Roles Reversed


This is the 3rd part to my story of Gary and Amanda’s adventure, like the previous 2, I want to keep this as a sperate read but connect to each other. So if this is first time reading my story, then enjoy, you might want to read the other first, but hopefully if you just read this story alone, it should make perfect sense the more you read on.

As the previous stories, some of this is real, some fiction/fantasy that we as a couple have discussed.


The two weeks had gone relatively quickly, Gary and Amanda had met Mark and Michelle at the swingers evening. Gary had experienced his second cuckold adventure, and it was clear the Gary had enjoyed his new role.

The whole experience had liberated the couple, possibly because they were unable to have sex with each other due to Gary remaining in chastity until his time was up with their mistress.

The couple had visited mistress fast approaching a month ago where they had sacrificed the keys to Gary’s chastity cage, this cage being a PA type, there was really he’s no escape from type of device.

As they left Mark and Michelle…”So we really need to swap numbers” Amanda said to Michelle, “if we’re going to make this thing happen,” “and I’d love to know Marks progression in chastity, until we meet again” as they made their way to the cars leaving the swingers club.

Back home a few days later…

Sat on the sofa snuggled up together, loosely watching the TV.

“I’ve just received another text from Michelle”, “after trial-and-error Mark has now reached five days in chastity”, “she keeps giving in to him and having sex with Mark”, “I think she’s finding it as hard as he is, I know the feeling,” Amanda said looking at her phone.

Gary remembered his first venture into chastity and how difficult at the beginning.

“I think once they achieve a week, something happens certainly as a man, it almost becomes attached to you, knowing you’ve gone so far that you’re a little apprehensive of having to go through this again.” Gary said with a smug tone, knowing those days were well behind him.

“It’s as though you’ve gone past the worst, you want to orgasm so much, but you began to think will it be worth it, to go through that again just for an orgasm that lasts a few seconds!”

Amanda raised her eyebrows and said to Gary, “so maybe we should keep you in permanently then?”

“No that’s not what I mean,” Gary said with a bit of panic in his voice. “I guess overtime you just become more accustomed to it, having your cock restricted and in prison for so long, it’s almost as if you only want the perfect orgasm when released.”

“So” Amanda said, “we will have to make this one pretty good then, won’t we?”

Through Gary’s four weeks of chastity he had experienced 2 cuckold experiences, the first with mistress and her partner, X, the second with Mark, both men had unprotected sex with Amanda, filling her with their cum. Gary, took on his duties like a fish to water, enjoying licking the cum immediately out of Amanda’s pussy.

It’s really fucked with Gary’s mind because normally Gary is what can only be described as the Alpha male, not a person you would mess around with.

But Gary liked this new side of him for two reasons. The first, he knew Amanda was loving this too and he would ultimately do anything for her. The second, although Amanda wasn’t strictly holding the keys to his chastity cage, she was free to do anything she wanted with him, and he loved the feeling of being used by her. But he also knew that he could not do any of this without the deep love they have for each other.

“What do you have in mind?” Gary said intrigued.

“I’m not fully sure yet, but I think I’d love to take control of Mark and Michelle and push them further than they could imagine” Amanda started looking off into the distance and she described what at the minute was a fantasy but knowing Amanda would soon be reality.

Amanda continued, “I know we left it quite open, however Mark looked extremely excited with the thought of licking up your cum as his first cuckold experience,” “what if we tease them both and have you finally orgasm inside of Michelle, that way Mark will experience similar to what you experienced?”

Gary’s cock started to strain a little in his cage.

“So, you want me to have sex with Amanda after a month of chastity?” Gary said confused.

“I think it’s worth the sacrifice, I’d want to at least have you inside of me for a little while, but I’d like to experience seeing you have sex with somebody else too, to try and understand why you like it so much!”

Gary was a little taken back by this but after he thought about it, it did make sense after all he did loved watching Amanda getting fucked, orgasming and getting filled by another men.

“Also” Amanda said, “I know Michelle wanted more from you the other week, I think it’s your duty to give the lady what she wants,”

With that Amanda laughed, “this would also be the time where I get her to sacrifice Mark’s chastity keys over to me.” istanbul travesti “Ultimately I would become their mistress, as well as yours honey.”

