Her arm about Kathi’s waist, Leah marched her over to the door and pulled it open. As they stepped out into the tunnel hallway, a few seconds passed before anyone turned to acknowledge them, and Leah took in the scene at a glance. Standing by the clothes cart into which Yvonne had earlier discarded her shorts, Annika was in the process of doing the same. Her leggings lay in a crumpled heap at her feet, and she was pulling her shorts off one lifted leg. Behind her at the lectern stood Polina, her face glowing with a dazed satisfaction as she peered over her glasses at the ledger in which she had written. Ellen had emerged from Polina’s underskirts, her cat ears somewhat askew, and was standing behind Polina hugging her about the waist while reading discreetly over her shoulder. And leaning against the stone wall of the tunnel was Lena, her arms draped over the shoulders of the two much shorter girls, Polina’s helpers whose job it had been to draw open the curtains. They both had their hands on Lena’s body and were looking up at her with a sort of drunken, love-struck contentment on their faces as the three of them chatted quietly, laughing. The smaller one, Mari, was caressing a distinct bulge at the crotch of Lena’s tight pants.
Louise, tall and imposing, her arms folded across her chest, was the only one standing alone, and the first to turn to look at Leah and Kathi. “Oh my,” she smiled broadly, “Well, that’s that sorted out. You’re definitely dmurrhisi.”
“Hi. Thanks,” Leah laughed. She held tight to Kathi’s hand, felt their shared anticipation and excitement.
“Not that there was really any doubt to begin with,” Louise winked.
Polina looked up from the ledger. She pushed her glasses up the ridge of her nose and stared over at Leah. “Oh. Wow,” she breathed quietly, her mouth agape.
Ellen nuzzled at Polina’s shoulder, giggling, “Need me to, um… bribe you again?”
“Shoo,” Polina pushed Ellen away, tousling her hair affectionately. She held up her pen, clicked it sharply, then began writing, “So… two very girly, and very lovely, ‘girly girls’, as you put it,” Polina smiled at Leah as she pronounced the phrase, “Kathi, and…?”
“Leah,” Lena’s voice called out. Leah nodded.
“… okay, Leah,” Polina continued writing.
Standing there in front of the other girls, most of them still fully dressed, or at least more so than she, Leah was acutely conscious of her near-nakedness. She searched for something to say that might make it appear that she was unfazed. “Why do you write our names in that book?” she asked Polina.
“In order that… How to put it?” Polina mused, “So that due credit be given to those who discovered you, should you turn out to be popular.”
“If we turn out to be popular?” Kathi asked. Leah couldn’t tell whether Kathi sounded eager or apprehensive.
“Sisterhood stuff. Tedious,” Lena waved her hand in the air dismissively, “Status, politics.”
Leah looked over at Lena, and saw that in the meanwhile Mari had unbuttoned Lena’s pants and taken out her dick. It stuck up long and rigid, held gently in Mari’s dainty grip.
Lena took hold of Mari’s wrist and gently pulled her hand away, smiling down at her. “Excuse me my dears,” Lena said to Leah and Kathi. She stepped forward then with a swift hoist of the waist of her pants she pulled them into place and deftly bent and tucked her dick back inside, having to bend her body a little as she did so. Lena’s smile broke into a momentary wince as she buttoned up, “Let’s save that for a little later, shall we?” she said to the two girls behind her. Lena then turned again to Leah, “You two,” Lena looked her and Kathi up and down. “You know how to dress to impress. You look exquisitely, excruciatingly desirable.”
“Thanks,” Kathi giggled, “It was mostly Leah who chose the outfits.”
Lena fixed her gaze on Leah and arched one eyebrow. “Good girl,” she purred quietly.
Then Leah remembered something, “Oh, your dress.”
“My dress?” Lena asked, looking down at her jeans and top.
“The one you gave me to wear, I mean,” Leah explained, “I forgot it in the dressing room.”
“That’s fine, my dear,” Lena smiled indulgently, “Leave it there. I can send for it later.” Then she turned sharply on her heels and called out, “Annika. Perhaps you have something to say to your date?”
Annika was standing by the clothes bin as she had been, and appeared to be transfixed, staring. She had pulled her leggings back on, but now without the tight shorts beneath them to keep herself contained. Her dick was sticking out stiffly in front of her, a tight, tent-like prominence in the front of the leggings. “Ah, you…,” she gasped breathlessly, eyes fixed on Kathi, then darting across to look at Leah.
“Hi,” Kathi giggled. She stepped forward, letting go of Leah’s hand. Leah was surprised to see Kathi reach out and take a firm hold of Annika’s dick, then give it a gentle tug to pull her closer.
