Rubber Puppy


After a busy day at work I eventually left the office later than normal, I headed to the local train station to catch a train home. Things were clearly not going in my favour as I soon discovered that all trains had either been delayed or cancelled due to an earlier incident at another station nearby. I decided that instead of waiting for a train that I would use the buses. After working out which ones I needed to get home I eventually managed to catch one to begin my journey home. I’d forgotten how long the journey was and after some time I dozed off to sleep.

I awoke suddenly when I felt the bus lurch to a stop and the driver announced that the bus terminated at this stop and all passengers had to get off. I got off the bus and looked around trying to see if I could recognise the area. I crossed the road and noticed a sign of the side of building saying “Custom Leather & Rubber.” Forgetting for the moment that I didn’t know the area well my curiosity got the better of me and I walked down the side street.

About halfway along the street I found a door with “Custom Leather & Rubber” and an open sign below it. I pushed the door open and walked through into a small hallway. There were pictures on the walls showing different types of leather and rubber fetish gear. There was a door in front of me which I pushed open and saw some stairs leading down. As I walked down the stairs the pictures on the walls showed men modelling a selection of leather or rubber outfits.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs the large room they led to was filled with a vast selection of leather and rubber gear. I stood transfixed for a few seconds until I heard a deep masculine voice say “Welcome.”

I shook myself and turned towards the voice I had heard. The man I saw was muscular, cropped hair, dressed in tight black leather jean, black boots, and a tight rubber vest which showed off his body perfectly. His very presence in the room seemed to demand respect from anyone.

“Have a look around and ask if you need help with anything,” he continued.

I nodded and replied “Thank you.” I walked around the store, seeing a variety of restraints from collar and cuffs, hoods and all other sorts of items. A little while later I had found a selection of rubber suits, ranging from tight singlet’s, t-shirts and shorts to full body suits. I picked up one of the full suits looking at it wondering how it would look and feel if I wore it.

“You can try that on if you want?” said the man.

“What here?” I replied nervously.

“Sure, and while you strip let me get some other items you will want to try. The changing room is in the corner,” He said.

I found myself walking to the changing area and I wondered what he meant by other items. When I got there I spotted a hooks and loops at different places around the room. I assumed that these were to hang some of my clothing.

I was just beginning to have second thoughts when the curtain was pulled back and the shop assistant was standing there. I was shocked by his sudden appearance and was about to say I didn’t wish to try the suit on.

“I thought I told you to strip,” he said sternly. “Or I’ll strip you myself.” He moved towards me and I realised that I’d not be able to prevent him from doing so. I slowly and reluctantly started stripping. He moved next to me, grabbed my head and slapped my face hard. “When I give you an order boy, I expect it to be obeyed. Now strip.”

My face stinging from his hard slap I quickly finished striping and stood naked before him. He then handed me a tub with some clear jelly in and told me to rub it all over my body. It was a type of lube and applied a generous amount over my body. He then handed me a suit and told me to pull it on.

The suit slid on easily with the lube and I quickly managed to slide into the suit. I hadn’t noticed but the suit had a collar attached. The assistant pulled the zip up to the collar, slipped it though a loop and buckled it snuggly around my neck. I was so surprised and raised my hands to the collar only to hear a loud heavy click of a padlock being closed.

“Yes boy you’re locked in that suit until I choose to release you,” said the assistant. “Now all we need to do is to give the drug in my special lube to take effect and you’ll be far more obedient.”

I struggled trying to pull the collar loose but he grabbed my wrists pulled them behind my back and cuffed them. He then snapped a length of chain to the back of the collar and attached the other end to one of the rings hanging from the ceiling. I pulled for a few moments but realised I wasn’t going anywhere soon.

It was then I started to feel a warm tingling sensation which soon spread throughout my body. I wanted to fight this wonderful florya escort feeling but it continued to grow. Soon it was too much effort to fight it. I heard a voice whispering in my ear but I couldn’t understand the words being spoken. It was so much easier to let the words enter my head and not have to think.

