Stepdaddy’s Lap

Anal Dildo

All characters are over 18. This is a work of fiction, and all characters, locations, and events are imaginary. It’s mostly focused on teasing and looking between a stepfather and a stepdaughter, but there’s a happy ending. So to speak.


Hayley always loved my lap. I suppose that’s how it all began.

I married her mother, Janet, almost 13 years ago. It was a whirlwind of love and lust and happiness, and I’d never been more content with my life. Janet drew me out of my introvert shell, and dragged me to parties and museums and even dance classes, and I loved every minute of it. And the sex was absolutely incredible. Janet was adventurous and we tried anything and everything that sounded fun and hot.

Hayley was 8 when I married Janet, and we got along from the start. Hayley’s father left when she was young, and Janet resented him with an abiding passion. Janet used to use his name to describe particularly bad messes and stains: “That’s a real Dennis there, let me get the bleach.” Hayley and I were always comfortable with each other, and unlike most children from similar circumstances she somehow didn’t carry the weight of her loss around like baggage.

Almost two years ago we lost Janet to lung cancer. She wasn’t even a smoker, though Dennis had been. It all happened suddenly, and Janet went from this vital, energetic person who filled the room with vibrance and warmth to being a memory in the space of months.

Predictably, I lost my will to socialize and went back to my introversion with a vengeance. Only my family and my small circle of close friends were even tolerable to me in that state, and they all tried without real success to get me to engage in activities. It took a year for me to even feel all right going to a movie theater. It was a long, slow, painful crawl back to liking being around most other people, and honestly I’m not entirely there yet.

Hayley was the exception. Her smile lit up my life, and I did everything I could to give her reasons to smile.

When she was little, she’d climb in my lap on movie nights and I’d wrap one arm around her and the other around Janet, who’d lean in and make it a big shared hug. When Hayley became a teen and got bigger, she’d often lie down across Janet and me in the evenings, with her head in one lap and her feet curled up in the other. On rough days when she needed some comfort, one of us would often rub her scalp gently and the other would rub her feet.

Then when Hayley had been put to bed and Janet and I had the couch to ourselves, Janet would often lie stretched out with her head in my lap as we’d talk or watch TV.

Janet absolutely loved playing with my cock. More than anything, she loved edging me with her mouth and hands until I was painfully hard, precum leaking liberally as she kissed and sucked and licked and stroked me. Every kind of sex we had was fantastic, and I’d fill one or more of her hungry holes at least once a day, but coming in her mouth was a religious experience.

One night nearly three years ago when Hayley was 18, and in the throes of her first real relationship with a boy named Mark whom I never trusted, she came back downstairs for a drink of water about an hour after she’d gone to bed. She’d always been able to move silently when she wanted to, and her bare feet made no sound at all, so it wasn’t until her soft gasp that I knew she was there.

Janet was lying with her head in my lap, and was busy running her tongue around the ridge of my cockhead, making little wet noises, as I was leaning back with my eyes closed enjoying every second of it. My eyes opened and met Hayley’s and I had a moment of utter confusion and terror as she stood there in the kitchen doorway with her eyes wide then darted off. For once, her footfalls were audible.

Janet thought it was funny, but I was mortified. We had a long talk about it the next day, the three of us, and Hayley assured us that it was ok and she was happy we loved each other. As it happens she’d recently been getting some pressure from Mark to progress their relationship to a more physical level, as I expected and feared. They’d been fooling around and she’d touched his penis and kissed the tip. He wanted more but she was uncertain how to proceed, and this led to a discussion about boundaries and healthy relationships and enthusiastic consent and how No Means No. From there it progressed to matters of technique, and I quickly bowed out, leaving Janet to talk about what boys like. I couldn’t help being uncomfortable with my wife telling my stepdaughter about sucking dicks, especially given the night before. Janet and Hayley both grinned at me as I fled.

Happily nothing changed between Hayley and me, though I worried she’d understandably feel weird and uncomfortable putting her head in my lap again. She didn’t, and she carried on as before, each night putting her feet or head where she’d seen her mother giving me pleasure. I got over it and life returned to normal. There was nothing sexual about it sultangazi escort after all.

