The 4th F Does For My son and Me


All characters in this story are over 18.

You can read this story all by itself just fine but it is based on the principles our book club put together, wrote down, and had me put to use in “The KISS Principle and the 4th F” that appeared here a while back.

I’m still happily blaming my younger sister for causing all this wonderful hot, juicy mess that has come into my life recently. It is also increasingly clear that with our further joint efforts, it is headed for the rest of our group as well, at least we sure hope so.

Since I happened to be the first to test our idea out so successfully I was the first to report back to our weekly meeting how well it had worked. Our method really does seem to let you begin as you mean to go on, which is why they tell me I have to tell this story before they embark on theirs.

I’ve had that wonderful son of mine pretty much every morning and evening since putting our ideas to work. If he comes home for lunch I get to be the quick snack as well if I want. It is great no longer to sleep alone. I can fall asleep comfortably cuddled, have my brains fucked out or both just as I wish. What can I say? It’s great.

Late afternoon of our third day as a now coupling couple we were standing by the patio doors looking out over the back yard to the woods and small stream beyond.

“I sure had fun as a kid out in those woods,” he said.

“You did seem to spend a lot of time out there.”

“Oh yeah. Some of the trails may have changed a bit and some brush may have grown but I bet I can still find most of my favorite places.”

“Well, then I’m glad you get to spend some time here for a while. Maybe you can see if they’re still there.”

“Come to think of it there’s one I’d really like to show you given what we’ve just discovered with each other.”

“That sounds nice honey.”

“One of the things that happened there that made it so special happened about this time of day. I think I’d really like to show it to you right now. Is that okay mom?”

“Well it is almost time for supper dear,” I said and looked up at him. He grinned back with a twinkle in his eye.

“I believe supper refahiye escort is going to be late mom. I can pretty much guarantee it.”

A very delicious shiver ran through me as I nodded yes.

“Well all right then,” he said and started taking off his clothes. The sun was just touching the treetops in the west.

“What are you doing? We can’t go out there naked. Certainly not with the sun still up!”

“Sure we can. Our fence is high enough till you get to the back gate and the brush is high enough till we get to the woods. Remember ours is the only yard for several blocks that has a gate to the woods. I know because I put it in. Besides, you’ve pretty much had you way with me this last couple of days and it’s been fine but now it’s my turn. Take off your clothes mom.”

I just stood there looking at him as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his shorts to stand naked before me. A quick glance down revealed him to be ready to go all right. I tore my gaze away to look up again.

“If you don’t take them off I’ll have to,” he said as he reached for me.

I took them off. He took my hand in his, slid the patio doors open and for the very first time in my life, I stepped outside naked. The lowering sun on my skin felt warm and the gentle breeze felt as if it could almost raise goose pimples. What had I been missing? It was amazing. The grass felt as if it wanted to tickle my bare feet as we made our way to the back gate.

Beyond the gate, the grass gave way to soft dirt and some crunchy leaves. The smell of the woods enveloped us. I kept looking about like a scared rabbit as the space opened out beneath the bigger trees but he was right. No one was out and about this close to dark.

After only a short walk a glade opened up beside the small stream. A single long slanting ray of the last of the sunlight shined on a large log that lay along one side of the clearing. It nearly took my breath away.

“This is just lovely,” I said.

“I’ve always liked it. Go stand in the light mom.”

I looked at him quizzically but he just motioned me on till I was in the middle of reyhanlı escort the beam of light.

“Now face the log, bend over, and spread your legs, mother.”

“All right honey.” It was pretty clear where this was going I thought but that didn’t take away the excitement building within me.

“Oh mother!” he exclaimed. “Those lovely full hips of yours shining in the sun are more gorgeous than I’d ever imagined. So much more. I’m going to take you in a moment but I want you to know how special this will be.”

“Three years ago, not long after my 19th birthday I was coming out here around this time of day when I thought I heard something. Thankfully I stopped and very carefully peeked around a tree. That’s when I saw them.”

“There was a beautiful doe standing right where you are now. She was frozen, just stock still in position. Right behind her was a huge, muscled stag and he had a huge erection going. Only a second after I realized what I was seeing he just leaped. I mean reared up, on bent rear legs and just jumped at her. That long shaft of his went straight in. When he hit her her rear legs came completely off the ground as his front legs draped over her shoulders. It was unbelievably exciting.”

“When they came back down he just went crazy humping away at her. And when he pulled out mom, oh my when he pulled out juice gushed and dripped all over. I’ve dreamed of this moment ever since mom, it’s been my greatest fantasy and I never had any reason to think it would ever be anything else. Seeing you there like you are now is unreal. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

I was melting inside and I could tell it was on the verge of running down the inside of my thighs too.

“Oh honey that sounds like such a magical moment. I’m so glad. You’ve been imagining taking some girl out here like that all this time and I get to be the one to make it real for you.”

“Oh mom, mom. Not just any girl. No from that very first moment and ever since the only woman I’ve dreamed of standing right there has been you. Only you mom. It seemed so wrong but it seemed so good. Now do you see why rize escort I’m going to do my very best to give you all I’ve got?”

My throat closed up as I began to cry. All I could do was nod. No wait a minute I could do more. I tossed my long hair over my shoulders, raised my hips higher and spread my legs till I could feel a cool breezed over my now exposed, dripping opening.

A small shock went through me when I felt his hands grab my hips in a firm grip. I dropped my head and looked back between my hanging breasts. All I could see were his big balls swinging low as he got into position.

I felt the tip of his erection as it sought and found my opening. An instant later, with a resounding smack, he whacked into my behind and just froze there deep inside me. Suddenly his grip tightened and the weight on my legs greatly increased. When I felt his chin brush the nape of my neck I realized what he had done.

His feet were no longer on the ground! I was supporting his whole weight as he began to pump away.

I squeezed back as hard as I could. A wave was definitely building within me. All I wanted was for it to grow as large as it could and then crush me.

A few strokes later the weight eased as he put his feet on the ground. That’s when he went crazy back there. There was a whack or splat every time he slapped into me. Then he began to grunt every time me met. I looked up and the world was surging around as my head rocked with his efforts.

My head stayed up at this point because he had reached forward to grab a big handful of my hair as he continued to ride me. The wave that had been building crested.

Then it crashed. I screamed louder than I ever have and my knees gave way. Thank goodness for his grip on my hips. As he pulled me off and slid out to set on the log with me on his lap I felt the warmth of our now thoroughly mingled fluids flow out.

“Oh mother,” he whispered to me as we sat there. “I don’t have the words for what you just did for me but it was pure magic.”

All I could do was nod. We made it back to the house, the shower and bed somehow. Every time either of us woke that night they we either on or in the other. Whether his poor erection was hard or soft from use didn’t matter at all. I could work with it as it worked on me and that was all I wanted. Supper wasn’t just late, it became breakfast instead.

Yep using the 4th F to begin as we meant to go seems to be working just fine.

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