The Dream


The following story is part of a larger story. It was written at the request of a friend. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂


Dusk was quickly coming as Kita and the panther made their way through the dense forest. Night sounds began filling the air, nocturnal noises filling the void. As they neared the river, Kita noticed a small pool shooting off the river itself. She smiled to herself and looked forward to the coming swim. Setting her pack on the forest floor, Kita turned to the panther and nodded before walking to the edge of the pool.

Quickly Kita shed her clothing and waded into the water. The sudden coldness of the water on her warm skin caused her nipples to harden instantly. Quickly she ducked under the water, submerging herself completely. The cool water felt heavenly as she kicked her feet, swimming across to the opposite bank then returning again, staying nearly submerged in the water until her body numbed from the cold.

The panther moved to a nearby tree, sitting down to watch the human intently in the water. Ever alert, the panther gazed at Kita as she swam in the pool, awaiting her companion to leave the cool confines of the water and settle into sleep for the evening.

Sighing in contentment, and finally feeling a bit drowsy, Kita moved to the edge of the river, water glistening on her skin as it traveled down her body. Shivering slightly, she gathered her clothing and walked naked back into the cover of the forest. As she passed the panther, she reached out to run her fingertips along its head, feeling the soft fur as the panther nuzzled Kita’s hand.

Setting her clothing to the side, Kita quickly made camp, rolling out her bedroll. The warm night air quickly dried the last of the water drops from her body, as she moved about the simple camp, preparing for bed. Kita inclined her head towards the panther as it made its way to her side. “We should start out again early. We still have much ground to cover before we reach the edge of the forest.”

Without another word Kita climbed naked into her bedroll, for once feeling safe knowing the panther would alert her to any danger long before it was close enough to be a real problem. Reaching for her dagger, Kita placed it within easy reach beneath her bedroll, but still hidden. Closing her eyes, Kita slowly drifted off to sleep.

The moon hung high in the sky, the night sounds but a whisper on the wind. Kita awoke feeling the intense electricity in the air. She rolled onto her side, reaching for her dagger and scanned the area around her. Seeing nothing, not even the panther, she crept quietly from the warmth of her bed, listening intently for what had awoken her.

The sound of splashing water drew her to the riverbank. Kita looked out across the river and gasped as she saw Lena waist deep in the river, now turning to face her because of the escaped sound from Kita’s niğde escort lips. Lena smiled, unashamed of her nakedness as she slowly walked towards the bank, now standing face to face with Kita. “Kita…”

Shaking her head, Kita couldn’t believe she would be dreaming of her friend, yet again, and nude. Kita took a step back unconsciously; as she blushed looking down Lena’s body then up again and into deep emerald green eyes, a soft whisper escaping, “Another dream…”

Lena smiled and reached for Kita’s hand, taking it in her own and slowly bringing it to her lips. She softly kissed the palm of Kita’s hand and looked at her friend questioningly, “Am I now the object of your desires Kita? To dream of me yet again?”

Blushing madly, Kita pulled her hand free, dropping her gaze, only to blush more as she realized her own nakedness. “Lena. I…” Kita shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and wondering how she could even be dreaming such a thing.

“You what?” Lena stepped closer to Kita, placing her fingertip beneath the other woman’s chin and lifting it to look into her eyes. “Tell me what you desire Kita. As you said, this is a dream is it not?”

A wildly beating heart filled Kita’s ears and she realized it was her own. She silently wondered why this was happening again. What was it she desired? Her friend was once again naked in a dream with nothing to stop Kita from looking her fill, which she did blushing all the more, feeling it warm her body.

Lena leaned so close that her lips nearly touched the other woman’s lips. Her breath hot against the lips of her friend as she whispered, voice filled with desire. “I want you Kita. Please don’t deny me again.”

Before Kita could answer, Lena’s lips covered her own. Liquid fire burned through her body as she felt her friend’s body push up against her own, soft skin against soft skin. Lena’s hands moved to pull Kita even closer, fingertips now caressing her lower back. Kita’s body burned hotly as lips moved over hers, tasting and licking.

Nails traced slow patterns on Kita’s lower back, as Lena deepened the kiss, wanting more and not stopping to give her friend the chance to think and back out. She pushed Kita back up against a nearby tree, her hands now moving slowly up Kita’s sides, delighting in the feel of warm smooth skin against the palms of her hands.

Rough bark bit into Kita’s back, an intense contrast to the smooth hands moving up her sides. Conscious thought was no longer possible as her body took over, feeling every touch and movement of the woman pressed against her. A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt Lena gently move her hands between their bodies and gently cup her breasts.

Purring, Lena traced over the other woman’s nipples with her thumbs. She trailed kisses along Kita’s jaw line, slowly to her earlobe taking it between her teeth ordu escort and biting gently as she pinched the other woman’s nipples, tugging lightly. Lena’s tongue trailed along the outside of her lover’s ear, slowly up then down to the earlobe again, before whispering, “Kita, let me love you.”