When Janet died, Hayley had just started college. Her campus was just a short drive away, and we’d all agreed it made sense for Hayley to keep living at home. I’m glad we did, because after losing Janet I was an absolute wreck, and Hayley’s company kept me from falling apart entirely. I had someone to care for, and someone who cared for me, and just having someone hug me reminded me how to be human. I suppose I was as touch-starved as I was heartbroken, and Hayley helped on both levels.

This summer was a hot one, hotter than any I remembered. Hayley was working in the day in a customer service role where she talked people through technical issues over the phone, and spending her evenings as a caregiver for the elderly, something she’d done for years. She enjoyed both jobs, but I missed her and looked forward to the weekends, when we’d lounge around our backyard pool and sit under the huge umbrellas we set up, reading and talking and relaxing.

Hayley started dressing more provocatively recently, though as far as I knew she only did so at home. She said she shouldn’t be uncomfortable about her body, which was a fair point. I couldn’t help noticing how beautiful she’d become though, and I couldn’t help looking. And despite my every intention, I couldn’t help finding her body appealing and attractive.

Hayley had grown to look so much like Janet that it hurt sometimes, because she’d turn and flash that smile and I’d forget for a moment who was in front of me, despite the passage of 2 years. She was a bit curvier than Janet had been, despite her flat tummy, and when she occasionally wore her mom’s old clothes I couldn’t help noticing how the fabric stretched. I’d gone shopping with her for years and knew full well that she had C-cup breasts, and at 5’5″ she barely came up to my chest. That’s still taller than her mother had been, who’d stunned with a 5’1″ frame and perky B-cups.

We’d had some heart-to-heart talks about loneliness and grief and moving on earlier in the summer. Hayley was rightly concerned about me, and though she never wanted anyone to replace Janet, she wanted me to be happy, which I appreciated. When Hayley’d gone away to college I’d promised to always treat her like an adult, even if the conversations were difficult or uncomfortable. When she’d asked me if I missed sex, that was one of those difficult and uncomfortable moments, but I answered her honestly and as candidly as I could: yes, of course I missed sex, but I wasn’t ready to form new relationships yet, and I wasn’t interested in sex without love. When she asked if I masturbated I almost shut the conversation down, but that would be cowardly of me and unfair to her, so I took a moment to compose myself before admitting that yes, I did, often. I hadn’t lost interest in sex at all.

I love Hayley, and I owe her my honesty. Anyhow, without a mother to talk to about this stuff, she only had me, and I was determined not to fail her.

Things changed forever on a midsummer Saturday in the late afternoon, and though I don’t normally condone day-drinking I’d broken out a cold beer and was sipping it in the shade as I read. We’d had BLTs for lunch and I was full and happy. Now it was time to relax and catch a little sun, and a lot of shade. I was bare-chested and enjoying a faint breeze that picked up from time to time.

Hayley was reading as she walked over, holding my old battered paperback copy of “A Game of Thrones” as she effortlessly navigated between the chairs and came to sit on the lounger next to me. She was wearing Janet’s skimpiest bikini, and what had barely covered her mother failed to do the same for her. As she sat down, I saw the tiny triangles struggle to cover even a quarter of her breasts. A generous amount of sideboob and underboob hung out, and her gently bronzed skin showed the tan lines from the much larger bikini she normally wore.

“That again? Don’t you want to read something new, nerd?” We’d always teased each other gently, never cruelly, and she grinned back happily over the top of the book. Calling her a nerd for reading my well-used book was the kind of self-deprecating humor we’d long employed.

“Look who’s talking. You’ve reread that pearl necklace book of Mom’s twice now.” That was a standing joke because she knew full well I’d have to correct her.

“Pearl earring, not necklace. Get your mind out of the gutter, young lady.” It was one of Janet’s; she’d turned me on to historical romances and I’d found myself captivated by the fictionalized account of how the masterpiece painting by Vermeer had come about.

“But I like it in the gutter. Among other places,” she replied, laughing. For the last year or so Hayley had been expressing her adult individuality through raunchier speech, like Janet used to. I’d grown accustomed; it was just another part of her, and I loved every part. Sometimes I was a little suluova escort uncomfortable having my little girl direct my thoughts to sex, but that was my problem and I was determined not to make it hers.

