She came to him, silently lowered herself to her knees. A frisson of excitement electrified him. To see her there – on her knees before him. He felt the familiar stirring in his pants; his penis, lengthened, hardened. As he stood perfectly still, looking down on her, studying the big brown eyes under that loose splay of bangs; her hands rose up to clasp her lover by his naked hips.
The look on her upturned face made him smile: a hopeful look, the bright eyes eager; delicate features framed by dark hair pulled smoothly back and tied up, the excess left to dangle in a pert ponytail. He reached out to touch her bare shoulder; lightly fingered the delicate shoulder strap of the little black dress she wore. He couldn’t help smiling as he waited, his body tense, looking down on the girl who knelt before him.
He saw her hands reach for the front of his pants. She leaned forward, presenting him with the seductive view down the front of her billowy dress: delicate unfettered tits, narrow and pointy, visible almost to the nipples. He watched those deft fingers as she worked with single-minded determination, undoing the belt, opening the button, drawing down the zipper. Her face was now only inches from his crotch, when she let his pants drop, baring his strong, hairy thighs. The closeness of the girl combined with the thrill of anticipation sent a renewed surge of lust through his swelling cock. It grew, lengthening and thickening in the confines of his jockey shorts. She saw the unmistakable movement, the hardening of the bulge, before her eyes. She could clearly make out the tented outline of his burgeoning penis; she smiled, pleased with herself.
She wanted to nuzzle against his manhood, pressing her cheek to his thinly covered cock, rubbing her face against the bulging jockey shorts. She started humming like a sensual cat, her loving face causing his penis to swell even more, to grow into a semi-hard erection. Then she put her hands on the seat of his jockey briefs, drew him to her waiting lips, and then kissed his cock through the reinforced crotch, following up by lapping the front of his shorts. He bit off an escaping whimper as her wet tongue slithered all over the damp front of his cotton underwear.
He clenched the fists he held at his sides and rocked back on his heels as she denizli escort reached for the elastic waistband, carefully peeled the jockey shorts down to free his naked penis which swayed heavily just inches from her eager eyes.
A delicate hand came up to touch his dangling balls, just letting them rest in the curve of her palm. Then the girl was cupping him, gently rolling his hairy balls in her palm. He bit off a moan as claw-like fingers closed on his scrotum holding him, gripping her man by the balls, tightening till she got groan from him. At that low guttural groan she released him and he felt those slim, cool fingertips, delicately play across, lightly brush over his semi-hardened cock. The first time she touched touch his super-ready penis sent an electric thrill shooting through the man, rocking him, instantly powering his manhood to a full throbbing, aching erection.
Now the slim fingers attacked, curling around the base of his erect manhood. She held him in loose grip, submissively lowering her head to bring her pursed lips to his surging prick. It was no more than a perfunctory kiss yet the thrill that powered through him sent him rocking back on his heels. The first kiss was followed by a more deliberate probing by her flattened tongue, which now swirled lavishly over the thick, lust-swollen head. He whimpered at the delicious feel of that wet, slithering tongue paying slavish tribute to his manhood. The thrill was indescribable as he watched her bow her head, her open mouth accepting his throbbing stiffened penis in that erotic act so beautiful, so disarmingly evocative, so feminine, so profoundly submissive – going down on her man!
Through half-lidded eyes, he looked down on the working girl who now gave herself totally up to pleasuring her man. She began by flicking her tongue at the very tip of his cock, then she licked crown thoroughly before running her stiffened tongue slowly down the impossibly straining phallus until she reached the puff of pubic hair at the base. There she reversed herself and started back up again using the same broad flat strokes along the quivering shaft. She eased back to admire her handiwork: the solid, upright phallus glistening with her saliva.