Cool air touched Kita’s skin as the other woman pulled away, taking her hand and leading her to the bedroll. Unable to speak, Kita allowed the other woman to lead her, and then lay her down on the bedroll. Heat filled her body as Lena moved over her, half lying on top, hands now caressing over Kita’s stomach slowly.

Lena leaned in slowly; lips brushing against the pulse in Kita’s neck, holding herself back from biting as she traced it with her tongue then kissed the throbbing spot. Her right hand caressed up and over Kita’s stomach slowly inching towards her breasts again. Cupping one breast in her hand, she pinched the nipple between thumb and forefinger, purring as she heard her lover gasp and then moan.

Arching her back, pushing her breast more firmly into the hand giving her such pleasure, Kita moaned again when she felt her nipple being pinched a bit harder before being released, the hand now moving down her body, over her stomach, across her hip, down the top of her thigh then slowly up the inside. Unconsciously, her thighs parted allowing her lover complete access.

Wasting no time, Lena trailed her nails up the inside of Kita’s thigh, loving the soft moans coming from the woman beneath her. Her lips pressed against the pulse in Kita’s neck, tongue flicking over it as her nails moved higher still, fingers so close she could feel the heat radiating from her lover’s sex. Lena’s fingertips slid slowly over Kita’s moist lips, purring at the warm wetness. Lena flicked her tongue over Kita’s pulse once more before biting slightly, at the same time pushing a finger slowly into her lover.

Moaning deep in her throat, Kita dug her nails into the other woman’s back, as her body was invaded for the first time. Closing her eyes and biting down on her lower lip, she lifted her hips unconsciously wanting and needing the unimaginable. Whimpering as she felt the emptiness as Lena slid her finger nearly free only to push it in again deeply, until the palm of her hand pushed against Kita’s clit causing her to moan loudly, body lifting nearly off the bedroll.

Lena smiled to herself, feeling her lover moving beneath her, loving the power she held over the other woman. She pulled her finger free of Kita’s body, lifted it to her own lips and sucked it into her mouth, moaning as she had her first taste of the woman beneath her. She smirked slightly, still sucking on her finger as she watched Kita open her eyes and blush deeply.

Blushing bright red, Kita was unable to take her eyes away from the other woman as Kita sucked on her own finger. rize escort Kita’s eyes widened as she watched the other woman pull her finger from her mouth then trace Kita’s lips with it. Closing her eyes again, Kita felt the other woman’s lips brush her own, tongue tracing the path the finger had already made.

Lena traced the other woman’s lips with her tongue, before slipping it past, allowing Kita to taste herself in the kiss. Her hand moved down between Kita’s thighs once more, finger pressing into the moist center, purring at the way Kita’s body not only accepted the invasion but also seemed to demand it by sucking her finger deeper.

Kissing Kita deeply, Lena purred into the kiss as she felt the other woman moan when a second finger was added to the first, pushing deeper than before. Lena held her fingers deep and made a come hither motion, caressing the other woman from the inside, loving the feel of Kita’s body gripping her fingers tightly. Her thumb brushed over Kita’s clit, causing the woman beneath her to jump slightly and tighten her legs around Lena’s hand.

Lena moved to nuzzle Kita’s neck as she slowly began to move her fingers in the other woman. Feather light kisses moved along Kita’s neck to her shoulder and up again to her ear. “I love the way you feel Kita. So warm. I could touch you forever.”

Her body burning hotter and hotter, Kita thought she would die from it. The feeling of fingers moving inside of her nearly drove her mad. Heat filled her from head to toe as she felt pressure on her clit; Lena’s thumb moving over it as her fingers thrusted deeply inside, over and over again.

The pressure built deep inside her body, threatening to overtake her. Kita cried out, moaning deeply at the intensity of the building feelings. Her hips now moving with each thrust of Lena’s fingers as she softly begged for something she didn’t know she needed. “Please Lena. Please.”

“Please what my lover? Please take you over the edge. Show you what you are truly seeking?” Lena thrust her fingers deep inside, burying them completely, pushing her thigh up against her hand causing her fingers to push even deeper.

Liquid fire and electricity shot through Kita’s body as it exploded in sensation. All she could do was hold on to the other woman as she fought for control over her own body. Tingling pins and needles moved throughout her as her body writhed beneath Lena’s.

Lena held her fingers deep inside until the other woman’s body slowly released its death grip. Smiling to herself, Lena pulled her fingers free, licked them before sucking them into her mouth, moaning at the sweet taste. She then kissed Kita deeply before pulling away. “Sleep well my love. I will visit you again soon.”

Kita closed her eyes as she felt the other woman pull away and leave her, the cool air caressing her burning body. Rolling to her side she opened her eyes and looked into the eyes of the panther. It licked her face then settled down next to her to sleep. “Another dream. What is going on with me?” She lightly stroked the panther’s head and closed her own eyes settling back into dreamless sleep.

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