Sandy 14


Sandy 14 – The intersection of visual arts and performing arts

Sandy’s Wednesday was bland. She went to her fractals and chaos class in the morning and to jazz dance in the afternoon. After jazz dance she always felt fatigued euphoria. Undergraduate dance class members don’t have locker room privileges, so she just put her dress over her leotard, shouldered her book bag, and headed home.

As she walked out the gym door, her phone rang. Sandy looked at the number. It was local, but she didn’t recognize it. She let it ring four times before she pressed talk.


“Hi, Sandy. This is Sally.”

Oh, hi Sally. It is great to talk with you again. What’s up?”

“Two things. Some of the women from our social nudist club play bridge on occasion. We are going to get together on Friday night and I was hoping that you would join us. I thought it might be a good chance for you and the women of our group to meet.”

Sandy felt like she wasn’t getting the full story. She said, “That sounds like fun. I’d love to meet everyone.”

“Excellent,” Sally said. “How about if you come over tonight so you and I can discuss the group. After all, I said that I wanted to spend some time with you.”

Sandy replied, “Well I am just leaving campus now. What time did you want to get together?”

“Can you come over now? You could have dinner here.”

Sandy detected a change of tone in Sally’s voice. Angst. She knew that Sally’s call wasn’t an invitation, it was a call for help.

“Ok. Where do you live? . . . I’ll be right over.”

* * * * *

Sandy called her mom, “Hi, Mom. How was your day?”

“Ok. What’s up?”

“I just got a call from Sally, one of the women on the hike Sunday. She called to invite me to play bridge with a group of her friends Friday evening.”

“That’s nice, but does Sally know what the group is in for? After all, you were the champion bridge player in high school.”

“Well, probably not, but it has been four years since I played. And one of the curious things about bridge is that it combines mathematics and communication. Some bridge partners share an intuitive communication that trumps all when it comes to bridge.

“But that isn’t the only reason that I called. After inviting me to bridge, Sally asked me if I could come over right now. She sounds like she needs someone to talk to, perhaps a shoulder to cry on. Do you mind if I go to her place for a bit?”

“Not at all, Dear. Please, be a good friend.”

“Thanks, Mom. You are the best. Don’t wait on me for dinner.”

* * * * *

Sally lived nearby in a small house in a middle-class neighborhood. Sandy knocked on the door. All was quiet within. When Sally opened the door, Sandy realized that Sally had been sitting alone, crying, and had not even turned on a light.

Sandy walked in and started tuning on lights like she owned the place. Sandy sat Sally on a sofa, held her hands and said, “Talk to me.” It was almost a mirror of what Julie had told Sandy on the trail Sunday.

Sally took several deep breaths. She almost deflated before she said, “I’m afraid that Peter is fucking someone else.”

Sandy looked at Sally, hugged her, and said, “You are going to be ok. Tell me more.”

Peter was late getting home from work. He had never been late during the first few years they lived together, but for the past month or more he has been late three or four times each week.

Sandy listened without interruption. After all, hadn’t she told Professor Brown that one of her strengths was that she could listen?

The whole time that Sally talked, Sandy had her right arm around Sally’s shoulder and held Sally’s left hand in her own. When Sally stopped talking with a deep sigh, Sandy stayed quiet for a full minute.

“Sally,” Sandy said quietly, “I think this is the first time we have been together while wearing clothes.”

Sally looked puzzled, then she chuckled, which grew into a full laugh. The two women laughed together for a while, until Sally looked at Sandy and said, “Thanks. I needed that. But if you remember, we started off wearing clothes on the hike last Sunday.”

“Of course I remember. But I am horrible at telling jokes and I felt like you needed to laugh. Whether you laughed at my bad joke or me, didn’t really matter. You laughed.

“You have let Peter’s late homecomings fester inside you for too long. Admittedly, I haven’t known you for long, but when I have seen the two of you together, all I see is a mutual love and respect.

“The fact that Peter has been continually late coming home is certainly disrespectful, and probably deceitful. You are right to feel concerned. üzümlü escort I just don’t see Peter having an affair with someone else.

