The Diamond Prince – Ch. 16


Chapter 16 — The Bird’s Flight

Content warning: strong language, graphic sexual content, PTSD/anxiety

Days later and Declan finally felt ready to leave the room, and the safety of Phoenix’s arms. He was welcomed so warmly by the staff and slave population alike, and this time, he arrived wearing a lovely pair of slacks, as Phoenix did every day. (Perhaps, an extra layer helped make him feel a bit more protected. or perhaps, he just didn’t want anyone unauthorized to see him naked for the moment.)

After the welcome back party subsided, Phoenix pulled Declan aside, out of sight. They had scarce had a moment alone since Declan’s awakening from the incident, and Phoenix was desperate to speak with him. “What’s up, Nix?”

“Shh, doll. Listen. I…” He searched for words, His hands gripping Declan’s wrists tightly, His eyes darting around the room. Doubt began to creep into Declan’s heart. 

“You, what?” Declan quivered, disappointment and rejection clear in the waver in his voice. Nix’s eyes snapped up to meet bright green ones. 

“No, no. Bright Eyes, I, I’m…” He paused and took a deep breath. “Tomorrow, I’m being emancipated.” He exhaled.

Declan’s face went from neutral, to shock, to realization, to happiness, to shock… He stopped breathing. “You… You… what?” Declan couldn’t believe his ears. This should have been the happiest news in the world, his best friend was being released from slavery. Yet… why did it feel like the opposite? Like he was being ripped away from everything that he knows, to be thrown into uncharted water?

Emancipation happened so rarely, as it was a long, tedious process. This must have been in the works for months or years if He was to be freed tomorrow. How did no one know? Why would Mistress not tell anyone? Emancipatees generally only had two routes to follow; stay with their master as an equal, often lover or spouse, or be sent for rehabilitation and reintegration at a government facility. Many of the latter end up homeless or back in slavery as the adjustment is very difficult.

Flashes of her face, the way she’d been ripped away from him tore at his insides.

Declan dropped to his knees, shock and despair coursing through him. Nix had been one of His only two lifelines in this world. He was his friend, his confident, his… his…

“My Love.” the words shattered any thoughts Declan had at that moment. He looked at the man who helped him through all he had experienced.

Soft, gentle hands framed his face. “I’ll find a way.” Phoenix pulled Declan back up to his feet and captured his lips in a tender kiss. Declan’s arms wrapped around Phoenix’s neck as the kiss deepened, even as tears streamed down his face.

“Please don’t leave me.” Declan sobbed as he pulled back.

“Never.” Phoenix said with determination, wrapping His boy up in a fierce hug. Sorrow and hope and love swirled together between them as it suddenly dawned on Declan what that unknown feeling in their connection had always been.

The next morning, Phoenix woke to His favourite pile of people – His boy, and His Lady, both clinging to Him. The sun was just peeking through the curtains, and uncertainty washed over Him. He was excited to be called a free man, but at the same time, He hoped that He could convince Lady Accarin – Danica, He reminded Himself, knowing that would now be her name after today – To let Him stay with Her, at least for a while. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to His family, or Her. He didn’t know how to be free. He still had no power or authority until the papers were signed, and as such, has no right to question Her motives. He hoped She would be willing to speak to Him after He was released.

Before He knew it, He was getting dressed, in a beautiful three piece suit that Mistress had tailored for Him. Emerald green and black – His signature colours. He admired Himself in the mirror, He hadn’t worn these many clothes, perhaps ever in His life. He couldn’t help but admire the shade of green that so perfectly reflected Declan’s eyes. He watched in the mirror as Danica soothed Declan, his face forlorn and full of worry. She gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry sweetheart, it will be okay.” He nodded, trying to put his features back to neutral as much as he could. “Good boy.” She soothed as She turned to Phoenix. “You look magnificent, darling.”

Nix couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you, My Lady.”

He walked over to Declan as Danica left the room. He held the boy’s face in His hands, and gazed into his sad eyes. “Don’t worry my love, I will be back for you. One way or another.” He gave him a lingering kiss on the forehead and turned to follow Danica.

