It was only three days after I agreed to the dinner date that Jack set up the restaurant. Jack, my mother, me, and the man that would become my new “daddy” all got together in a private dining room at a country club.
Jack was correct…The man who expressed interest in me was indeed very handsome. His name was Jason and I was attracted to him the moment we met. My mother had helped me prepare for the dinner and I was fully dressed from pretty shoes to her most sexy vintage lingerie that included full cut rumba panties with loads of lace, a full coverage garter belt and stockings, a lite petticoat and a satin and lace bra covered by a beautiful nylon and lace camisole. My hair and make-up were done professionally and my nails were a perfect shade of red. I was infinitely more feminine looking than any biological female I had ever seen.
“Jason, this is Linda.” Said Jack as he introduced us.
“Hi Linda, I’m Jason and you are just stunning! You are more beautiful than Jack described.”
I blushed and thanked Jason as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. The four of us sat down at the table with me next to Jason and my mother and Jack on the other side of the table. I was really attracted to Jason in a way I had never experienced before and I was concentrating deeply on not having or showing any hint of a male sexual response to sitting next to this handsome man. Thankfully, I was dressed so femininely my mind control was that of a female and my tiny penis did not at all twitch or grow hard in my panties. I did however feel my nipples growing large and round inside my bra as I sat next to this handsome man.
“So what is it you can offer to us Jason?” Asked my mother.
“Well, Jack has explained Linda’s situation and I can offer her a lifetime of comfort and security in return for her letting me and my doctor friend feminize her body.” Said Jason directly.
As he said that I felt his hand on my stockings on one of my legs and it was slowly sliding up under my dress. My nipples began to grow so large I thought they were going to pop through my bra.
“That might be something Linda would want, but there needs to be a cash payment to me for letting her go with you.” Said my mom.
“Would $500,000 cash be a good starting point?” Said Jason.
My mother smiled and said; “It would, but if you are going to ask her to submit to surgery that would be a little extra.”
“What kind of surgery do you think I want to do? She looks so feminine now…She is beautiful.” Said Jason.
“Well…You would be getting her at just the right age. She has not fully finished puberty and when she was little her testicles were very slow in descending. It has contributed to her feminine features. If I were in your position I would first have her undergo surgery to remove her prostate. That prevents her from ever ejaculating which is something she has never done. It might shrink her already tiny penis and it might keep it from ever getting hard. I would follow that up with natural size breast implants that would not disturb the sensitivity of her nipples. Then when that healed I would make sure her testicles were removed. You’d like all of that wouldn’t you Linda honey?” Asked my mom.
“It sounds like a lot…But yes mom, I want to be a girl very much.” I answered.
“What about feminizing hormones? Would you take those?” Asked Jason.
“If it’s what you wanted, I would do it. I need to be honest with you Jason, I’m finding myself very attracted to you.” I said as I blushed.
“I have a strong sex drive, and I find myself attracted to you too Linda. I would want to enjoy you sexually as much as I wanted.” Said Jason as he looked into my eyes.
“I’m a virgin, except for sucking Jack’s cock a few days ago, but I would be more than willing to have you teach me how to please you sexually.” I said as I looked back at Jason.
“Okay then…Maybe you can come home with me tonight.” Smiled Jason.
“We need to slow down Jason until we have something in writing from you as to how you intend to protect and feminize Linda.” Interrupted my mom.
“Not a problem…You are right. Why don’t we finish dinner and I’ll have documents drawn up for our financial and moral obligations and we can get together the day after tomorrow.” Said Jason.
After dinner as we were leaving Jason leaned in to kiss me on the lips and I felt a quick dart of his tongue into my mouth. I felt a shot of electricity shoot through my body and my tiny penis pulled itself back quickly in my panties as if it was anxious to show what a good girl I was.
Two days later my mother packed a suitcase for me with a weeks’ worth of her prettiest panties and three bras, plus a couple of full and half-slips and camisoles. She also packed a couple of sexy garter belts and a few pairs of stockings. Then she added a complete set of make-up and three nightgowns. The case was topped off with a couple of dresses that she knew fit me perfectly.
“Linda…I need you to strip fully naked for etlik escort me. I want to make sure your body is completely shaved and your penis and scrotum are as tiny as we have told Jason they are.”