The voice belonged to the assistant and he was whispering phrases such as “Rubber makes you submissive and obedient,” “you obey men dressed in rubber,” “you are a slave to rubber men,” “I am your Master, and you are my slave.” These phrases and others were played over and over into my totally open and receptive mind.

I don’t know how long I stood helplessly as my mind was taken away from me but I slowly became aware of the words being spoken and as I heard them I knew them to be true. As my eyes opened and I saw myself in the mirror dressed in the full rubber suit I began to feel very submissive and wanting to obey.

I then saw a man dressed in tight rubber something seemed familiar to me but I couldn’t think what it was.

“So slave, who am I?” asked the man before me.

I recognised his voice and reply “You are my Master.”

“Good Boy.” A sudden rush of pleasure flowed through me as I heard these words.

“Why are you wearing rubber slave?”

“Rubber makes me submissive and obedient, Master,” I answer.

“And who do you obey slave?”

“I obey men dressed in rubber, Master.”

“Excellent slave, I see you responded well to your reprogramming. So much better to accept it and obey isn’t it slave?” my Master asks.

“Yes Master, thank you Master,” I reply.

I feel the chain being unfastened from the ring in the ceiling. I quickly drop to my knees, spread them apart, lower my head and my hands remain cuffed behind my back. This position seems right for me to assume when in Master’s presence.

Master stands and I can hear him moving but I keep my head lowered. He walks around me and strokes and feels my rubbered body. His touch sends tiny electric shocks through me almost making me gasp with pleasure.

He moves behind me once again and after a few moments I see something being lowered over my face. It’s some sort of hood which he quickly pulls on, fastens it tightly, and with another collar locks it firmly in place. My wrists are released from the cuffs but as I watch Master puts some heavy leather mitts onto my hands which are also buckled tight and locked in place.

Master lifts my head and I look at the figures in the mirror. I see my handsome Master and what appears to be a dog dressed in tight black rubber. I realise that the rubber pup is in fact me. I try and speak, to thank my Master but the only sound I can make is a loud “Woof.”

I sit on my back legs and puzzled for a few seconds as I try and remember how to speak. The longer I look at the pup in the mirror I begin to forget how to speak and to think more like the pup I now am. I bark contentedly so that my Master will be pleased with me.

“Good Pup,” I hear my Master say. I bark happily in reply. I lose all sense of who I am. The only thing that concerns me is to be the best pup I can be for my owner.

Master then holds up a tail butt plug and says, “Let’s get your tail in pup.” I bark happily and present my ass to my master. I feel the suit being opened near my ass and the plug being pushed in. As it pushes in and my hole grips the plug firmly and although I have never had anything in my ass before I find I really like it and bark contentedly.

“Ahh so pup likes his tail, good pup,” Master says patting and stroking my body. “Well pup it’s getting late and you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow so let’s put you to bed.” Master walks over to a heavy steel pup cage, the floor of which is covered with a rubber covered mat and a water bowl in one corner. Master opens the cage and points, “In you go pup,” he says.

I crawl into the cage which is only large enough for me to remain on my knees or to curl up on the mat. I curl up and watch as Master closes the cage and places a heavy padlock through the bolt which he then closes and locks shut.

I hear Master walking away from the cage and soon after the lights in the store are turned off. As I lie there my senses are filled with the smell and feel of rubber which begins to feel like a second skin.

The feeling of the tail in my ass and the rubber against my skin soon has my cock hard but the paws locked on my hands prevent me from touching my hard cock and the size of the cage prevents me from moving much to get the relief I so badly need. I whine quietly with frustration hoping that Master will hear and allow pup to cum. It soon becomes apparent that unless I make cihangir escort a lot more noise then I’m not going to be able to attract Master’s attention which I somehow knew he would not be pleased about. Time passes and eventually tiredness overtakes me and I fall into a deep sleep.