They arrived at the courthouse, and Danica was directed to the office of an emancipation officer. They sat going over papers, and signing pages for what felt like ages, until finally, the officer looked at Phoenix for the first time since the meeting started and met his eyes as He signed the last page. “Congratulations, Phoenix. You are a Free Citizen.” After a pause to process those düzce escort words, he replied, 

“Thank you.” Purposely not following with a title or honorific, and it felt very strange.

“Now, you have seventy-two hours to complete the post-emancipation forms and return them. They include your choice of last name, and who will be overseeing your mandatory rehabilitation, the state or private free citizen. Here is your social security number, and my card, in case you have any questions. If required, the state can provide temporary lodging at a government facility while you sort your affairs.” Phoenix glanced at Danica, who gave him an encouraging smile, and he reached out and took the papers from her hand.

“Phoenix, this is your choice. You are welcome to stay with me until you decide, or you can go out on your own. You are a free man; the decision is yours.” Danica encouraged. Phoenix broke into a grin, having heard nothing past being welcome home.
”I’d love to stay with you… Danica.”

On the car ride home, Danica finally took the time to explain herself to Phoenix.

“Phoenix, I owe you an apology, and an explanation. I’m sorry I’ve been so secretive about this whole thing, I’m sure it came as a shock. I didn’t ask you if this is what you wanted, but I realized that I couldn’t while you still belonged to me. I need you to make some choices, and for them to be genuine and true, you needed your freedom. From now on I cannot bestow consequences on you for your actions or choices beyond what free person can to another, and you are free to express yourself honestly. You have no obligation to lie for my benefit or say what you think I want to hear. Do you understand?” She asked, waiting for a verbal reply.

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Nix, I’ve been running both my company, and my rescue team for many years now. You’ve been by my side through much of it. Not only do I feel that you’ve earned your freedom for all you’ve done for me, but you’ve earned a place at my side, professionally. I need help, The company has grown, and the rescue is endless. I can’t do it by myself anymore, and there is no one on this earth I trust more than you.”

“Thank you My Lad….Danica.”

She couldn’t suppress a little giggle as his mistake. It would take time for him to get used to it. “So, I’m going to offer you something, and I want you to think it over. Take your time. I know you have a lot to process still. I’d like to offer you a job. An internship, if you will. Should you accept, I will teach you all you need to know about working as an employed free person under me, and if you succeed, perhaps one day you’ll be able to be a partner, with me.” She paused a moment to allow the idea to sink in. “If you choose not to, and you want to find your own way, that’s up to you. I will still happily give you a hand in getting started.”

“I’m honoured. I never would have thought you would consider a slave, err, former slave, someone you would want as an employee, much less a partner.” he said, obviously genuinely surprised.

“Think about it over the next few days. We have time.”

“Danica, can I ask you something?” Nix asked after a moment.

“Of course you can. That is your prerogative now.” She said with a smile.

“Right. Well, as far as I know, there are no free people in my bloodline. I have no last name. You’ve given me my freedom, and in honour of that, I’d like my name to reflect my life with you. You bestowed the Emerald on me as my signature jewel and colour, would it be alright if I took that as my last name?”

“I’d love nothing more.”

Declan heard commotion downstairs and immediately flew out of their room, nearly toppling Jay in the process.

“Whoa, easy there kid.” Jason said, steadying them both.

“What’s happening? what’s going on??” Declan asked urgently.

“I’m not sure yet. Mistress just got home.” Jay answered honestly. How could he be so calm at a time like this. He took off, not waiting one second for Jay. By the time he got to the hall, almost everyone had already lined up. Declan searched desperately for a sign of either Mistress, or Phoenix – he could see neither. He got in line and waited. Then, just after Jay joined him, Mistress appeared on the landing of the stairs at the end of the hall.

“Good afternoon, everyone. As many of you may know, there has been a change to the order of things here at the Manor. And so, I’ve called you all here to explain the new situation. You will notice, that one of you is missing – a prominent member of my slave population, a long time staple by my side and at my feet. I’ve decided, that his time as my slave has come to an end. Phoenix Emerald Flame, as he was known is no longer here.” Declan’s heart stopped beating for a moment.

