As soon as they were back in their dorm room, Nancy and Maura went to work. They took the mattresses off the bed and turned over the frames. Sure enough, there were the same holes drilled into the frames. They broke out the nuts and bolts and moved the bed frames so they could bolt them together again and form one big bed. Then they put the mattresses back on the double frame next to each other. They also added an additional purchase from the summer, queen size sheets to cover both mattresses at the same time.
The meal plan did not start until the first day of classes. For dinner that night, the girls ordered a pizza and sat around talking about their classes. They specifically stayed away from talking about Maria. Finally, Nancy’s phone rang with a call from Maria. She answered it and put it on speaker.
“Maria you’re on speaker.”
“Hey, Nancy. Hey Maura. So glad to be back. Say, can I come down to say hi?”
“Yeah, sure. We’re just hanging out.”
It was a few minutes later when Maria knocked on the door and entered the room. When she came in, she closed the door. The first thing Nancy and Maura noticed was she still had her long hair. They had agreed that there was too much hair to shove under a wig and so if Maria had her long hair, she probably was not Alexis Vegas. Either way, there still were questions about the plotline in that little series of films that had to be discussed.
The other thing they noticed was that Maria was carrying what looked like a Styrofoam head. She placed it down on one of the desks and said, “We need to talk.”
“Yes, I believe we do.” said Nancy in a stern voice. Maria became anxious. She had known that her actions could be risking her friendship with Nancy and Maura, although she hoped if she could explain, they might understand and not be angry with her.
“I take it you’ve seen the movies?”
“Which movies Maria?”
“The movies we worked on over the summer. The ones with Mia, Jessi and Alexis.”
“Well, that was the project I was working on this summer that I told you about.”
“You certainly did not tell us everything. The story lines seemed very familiar.”
“Yes, well…I…”
“Maria, that was us, wasn’t it? Do you have any idea what a shock it was to see our private lives on a screen in a porno movie?”
Nancy was laying it on thick. Maria was so worried and so anxious that she just focused on Nancy’s interrogation. Had she looked over at Maura, she would have seen that she was not able to keep a straight face.
While they didn’t know all the details, they knew Maria had talked to someone about their story and that was the basis for those movies. Far from being angry, they thought it was really hot. But they agreed they would give her some grief the first time they saw her, just to mess with her a little. Good natured fun between friends.
“Alright, let me be completely honest with you.” She reached her hands behind her head and after a little bit of time, she lifted her hair off her head. The long hair was a wig and below it was the new short cut style of Alexis Vegas.
“So, you are Alexis Vegas!” Nancy shouted it at Maria as if it were an accusation.
“Alexis Vegas is a persona, a stage name. I am Maria Ruiz. And back in January I showed up at this campus and I was away from my friends and loved ones. I had no support system. I did not know anyone. I was worried that I did not have the intelligence to be successful at schoolwork and I had a roommate that hated my very existence.
“And then I was blessed to meet two extraordinary people who welcomed me, helped me, supported me. Me, Maria Ruiz. And we really connected and we made something special. And I hope I didn’t ruin it because these two people are so important to me, Maria Ruiz. So, I am hoping that we can pick up from where we left things before the summer. What do you think?”
They were silent for about ten seconds for effect. Maura was the first to give in and said, “I think I’m gonna have sex with a porn star.”
“We’ve already had sex with a porn star, we just didn’t know it.” added Nancy.
Maria’s eyes lit up and she got a huge grin on her face and asked, “So you aren’t mad at me?”
“More like turned on.” Maura replied.
“YES!” Maria yelled. She took two steps and dove onto the bed, spreading her arms out and knocking Nancy and Maura backwards as she tried to hug them both at the same time.
They sat up on the bed together and Maria said, “I knew you would probably see the movies and I didn’t know how you take them. The first episode was out a month ago. I kept waiting for you call and yell at me or something.”
“Well, we were in my parents’ house for a lot of the summer so there was a much more chaste existence.”
Nancy snorted at that. Maria looked at Nancy and asked, “Is there a story behind that?”
“Yes, but yours first. How did our love story become your porn movie.”
“Well, at the beginning of last semester, I hadn’t wanted to talk to Krissy and Tuzla travesti Dawn about how I was doing here…”
“Who?” asked Nancy.