The sight of his aroused penis so close diyarbakır escort sent an erotic thrill knifing through her. It fired her up so that she renewed her attack with even greater enthusiasm, working her man over with single minded devotion, a deep-seated rush of excitement spurring her on. Soon she was rewarded with a groan that came rumbling up from deep in the guy’s throat resonated through his rigid arching body and turned into a low shivering moan. The pony-tailed felliatrix re-doubled her efforts, looking up from under her bangs as his eyes fluttered closed and the smile of bliss that came over his face told her that he was fully savoring the delicious ripples of excitement she was sending through him.
His hands weakly fell to her naked shoulders; played delicately before he clamped those shoulders held onto her tightly; as he let wash over him, the delectable experience of having her lapping tongue slither along his rigid shaft. Gripping her as though to hold on to reality. he worked to concentrate on savoring every scintilla of pleasure, each delicious sliver of the rapturous delight. The electric thrill of that small soft hand that took up his cock, cool fingers curling around the base, tightening; pursed lips so soft and heavenly, opening, sliding down to engulf the swollen head of his penis; and the delightful way she used that lively tongue, even as her other hand cupped his tight hairy scrotum, to give him a gentle squeeze before she taking him once more into the wet warmth of her receptive mouth.
He closed his eyes against the abrupt upsurge of pleasure; swayed back on his heels. His grip tightened on her naked shoulders, as he surrendered to the myriad sensations of lips and mouth and tongue as pony-tailed girl assiduously worked him over. For him, this was the greatest of life’s pleasures – the sight and feel of a woman going down on him.
This one in particular pleased him. He savored the way she sucked with gentle persistence, the exquisite feel of lips that were protectively turned-in to tighten and then slide wetly along his prick. She gave him an extra thrill each time by the way she twisted her head as she bobbed mindlessly up and down on his painfully stiff cock. He loved the sound of her soft urgent whimpers; antalya escort the tiny, slurping noises she made as she softly suckled him.
Now he held her small gently rocking head between his cradling hands. Curled fingers dug into her hair cupped her head, guided her efforts.
Abruptly, he clenched his jaws against the blinding surge of pure pleasure that powered up from his groin, shook him to the core. His buttocks tightened down; rearcheeks clenched spasmodically. His hips bucked in reflexive pelvic thrusts.
His hands tightened on the undulating head, and he staggered back. But he immediately renewed his grip on her, forcing her to stop, holding her face rigidly in place to stop the terrible, unrelenting, tortuous pleasure that ravaged his soul. His heart-felt gratitude came out as a hiss through tightly-clenched teeth
“Damn, Babe, you are good!”
Petra heard the sincere compliment through the hands that clamped her ears, and the purring words spurred her on to redouble her efforts. She slid her hands around to run them up the back of his legs, and then cup his hard buttocks, digging her nails inti the fleshy mounds so she could steady herself as she took the plunge, diving in to press her attack into his crotch. There she would root beneath his hanging balls, inhaling deeply, drinking in the heady musky masculine smell that impregnated the moist pubic hair in which her nose was buried.
The man gave out with a long wavering groan. But before he could react, she recaptured his gleaming cock, clutching him in her little fist to pull him into her mouth once again, this time to work him over with a renewed frenzy of wild lust: sliding the taut ring of her lips down his throbbing cock, drawing deeply, vacuuming her lover while her ponytail flounced merrily as she pumped up and down in long, deliciously shivering strokes.
The creamy rise of tickling pleasure threatened to undo him. His knees weakened. His helpless hands fumbled with the bare shoulders of his greedy cocksucker, as he threw back his head and in a tight-lipped grunt. The unstoppable rise of pure pleasure seized him, shook him. His fingers tightened on her shoulders as he tried desperately to hang on to his shredding sanity till the last possible minute.
Then he came. It was a blinding flash of ecstasy, an explosion of pure orgasmic delight that overtook him – obliterating everything in its wake. His cock was a thing apart: a pulsating, pumping machine, erupting in thick wads of cum that seemed to go on forever as he strained high up onto his toes, arched back and growled his triumph at the heavens.
The End
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