The Artist


She sat and stared at the oil painting hanging in front of her; trying to make out what it meant. After all, that was the assignment given by the professor: to analyze and report on local art. The problem was that she could not determine what the picture was supposed to be. At one angle, it looked like an oddly shaped filing cabinet. At another angle, it looked like a television screen. No matter what, Samantha was so frustrated that she didn’t hear the footsteps approaching from behind her.

“Don’t look at the shapes. Look at the colors. Feel the emotions.”

Samantha turned to find herself face-to-face with an older woman with red hair and thick glasses.

“Oh, thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it. I see students like you in here often; staring in confusion.” the woman replied.

“It is a beautiful piece, but confusing because it is not exactly square. Anyways, I am not sure that I will do well on this project.”

“I have a suggestion that might help you, but it depends if you have time.”


“The studio closed ten minutes ago. I didn’t want to disturb you, but I have to shut down the lights. However, this is my studio and my painting, so I want you to give you a private interview for your report.”

“Wait, you are THE artist, Heidi Thuse?” Samantha said feeling embarrassed.

“The one and only. These days, local artists hang their art in galleries. I chose to open my own gallery. I paint, hang, and edirne escort sell my work all in this building. And I would like to show you my studio.”

“Really? But I don’t want to waste your time.”

“Darling, I invited you. Come. The decision is made.”

Samantha took one last look at the piece of art hanging on the wall and followed the red-headed woman down to the basement studio.

She immediately was met by a burgundy painted room with a black leather couch and white easel. On the left of the room was a black wooden table dirtied with oil paints and objects. Along the wall, were about thirty paintings. Some of them were abstract. Others were of nude women. All of them, beautiful.

“You can sit on the couch. I will be ready in a few minutes.”

“You paint nude women?” Samantha asked nervously when Heidi returned.

“Sometimes, but mostly I paint abstracts because they best represent my emotions. Take for example the picture of the red square with a black center. I painted that after I had been seduced by one of my clients. He had been staring at my paintings and I couldn’t help but stare at his ass. He fucked me hard that night in the middle of my studio. It was intense. Just like the painting you see upstairs.”

“I understand the intensity of red, but why black?” I notice that is a theme in many of your paintings.

“Red is often used with passion. Black is often used for darkness or death. However, elazığ escort for me, I see the darkness with a different perspective. Perhaps I can help you understand by demonstrating on you?”

“What do you mean ‘on me’?”

“Take this black tie that I have with me and wrap it around your eyes. Now, this exercise requires trust. I want you to paint a picture, but as a blind person would. I will guide you to the easel and give you the brush. Then, I will help guide your hands until you are painting on your own.”

“Sounds interesting. Let’s do it.” Samantha smiled as she put the black tie around her eyes.

“Just wait one more minute while I get the materials.” Heidi said softly before giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. The kiss was sensual and wet; just the way Samantha liked being kissed; however she was not expecting it and almost shouted, but it felt too good.

“I have a better idea.” the old woman whispered as she traced her fingers around Samantha’s hair and neck before bringing her in for another kiss.

“I saw you staring at my photo and immediately thought of fucking you. Then, I want to paint a picture while you eat my pussy. Now, please tell me if you are in for this or not.”

Samantha’s heart was racing and she could feel her juices beginning to flow as hidden desires started coming forth from her mind.

“Fuck my ass with a paintbrush and you can dominate me all night long.” Samantha said erzincan escort giving into the desires.


Samantha felt herself being pushed back on the couch and was suddenly met with Heidi’s shaved pussy on her face.

“Taste me while I undress you.”

There was no time to respond before the juicy slit was sliding along her nose and face. Samantha stuck her tongue out and sapped up the juices as if it was candy. Meanwhile, Heidi had unbuttoned her blouse and was fondling Samantha’s hard nipples. Samantha reached her hands up and spread Heidi’s ass cheeks, so that she could go deeper into her vagina. She blindly stumbled upon Heidi’s asshole and began licking and sticking her fingers deep inside.

“Yes.” the artist moaned as she reached down and began rubbing Samantha’s throbbing clit.

“Please fuck me hard.” Samantha begged as she felt two fingers go deep into her dripping wet pussy.

Time stopped. Samantha only saw black and white and red. Her pulse screamed out with music as Heidi stuck a thick paintbrush stick deep into Samantha’s ass. The scent of sex permeated the air. The minutes that passed were consumed with moaning and thrusting movements. Samantha was lost in pleasure.

Suddenly, her blindfold came off and she saw the thick red hair of Heidi’s bush in face, dripping with cream. She screamed out in ecstasy and laughed with the moment.

“Now it is time for me to paint.” Heidi panted. “Eat my pussy while I paint. Then you will know what I was feeling when I painted all of my art.”

Three hours later, Samantha gave Heidi a kiss goodnight.

“You can pick up your art tomorrow after you help me paint another one!” Heidi said waving goodnight.

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