I did as my mother asked and she was satisfied with what she saw.
“Okay…Your body is perfect. Now get into your bra, panties, full slip, and dress…And just to add something, put on a garter belt and some lace top stockings. I’ll finish your make-up and hair.” Said my mother.
I did as she asked and my outward look was that of a very pretty 20 something girl. I had no male feelings at all as I fully immersed myself into my new role as a girl. Together, my mother and I drove to meet Jason and finalize the financial transaction that would sell me into his possession full time.
When we met Jason said;
“Oh my God Linda…You look beautiful! I had no idea you were so feminine. I’m so anxious to take you home you have no idea.”
“That’s great Jason, but we need to finalize our financial terms first and then I can let you have Linda.” Said my mom.
Both Jason and my mom sat together at a table and I was told to sit near my mother where I could hear what was being said, but was told not to comment or say anything.
“Our deal is that Linda will become your property in exchange for $500,000 cash.” Said my mother.
“I’m going to want Linda to have surgery to remove her prostate and testicles as soon as possible. I have a surgeon friend ready to perform the operation.” Said Jason.
“Then that will be an additional $200,000.” Said my mother directly.
“That’s not a problem. I’m going to want to give her breast implants but that’s not for a couple of years.” Said Jason
“Very good…When you do that, you will send me an additional $100,000.” Said my mother.
“I can do that.” Answered Jason.
“You are also going to allow Linda to shop online for her vintage lingerie and her new wardrobe of dresses and skirts and blouses. There is no limit on what she can spend.” Said mom.
“Agreed.” Said Jason looking at me and winking.
“I don’t think it will be a problem, but I have told Linda she is to obey you all of the time and do as you ask as long as it is safe for her to do what you are asking.” Said mom.
“Everything will be fine. I’m going to take excellent care of Linda.” Assured Jason.
“I’m happy to hear you are going to remove Linda’s semen and sperm supply as soon as possible. I don’t want to hear that Linda has gotten a biological female pregnant.” Said my mother.
“There is no chance of that. She will be sterilized during the first month.” Said Jason.
“Then all that is left is for us to sign and for you to give me a cashier’s check.” Said mom.
“I have that right here and I have signed our agreement myself.” Said Jason.
My mother glanced at the agreement and signed it next to Jason’s name and Jason handed her the check for $700,000. I had officially been sold to Jason as the kind of girl he wanted. I felt the front of my panties get a tiny bit wet as I orgasmed a little semen seeing what I had just been done to me.
“Give me a hug Linda; and take your suitcase I packed for you. You belong to Jason now and from this moment forward you are never again to wear any type of male clothing, not even going to the doctor. It’s in my agreement with Jason you will wear a bra and panties, slip and a dress every day of your life from this moment on.” Directed my mother.
“I understand.” I said quietly.
“I’ll take excellent care of her. Let me take you to your new home Linda. You’re going to love it.” Smiled Jason.
I picked up my suitcase, said goodbye to my mother, and followed the man who I had just been sold to and wanted to suck his cock as soon as I could.
When we arrived at the rather large gated home in a very nice community I was shown to a room by Jason and told this is where I would be staying for the next couple of weeks. Jason grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in close to him and tongue kissed me deeply and I felt myself squirt a tiny bit in my panties again.
As we finished kissing a very attractive female came into the room.
“This is Maria…She’s going to live here with us too. I need to have my cock inside a warm, wet vagina sometimes and Maria lets me fuck her when I need to. So don’t be jealous…You two girls will become close friends.” Said Jason.
“Oh Jason…She’s a beauty!” Smiled Maria.
“Her name is Linda honey and she has a penis. Before I get it fixed I want you to lock her up in one of our chastity devices.” Directed Jason.
“Not a problem babe.” Said Maria. She left the room to get my cage.
“Remember Linda, you belong to me now and I want you to stay locked between your legs until I can cut off your balls and remove your prostate. Do you understand? Maria will lock you down tight and I don’t want to ever see you unlocked until we take you in for surgery.”
“I understand…I’ve never eyüp escort worn something like that before…Will it hurt?” I asked.
