Janice set the parking brake and turned off the ignition, “are you ready for this Tam.” she asked. Tamara looked at her and answered, “As ready as I’ll ever be. That is a really big house.”
Jan glanced at the house while locking the car door. “It sure is. It has three floors as you can see. It has dozens of rooms big and small. Bree told me it was fairly run down when she bought it. But it’s really nice inside and out now. I’ll give you a tour of the house and the grounds after the interview.”
Jan locked the doors of the Cadillac with a remote on the keychain. As the women walked to the entrance you could see that they were similar in many ways. Neither woman could be called beautiful but they were head turners all the same. They looked to be in their early forties or younger. Tamara was older by two years. She turned fifty the week before. Her long time friend Janice was three inches taller than Tams’ five foot five. Both of the ladies had lush bodies that were hard and fit. Twenty years of going to the same gym will do that. Jan’s shoulder length hair was dyed medium brown. Tam chose not to hide the white scattered in her short dark brown hair.
Double doors opened to a large foyer with a high ceiling. Another set of double doors stood opposite of the entrance. Two smaller doors were centered on the side walls. The receptionist’s desk sat against one wall of the foyer. Behind it sat a very pretty black girl.
“Hi Janice,” she smiled, flashing beautiful white teeth in her wide smile,” and you must be Tamara the new applicant. Looks alone would get you the job in my book. I’m Ellisa. I do hope you will be joining us. Elegant looking ladies like you and Janice are very welcome here,” Ellisa looked Tamara up and down with a slightly hungry look in her eyes.
“Thank you.” Tam smiled back taking the offered hand as the girl stood, “You’re beautiful enough to be a model instead of sitting behind a desk. As to the job I’m still of two minds about it.”
Elise drove her tongue deeper into Tam’s asshole causing her to gasp into Jan’s pussy as she fingered and licked her friend’s clit. Tam had two fingers deep in Janice now. Elise jammed another finger making it a total of three in Tam’s vagina. Janice held her legs up and back moaning with pleasure.
One of the cameramen zoomed in for a clear shot of Tam’s tongue lapping Jan’s engorged clit then got a shot of her pleasure contorted face. The other one was shooting Elise’s pink tongue darting in and out of Tamara’s ass.
One of the men knelt behind Elise and shoved his thick cock all the way to the balls in the girl’s pussy. He began to fuck her with long hard strokes. As he pounded away it rocked her and the other women back and forth. The girl began kissing Tam’s ass cheeks while as she replaced her tongue with a thumb in Tam’s ass keeping her fingers deep in the woman’s cunt. “Yes! Yes,” Elise breathed in time to the cock slamming into her.
“Why thank you.” the girl said, “I was a model for a while. Then my tits and booty got too big about the time I turned eighteen. And the business was so cut throat I hated it. So when mom offered me this job I took it…” At that Ataşehir Escort point the intercom on Ellisa’s desk buzzed, “Yes,” she said.
“Send them in,” a female voice said, “everything is ready.”
Jan smiled when Tam’s brows rose, “nothing to worry about Bree is always saying things like that. She wants things to be perfect when a new girl gets interviewed. You’ll do fine.”
When they entered the office they saw stunning voluptuous woman leaning against the front of a large desk. Tam guessed her to be in her late forties. Her shoulder length black wavy hair hung to her shoulders. Her suit jacked was open to just below her breasts showing ample cleavage. Her hips flared above lush legs in her short skirt. Her skin was flawless and the same light brown as her daughter.
“Welcome Tamara. I’m Bree. I’m the owner of “Pussycat Productions” and the one everybody bitches at when they have a problem.” Bree looked Tam up and down. “You don’t look fifty at all. The photo on your application didn’t do you justice.” She said with a broad smile. To Jan she remarked. “She’s as pretty as you said girl. Why didn’t you bring her by before? Enough of that for now Have a seat ladies. Get comfortable and we will begin.” She said, pointing to some chairs that sat in front of her.
The young man laid his long thick cock on Tam’s belly. She blushed even brighter than before. He rubbed it over her clit then up and down between lips of her labia. It looked monstrous to her. She had never taken one this thick or long before. She held her legs up and back completely open to him. He was young enough to be her son she thought as he slipped the head of his cock into her pussy. She moaned a little as it slid deeper.
“Oh God,” she gasped, “It’s so thick!”
Mark cupped her breasts and tweaked her hard nipples. It was halfway in her body now. Tam bit her lower lip to keep from screaming with pleasure. He stretched her pussy with his invading cock filling her up. Her pussy felt wonderfully full as the thick beautiful cock slipped deeper into her. The thickness and length of this one was marvelous. Oh God! Tamara remembered there were bigger ones on the set waiting to plunge in to her body when Mark was through with her. She shuttered with delight at the thought. Her flush spread down from her face to her shoulders and upper chest then crept to her tits. The young man’s balls pressed against her ass now. His coarse pubic hair ground against her throbbing clit. Her pussy full of cock Mark grinned then kissed her deeply. Their tongues intertwined exploring each others mouths. He Began fucking her with long slow strokes.
Tam thrust her hips up to meet him. “Yes,” she whispered fiercely. “Fuck me! Fill me with your big beautiful cock!”
“First off Tam,” Bree said, “to put it bluntly we make fuck films here.” She paused looking straight into Tamara’s eyes. “Are you going to have a problem with that? We also have several different web sites that we tape for. Plus we have produced two successful feature length prono films out on CDs now. I have another film planned for the future that I would like to put you and Jan in. Have you done Kadıköy Escort girl to girl before? That wouldn’t be the main theme of the film just a side bar in it.” Tamara blushed, Bree laughed, “I would like to put you in some short internet things at first. Some boy girl stuff or a three way with another girl. And do you have any problems fucking blacks?”
