I have the best Valentine. She is the perfect fit to my way of loving her. She is considerate and kind, always aware of consequences. She meets me more than half way, or gives me as a minimum what I perceive as 100%.
We have exchanged and been each other’s Valentines partner for 21 years of fun and joy. We spend that day together every year. We now have a different urgency and participation in our annual passion after this length of time together. We have cycled through sexual ups and downs always trusting each other to know the most intimate truths about each other, our own fantasy, passion, and secrets. We had no long term disagreements because we would forget about it when the other partner would begin some kind of sex in the middle of the night. All was quickly and happily forgiven and forgotten.
The first time we had sex, we were on our first date in the evening of that same day that we met in the rain. It was at about 3 in the afternoon. She was walking in a rainy and windy street in the business district of San Francisco. It was very cold and raining a torrent. I was about to leave a parking lot when she crossed my building’s driveway from my right, struggling against the wind and walking into the blowing downpour.
She seemed to stumble, twisting forward, her umbrella then quickly snapped inside out, and she began to fall, letting go of her tote bag of papers as she attempted to stop her fall. The bag skittered across the wet sidewalk and came to a skidding, splashing stop spreading the papers into the wind and wet. I placed the car in Neutral, set the brake, and jumped from the car to help her. The wind whipped the umbrella from her hand into my footing on the sidewalk. I slipped on the slick pavement and then tangled in the inverted umbrella so that I tumbled across the sidewalk, jamming up against her, now kneeling in her struggling attempt to rise. I caused her to fall on me as I slid under her kneeling form pushing her footing knee from under her. She landed face to face on my chest.
I without thinking, asked, “Are you okay?”
She smiled, began to laugh. She pushed off of me onto her back in the puddle deep river of rain water that was the sidewalk. She seemed to think something was really funny as we were sprawled across the sidewalk having both fallen into the water flowing across the sidewalk to the gutter. We were soaked. She was soaked through her torn white raincoat. I was soaked through my office clothes. I had expected to get out of the rain inside my garage when I got home.
There we were. She spread eagle in her torn and stained white raincoat, short bright yellow skirt, white silk blouse. A now broken, matching yellow high heeled shoe with the heel dangling by a thread. She was filthy as the rain loosened sidewalk sludge was ground into her raincoat from her sidewalk slide. Her raincoat had scraped hard into me, further soaking, staining, and ruining my suit, tie, and shirt.
She did not feel indecently exposed by her short skirt coming up. Her hair, make up, clothes, skin and papers were all soaked, and were still soaking up more water. Her modesty was missing right then.
She seemed to be almost hysterically happy. Over joyed seemed to describe her demeanor. She was laughing loudly. I flashed in my mind an image of Gene Kelly and June Allison in the 1952 movie, “Walking In The Rain” which showed them dancing in the rain. This was a real classic movie.
As I was picking myself up, and with our bodies so entangled, I soon was facing her skirt hem about an inch in front and a little above my face as she also was attempting to stand. She was again rising from kneeling on one knee. The view for me was very startling. I can remember the view even now so many decades later. She had no panties on which showed that she was a natural brunette. She also had a tattoo up under her skirt.
Distracted as I was, I smilingly said, “We need to continue to meet this way.”
She chuckled then quickly said, “You’ll wait. Crap. My papers are worthless.” She scooped up the remaining ones and threw them in a nearby sidewalk trashcan. I could see some of her papers floating down the gutter. The tote bag was laying by my foot so I picked it up and found it wasn’t empty. I saw a pale blue metal box that had a plastic window cut in the side.
I knew immediately that it was a ‘Rabbit’ a pale blue rabbit. I said nothing about my discovery, however, I seemed to have slightly changed my ‘first impression’ of this brunette. She was very attractive, even drowned as she was. She was commando, wearing a very short bright yellow skirt, sexy matching bright yellow shoes, white raincoat, transparent silk blouse over a bright yellow brassiere. Everything we were wearing became sodden; and transparent in the case of her blouse.
She seemed so emotionally undisturbed and was apparently just taking it all in stride. I continued gathering her belongings which I placed in the tote bag. Her purse, 1 shoe, phone, mersin escort and the unspilled contents filled it to the top. I held a hand out to her. She removed the other shoe, handed its to me. We worked our way back to my car which was blocking the parking garage exit. We got in and I moved from the driveway, and parked at the curb.
We hadn’t said much more than gasps and laughs up until we were parked. We were soaked! The leather seats of my car would take forever to dry.
Our conversation really first started with her sitting in the passenger seat of my car completely drowned. Her hair was stuck to her face and head. Her mascara was streaked, her eyeliner was smeared, her lipstick must have fallen off when she tumbled, because even it was gone. Her raincoat was balled up under her feet on the car floor, she was apparently barefooted, her skirt was filthy and stretched from under her left hip to the center of her right hip showing everything from her right leg towards her crotch.
She said, “If that isn’t the best pick up line I have ever heard! It was timed perfectly. That line would not have worked any other time”. Then she laughingly added, “Where can this possibly go from here?”