“But the only way to know the truth is to ask. Tell him how you feel when he is chronically late without an explanation, without even a call to tell you that he will be late.”

A moment later the door opened and in walked Peter. He was as jaunty as ever. He came over and kissed Sally. “Hi, Bae.”

He smiled at Sandy and said, “Good to see you again Sandy. Thanks for coming over.”

“It was a pleasure,” Sandy said, “but I need to move on down the road. I hope you both have a good evening.”

Sandy stood and Sally walked her to the door and said, “Thanks for coming over.”

Sandy hugged Sally, “If you need someone to listen, call. If you need a hug, call. Whatever, call.”

The house was dark when Sandy got home. The house was also quiet. Either her mom was alone, out, or asleep.

Sandy found some sandwich fixings in the refrigerator, had a snack, read for a while, and went to bed.

* * * * *

On Thursday Sandy was ready for her second session on the model’s platform. She went straight to the art lab after her morning class, so she had 30 minutes to warm up. She rolled out her yoga mat behind the screen and started stretching. She did a wide range of exercises and stretches.

About 5 minutes before the hour Dr. Brown appeared and the gap of the screen. Sandy was in an elbow plank. Dr. Brown asked, “Are you ready?”

Sandy popped from an elbow plank to a full plank. She let her body down like a push up, but instead of a push up, she pushed and lunged to a standing position. Her motion was smooth and looked effortless.

“Yes, Professor Brown.”

Professor Brown led Sandy to the platform and motioned for her to sit and relax. Professor Brown addressed the students. “As we discussed in the lecture, there are myriad components to a life drawing. The art is in assembling those components into a cohesive and compelling whole.

“In our previous session, most of you drew the whole. Badly.

“Today, you will focus on the components. The hardest body parts for most people to master are the hands, feet, and face. So, during the first 20-minute session develop studies for Sandra’s hands. In the second session, her feet. In the third session, her face.

In the fourth session, you may choose any body part you like and develop the most detailed study imaginable. If you like, you may choose a component of hands, feet, and face, for example, a thumb, ankle, or ear. Or you can choose any other body part, small or large, but I recommend small. The key is detail.

“Choose a body part that speaks to your soul. After all, wouldn’t you all agree that Sandra exudes an aura that communicates with your soul?”

Professor Brown positioned Sandy for the pose of the day. Her feet were each in different positions, as were her hands. Her head tilted back slightly so that her ponytail hung freely.

Sandy held the pose until Professor Brown called for a break. As before, Sandy stretched and unkinked during the break. From the first day, Sandy had learned that the break was as important to the students as the pose, if not more important. Sandy had choreographed a stretch routine in four parts. In each part the splits were wider, and the back bends were deeper. At the end of the final session, Sandy finished her stretches by sliding her hands down her legs, slipping her head between her calves, rolling forward onto her back while pulling her legs into a middle split. She rolled forward so her torso was over her split and then pushed herself up gracefully to leave the platform.

Sandy pulled her dress over her head behind the screen and rolled up her yoga mat. Then pandemonium erupted. Applause and bravas. Sandy looked shyly out from the screen. All the students focused on her. She raised one hand in acknowledgement and smiled. Professor Brown appeared at Sandy’s side, pulled her through the door at the back of the lab, and motioned Sandy to a chair.

Professor Brown went back into the melee. She sharply cut the air with her hands to silence the students. Professor Brown stepped onto the platform and announced, “Yes. I agree with you. Sandra is phenomenal.

“On your way out, the lab assistant will have sign-up sheets for individual discussions with me. The sign-up sheets are for tomorrow and Monday. Slots are 15-minutes each. Bring your work. Do not be late. I look forward to meeting each of you.”

Professor Brown came back into the office and shut the door. She pulled a chair out uzunköprü escort from behind her desk and sat in front of Sandy. “Sandra, thank you. After you left the platform, the students continued to draw. Your stretching routine was beautiful.”