I’m awoken by the sound of Master’s voice saying “Wake up pup.”

I look up and see my Master standing next to the cage he’s wearing his tight leather jeans, rubber t-shirt and black boots. I bark happy to see him standing there.

“Now pup it’s time for you to please your Master, do it well and I’ll let you out of your cage.”

I watch him closely as he takes his cock from his jeans, it’s thick, 8″ long and a heavy gauge PA. He pushes it through the bars of the cage and I eagerly open my mouth and swallow as much of his cock as I can. Master then starts to piss into my mouth and I quickly swallow, trying not to spill any of the precious liquid. He then slowly pulls his cock out and I run my tongue around his PA to make sure that the last drops of his piss are swallowed.

“Well done pup you did that very well.” Master then opens the cage and clips a leash to my collar. “Let’s get you fed pup.” I was then led into a small kitchen and in the corner of the room there were some bowls on the floor, one with water and the other with a type of small biscuit. Having not eaten since lunchtime yesterday any type of food would be better than none. I then realise that with my hands locked in the mitts the only way I can eat is to push my face into the bowl. The hood makes it difficult at first but I soon manage to work out how to eat. Drinking the water proved even more difficult as I had to try and lap the water with my tongue. I then kneel up waiting for my Master to give me further instructions.

“Good pup, you managed that well but will get better with practice.” Master said.

“Woof,” I bark happily.

“Bet pup needs to piss now?”

“Woof.” I reply nodding my head. I’m then led into another room which appears to be a wet room.

Master then unzips the suit around my cock and pulls it out. I then feel him gently pulling the tail from my ass and I whimper as I feel it pulling out. “Don’t worry pup, you’ll get your tail back in a while after I make sure you’re all clean.”

I’m then told to piss and shit making sure that I’m as empty as possible. I then feel something being pushed back into my ass. I think it’s my tail but it doesn’t feel like the plug. Once it was pushed in I feel something warm flowing into my ass which soon begins to fill.

“Keep that inside pup,” Master said. He then pulls the plug out and I clench my ass tight keeping the liquid inside. I’m then told to crawl over to the drain in the floor and squat over it. “Ok pup let go.”

I relax my ass and let the liquid flow from my ass. Master repeats the process until he is satisfied that my ass is now clean. He then puts my tail plug back into my ass and I bark contentedly as it slides in easily.

“Time to open the store now pup.” I’m now led back into the store and by the end of the counter there is a large dog basket with rubber covers and cushions. “Get in your basket pup, and Stay.” I climb into it and kneel back on my heels, hands in front if my knees.

Time passes and I remain kneeling in the basket. I hear some voices and a short time later there are two men walking towards the counter. “A good looking pup you have there,” says one of the men to my Master.

“Yes he is training up nicely,” Master replies. “Is there anything you need any assistance with?”

“Yes I’m looking for a custom made rubber suit and restraints for my boy.” Replies the man indicating the other man who is with him. With that the three men head over to a part of the store where there are a selection of different suits. I’m unable to hear them and once again I am left kneeling.

Master returns to the counter and speaks one word, “Follow.” And he then walks back to the two men. I quickly hop from the basket and follow him closely back to the two men. The man who I recognise as “Boy” is now dressed in a tight rubber surf singlet which fits him perfectly.

I am so focused on the rubber boy that I fail to notice some items lying on the floor. I suddenly hear the sound of pieces of metal rubbing together and within moments my ankles and secured in metal cuffs attached to a metal bar about 2 foot long. A similar set of cuffs are placed on my wrists. Finally two more strips are attached between the wrist and ankle bars making it impossible to move.

“As you can see, he is now completely immobilised.” Master said.

“Yes very effective,” said the man.

“If you wish to test anything mecidiyeköy escort out to see how they look, please feel free to use my pup as a model,” Master replies.

I then feel hands rubbing and stroking my back, chest, ass, and cock which makes me moan slightly as the tight rubber presses against my skin.