“Ahh, no. Don’t!” Annika grunted through gritted teeth. Her fists were clenched and espiye escort her whole body seemed to be tensed, as if she were having to muster all her strength and concentration to control herself.
“Oh, sorry,” Kathi let go, her face dropping. “Are you…?”
Leah looked down to where a small dark stain was slowly spreading out from where the tip of Annika’s dick strained against the fabric of her leggings.
“Oh fuck! No, no. I’m not,” Annika said hurriedly, her face flushing bright red, “It just, er, does that a bit, sometimes, when I’m close. I can’t help it.”
Behind Lena the two helper girls burst into shrill laughter. Leah watched them giggle and stare, then she looked at Lena, then back at Annika. It occurred to her just how long it had been since she had last had her hands on Lena’s lovely big dick. Or at least how long it seemed. Seeing the two Sisterhood girls now get hard with excitement, Leah felt a sudden rush of arousal, and could sense a hot moisture begin to seep out of her as far as the outermost folds of her pussy. She shivered, and composed herself. Then something else occurred to her, “Where’s Yvonne?”
A fresh peal of laughter broke out from behind Lena. Lena’s lips curled into a wry smile. She held out her hand to indicate the two helper girls, “These two delightful creatures have offered such touching loyalty over the years, that I decided to indulge them. I have let them choose a punishment for Yvonne.”
“She needed punishing again?” Leah asked.
“More sort of putting in her place,” Lena replied, “Though there is an endless backlog of misdemeanors that keep coming to light. I could spend an entire evening punishing her and I still wouldn’t be done.”
Leah thought she saw Lena’s dick pulse and lengthen slightly beneath her pants as she spoke the last few words. “So what’s the punishment?” Leah asked, suddenly worried it might mean that Yvonne would not be accompanying her into the North Wing.
“Just a bit of fun,” Lena smiled reassuringly, “I let these two pick out an outfit for Yvonne. And I made her change into it.”
“You made her change?” Kathi asked.
“On pain of leaving her behind,” Lena continued, “A threat that always works. For all her faults, she does at least respond to…” Lena’s eyes locked with Leah’s as she spoke, intoning the word slowly, “… incentives.”
“Oh yes!” Aria, the larger of the helper girls squealed, putting her hand to her mouth to muffle an excited laugh.
Leah turned to look at the opposite wall of the tunnel, where one of the small doors swung open and Yvonne strode out haughtily, her head held high and pointedly not looking at the two girls laughing at her.
“Here she comes!” Mari squeaked, “The bride to be.”
“It’s a dickgirl wedding!” Aria laughed, doubling over.
Yvonne was dressed all in white, in what mostly resembled a traditional, if somewhat revealing, bridal gown. Her torso was encased in a tight white lace bodice, from which flowed long, elaborately embroidered sleeves loose at the wrist, and a ruffled silken bustle and train that dragged along the floor behind her. The front of the dress was cut so that it parted open all the way up to the waist, baring Yvonne’s legs, which were clad in white stockings up to her thighs. Her dick hung completely exposed, long and heavy between her legs. Her shoes were likewise a brilliant white, pointed and with tall slim heels. And pinned into her dark brown hair was a white lace veil that hung lightly across her face, rising and falling as she snorted in disdain.
“Frivolous bitches,” Yvonne muttered, her lips pursed tight. She tossed her head, still not deigning to look at her two tormentors.
“It’s just for our grand entrance. You can take it off once we’re inside,” said Lena. She turned and scrunched her eyes affectionately at the two giggling girls. “Speaking of which…” She looked about her at the others, then snapped her fingers to summon Ellen, who came bounding gaily to her side.
“So we are finally done here, are we?” asked Yvonne curtly.
“I think you are,” said Louise, “Your offerings are among the finest we’ve seen this evening.”
“Are they going to be offered then?” Polina asked.
“Perhaps,” Lena replied, “Let’s allow them to decide that later.”
For the first time since exiting the changing cabin, Yvonne lowered her gaze and looked around. Her eyes lighted immediately on Leah.
Leah stepped forward to meet her. “Hi,” she smiled coyly, twisting on her heels to display herself to Yvonne.
The sound that gurgled out from Yvonne’s open mouth was something like a gasp or short intake of air, which then lengthened into a just audible moan. Leah watched as Yvonne’s dick began to throb and grow, lifting and stiffening in slow pulses until it stood fully upright, smooth and taut. The skin of her ballsack seemed to shift and tighten at the same time, holding its weighty contents firmly up against the base of her dick.
“An eager bride,” Aria giggled, and etiler escort she Mari embraced each other, laughing.