“My friends Krissy and Dawn. Oh yeah, Mia and Jessi. That’s their professional names, like mine is Alexis.”
“Wait, you’re friends with those two?” Maura interjected with a look of astonishment on her face.
“Of course. I mean, we met during that first movie I did with them. And trust me, doing a porn movie is not as sexy as it looks. You have multiple takes, you have to freeze where you are while they move cameras, there are all these other people around and a director telling you want to do. But we hung out afterwards and just really had a chemistry right from the start. That’s partly why they keep putting us together. It definitely helps the movie if there is some kind of connection between the cast because you are working in surprisingly difficult circumstances.
“Anyway, if I had told them how bad things were those first few weeks, they would have tried to convince me to just quit school and go back to LA and do more movies. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing the movies, but I want to do other things as well. Then after you two got me straightened out, I was able to talk to them. And we talked a lot about the two of you. I told them how you fell in love and how Nancy saved you from that whackjob and how you watched Krissy and Dawn’s movies to get ideas for sex.”
“Oh, that is so embarrassing.” moaned Nancy.
“No Nancy, they loved it. They loved your story and they were kind of honored and a little proud of themselves about it actually. They pushed me to mentioned it when we went in to shoot next and it took off from there.”
“How does it end?” asked Nancy.
“We don’t know yet. We only finished the first five episodes, the rest will have to wait until Winter break. There are other people writing the scripts, but I have to go over them and I get some say as to how they go. I also got to help with some sets and costumes. I really was working on all aspects of the production.”
“We did notice your name as a producer in the credits. Well, Alexis’ name.” Maura added.
“So, what’s the story with Krissy and Dawn?” asked Nancy.
“We met that first day of filming and we just really had fun and hit it off. Krissy has a husband and Dawn has a female partner now, but she is extremely bisexual. I’m the only one who doesn’t like guys at all but they always find some girl time for the three of us. They’re a blast and I love it when I get to hang around with them. The sex is great, but when I told you about the friends I had and how we had sex like it’s just another thing that we do. I was talking about Krissy and Dawn.”
“You told us that, but you didn’t tell us that it was Mia and Jessi you were doing it with. Did they ever come into your mind when you were with us?” Nancy’s voice had lost a little bit of the light and breezy tone the conversation had since Maria joined them on the bed.
“I am not going to lie to you, yes. In fact, I think the fact that you two are a blonde and a redhead made things easier for me when we first met. But please understand, we (and Maria did the circle thing that Maura had done a few months previously. This made all three of them laugh and eased the tension a bit) have our own thing. You were not replacements for them or fill-ins for them. You are my friends as much as they are. And our relationship is a little different because I think the three of us connect on a slightly deeper level than I do with those two. It’s not that they aren’t very special to me; they are. But so are you two. I meant for these movies to be an homage to you in a way, to your relationship and now our relationship. That’s how I was hoping you would take it.”
Maura said, “No. I just thought it was hot. And the fact that it was kinda about me, that was even hotter.” Nancy and Maria each punched an arm.
Nancy looked back at Maria. “I do have one other question though, what about the hair?”
“Well, you two brought out a little dominant streak in me. By the way, Krissy and Dawn wanted me to specifically thank you for that. But the film company decided they wanted to work with it. They wanted to give me a different look from what I’d been doing so far. Harder action with me taking the lead. At first, they wanted me to keep the long hair and do this dominatrix kind of thing, but I thought that was a bit too much. So, we went with the really short cut to change my look. Less sweet and innocent and more edgy.”
Maura jumped in, “I love it by the way, Maria. It is very different but it still looks good on you. Although everything looks good on you.”
Maria smiled and said, “Thanks MOH.”
“But then why the wig?” Nancy again questioned.
“I didn’t want to get recognized. They’re doing some promotion for these shows and more and more people are going to see them. My picture will be out in trade stuff as well. We thought the long hair would keep anyone from noticing Tuzla travestileri that they had a porn star in their sociology class.”
“What about your roommate? She’s going to know it’s a wig.”
“I told her that I hate the short haircut and I got the wig until it grows back longer. I didn’t tell her the whole story because if it’s bad to have a porn star in your sociology class, it would be worse to have one as your roommate.”