After talking and discussing our options while stopped and sitting in my car, we decided to go just two blocks away to my apartment. I’d stated that I thought I had some clothes there for her to change into, and that tomorrow I would call her when I got her clothes back from the cleaners with mine.
The elevator stopped between floors and we were stuck alone in the elevator. The lights were flickering but were very dim. A voice from a speaker soon advised that we would be safe, that there is an effort underway to restart the elevator. They said they would buzz us on the phone when they had more information.
She is about 27 or 28, brunette, fair complexion, large bright but pale blue eyes, about 4 inches short of my 5 feet 9 inches. She weighs 125 pounds. She is slim of face with hair on her neck to the bottom of her ears framing her face. She has clear skin lightly tanned. Her dimensions are 34-21-37. Her breasts are saggy from having breast fed children for nearly four years; and me off and on later on.
That day I am 188 pounds (about 10 pounds above my ideal weight). I am 32, blondish brown full head of hair. I walk daily, am fit and usually mistaken for her father with my ruddy, weathered, and tanned skin. She is very young looking, and I look much more mature so that waiters, clerks, and even people I know, often refer to her as my daughter. We always acknowledge the observation and role play while we can and for as long as we can.
While we waited in the elevator we made an agreement for her to pick up her clothes two evenings from today. As we visited, we became more comfortable and agreed to dinner tonight when we got out of the elevator. We talked about what our interests were of many kinds of topics and categories. We talked about our pasts, futures, significant others, families, backgrounds, and eventually sex. In the hours we were stuck there we became friends, laughing and getting acquainted. We discovered that we liked each other.
She had been with two steady men. But she didn’t think she had ever been ‘made love to’. She thought that she had only been ‘fucked’ twice. (laughingly explained as ‘two kids’) or it would not even count as anything but a cum dump experience for the men. She had been married and divorced twice. She had never done any oral or anal sex, only missionary. Sex was something about which she laughingly and almost embarrassingly acknowledged that she was completely in the dark. She had read a lot of self help materials, seen videos, and seen pictures on the internet, but she was none too enthused. She had just left the adult store purchasing the rabbit just minutes before she tripped.
She explained her laughing when laying on the sidewalk. She said that she had decided long ago, remember that she is only 27-28 years old, that whatever happened in her life she claimed responsibility for its presence. So, she was laughing at herself for having an accident and probably not getting to use her new toy as soon as she thought when she finally had gotten the courage to go to the adults store and buy a sex toy!
She explained that her children were at their grandparents in Portugal for Spring Break. They were both 10 years old, they were born 50 weeks apart. They were inseparable and happy. She was basically an efficient single parent, a professional market analyst for an international company that paid for her kids to go to Portugal as a bonus. She was due to get them back in four days. We were able to get past the social discomfort of meeting in an uncertain circumstance. We talked almost continuously, however the few extended silences were very comfortable, if not distracting just because we were forced to be together in such a small space.
That kocaeli escort we were both soaked through our clothes made it physically uncomfortable in the beginning. We were both chilled and felt clammy, however the elevator had good circulation, and aside from the filth we both were wearing, we were able to begin to dry. I took my coat off, removed my shirt, socks, and shoes. I soon had to cover up again as the draft was too cool. Putting those damp clothes back against my skin was horrid feeling.
She watched me strip down, never missing a move. I became fully aware of her staring and looking. I also could tell she was affected by my bare skin. I am fit, toned, tan, and smooth and lightly covered with a down of little blonde hairs. She squirmed after a bit, and I suggested that we could keep each other a little warmer if we were wrapped in the jacket.
Just then the speaker advised us to sit down, asked that we sit in the corners beside the door. The elevator jerked and shook, it moved slowly downward. It stopped after about a foot, and then very rapidly jerked, halted and started upward. It stopped smoothly in front of the third floor door. We exited to the newspaper reporter with a microphone in our faces. Shortly the hubbub died and we were able to get to my apartment. I followed her into the living room, and immediately removed all but my trousers. I dropped all of those clothes in the trash in the kitchen. I turned around to see her standing in front of the floor to ceiling window, where the view of the Oakland Bay Bridge was the view in the sunset light.
As she stood, she said quietly to herself, “Someday. Yes,I will someday.”
From across the room I asked,”What do you mean?
She startled, and said, “Someday I will have an apartment like this. A new building, a never lived in apartment, bright cheerful, welcoming, and a similar view. Someday, yes I will someday.”
I asked that she make herself ‘at home, and to think of it as home for right now.’ I went into the walk-in closet where I eventually called her to come select something to wear, because as I stood there looking at what the choices were for her I tripped out imagining her getting naked now to change her clothes.
She came in and selected the black sweat suit, and a pair of sandals that almost fit her. I showed her where shampoo , etc., were in the bathroom and asked her to shower first. I left her there with the door almost closed. She started the shower. The next thing I knew, she was out and dressed and clean.
I had forgotten to check the crack in the doorway to the bathroom, damn!