“Your now useless little sack will swell up and it may damage your little balls but it won’t matter as we’re going to cut them out anyway. Remember stay locked. I’ll be very upset if I catch you unlocked.”
Maria returned with a pink, hard plastic device.
“Lift up your dress Linda and pull down your panties and I’ll lock you in tightly.” Said Maria as Jason watched.
I did as instructed and Maria first applied a hard ring to the front of my tiny penis and ball sack. She then took her time squeezing and pulling my limp cock and small sack through the ring. It took a few minutes to get everything pulled into place but soon the round hard ring was firmly against my body and my penis and sack were in front of it. The second piece of the device was a hood with a large slit in the end that was to completely cover the head of my penis and keep it from growing in size in the unlikely event I would get an erection. My little cock head fit easily inside the hood and the hood was locked to the ring that was now tightly surrounding my genitals. I was going to be able to pee but not have any sort of male sexual response. My scrotum began to slightly darken as the ring seemed to squeeze tighter. Jason was satisfied I was locked tight and I was told to pull my panties back on and lower my slip and dress.
“Now Linda honey…In the morning you will be allowed to go online and buy any kind and amount of lingerie and outer clothing you want and have it delivered here. To begin, you will be sleeping alone in your room. Maria and I will be sleeping together in my bedroom on the other side of the wall and we enjoy an active sex life which I’m sure you will be hearing, but don’t worry…I’m anxious to start your surgery and turn you into my full-time mistress. Maria has said she would like to share in our sexual experiences and I have told her it will have to wait until I have you sterilized so you cannot produce semen or sperm. Once you have completed that surgery I am happy to have Maria join us.” Said Jason with a smile.
At night, the door to my bedroom suite was locked and I could clearly hear Jason and Maria having intercourse, sometimes more than once a night. It became obvious I was being trained to be the mistress who would satisfy Jason’s needs when Maria could not. My chastity device remained in place full time for at least three weeks and the only practical way for me to pee was to sit down so it became a normal thing for me to do.
After a few days, Maria came to me and said Jason had asked her to begin inserting a butt plug into me. At first it was to be a small one and stay in around 30 minutes. Then it was to increase in size and stay in up to three hours. At the same time I was being trained to do housework and I was expected to perform my duties in chastity with my anal plug in place. It became very easy for me to do.
All of my lingerie and outerwear dresses had arrived and I was fully at home in the most feminine room in the house. I was in full girl mode and loving it. Every morning as I stood naked at my dresser and opened my lingerie drawer to dress for the day was pure heaven for me.
A day or two into my fourth week of chastity my ball sack was a permanent shade of dark red and my tiny penis had learned to never even become slightly plump. It was at this time I was taken by Jason to the doctor to prepare for my first surgery. Jason instructed the doctor to remove my prostate and cut off my testicles and do it during the same operation. Upon seeing me in my knee length dress and examining my locked little genitals, the doctor was very agreeable to the surgery and told me I would be very happy with the outcome. I agreed.
The next day I was in surgery and in two days back home and no longer physically a male. It was impossible for me to ejaculate semen and for my body to produce testosterone without any testicles. My already tiny penis had shrunk to half its size, and any slight feeling of erection was completely gone. I felt a tremendous sense of relief and next to nothing between my legs. I was becoming the girl I always knew I was.
My recovery from surgery was faster than I expected and mostly painless. In just three weeks I was done wearing diapers to control my peeing and I was feeling better than ever. At four weeks I started back to my lite housework routine and this time I inserted my own, fairly large, butt plug and left it in all day while I did my chores.
It was during this time that Jason began to come to me and direct me to suck his cock which I gladly did. Jason would come to me at all hours and I never refused the opportunity to swallow his semen. My bedroom door was still being locked from the outside at night but I could tell things were about to change.
“Maria is going to sleep in here tonight and I want you to spend the night with eyyubiye escort me in my bed.” Said Jason.
My hair had grown almost to my shoulders and I did not need to wear a wig anymore and the rest of my body was completely hairless. I was very excited hearing Jason’s request.
“Is there something special you’d like me to wear for you?” I asked.
“You pick out your most sexy long nightgown and make sure your make-up and hair are done the way you want it and I’ll take things from there. Remember when I asked you to start calling me Daddy?; well, now is when I want you to start.”