“Boy go and fetch me a full rubber harness.” The shopper says to his boy.

“Yes Sir,” the boy replies and quickly heads off to find the harness he has been asked to get.

I then feel my tail being played with gently tugged and pushed in and out of my ass which makes me groan with pleasure.

“Pup likes his tailed played with then? ” The shopper asks.

“Woof,” I reply and wriggle my ass.

“Boy, also bring me some ass toys. This pup wants to demonstrate them to us,” The shopper calls out loudly.

I then realised that there were a number of men watching what was going on as other voices called out suggestions for the toys to be demonstrated.

A few minutes later the boy returns with a few items in his hands. He shows them to his master who nods with approval.

The shopper then takes the harness which his boy has selected and quickly puts in on me, making sure it is tightly buckled. He then checks each buckle making sure it is properly fastened and places small padlocks into each one, locking then shut!

I feel my tail plug being pulled out and can’t help but given a whimper as the shopper pulls it from my hole. “Don’t worry pup your hole is not going to be empty for long,” he says. With that he takes one of the items his boy is holding and presses is against my hole. A few seconds later I feel it beginning to vibrate against my hole which causes me to gasp at the sensation. I try not to lift my ass to the shopper but I can’t help myself and he says “Oh your hole is hungry to be filled pup.” I moan loudly trying not to think of what I’d just done offering my hole to the shopper and all the other men in the store who were watching. I feel the plug tease me hole and the more I try to prevent myself from squirming and wriggling the more it seems to happen until I feel another toy press against my hole and push in. My hole opens and takes it but it feels bigger than the tail plug I’d had in earlier.

“There pup, hole nicely plugged again.” Says the shopper. I groan as he pushes it in all the way. “We don’t want that plug to come out yet though.” I feel something being placed around my waist and pulled tight, straps go between my legs and between my cheeks. I then hear a click as the plug is locked to the straps and I realise I’m now wearing a butt plug harness to keep it in. The harness is then pulled tight and is locked in place.

“There that’s a lot better now isn’t it pup?” The shopper asks. I moan loudly and wriggle as much as I can in the restraints. Feeling the plug vibrate in my ass feels so good, my cock becomes rock hard and starts to drip with pre-cum. I feel a hand on my ass and a few seconds later the plug vibrates even harder. I can’t stop from moaning when the shopper says, “Think this pup is enjoying his toy, but he needs to be quiet so as not to disturb anyone else.”

He turns to his boy and says, “Fetch me a muzzle boy.” The boy nods and a few minutes later returns with a rubber muzzle. The shopper nods at the boy taking the muzzle from him. “Open your mouth pup.” He says. I immediately comply with his command and he pushes a gag into my mouth which prevents me from making much noise. The muzzle is then buckled on, pulled tight and once again I hear the click of padlocks being closed. He then stands back looks at me and says to the other guys watching, “There men, a pup on display. Enjoy him.” With that he turns to his boy and walks away.

The other men close in and begin to play with my rubber covered body. I feel hands rubbing and squeezing my body, playing with my cock and balls, and playing with the plug in my ass. I’m in a constant state of complete arousal, being edged, needing to cum but totally unable to.

I have no idea how long I have been played with but I slowly become aware that my body is no longer being used. I manage to look up and see my Master standing before me. “Well done pup, we have had a very busy day. I will be using you as a display again. But for now you need to sleep.” With that I instantly fall a sleep.

I woke up back in my own bed the following morning feeling totally refreshed and ready for the day. I normally wake with a hard on but for some reason this morning it felt as if something was preventing it. I started to have a shower and feeling horny I decided that I should have a quick wank. As my hand reached for my cock I felt something hard and cold. I looked down and was shocked to see my cock was locked into a steel chastity cage! I had no idea how this had happened as I’d never had inclination to try one. I quickly got out of the shower and looked more closely at the cage. There was a small tag secured with the padlock. I was able to make out the words “Owned by Custom Leather & Rubber” and a phone number…

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