Professor Brown held out an envelope to Sandy, “Here is your pay for this week. I am paying you from my petty cash budget. The university payroll system takes weeks to pay, and they levy multiple taxes. You won’t earn enough money in this role to need to pay taxes, so cash is easier, more efficient, and faster. Do you mind?”

Sandy smiled, “Not at all. Thank you very much.”

“I have another offer for you. Would you be available to model on Saturdays from time to time?”

“I could be.”

“Ok. Here is my proposal. I would like you to model for a special project that I have in mind. This project is my personal art, not for the university. Sessions would be on Saturdays for four hours, 10 am to noon, a 1-hour break, then from 1 pm to 3 pm. I would pay you $50 per modeling hour, that is $200 per Saturday.

“The project I envision would require four or five Saturdays of modeling, each with a gap of one or two weeks between. I can only work on my personal art on weekends and occasional weekday evenings, and I need time between sessions to develop themes, stories, and details.

“Would you be able to start this coming Saturday?”

Sandy thought for a moment. “The day after tomorrow? I am available this Saturday. Sometimes I go on excursions with friends, but I would give you priority if it is important for you to keep on schedule.”

“Ok. Do you have a car?”


“In that case I will send a driver to bring you to my house. What is your address?”

Sandy gave Professor Brown her address. Then said, “My mother will probably want to know your address as well. Can I have it?”

“Of course. It is about a 30-minute drive to my house. What time would you like the driver to pick you up. I have space in my studio where you can warm up if you like.”

“How about 9:10?

“Excellent. See you Saturday morning.”

* * * * *

Sandy went home and cleaned up. She studied to get ready for her fractals and chaos class the next morning. Sandy was becoming an inveterate nudist. She studied nude in her room. She only dressed when she heard her mom come home.

She went out to greet her mom with a hug and kiss. “How was your day?” she asked. Her mom sighed, “Work is work. I wouldn’t do it if they didn’t pay me.”

“How did your visit go with Sally yesterday?”

As if on cue, Sandy’s phone rang. It was Sally. Sandy looked at her mom, “It is Sally, should I take it?”

“Go ahead.”

Sandy pressed talk and walked to a chair in the living room and sat as she said, “Hi Sally.”

“Oh, Sandy. I am so embarrassed. And I am so glad that I asked you to come over yesterday. After you left, I told Peter how his unexplained frequent lateness made me feel. He looked at me with true sadness. He told me that he had been working overtime to earn enough money to buy an engagement ring for me. I felt like such a heel. But at the same time, I felt head over heels.”


“We hugged. We kissed. We fucked like banshees. Maybe we were trying to compete with you and John.

“Sandy, thank you so much for listening to me. For not judging me or Peter. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am looking forward to kicking your ass at bridge tomorrow night.

“That was a joke. . . . Maybe. . .”

They both laughed and signed off.

Sandy went into the kitchen and hugged her mom, “Disaster diverted. Sally has gone from depression to elation. Her boyfriend was not stepping out on her, he was working overtime to save enough money to buy an engagement ring.”

Sandy’s mom said, “That’s nice. I’m glad that things worked out for your friend.

“What do you have coming up this weekend?”

“Ok. One day at a time. I will have dinner with Julie and John tonight.

“Tomorrow evening I am invited to play bridge with a bunch of women, most of whom I have never met. Sally thinks that she will kick my ass.

“Saturday I will be working on a special project with Professor Brown, the one who hired me at the university. I’ve put the Professor’s address and phone number into your phone. The Professor is sending a car to pick me up.”

“Saturday, evening, if you are available, I would like to cook a gourmet dinner for you, Julie, John, and if you feel it appropriate, Tom.”

“Ok. What will you cook?”

“That is a secret. I will buy all the food, prepare it, van escort perhaps with Julie and John’s help, and serve the hungry hoards.”

“But how will you buy the food. I don’t give you that much of an allowance.”

“Mom. I have a job. I started a part-time job at the university this week. I got my first pay today. I want to use it to tell the people I love the most know how much I love them.”

“Oh. In that case, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Perfect. I need to get over to Julie and John’s. I should be home by 10 or so.”