This excited Gary beyond belief knowing Amanda was falling deep into her role.

“I’ve already contacted mistress” Amanda said with a smirk, “and kind of hinted at our plans,” “she was delighted with our progress and agreed to post the keys out via secure mail next week, we just have to let her know when Mark and Michelle are expected so the keys arrive just before that date.”

Gary was a little disappointed that he wasn’t going to visit mistress again before his release, he craved to see her again dressed head to toe in her latex catsuit, but this idea sounded even better.

Arrangements were made with Gray and Michelle, giving strict instructions to keep Gary locked in chastity for at least a week prior to their meeting. They agreed and the date was set.

“How do you want to do this” Amanda asked, “do you want to be tide up or free to fuck Michelle?”

Gary pondered as this will be the first time with another woman since meeting Amanda seven years ago.

Amanda continued “because if I’m honest I quite like the idea of you being desperate to cum and take Michelle with pure desperation and just use her to cum in, knowing that Mark will have to clean up your mess.”

Michelle had told them that she had never been with another man in her life and Mark was her high school sweetheart.

“In a way we will all be experiencing new things” Amanda continued.

As Amanda verbally planned the night Gary could feel the familiar feeling of a restricted erection, knowing that what follows was the uncontrollable stream of pre-cum. As Gary adjusted himself, Amanda had noticed this too.

“MMMM, looks like somebody can’t hide their excitement,” Amanda said whilst opening her legs in the living room on the sofa, “come over here and lick me to orgasm!”

The final arrangements were in place, Amanda had invited the couple over on Saturday night. The keys were to be delivered on Thursday, allowing for any delays. This had taken Gary’s chastity time to over a month by a week. Knowing what was in store Gary didn’t mind, he was now well accustomed to the constant feeling of desperation to cum, the almost constant high of being horny and unable to reduce it.

Like clockwork the keys arrived on Thursday, as Amanda had arranged this, she kept the keys out of reach until Saturday night. It wouldn’t take much for temptation to strike, but like Gary she had enjoyed the attention and the sacrifice of no sex, with exception of the two strangers.

Saturday came around, Amanda had arranged for the couple to arrive at 7:00 PM. The plan was to have just nibbles for food accompanied with wine to help them all relax because after all this was only the second time they had all met.

As Amanda set the counter with the food, she knew Mark wouldn’t need dessert, he would be getting a full creampie! This made her giggle a little, knowing Gary would be so desperate to cum. She had experienced the volume of cum Gary produces after a week in chastity, a month would be massive, thick and very strong tasting. “poor boy” she said out loud as she arranged the plates.

Gary and Amanda cleaned the house and finished getting things ready, waited for the couple to arrive.

The usual apprehension set in as it had when they’d taken the journey to meet mistress and to the swingers club. Conversation was at a minimal, they just kept smiling and almost giggling at each other in excitement.

“So, you have the keys, right?” Gary asked.

“Don’t worry honey they’re safe and secure” Amanda reassured him.

“Excited?” she asked.

“Very much so, it all seems a bit of a blur, my main focus has been to just orgasm, but I have to keep reminding myself of what else is involved tonight, that it’s not just all about me”

“Mmm, Good boy” Amanda said tapping his caged cock over his trousers “you’ve done so well over this past month, I don’t know how you’ve achieved it but I’m so proud of you.” We’ll leave it a couple of days and then have you back in your cage though.”

Gary looked at Amanda almost gobsmacked, he hadn’t really thought about life after this, but it was clear Amanda had. He had been so goal focused, achieving his month in chastity that anything after this event didn’t really matter.

They had booked a holiday together which was close approaching, and he had just taken it for granted with the flight and the holiday, that he would be free, but Amanda had thought well ahead and plans were in place.

There was a knock at the door.

“They are here” Gary said leaning over to Amanda to kiss her on the mouth “I love you so much, let’s enjoy this.”

They both opened the door inviting Mark and Michelle in, it was almost a shock seeing the other couple there. The last time they had seen them, Mark had just come inside of Amanda and Gary had licked her clean. Three weeks had passed since that night and although they istanbul travestileri had chatted via text this was their first encounter face to face.

“Come on in” Amanda directed the couple to the living room.

“Glass of wine” Gary asked wanting to calm the obvious nerves.