“Yes Daddy.” I quickly replied.
“That’s my good little girl. I paid to cut off your balls and remove your prostate so it sterilized you to keep you from making babies. Now we can enjoy each other sexually without any thoughts of getting pregnant. And you are physically my little girl, and that’s what you and your mother wanted, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is Daddy…And I’d just like to ask for one other item…I’d like you to get me a full set of breasts so I can share them with you and receive all the joy of you sucking on your little girl’s nipples.”
“Let’s see how things go tonight, and we can discuss our next steps.” Replied Jason.
“Yes Daddy…Of course Daddy…I’m looking forward to your bed tonight.” I replied.
That night I put on my long baby blue nightgown with loads of white lace on it and topped it off with a see thru white chiffon and lace robe. I was fully nude under my nighty with my tiny, limp penis now functioning solely as a clitoris. I have an empty little flap of skin under my clit where my balls used to be. My nipples were clearly visible under my nighty sticking up and swollen in anticipation of being able to sleep with my Daddy. My make-up and hair were done perfectly with help from Maria and I was really ready to enjoy myself, but more important to me, please my Daddy. When I walked into the bedroom, Jason was wearing blue silk pajamas and a silk robe.
“Linda sweetheart, you look beautiful!” He said with a smile.
“Thank you Daddy…I’m wearing one of my favorite nightgowns you bought me and I’m not wearing any panties.” I replied.
“Well then, I need to catch up to you. Why don’t you just stand there and watch me strip naked.” Smiled Jason.
“I’d like that Daddy.” I replied.
Jason slowly removed and hung up his robe then he slowly unbuttoned his pajama top revealing his very handsome chest and then he slowly lowered his pajama bottoms as his beautiful erect cock sprang into view. I felt my nipples getting very big and very hard and the sight of my naked Daddy was really turning me on in a way it never had before.
“Why don’t you take off your robe and join me in bed. We have a long night of lovemaking ahead of us.” Said Jason.
“Of course Daddy…You are so manly, and the surgery you have given me has feminized me so deeply, I am anxious to please you as the girl you have turned me into.” I said as I slipped beneath the covers in my long nightgown.
The full naked and fully erect Jason joined me in the bed and he immediately locked his lips to mine and plunged his tongue into my mouth. I pushed my tongue to his and for well over a minute we hugged each other tightly in a very intimate kiss. I was thrilled at how feminine I felt.
“Maria tells me you have been wearing your butt plug as I instructed.” Said Jason
“Oh yes Daddy, I have.” I replied.
“That’s wonderful, because tonight I’m going to fuck you and cum inside you and bring you to orgasm.” Grunted Jason.
“I’ve dreamed of this moment when you cut off my balls and removed my prostate. I’m a girl who craves getting her Daddy to fuck her.” I breathed heavily.
“Okay then…Lie on your back and spread open your legs.” Instructed Jason.
“Oh yes Daddy…Please so me how a real man fucks his little girl.” I sighed.
I did as Jason asked and he lifted the front of my nighty up to reveal my little limp clit and flat flap of skin. He then gently lifted my legs so they were over my head which presented to him the only pussy I had and he quickly put his finger inside me causing me to gasp. When I did this, he pushed up on his knees closer to me and before I could react I felt his erect, long penis sliding inside of me without much effort at all. Very quickly our two bodies were fully copulated. I was a virgin in this department and now my virginity was being taken by the man I called my Daddy.
“Oh my God Jason! You feel so good inside me! I can feel your cock throbbing. I’m so happy you took away my balls so we can fit together so perfectly. Fuck me Jason, fuck me deep. Fill me with your sperm!” I gasped.
It only took two in and out thrusts from Jason before I felt his cock swell up and unload his hot semen deep inside my body. I was in heaven.
“That’s it Daddy…Fill me up…I’m so glad you feminized me so I can be your girl. Fuck me…You’re wonderful.” I sighed.
“You are a much better fuck than I anticipated!” Said Jason as he pushed and pumped his cock deep inside me and kept squirting his ejaculation into me.
“I want to cuddle with you in bed tonight and have you fuck me again Daddy, can you do that?” I cooed.
“I’d like that Linda…You are my beautiful little girl.” Said Jason.
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