“Okay, that’s enough you two,” Lena sighed. She extended the crook of her arm for Ellen to take hold, “We must make our entrance.”
“Oh yes. Ohh yes,” Yvonne groaned. She reached out swiftly and grabbed Leah by the waist to hoist her suddenly into the air. With the same cool, poised strength that Leah had come to recognize as characteristic of Sisterhood girls, Yvonne turned Leah about to face her, then clasped her hands under Leah’s backside to lift her up and hold her tight.
Leah cried out in a mixture of surprise and excitement. She quickly wrapped her arms around Yvonne’s neck and her legs around Yvonne’s waist to hold herself steady, and felt the intricate, faintly itchy lace of Yvonne’s bodice against her bare thighs and stomach. She looked down through the veil into Yvonne’s eyes. “Do you believe in fucking before marriage?” she giggled.
“Don’t you start,” Yvonne muttered. She blew a single sharp puff of air from her lips and tossed her head to clear the veil from her face. She whispered, “But there’s no way a slut like you has managed to stay a virgin.” Then she strode forward, carrying Leah along the tunnel where the others had already set off.
Leah was aware that Yvonne probably couldn’t see too clearly to look where she was going. Nor did she seem to be making much of an effort to do so, her eyes fixed instead on Leah’s chest right in front of her face. Leah craned her neck around to look behind her and saw the door at the end of the tunnel approaching. She reached out to hold it open when it began to swing closed behind Annika and Kathi.
Yvonne heaved and hefted as she carried Leah through the doorway, then her grip began to loosen. “Going to have to set you down here,” Yvonne grunted.
As Yvonne let her slowly slide down, Leah felt the hardness of Yvonne’s dick come to rest nudging at her between her legs. She sat straddled across it, the folds of her pussy splayed open along the shaft. Leah leaned back and set her feet on the floor, and as she did so Yvonne’s dick slid across her in one delicious smooth motion, its tip pressing firmly against the top of her pussy, momentarily stretching it upwards before it sprang free. Leah saw with some satisfaction the glisten of her own moisture on Yvonne’s dick as it slapped stiffly up against Yvonne’s stomach.
“Here we are,” said Annika excitedly, standing beside them and holding Kathi by the hand.
Leah turned and looked out across a broad, high-ceilinged chamber made up of crossed stone arches, and lit by a ring of bright oil lamps set into sconces in the walls. The stonework looked old and was similar in style to the vault of the tunnel through which they had just passed, but in rather better repair. The air around them carried the same hint of warm vapor, only more intense. The chamber stretched out some hundred meters or so ahead, and at its far end were three curtained archways, leading left, right, and straight onward. Immediately in front of them was a shallow, semicircular flight of brickwork steps that led down to the floor of the chamber. On either side of a clear pathway through the chamber were arranged various pieces of furniture in different styles, including Roman-fashion upholstered chaises, plush couches, and simpler wicker chairs and benches.
On some of these pieces of furniture sat groups of girls, reclining, chatting, and drinking, their arms about each other’s shoulders or their hands clasped together. A few were kissing. Others had turned from their conversations to look up at the new entrants. Some of them were unmistakably Sisterhood girls, their dicks hanging out of unbuttoned pants, or sticking up hard beneath flimsy dresses. Others were more modestly dressed, and many were still wearing the same kind of elegant attire that Leah had seen in the grand hall.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” said Ellen, “Though I always worry about what the humidity is doing to all this wooden furniture.”
Yvonne rolled her eyes, “Thanks for that. Good to know you’re hot for antique furnishings.”
“I’ve heard you’re not entirely averse to humping the occasional sofa yourself,” Ellen stuck out her tongue.
“Come, Ellen dear,” Lena held out her hand and led Ellen down the steps. Ellen’s outfit raised a few giggles, some girls pointing discreetly and laughing along with their companions. It seemed to Leah that some of the girls also looked up at Lena with an expression of admiration, in some cases perhaps tinged with envy, or even fear.
“Let’s go,” Yvonne flashed a look of exhilaration at Leah before leading her likewise downward. Leah picked her way carefully, less certain on her high heels than Yvonne seemed to be. Leah heard titters of laughter, along with whispered remarks, and what she fancied might be a few groans or gasps of approval, or desire. But with her eyes mostly fixed on her feet, she didn’t get a clear look etimesgut escort at the faces of any of the girls surrounding them until she leaped off the final step onto the floor of the chamber.
“Holy… flying… fuck,” Leah heard a brash, slightly lisping voice speak from off to her left.
“Shh,” another voice hissed, “That’s…”
“What the fuck is she wearing?” a third voice said, rather more loudly.