“I have no problem with any of that.” Tam blushed again. “Stan used to say that I could have been a Porn star if I wanted to now I hope to find out. And I think I remember seeing you in a film or two. As for blacks Stan and I used to swing with a black couple some years ago. They were wonderful people. I do miss them now and then. They died in a car accident on the way home from the last party we had.”
Mark was fucking her hard now. Tam’s hips rose to meet him at each thrust the sound of their sweat covered bodies slapping together filled the room. She felt another cock brush her forehead. She dropped her head back over the edge of the bed opening her mouth.
“At this angle I should be able to shove it down her throat,” Vic said.
His long thin cock slipped past her lips to the back of Tamara’s mouth. She immediately started sucking on it as he stroked his cock deeper in her mouth. Tam gagged a little as it probed even deeper. Then his balls bounced on her nose.
Tamara! I’m shocked!” Jan broke in, “all that fun and you didn’t invite Bob and me? Why?” Tam looked at her friend ruefully, “I was going to ask you after the last party. But after they died…well you know.” Tam looked back at Bree, “the only thing that bothers me is doing it in front of a camera crew. I have an idea that should work me though it.”
“All it takes is to get past the first time girl. I made my money to start this company working in Porn,” Bree chuckled,” not as much a Jenna. Plenty enough to get started though. And we’ve been turning a profit for the last three years. One thing you should remember this can be a tough business. I treat my people well and watch out for them. Now it’s time for your audition.
“Audition now,” Tamara squeaked, “I don’t know if I ready.”
“It’s now or never girl,” Bree said gently patting her on the shoulder Bree walked over to a screened off area of the office. You can use the hangers in the closet over there. Nobody strips until I tell them to. I’ll want you naked too Jan but not right away. Elise will help out with the girl on girl.” Bree slid the folding screen back revealing a film stage that looked like a motel room. With a large bed, a leather couch and two arm chairs.
Elise came in the office and locked the door. “Carol is watching the desk and answering the phone,” she said. Where do you want me mother?”
“Hang on a minute Elise. We need to get the boys and girls in before you strip…here they are now,”
Several men and women came in with various types of equipment. Two girls wearing robes came in as well. The girls were fluffer girls. Their job was to get the actors hard again if they lost their erections.
“The gangs all here.” said an older man with gray hair.
“Actors on the couch. Every body else Bostancı Escort find a seat wherever you can,” Bree ordered,” then she continued. “As you know this an audition. But I want it filmed like it was a regular production. Tamara here could be one of our new girls so be nice. Ok Tamara show the boys what you have.” Tam gave a little curtsy and blushed yet again. That was answered with applause and a cheer or two.
Tam handed Bree a CD, “Could you play this?” Bree smiled then nodded as she took the disk.
“Time for a show?” Bree asked raising a brow.
“If you don’t mind I thought that this would be the easiest way for me to start.” Tam said.
Bree smiled broadly. “Anything you want girl. Break a leg.”
Tamara’s body swayed to the beat of the low sensuous music. She picked one of the men on the couch and looked him in the eye. Slowly she unbuttoned her suit jacket pulling it open a little at a time. Then she opened it wide letting it slip off her shoulders and arms dropping on the floor. She kicked it back out of her way. The thin sleeveless top under the jacket was low showing an ample amount of cleavage. Tam pulled the top out of her skirt and let it fall down. Then with one quick motion she reached under her top and released the back of her bra. Two more quick motions and she tossed her filmy lace bra in back of her. She got a smattering of applause and wolf whistles.
Her unrestrained her breasts swayed and bounced as she danced. Tam pulled her skirt up showing her lush thighs and the tops of her nylons. Grinning she swayed and wiggled around a time or two stopping with her back to the audience. Then she smoothed the skirt tight on her taunt swaying ass. Still swaying with the beat Tamara released the hook of her skirt and pulled the zipper slowly down. She wiggled it off until it fell to the floor forming a pool of fabric around her trim ankles. She kicked it away. All she wore now was a thin top, high cut lace pink panties, nylons, and heels. As the music continued she turned to face her audience again. As the beat picked up Tam’s breasts swayed and bounced in time to it. Her hard nipples centered in dark areolas showed plainly through the thin top.
She smiled and winked at them as she pulled the top up. One dark nipple was revealed then other. Crossing her arms she pulled the top off to swing it around in one hand. It fluttered to the floor as the music stopped. Tamara paused for a second then hooked her thumbs in her panties slipping them off too. With a negligent kick the panties were gone. Her stiletto clad feet were aligned with her shoulders. Clasping her hands together Tam reached for the ceiling thrusting her breasts out. Smiling and panting she held the pose to applause and whistles.
Before the applause died out she strutted arrogantly to the bed and climbed on it. Tamara lay on her left side her left arm bent up at angle her head resting on her hand. She stared at he men on the couch as she raised one lush leg straight up. Then she folded it slowly down putting her right foot on her left knee.
“Well gentlemen.” She said. “You’re all so beautiful I just can’t make up my mind.” Complete silence filled the room as Tam ran her fingers through her trimmed bush dipping them between the lips of her labia. She sucked each finger individually looking at them smiling with arched brows. Tamara slipped her fingers into her pussy again. “The question is…which one of you is going to fuck me…first.”
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