“Well, you’re your mother’s daughter, so that’s no surprise.” She grinned but didn’t reply, and we both read for a bit. It was muggy out and even in the shade we were both sweating. I got up to get myself another beer and Hayley looked up with those big brown eyes and asked sweetly, “Daddy, can I have some? I’m almost 21 and I’m not going anywhere and nobody needs to know. And it’s so hot!” She’d called me Daddy since she was 12, and whenever she wanted anything from me she’d use a little-girl voice that just made me melt. She knew it, and took advantage, but sparingly enough that I let it slide.

We’d allowed her a few drinks as she grew up, for special occasions, and in the last 2 years I’d been slightly more generous, but I was always careful. No daughter of mine was going to get drunk and drive, or be around people she didn’t know who might take advantage of her.

I grabbed the last two cold ones, opened both, and headed back.

Hayley was checking her phone when I returned, and I saw a bead of sweat run down her chest and disappear into the valley between her breasts. I didn’t mean to stare, but she glanced up and saw me looking and chuckled, “Told ya it was hot.”

I handed her the beer without comment, and having put the phone back down, she took the icy bottle and pressed it against her chest, shivering in delight. With a sigh of relief she pressed it against one breast then the other, with two consequences. First, the wet white fabric became somewhat sheer, and I could see both rosy nipples with a fair amount of detail. Second, both nipples became startlingly hard and grew into little eraser-sized nubs.

She really did have fantastic breasts, there was no denying. They were pert and firm, and the nipples sat high on the slope, where they poked up and out. Beckoning breasts, I’d heard that shape called, and the name certainly fit Hayley’s.

I was thankfully wearing loose board shorts so when my cock twitched and grew a tiny bit it didn’t show.

I sat back down and had a long sip of my beer and closed my eyes, trying to think of anything else besides those amazing young tits. I got myself back under control and opened my eyes, only to see Hayley was reading again. Her lounger was a little in front of mine and angled in so the ends where our feet rested almost touched, which meant I could stare at her and she couldn’t see me without turning her head.

Heaven help me, I did.

When I realized what I was doing, I was already at half-mast, and I quickly put the book down to cover myself up, and finished the beer. I hadn’t been paying attention and had pounded it, which I really didn’t do often.

Feeling foolish, I got up again and went back into the kitchen to grab myself another drink, only to remember that we’d finished the six-pack in the fridge. I grabbed another six-pack from the pantry and put it in the fridge, then stood there with the door open surveying my options. Water, orange juice, or champagne. Janet had loved champagne and I always kept some on hand even now. The air conditioning felt amazing on my back and the open fridge door sent a wave of cold air to match.

“Let’s have some champagne!” Hayley was right behind me, and I almost jumped out of my skin. “I’ll get the flutes down so we can be all fancy. Catch me if I fall.” She didn’t even wait for a response and went over to the cupboard where we kept the glassware. The champagne flutes were at the top, because we didn’t use them very often, and they were well out of Hayley’s reach. That didn’t stop her though as she lifted one knee onto the counter and pushed herself up to grab the glasses off the top shelf.

In the process, she spread her legs wide. Standing behind her, I had a magnificent view of her ass, which was barely covered by the thong that had been risqué on her shorter and smaller mother. On Hayley, it might as well have been a piece of string. I could see everything. Well, not everything, but I could see the delicate puckering and slightly darker skin of her butthole on both sides of the thin fabric, and I had a great view of almost all of her outer lips. The thong somehow managed not to slip entirely into her pussy, but only barely, and on the side she’d lifted I could see a light sheen of sweat sitting on an entirely smooth and hairless, and utterly delectable lip.

The fabric pressing against her pussy was molded tightly to her skin, and I could see a small damp patch at the bottom of her clearly-outlined pussy. The bump of her clit and its hood were easily discerned. I could even make out some of the details of her inner lips, which she’d so thoughtfully spread open for me. It looked like a flower just starting to bloom.

I was so befuddled and bewitched that I didn’t realize she’d asked me a question. sungurlu escort I looked up and she was looking down and grinning, holding out two champagne flutes. “Can you take these please Daddy?”