“I don’t know. I liked it when you stayed over last semester.” quipped Maura.
Maria smiled but kept talking. “Anyway, I will let it grow during the semester, but they will cut it back again when I go home for the semester break. We’ll do a lot of filming although I won’t be around for the editing and post-production.”
Nancy added, “You’ll have to come up with something for your roommate when you get back after that.”
“Yeah, but that’s then. I certainly hope I do better with a roommate this year.”
“I don’t.” said Maura.
“WHAT!” said Nancy and Maria together.
“If you had a good roommate last semester, we might not have gotten to know you.”
“That’s sweet, Maura. Demented, but sweet.” said Nancy.
“Besides, maybe if I get a really good roommate, I can bring her down here with me. Did you ever thing of that?” Maria added. Maura was suddenly very quiet.
Nancy looked back to Maria and asked, “What time is your first class tomorrow?”
“1:00. I learned; no classes before noon on Monday or after 3:00 on Friday.”
“Nice job Padawan.”
Maria got off the bed and took Nancy’s hands into her own. Maria pulled Nancy up to her feet and looked into her eyes. Maria said, “So, I don’t have to be up early tomorrow and I am guessing you guys followed your own rules about when to take classes?”
“We did.” Nancy took a side glance at Maura who was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“So, we don’t need to make it an early night, do we?”
“No. We don’t.”
“Then I’d like to do what I have been waiting over three months to do.” With that Maria put her arms around Nancy’s waist and pulled her hard into her own body.
With their noses almost touching, Nancy looked at the lust in the dark eyes across for her and asked, “Alexis Vegas?”
“No, just Maria Ruiz. But Maria Ruiz wants you, both of you, like nothing she’s ever wanted before.” Maria titled her head and pressed her lips to Nancy’s. It was not a soft kiss and Maria’s tongue was quickly forcing its way into Nancy’s mouth. Not that Nancy was trying to keep it out, but the speed with which Maria was moving had caught Nancy by surprise. Once she had recovered her bearings, she began returning the kiss with equal vigor.
Maria suddenly pulled away from Nancy and turned to look for Maura. When the kiss had started, Maura stood up from the bed as well but she did not move over to Nancy and Maria. She was rooted to the spot, taken aback by the sudden fury of lust coming from Maria. When Maria turned to her, Maura saw the hunger in Maria’s eyes and started to move toward her.
Maria was on a mission and Maura was not moving fast enough. So, Maria reached her other arm out and around Maura’s waist and pulled her in and began kissing her with the same ferocity she had been kissing Nancy.
With Maria now facing away from her, Nancy began placing wet kisses on Maria’s neck and shoulder. After kissing Maura for a bit, Maria turned back and began ravishing Nancy all over again. Maura followed suit and began kissing Maria’s neck, but Maura also began to fondle Maria’s breast on her side.
After the first time one of Maura’s fingers brushed across her nipple, Maria broke her kiss with Nancy and thrust her hands up in the air. Nancy and Maura did not need anything more to know they were to take off Maria’s shirt and bra and worship her tits. And they were more than happy to do so.
Maura was pulling the shirt off Maria’s hands and Nancy was pressed up against Maria’s flank, reaching for the hooks of the bra. Maria leaned down and planted her lips on Nancy’s. Again, there was a fierceness to her actions and Nancy was so caught up in the kiss, she could not get the bra unhooked. Maura had to slap her hands away and finish the task.
Once it was unhooked, Maura pulled the bra off Maria’s body and attacked the breast in front of her. She had her lips around the nipple and was immediately sucking on it very hard, getting into the mood that Maria was setting. As she lowered her hands, Maria pushed Nancy’s head down a little. Nancy got the point and broke the kiss, going for Maria’s other breast.
As Nancy and Maura lavished pleasure on Maria’s breasts, she took it all in. They had only known each other for about three and a half months and then had been separated for another three and a half months. Yet the first opportunity they got; her two friends were happily suckling her big tits trying to give her pleasure. It spoke volumes about how close they had become in those first three and a half Travesti tuzla months and how much they had missed each other in the last three and a half months.