“Oh, that would be lovely” Michelle said, “we both drink red if you have it?”

“We sure do” Gary said, thinking of the Shiraz he brought back from his visit to the d’Arenberg vineyard in Australia last year. Gary went into the kitchen to pour 4 glasses of wine. Whilst he poured, he had noticed Michelle was wearing a short, leather skirt with what he thought wear tights which had made him very excited to the point he almost spilling the wine as he poured it. Gary knew the smell of a woman in tights is a special thing but with the added smell of leather from her skirt and shoes, that raises the bar somewhat.

Once Gary returned with the wine, the conversation soon started to flow. Mark noted how good the wine was and asked what it was. Gary answered with such enthusiasm, but soon realised that Mark had only asked to be polite and to start conversation.

Amanda, however, was first to break the ice by asking Mark, “how is your week in chastity going?”

Mark replayed a little flush, “it’s not been as easy as I thought it would be, but I’m now starting to enjoy it much more, those first few days were so difficult.” “After the excitement of having the cage on starts to wear off and you haven’t had an orgasm in 3 days, I’ll have to be honest it becomes a bit of a curse, but I’m noticing the difference, two days ago, things have started to settle down, it’s become more enjoyable,” he said as he looks at Michelle smiling.

Michelle jumped in, “it was as much him as it was me, after we left you guys, the following day I ordered the cage, we opted for one of the interchangeable plastic cages to understand which fitting works best, now we know we will look for something more permanent.” “The problem is knowing he’s all frustrated and wanting me, really turns me on, I need to reach for the keys and let him out.” “I can’t help myself”

Michelle made comment on how eventually she would love to get Mark pierced too, the same as Gary, but Mark wasn’t as keen.

“It feels much more secure and comfortable, and you know you can’t pull out in those desperate times,” Gary said with experience, “the months healing is the only downside.”

As Amanda sipped her wine, she nodded in agreement, ‘that month did feel like a long time’, constantly seeing his cock with the ring though it, I wanted to play with it and feel it inside of me.” “Plus with him not being in Chastity, It made it more difficult.” “it was just there”

Amanda continued about how and why we ended up giving our keys to Mistress. “That’s why we gave our keys to somebody else, it removes any temptation you have and allows you to relax more.” “Don’t get me wrong it’s still extremely frustrating but there is nothing you can do, which adds to the turn on for myself at least.” As soon as I’m at that level though, I get Gary to do his duty.”

The conversation really started to flow and both couples enjoyed taking about their fetishes and kinks, nothing too in-depth but they all had a similar enjoyment.

After around an hour, Amanda asked to be excused while she slipped into something more comfortable. She left and went upstairs to get changed.

Gary took control of the conversation and asked Mark if he had ever watched porn whilst in chastity? “If you haven’t, it’s an experience you’ll enjoy, it makes you want to rip the cage off and just, well, wank!”

Mark admitted he had but couldn’t take if for too long as he found it too frustrating and as his excitement grew, his cage would start to pinch after a while.

Moments later Amanda returned to the living room wearing her glossy black spandex catsuit with her sexy tight knee high boots.

Gary, loved her wearing this. It fit her perfectly and around the crotch was a zip that was almost hidden, making it appear she would need to remove it to have sex. The Catsuit covered he feet and went all the way to her neck, in an almost turtle neck style. The second zip was at the back, again almost hidden, covering Amanda completely, just her hands and head were visible. It made her look especially dominate.

“You can follow me if you like?” Amanda almost commanded and guided everybody upstairs, to the large master bedroom.

Amanda wearing the catsuit gave the impression she was in control, which she knew she was.

They made their way into the main bedroom where Amanda made her way to the large bed where earlier they had put the fresh new, crisp, white bedding on. A couple of scented candles burnt to the side, giving the room a lovely, perfumed smell. A couple of low-lit lamps aided with the light in the room, giving an incredible ambiance

“Michelle, please lie on the bed next to me” Amanda said.

Leaving Gary and Mark stood there looking at their women.

“Both travesti istanbul of you strip” Amanda said, “we want to see you both naked”

With no hesitation the men took their clothes off revealing their straining cocks in their chastity cages. Mark’s being a clear plastic one, Gary’s the familiar metal one which they had all witnessed on their previous encounter.