Leah turned and saw three girls sitting side by side on a wooden bench upholstered in red. They looked all three of them young, maybe not much more than twenty years old, and very pretty.
“Uh-oh,” said the girl sitting on the left. It was her voice that Leah had heard first, rich and hoarse. As the girl spoke, her breath whistled out in a subtle lisp from very lovely, soft-looking, lips. Above them, from the septum of her nose hung a small silver ring.
The girl sitting next to her was taller, shyer looking, and perhaps the youngest of the three. “Just ignore her,” she whispered urgently, and buried her face in her friend’s shoulder as if to hide it.
It was then that Leah recognized the two of them as the pair of Sisterhood girls that she had watched from the gallery of the grand hall, together with Yvonne and Annika, and for whom Yvonne had expressed a certain disdain. The two girls were still wearing the same outfits that Leah remembered, tight jeans and simple tops, the first girl in her blue striped tank top, the other in a loose white t-shirt that gave glimpses of her firm, plump breasts.
“What?” the third girl, sitting on the right, spoke up. Leah didn’t recognize her. She was wearing a high-necked thin sweater and tight jogging pants. Her skin was pale and lightly freckled, and her long straight hair a deep auburn red. She was strikingly beautiful, and very slim, with the sort of aristocratic, angular beauty of a model or actress. Her slender face wore an innocent, clueless expression.
“Just look away,” hissed the first girl.
“Why?” insisted the auburn-haired one on the right.
“It’s Yvonne,” the first replied, whispering, “We… Never mind, you weren’t there. Just shut up.”
Perhaps catching the mention of her name, Yvonne stopped and turned just as it seemed she was about to lead Leah onward. Leah watched Yvonne’s lips curl into a sly smile as she spied the three girls sitting on the bench. “Ohh, hello girls,” she purred, and marched over to them. She turned back to look at Leah, “Leah, may I introduce you to Ivy…” Yvonne indicated the first girl, the one with the ring in her nose, “… and Lia,” she indicated the auburn-haired girl, “Two of the dumbest bitches in the whole Sisterhood.”
“Get back!” the girl called Ivy raised a finger at Yvonne and scrabbled backward against the bench, cowering in fear as Yvonne lunged for her.
“And what was the name of your feisty young friend with the nice rack?” Yvonne asked Ivy.
“Katharina,” the taller girl in the middle replied, sounding calm and defiant despite the shy smile on her face.
“Katharina,” Yvonne echoed, smiling. Then she leaned swiftly forward, took hold of Ivy’s jeans by the waist and deftly unbuttoned them.
“What the fuck?” Ivy cried, flinching. Yvonne’s hand scrabbled to free Ivy’s dick and it sprang out, already fully hard.
Yvonne plucked the veil from her hair and tossed it to the floor. “These three thirsty bitches will probably try to fuck you as soon as they get the chance,” Yvonne said over her shoulder to Leah, “I’ll give you sneak preview, so you can decide whether you want to take pity on them.”
Then Yvonne planted her legs straight, slightly apart, and bent gracefully at the waist to lower her head into Ivy’s lap, suddenly swallowing Ivy’s dick with one noisy, powerful suck, gulping it down until her nose pressed firmly against Ivy’s slim stomach. Ivy’s body stiffened and she groaned as Yvonne wriggled her head from side to side, a muffled laugh in her throat.
Not looking up, Yvonne’s other hand fumbled blindly along the bench until it found the crotch of Katharina’s jeans, then headed swiftly for the button and popped it open as she had for Ivy. Yvonne reached roughly in, yanking the waist of the jeans down until Katharina’s dick flopped free. There was a gurgling, quizzical sound from Yvonne, and then she straightened up, letting out a gasp of exhilaration as Ivy’s dick slid out of her mouth.
“Whoa!” Yvonne cried out, turning to look down at Katharina’s lap, “Those weren’t false promises after all.”
Leah followed Yvonne’s gaze and saw immediately what had drawn her excited exclamation. Katharina’s dick was easily the biggest Leah had seen that evening. She hadn’t especially been making an effort to compare them so far, but she was fairly sure that of the three she had come into contact with until then, Lena’s had been the biggest. But even Lena’s, which Leah had found almost intimidatingly large at the time, was nothing compared to the sheer tower of a dick that was slowly rising from Katharina’s open jeans. Only half hard, it was already a little longer than Lena’s, and still lengthening as it stiffened. It seemed to be taking its time getting hard, as if the sheer length of it just needed longer to fill and swell, but it was making its way inexorably upward in slow, regular throbs, to where Yvonne’s excited lips awaited.
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