During the course of the summer, Maria had thought about the first night back with Nancy and Maura. She was hopeful they would not mind that she had used their story for her work, although there was no guarantee. But assuming all went well, she had thought a lot about this first night back together. For the last week, it was almost all she thought about each night as she would touch herself, pretending it was Nancy and Maura, causing a very pleasurable orgasm. But she had also thought about what she would do for them when she could. A kind of thank you for their understanding in allowing her to use their love story for a porn love story that she was getting to help produce. It was time to put that plan into action.
“Nancy, I want you to get on your hands and knees up by the headboard.” Maria’s tone was something between a request and a demand, but Nancy never hesitated to get into the position that Maria had stated. Nancy pushed the pillows off the bed and got down on her hands and knees with her ass pointed right at Maria and Maura.
Maria crawled up behind and lovingly caressed her ass checks. “Oh God, I’ve been dying to get these cheeks back in my hands and under my tongue.”
“Well, I’ve been waiting so long for you to be there Maria. But just so you know, Maura did an excellent job keeping them warm for you over the summer when we had the chance.” Nancy looked back and smiled at Maura, who blew her a kiss.
Maria turned to Maura, said, “Thank you.” and then leaned in to give Maura a brief kiss. Then she leaned back and said, “Is it okay if I eat out your girlfriend’s ass and pussy for a while?”
“Please go ahead. I know she wants you to and I know you will make her feel so very good.” Maria smiled and leaned in for another quick peck on Maura’s lips, then she turned back and dove into Nancy’s ass.
Maria flattened out her tongue as much as she could and began taking long swipes right up Nancy’s ass crack from her perineum to where the crack ended at the small of Nancy’s back.
The first one of these brought an “UUUUUHHHHH!” from Nancy. This was followed by an “mmmmmmmmmm”, an “UUUMMMPPPHHH!” and finally an “ooooohhhhhOH!” The last part was about two octaves higher than the rest when on the last swipe, Maria pushed her tongue into Nancy’s anus when she got there.
With her tongue now firmly in Nancy’s ass, Maria brought her one hand underneath Nancy and began rubbing it back and forth along Nancy’s slit. She continued this steady rubbing motion as she moved her tongue in, out and around Nancy’s rear entrance.
Nancy was enjoying this immensely. She told Maria, “Oh sweetie, this is sooo very good. We’ve missed you so much.”
As if to put an exclamation point on Nancy’s comment, Maura lay down on her back and shimmied in between Maria’s legs and reached up to touch her moist pussy. Maria moaned into Nancy’s ass the moment Maura’s fingers began running across her labia. She had her own plan for Maura, but things were best when it was the three of them all together. Maria squatted her own ass down a little so that her crotch was now right above Maura’s face, just sitting there for the taking. And Maura immediately took advantage of the wonderful opportunity that Maria had given her.
Maura’s tongue ran through Maria’s slit much like Maria’s tongue had run through Nancy’s ass crack. Maura was rewarded with Maria’s tangy nectar and she too realized just how much she had missed there sexual escapades with Maria. There was no doubt that Maura was a little more fixated on the fact that she was giving oral to a famous porn star. But at the same time, she did not forget that this famous porn star was her and Nancy’s friend.
Maura knew she very much wanted to give her friend as much pleasure as she could. She had been on the receiving end of lots of pleasure from Maria and she knew how good Maria was making Nancy feel. And while she wasn’t getting the verbal affirmation that Nancy was giving Maria, Maura had pleasured Maria enough to know the signs. Maria was getting very close to her own orgasm and Maura was intent on getting her over the edge.
Maria had planned what she was going to do to both Nancy and Maura the first night back but when she was thinking about it, she never thought about how Nancy or Maura might want to please her while she was pleasing the other one. So, Maria had been surprised when Maura had crawled under her legs and began eating her out. And even as she was trying to concentrate on Nancy’s pleasure, Maura was making it difficult with how well she was making Maria feel. It really made an impression on her just how much she loved them and how much they loved her. It was something different than her relationship with Krissy and Dawn. Not better, but definitely different.
Her orgasm fast approaching, Maria began to thrust her hips back and forth across Maura’s face. Her mouth was also betraying her a bit as she was making sounds into Nancy’s ass instead of licking it. Fortunately, Maria was able to keep her hand motions steady and so she was bringing Nancy right along with herself as they both approached that moment of bliss.
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