you two like to join me? There’s plenty to go around?”

“Maybe another time.” Robyn said as her heels clicked up the stairs.

“Sorry, but thanks for offering.” Lisa said with an apologetic smile.

“Well next time then. I’ll be here.” he said watching both of them walk up the stair until they were gone from his sight.

Robyn opened the door letting Lisa in and quickly closed it and bolted it shut.

“Robyn. Why are you so upset?”

“Fucking Mike. He’s such a creep.”

“Oh forget it. He was just being polite. You’re home now. Let it go.”

Robyn did just that. She sighed and took off her jacket feeling the sweet tranquil comfort returning.

“So,” Robyn said stepping close to Lisa with a sly smile, “alone at last.”

Lisa smiled and saw Robyn coming toward her. Robyn took her in her arms and Lisa held her back pushing against her chest.

“Be gentle, okay?”

Robyn smiled at the thought of Lisa’s last second change of heart.

“No promises.” Robyn said wrapping her arms around Lisa’s neck tugging her head lower until their lips met.

The kiss was simple There was no tongue play and their mouths were only slightly parted. It was just a kiss on paper, but the passion behind was present as they both felt the tingle of their skin rush over them. When they broke off, they shared a silent moment looking into each other’s eyes.

“Best kiss ever?” Lisa said.

Robyn smiled amused taking Lisa by the hand guiding her over to the sofa. She sat Lisa down then knelt down beside her. She took Lisa’s face in her hands and lowered her head slipping her tongue into her waiting mouth.

“Mmmm…”Lisa moaned bringing her hands to Robyn’s hips feeling for the bottom hem of her shirt.

Lisa slipped a hand under Robyn’s shirt and caressed her breast over the soft lacy bra. Robyn moaned a soft approving sound while they continued kissing. Lisa tugged on Robyn’s shirt letting her know she didn’t want it on.

Robyn pulled her lips off and stripped her black blouse off her body showing her black laced bra struggling to hold in her tits.

“Take off your bra too.” Lisa said.

“My bra?”


It was a strange request, Robyn thought. Lisa never asked her to take off her clothes before, but she was happy to radissonbet oblige.

She reached behind her back and unclasped the strap relieving the tight squeeze on her breasts. Lisa’s eyes were staring in anticipation, but patiently waited for her naked breasts to be exposed. Robyn slipped the bra off her shoulders and pulled it off her arms noticing Lisa’s attentive gaze.

“Miss them?”

Lisa looked up at Robyn and smiled, “No. Just jealous.” She said lying to herself.

Perhaps desired would’ve been a better word, but this wasn’t the time to fuss with a trifling matter. Lisa took a breast in each hand give them a squeeze remembering the firmness and heft. She couldn’t deny the fact that the gravity defying boobs were lovely and that she wanted them not for her own body, but to caress them on Robyn’s body. They were beautiful and supple in her hands stroking and massaging them with great attention that Robyn couldn’t help but to notice.

Robyn felt Lisa groping her tits with her eyes closed anticipating some fondling, but when Lisa continued she opened her eyes and to see Lisa gazing at her breasts with a faint smile on her lips. Robyn’s arousal grew more feeling her nipples stiffening at Lisa’s gently fondling. Lisa raised her eyes and saw Robyn was looking at her. She smiled embarrassed like a girl that had her dress blown up in the wind. They giggled together for a moment. Then Lisa lowered her head and took one of Robyn’s taut nipples into her mouth.

Robyn dropped her jaw and let out a shuddered breath feeling her body tingle with a wave of warmth like the rays of sunlight dapple over her skin. Her breath calmed and she let out a long even breath closing her eyes and letting the sensations take hold of her. She felt the air tight suction of her nipple around Lisa’s lips and tongue strokes and flicks on her quickened her pulse. The oversensitivity felt like a quick jolt of an electric shock quickly smoothing out into a gentle ripple of pleasure.

“Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” Robyn moaned in her head not wanting this feeling to stop any time soon not knowing Lisa had no intentions of stopping.

Lisa was enjoying what she was doing and heard Robyn’s heavy breathing interrupted by a moan after every few breaths. Robyn brought her arms up and held Lisa’s head close to her breast. Lisa lifted her eyes up and saw Robyn’s mouth open and her eyes closed. She looked blissful without a care in the world. Who knew what images were in Robyn’s head, but Lisa knew it was something wonderful. Something sweet. And nothing bad.

Lisa took Robyn’s other nipple between her thumb and forefinger giving it a pinch and twirl.

“Auuuuggghhh…” Robyn moaned in vowel sounds.

Robyn’s mind drifted away from the sensations and pictured an image of Lisa sucking at her breasts. She was giving her breasts a lot of attention, Robyn thought unaware of how much time had passed. But whatever the amount of time it was, it was a lot and Lisa had never given this much attention before. As Robyn’s mind tried to work out the reasons, the warm sensations took over and her thoughts faded to let her body melt from the immense pleasure she was receiving.

“Ohh…Ohhh…Ohhh…..” Robyn moaned and slumped her body on to Lisa’s head.

Lisa held Robyn’s body so she wouldn’t fall over then took her tit out of her mouth. Robyn opened her heavy eyelids seeing Lisa’s lips glistening with spittle.

“I want you so much, Yellow.” Robyn said drunk on lust.

Lisa smiled and brushed the blonde strands off her face. She pushed Robyn back against the sofa and pulled her legs out from under her until she was sitting comfortably. She sat close next to her watching her chest rising and falling at each breath then looked up at her mouth hearing the breath come out. She looked back down past Robyn’s breasts and down her toned abs and stopped at the waistline of her jeans. She brought her palm down against Robyn’s belly and slowly dragged it lower until it reached her jeans and grabbed the waistline with a firm grip. Lisa gave it a good tug pulling her already tight jeans tighter in the crotch.

“Unggh…” Robyn moaned feeling the tightness squeezing her clitoris. She shuddered at the sensation and felt her pussy was steaming hot.

Lisa saw Robyn’s lower lip quivering from the jolt and lowered her head and slipped her tongue inside Robyn’s mouth.

“Mmmm….!” Robyn said with Lisa pressing her lips against her.

She arched her back off the sofa letting Lisa kiss and tongued her in the mouth and slowly let her body relax back down to the sofa. Lisa pulled off Robyn’s mouth with a few strands of spittle snap back onto Robyn’s lips. Robyn sighed long and loud then opened her eyes to Lisa smiling back.

“Best kiss ever?” Lisa said.

Robyn smiled and lifted her hand to curl Lisa’s hair behind her ear. “Can you do that to me some more?”

Lisa snickered then lowered her head again, but this time Robyn stuck her tongue out into Lisa’s mouth. They kissed and Lisa sucked on betsalvador Robyn’s tongue darting up and out at every break. Lisa unbuttoned Robyn’s jeans slipping her hand under her pants and panties to find a warm puddle waiting to be touched.

“Um-hmmm…” Robyn said still kissing and not missing a beat.

Lisa began stroking Robyn’s crotch reaching down tugging at the jeans to give her more freedom to grope Robyn’s pussy. Her panties were soaked and her lips were slick. After just a few strokes Lisa’s hand was drenched in a slippery warm coat of pussy juice. Lisa jabbed her two fingers down into Robyn’s pussy and when she moaned and shuddered, Lisa knew she raked her fingers across her clitoris.

Robyn breathed in a deep breath and held it for a moment before letting it out in a succession of moans. Her body was rigid and her mouth could only let out sounds of pleasure, so Lisa increased the intensity. She reached in deep curling her fingers to enter Robyn’s hole and pulling it out to stroke her clitoris. She reached down deeper and faster and Robyn was already past the point of no return.