I was mostly hard, I realized, and wasn’t sure how to maneuver to avoid embarrassment. I moved quickly towards her to minimize the angle as best I could, hoping the counter would block her view, and that my damned dick would stop with the shenanigans. Taking the glasses, I set them down on the counter, then turned and left, calling out, “Be right back. I’m gonna shower and change first. Leave the bottle in the fridge for now!”

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Hayley watching me with a strangely intense look in her eyes. She blinked then smiled and said, “Good idea. A shower sounds great.”

I was sorely tempted to jack off in the shower to relieve this tension, and I kept replaying the day’s events as I soaped myself down then rinsed off. I gave myself a few strokes… well, ok, maybe more than a few, but then I decided against continuing eventually, in part because I tended to take my time masturbating and didn’t want to be in the shower for half an hour or more. I’d already been in for a while. I turned the water to cold before I got out, and made myself stand there for a full minute shivering. That, at last, shrank things down to baseline and I felt much more in control of myself.

I toweled off and went to my room. I must have forgotten to close the bathroom door when I entered as it was slightly ajar when I left, which was unusual for me, but I was distracted after all. I put on my boxers followed by a pair of summer sweats. The fabric was light and thin and loose. I decided to throw on a shirt as well; with the AC cranked up I’d be fine. Strangely, I’d also forgotten to close the door to my room. Clearly the heat and the alcohol and if I’m honest Hayley were all disorienting me.

I headed back into the kitchen and Hayley was already there, snacking on some apple slices and cheese with her back to me. She was wearing one of my work shirts, loosely knotted in front so I could see her lower back, and one of her old cheerleading skirts. She was bent over resting on her elbows, and I could barely see the bottom of her white panties. At least it wasn’t another thong, I thought with relief.

As I approached I smelled Janet’s shampoo and perfume. Haley used them sparingly and rarely both at the same time, and the familiar scents hit me hard, right as she turned and smiled brightly at me.

“This is tasty, Daddy,” she cooed, and I redirected my increasingly filthy thoughts to assess the snacks laid out. They did look good, and I ate for a bit by her side, enjoying her presence and clean, sweet smell. The shirt hung loosely on her and I didn’t think she was wearing a bra. No, she definitely wasn’t, as the shirt hung loosely off one shoulder as she leaned on an elbow, and there was no strap visible.

“What do you want to watch,” she asked, and I realized I was staring at her neck and the delicate lines of her collarbone. I grabbed the champagne out of the fridge and shrugged. “Bring the glasses, sweetie.”

She nodded and quickly said, “Yes, Daddy,” in a husky voice. “We can watch whatever you want.” She carried the glasses into the den and put them on the table in front of our big couch. My head was just in the wrong places today and everything she said sounded like a double entendre, but I knew she was just being my sweet little girl. I was ashamed to find I was staring at her tight ass and firm thighs as I walked into the den behind her.

Hayley sat down primly and took the bottle in both hands. It was a magnum bottle, and looked huge in her tiny hands. They couldn’t wrap around the base, and she struggled to hold it as she deftly pulled the foil off.

“Can I open it please? I want to practice.” She looked up at me with those big eyes and of course I nodded my assent. She smiled happily and said, “I’ll be careful not to spill it. I know it wants to spray out but I’ll be super careful. And I’ll be sure not to let the cork get loose and fly off.” She wiggled it a little too much, by my expert eye, and struggled to get the top loose, when with a POP! it came off in her hand. A little champagne dribbled out, and she quickly held it up to her open mouth. She caught most of it, but some dribbled down her chin, leaving a sticky shiny trail. I had a sudden urge to lick it off her, and chided myself for even thinking of that.

She giggled and said, “Well, I’ll need to get better. Sorry Daddy.” She wiped her chin with the back of her hand and licked it clean carefully, then grabbed a flute and filled it carefully before handing it to me.

I took the glass and waited for her to pour herself one, then as one we said, “Cheers!” and gently tapped our flutes together with a delicate chime. It was good champagne; why else would I have it?

“You’re in control,” she said as she handed me the remote. I decided to put on Disney, and flipped through the offerings for a bit before settling on Tangled. That was always one of her favorites, and mine as well. As the movie started, she turned to me and put her back against the arm of the couch. Leaning back, she plopped her feet in my lap. “Feet then head,” she demanded, with a cute little imperious flick of her long black hair.

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