Amanda started to kiss Michelle, a very wet embracing kiss. “Did you wear what I asked?” Amanda asked Michelle breaking from the kiss.

“I did” Michelle answered pulling up her leather skirt, revealing the tops of her tights, showing both men her shiny, barely black tights.

They hadn’t realised but both men had the same fetish, nylon or more detailed, tights or pantyhose. Both men loved the way tights look on women, silky, soft nylon wrapping around a women’s legs, feet, pussy and arse, drove the men crazy.

“Good girl” Amanda said, “now let’s get these boys sorted”

Amanda left the bed, approached the bedside cabinet and pulled out two sets of handcuffs, she approached the man with the unmistakable sound of Amada’s stiletto heels tapping across the wood floor.

“Put your hands behind you backs and turn around,” Amanda said,attaching and locking handcuffs in place.

Naked and cuffed and still in chastity the men could do very little else as they watched Amanda return to Michelle.

“So Michelle” Amanda said getting comfortable next to Michelle, “we’ve been talking and we know Mark is excited to become a cuckold, and tonight he will take on his duty,” “as Mark has already fucked and come inside of me, I thought it would be quite fitting if we return the favour, after all we don’t want you to miss out.”

Michelle asked hopeful, “what do you mean?”

Amada said directly, “I want Gary to cum inside of you and then Mark can clean you, putting his tongue to good use and cleaning Gary’s month long cum from your pussy”

Michelle looked extremely flushed and agreed immediately “you have no idea how frustrating it was seeing Gary’s cock in the cage and only having him lick me, so to have your husband fuck me and for my husband to then lick me, I would love it.”

“Good” Amanda said. “However for me to allow you to fuck my husband I asked for just one thing, and that is the keys to Mark’s chastity cage, ultimately I want to be in charge and your mistress.” “not only tonight but going forward, I want to have you going crazy with lust, knowing I’m in charge!”

Michelle moaned joyful of the thought of this and said “whatever you want mistress!”

This pleased Amanda and asked for Marks’ keys. Michelle reached into her purse got the keys and without hesitation gave them to Amanda.

Amanda then looked at Mark “see how easy she gave you up, I now control not only your orgasm but your erection and your sexual desire, you had better fulfil your services, not only tonight but going forward, do I make myself clear?”

Mark, now little gobsmacked, trying to take all this in. He too had just been goal focused on orgasming that he hadn’t really thought much else through. Gary was now going to fuck his wife, he hadn’t agreed on this, he thought he was going to lick Gary’s cum from Amanda, which would be a challenge to go through, his first cuckold experience. Now on top of this he picked up on the idea that he may not even be getting released.

But he could only reply with a faint “Yes mistress.”

Both men remained stood there, hands behind their backs, the only difference now was the string of precum leaking from them both, Mark’s body had given his secret away with this telltale sign, he was actually loving it.

“It’s time for your release Gary”, Amanda said reaching for a set of keys that were hiding underneath the lamp. “Let’s get you free and washed” she said as she approached Gary.

She walked past Mark, almost eyeballing him, then got on her knees in front of Gary, moving her mouth close to the cage before entering the key. She could smell Gary’s cock need a clean, he had done very well with his personal hygiene over the past month, it just needed freeing for those areas he couldn’t get to. With a click the cage separated. Swiftly Amanda took the cage apart, pulling it from Gary’s piercing, and freeing his cock.

Gary felt for the first time in five weeks his cock starts to grow beyond what the cage allowed. It felt amazing, the feeling of growing hard almost instantly. Things felt light too without the metal holding thing in place. This also allowed the precum to flow and flow it did, landing on the rug below.

Amanda led him to the bathroom to wash his cock, everything felt tight as his cock reached it’s fully erect size. He’d read that this was common and it was just the skin adapting to the erection.

Still handcuffed Gary moved towards the sink where Amanda started to bathe his cock.

“Does that feel good honey?” Amanda said, rubbing her soapy hands over his erect penis.

“Be careful, I feel very sensitive and it won’t take much for me to cum” Gary said almost backing away from Amanda’s hand.

“Remember you’re cuming in Michelle tonight however I want you first, so you’d better learn to hold back because if you cum in me and not Michelle you’ll be severely punished, tonight has taken a lot of planning and I don’t want you fucking this up!”

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