“Aaauugghh…Aaaauugghhh…Aaaauugghhh….Aaaaauuuughhhhhhhhh…!” Robyn sang out loud and hard letting her orgasm wash across her body.

Lisa hugged her close feeling Robyn’s convulsions slowly fade away. She held her not saying a word letting Robyn enjoy her orgasm down to the last ripple.

“Was it as good as it sounded?” Lisa said.

“Oh Yellow, you fuck me sooo good.”

Lisa pulled out her hand from Robyn’s pussy and held it up glistening with juice, “You know, this could’ve been anybody’s hand and you still would’ve sounded the same.”

Robyn looked at Lisa and shook her head slowly then looked back at the wet hand. “If you were somebody else, anybody else, do you think that hand would look as wet as that?”

“This is all me?”

Robyn nodded.


“Honest. I swear it’s the truth.” Robyn said weakly holding up her right hand.

Lisa looked at her wet hand turning it to see every angle. “Look at what your horny pussy did.”

Robyn looked at the hand then looked at Lisa eyeing her suspiciously.

“You better not, bitch.”


“You know what.”

“You mean this!” Lisa said and rubbed her wet hand all over Robyn’s face.

Robyn screamed and thrashed trying to grab hold of Lisa’s hand smearing the sticky wetness all over her face. She got hold of Lisa’s wrist holding it tight and pulled it away from her face.

“Cunt.” Robyn said brushing her hair off her face.

“Pussy face.”

“Fruit fucker.”

“Fuck you.” Lisa said emphatically but not angry.

“I love you too, Yellow.” Robyn said and leaned over giving Lisa a kiss on the lips.

They let their kiss linger with the scent of Robyn’s pussy filling their noses then leaned against each other’s foreheads.

“It feels so good.” Robyn said in a whispery voice.

“Are you still coming?”

Robyn laughed and nodded.

Lisa smiled then kissed her putting her finger inside Robyn’s mouth to share. She wrapped her tongue around it licking the tip of the finger sending a tickling but nice sensation all the way to the back of Lisa’s head. Lisa rose up off the sofa and took Robyn by the hands tugging her up to her feet.

“Come on. Let’s take a bath.”

“A bath?” Robyn said.


“Oh. Okay. You sure you don’t want to just take a shower?”

“Why? Are you in a hurry?”

“No. Of course not.” Robyn said and followed Lisa into the bathroom.

Robyn wasn’t opposed to taking a bath, but she was taken aback at the suggestion. She always thought Lisa was the type to enjoy a long soaking bath, but by herself.

“This is so…intimate.” Robyn thought walking into the bathroom.

“What’s so funny?” Lisa said.

“Huh?” Robyn said realizing she had a big grin on her face, “Oh, it’s nothing.”

“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s no good.”

“It is. I’m just looking forward to taking a bath with my soul mate, Yellow.” she said wrapping her arms around her.

“Well then, get the tub ready.”

Robyn turned the faucets on letting the water rush down and fill the tub while Lisa began undressing. They closed the bathroom door and let the steam fog up the mirrors as the rushing water drowned out the sound of Robyn’s cell phone ringing in her jacket lying on the dining room table.

Robyn watched Lisa strip out of her shorts and peel off her black and pink trimmed panties off her legs. The way she knelt down and pulled her panties off her ankles was so graceful and smooth as a baby’s cheek.

“Oh Yellow, you are soooo fucking hot.” Robyn said standing close to her.

“Really? I haven’t even started working out yet.” Lisa said rising back to her feet.

Lisa turned around and Robyn undid the clasp of her bra and let the straps fall off her shoulders and down to the ground before Lisa turned around again.

“After a few sessions with me, you’re going to be a super hottie.”

“What are you going to have me do?”

The question made Robyn smile. “Oh, I’ll start you on something light at first.” Maybe some light weight training or low impact aerobics.”

“And then?”

“Then a regiment of cardio. Lots and lots of sweaty cardio.” Robyn said getting breathy.

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