After Sandy left, her mom looked at the address Sandy had entered into her phone. It was in an exclusive neighborhood. Very exclusive. She fired up her old computer and googled. The residents at the address were Dr. J. Castenada, cardiothoracic surgeon and Professor S. Brown, artist. Well that explained the neighborhood, but what was the special project that Sandy was working on?

Sandy’s mom took a deep breath and let it go. She wanted to protect Sandy, but she knew that she also had to trust her. Sandy seemed so pleased to be able to buy food and cook dinner for everyone. Sometimes the simple pleasures are the best.

* * * * *

When Sandy reached Julie and John’s apartment she knocked, opened the door, and shouted “Hello.”

Julie shouted out, “Come on in. Make yourself comfortable.”

Sandy took off her clothes as she walked into Julie’s room. When she entered Sandy saw John and Julie naked on the bed in a 69. Sandy saw a bottle of lube on the nightstand. She squirted lube on her middle finger and worked it into John’s asshole. She started rubbing his prostate gently. She gradually increased pressure on his prostate until John was quivering and Julie was gulping down his cum. John fell back from Julie and sighed.

Julie looked at Sandy, “Well my friend, you have left me stranded. What are you going to do about that?”

Sandy kissed Julie. Moved down to suck on her nipples. Slowly licked her way down to Julie’s pussy and took over where John had left off. As Sandy licked Julie’s pussy and clit, she used the same finger that she had used on John’s prostate to circle Julie’s anus.

Sandy shifted her oral focus to Julie’s clitoris and probed two clean fingers into Julie’s vagina until she was stroking Julie’s g-spot. Sandy was not in a hurry. She went slowly and gently. Julie’s moans and grunts crescendoed until a fountain of cum gushed into Sandy’s mouth.

Sandy savored Julie’s juice and stopped all movement, while she left her fingers and tongue in place applying gentle pressure to Julie’s erogenous zones. After Julie came down from her orgasmic high and started to relax, Sandy withdrew her fingers and tongue, in response to which Julie twitched and said, “Ooo.”

Sandy went into Julie’s bathroom and washed her hands. When she came out, John and Julie were still limp on the bed. Sandy lay between them, hugging both.

Sandy was on her back. John and Julie were on their sides facing Sandy. As if on cue, John and Julie leaned in to suck on Sandy’s nipples. As if choreographed, John and Julie sucked, nibbled, licked circles around her areola, and flicked their tongues across the ends of her nipples. Before long the double assault on her nipples resulted in an explosion. Sandy had heard of nipple orgasms, but the experience was a bolt out of the blue.

Sandy looked at her lovers and said, “I was hoping to get fucked, but that was beyond all expectations. Thank you.”

Julie kissed Sandy with a good bit of tongue, pulled back and said, “We practiced that just for you. And let’s come back to the ‘hope to get fucked’ after dinner.

The three lovers prepared dinner, ate, cleaned up, and then had another fuck session. Sandy was happy when John came in her pussy, and even happier when Julie licked her pussy clean.

Before she dressed to leave Sandy invited Julie and John to dinner Saturday night. When she told them that her mom would join them, possibly with Tom, the mysterious boyfriend, Julie asked, “What is the occasion?”

“You two and my mother are the three most special people in my life. I wanted to use the first pay from my new job to show you how much I love you.”

“Job?” Julie asked. “Since when?”

“On Tuesday I started working part-time at the university. I work in the art lab helping Professor Brown.”

“That sounds interesting,” Julie said. “What do you do?”

“I am a model. That certainly isn’t my career goal, but so far it has been interesting and fun.”

Julie wanted to ask if Sandy modeled nude, but she was circumspect.

John was not, “Do you model in the nude?” he asked.

“Of course,” Sandy answered. “That is what life models do.”

“We look forward to hearing more. Do you think it would be a good topic on Saturday with your mom and her new boyfriend?”

They all laughed. They dressed and Julie and John walked Sandy home. Sandy kissed each of them goodbye when they got to her house before going inside.

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