“Instead, let me proudly introduce you, to Mr. Phoenix Emerald – the first of his name, a free citizen of this nation.” Declan could have cried as Phoenix walked out to join Lady Accarin. The sharp lines of his suit and the way He stood tall beside Her made Him look all düziçi escort the more handsome in that moment. “While Mr. Emerald is deciding the direction his life will take, he will be staying here, as my guest – and you will treat him as such, and all that implies.” Her face went stern for a moment as She finished Her sentence, stressing the seriousness of Her words. It was clear that She would tolerate no one disrespecting this former slave.

After a moment’s hesitation, Declan was the first to drop to his knees and bow. The others took this as a hint and all slaves did the same, and the employed servants began clapping. Mistress regained Her smile, and when the applause died, She spoke once more. “Maddie, Vicky, and Jordan.” The three slaves called quickly jumped to their feet and moved towards the Lady and Phoenix. They got to their knees once again. “Please ready a VIP guest room for Mr. Emerald. That is your priority today. When it’s done, come find me or Mr. Emerald so he can settle in. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress.” They said in unison.

“Off with you.” They stood and scurried off upstairs.

“The rest of you, as you were.” The slaves stood and all began to depart, back to their daily tasks.

Declan Didn’t know what to do with himself, or what to think. It began to sink in, that as a free man, maybe Phoenix wouldn’t want him anymore. He could have anyone, free or slave. He could buy his own harem. Before he could decide as to whether to go back to his Mistress’s chambers and await instruction or go offer his services to Her now, She and Nix had both disappeared, so he took the former option.

By dinner, Declan still hadn’t heard from or seen Lady Accarin. He made his way downstairs to the slave kitchen, feeling anxiety at its peak. He sat quietly, pushing the food around on his plate, trying to tune out all the excited gossip going around the room. Some were angry, some were happy, and all were speculating what caused this sudden decision. As Mistress, She was under no obligation to explain Herself to her slaves, and She hadn’t.

He was so deep in thought that he startled when Jay plopped down beside him. “What’s got your knickers in a twist?” he drawled, casually as ever.

“Nothing.” Declan grumbled. He slouched a little farther.

“Right… sure. You jealous of ‘ole greeney?” he drawled, plucking the bread off Declan’s plate and taking an obnoxious bite out of it. When Declan didn’t respond, Jason continued. “Cuz, you know, you shouldn’t be. Now there will be more Mistress for us.” Jay purred, elbowing Declan playfully. Declan just growled and shuffled a few inches farther from Jay. “Hey come on, don’t be like that, I’m just joking around. Don’t worry, things will straighten out soon enough.” At that, Jay patted him on the back and left.

Nix and Danica were in her office, filling in what they could of Nix’s post-emance papers. She was going over the finer details of it with him and answering any questions he had. Once they had done all they could for now, Danica launched into an explanation of different options for him with her businesses. She explained how he could work with her rescue team, or with her jewel business, and what those roles would look like in the short and long term. “If we need to, we could even send you for formal education, catch you up to speed on all the learning you’ve missed. I taught you some things, but you’ll need much more to be part of either business.” she explained excitedly.

Nix was getting excited too. The privilege of being allowed to go to school was something he always dreamed of, he loved to learn. He had soaked in everything his – Danica – had taught him, reading, writing, basic math. He already felt so lucky to have been taught that much. Dani is so smart, and he admired her with all his heart. Dinner time rolled around, and Danica invited him to join her for dinner in the formal dining room. The last time he had eaten in here it was at her feet. This time, he would be at the table, across from her – as an equal. The idea was so surreal to him.

They sat and were served a fragrant three course meal, accompanied by a lovely, paired wine. They talked and laughed, and the wine helped Nix feel so much more comfortable. There had always been relative comfort with his Mistress, especially behind closed doors, but now they were getting to see a side of each other that they had never truly seen in the right light before. “Danica?” Nix queried, gazing at her with a soft smile.

“Yes, Nix?”

“…You have the most beautiful smile.” He said with a confidence he didn’t really feel. When she blushed, his pride swelled.

“You don’t have to say that you know. You don’t belong to me anymore.” She said, breaking their gaze and becoming suddenly very interested in the last bits of her dessert.

Phoenix steeled himself, working up the courage, and with a deep breath he reached across the table and gently put his hand on hers.

“I know. I mean it.” He said, trying to convey with all his might that he was sincere. She edirne escort gazed back and felt something new stir inside her. Before she could decide what to do with this new feeling, they were interrupted.

“Pardon me, my Lady.” Maddie squeaked meekly. Nix and Dani quickly both withdrew their hands. “And Sir.” she added quickly. “The room is prepared for Mr. Emeralds stay.”

“Thank you Maddie.” she gave a quick bow and turned on her heel. “Well… shall we go check that your room is up to par?”

Declan was on his way back up to Mistress’s chamber when he saw Them. They were talking and laughing, Nix looked the picture of a free man. His tie was loosened, and His jacket draped over His arm. The smile on His face was genuine and confident. The way They exchanged casual little touches as They talked, in a way only free people do. He watched as They made Their way up the stairs in the direction of Her bedroom, and he followed at a distance, since he was headed there anyway.

When They got to the top, the Lady grabbed Nix’s hand and playfully pulled Him away from Her room and towards the guest rooms and disappeared. He felt a sudden tightness in his chest that he couldn’t explain. He sulked back to the room and flopped down on the bed to think. He knew he should be happy for Them, happy to see Them so happy. He wanted so badly to just ignore everything gnawing at him and take things for what they were, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom.

Nix and Dani made it to Nix’s new temporary home – the VIP suite. It was very similar to Dani’s own bedroom, but without the extra rooms for her live in slaves, a slightly less elaborate bed, and it had an added kitchenette and bar. He had been in this room only a few times before, when entertaining Mistress’s guests. Danica had been willing to lend him out on occasion for important guests, and the experiences had not been awful, luckily.

He looked around to see that all the amenities had been set up and ready for his use, including a full bathtub adorned with rose petals. Candles were lit around the room creating a romantic ambience, and the bed had been turned down invitingly. Bottles of champagne and wine were chilling in the small fridge, and a shelf of expensive liquors lined the shelf above. A tray of h’ordeuvres sat on the coffee table in the sitting area. This was all for him — to enjoy, at his leisure. He could spend the next couple of days being waited on hand and foot, and it was strange, but exhilarating.

“How does it feel to be on the other side of the glass?” Danica asked, picking up two glasses and filling them with a white wine she pulled from the fridge.

“Very strange. It’s going to take some time to get used to.” He replied, stepping forward to accept the glass she held out to him. He especially felt a little uncomfortable that she was currently serving him. She sat on the sofa next to the fridge and swirled the wine in her glass.

“Have you given any thought to what you want to do after your seventy-two hours are up? I know it’s been an overwhelming day, and I can understand if you are still unsure.” She said, a little shyly. He smiled.

“The idea of going off on an adventure on my own certainly is alluring — but also intimidating…” he said, brows knit in concentration. “But ultimately, I’m not really in a hurry to leave my home…” He said, again gazing at her. “But I’ve still got a few days to think.”

“Yes of course, I didn’t mean to rush you. It’s just…” she trailed off, avoiding his gaze.

“its’ what?” he asked immediately, suddenly intrigued about her thoughts on the matter.

“It’s doesn’t matter, never mind. I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to influence your decision.” She took a slow sip of her wine. He sat beside her, placing his hand on her knee gingerly.

“Danica, you’ve given me so much, taught me so much. I value you, and your opinion. I know you want what’s best for me, you’ve proven that a thousand times over already. Tell me. Please.” He said, hoping to gain back her gaze.

She sighed and put her hand on his where it rested. “Phoenix, there’s another reason I released you.” She said with some hesitance. “It’s a more selfish reason. I…” she hesitated, searching for the right words. “I care about you, Phoenix. We’ve been through so much together and I want to experience things with you that I never can with a slave.” She said, in a rushed manner, like she was afraid she would combust if the words didn’t leave her mouth in time. She fidgeted with her glass as she waited for him to process what she had just said. He raised his glass to his lips and took a hefty swallow. He gazed at her for some time, until she finally met his eyes again. Then, all at once, he set down his glass on the table and leaned forward, placing his hand on her cheek, and captured her lips with his.

She leaned into the kiss with a sigh, her free hand going to his shoulder. Without breaking their kiss, he took the glass from her hand and set it down, putting that hand on her waist. The kiss started gentle, slow, but soon began to gain traction — heat, and their hands began to roam. Suddenly, Danica pulled back, slightly breathless and met his eyes again. “Nix, you know you…” He cut her off with another fierce kiss, then pulled back just long enough to say

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