I showered and changed. I did not try to kiss her. I was a real gentleman. We went to the little cafe-bar along my street. It was still early so neither of us were ready to call it a day. We arrived via Lyft at the restaurant ordering a pitcher of margaritas as we entered. Seated, we were drinking, eating chips and salsa, dancing, drinking, and laughing about the day, we went over to the piano bar and danced for one more set, which was ‘one too many’. I pointed out to her that we were really drunk, and were probably going to get drunker. Perhaps we needed to leave.
It was three hours from when I had first called Lyft to take us to dinner. I called her a Lyft car and as we waited, cuddled in the restaurant entryway. The cuddling became kissing, and the kissing became an urgency for me, and a completely new and wonderfully different emotional state for her. I was wishing I had called a taxi, (they are so slow on such a rainy night), so I could stretch out the evening before we parted.
She felt warm from the inside, and flush on her face, neck, and chest. She had this desire to be in contact with me and for me to not stop kissing her. She knew she wanted me to touch her. She placed my hand on her forehead. Then she moved it to her lips, which seemed to kiss me even without her thinking about it.
I bent over to her ear and whispered, “Let’s just take one cab. Let’s both take it to my place.” She could feel her sexual desire getting more urgent. She did not reply, just squirmed tighter against me.
I told the lady in the Lyft my address instead of hers. She got permission to change her Lyft route to stop directly in front of my door. We had been kissing and hugging all of the way and when the driver told us where they were, we reluctantly broke the kiss and eagerly went up to my apartment.
The elevator worked okay, so we smiled and kissed to celebrate. I locked up the apartment, picked her up, and like a bride I carried her across the threshold into my bedroom where she had changed earlier. She marveled at how comfortable she was in the room where she had been quite uncertain and uncomfortable earlier.
I confirmed that she now still wanted to come to bed, and asked her what her rules were. She told me, “No pain and no pictures”. We laid down and kissed while facing each other. samsun escort
I asked, “Are you sure?”
She replied, “I have always wanted to know what a blow job was like and how to do it. Can you show me how? The way you like it?”
I did. She learned quickly and eagerly.
She didn’t want to quit. I realized that we were both very drunk and that I was reacting this way because I was drunk. I hadn’t ever taken advantage of a woman who might have been too drunk to be responsible for her actions, and was not going to start now.I drunkenly confirmed once again that this was okay with her and not just the influence of alcohol. She moved away, sat up onto her knees kneeling at my shoulder. She said, smiling, “Do not ask me again. No questions, no uncertainty, and no regrets. I am in control not the alcohol. Please do what I want and ask of you; and do everything you want without asking me again.”
With that she unbuttoned my shirt, she pulled her shirt over her head, released the front clasp of her bra, and released the string tied at the waist of her sweat pants. She didn’t have her panties now as they were filthy when she changed earlier. She had decided she couldn’t stand them against her skin they were so dirty and wet. She slid her yellow bra off of her arms and leaned over me placing a nipple against my open lips. She moved beside the bed, released my sweat pants string now. I helped her remove them. She smiled at the sight, as I had also not worn underwear after the rain ruined my clothes. She noted that I was circumcised and erect.
Now both naked she moved above me. I was laying on my back. She slid my unprotected cock into her vagina sliding it through the collected moisture as far into her as I could fit. I slowly followed her hip’s motions steadily realizing how utterly happy I was. As I was flashing through the alcohol and this virtually virginal vaginal experience, I lost track of my animal desire to ejaculate and suddenly I froze mid-stroke. I stopped, holding my whole being very rigid. I held off moving and froze mid-stroke realizing drunkenly that I was about to come.
When I stopped so abruptly, she sensed something going on and looked intently down at me with some flash of soberness. She thought that must be what it looks like when I was going to come. She immediately sucked her mouth tightly around the head of my penis just in time to receive my come. She took it all, and fellated me repeatedly and very noisily moaning and growling.
She, then laying on my chest, kissed me softly allowing my come to slime across our lips into my mouth while we were tongue dancing. I swished my come and our salivas around in my mouth as though it was mouthwash and kissed her again. I returned about half of all of the come and salivas back to her mouth. I swished the remaining half of my come loaded snowball mixed now with saliva from us both again relishing the taste, feel, and aromas. There was a sweetness I didn’t know. The sweetness captivated me some way, and I felt this strong rush of affection like I had not felt with any other person in all of my years. My feelings resembled what I felt for my family members when I was a child. I was shaken and humbled. It was scary to all of a sudden have such a strong feeling of protection and responsibility toward her.
She was surprised to have received the come, juices, and salivas from me. She swished quietly and softly over her teeth and gums, then kissed me again. I smeared her neck as I slid my tongue coated with our salivas, juices, and come on my way to her nipples and face.
She stopped me and said for the first time for either of us, “I love you.” She then gasped as I placed my curled tongue around her clitoris.
Then she said quite loudly, “I, love you.” “I love you.” “I love, you.”
I took her clitoris into my lips. I stroked her clitoris with my curled tongue. Then I stroked and massaged her short clitoris in every direction. I just touched her lightly sliding my hand up the crack of her ass. 76The outflow from her vagina increased and she squirmed and moaned both quickly and loudly. She finally said in a hoarse whisper, “Stop, oh for mercy’s sake upon you, stop. Oh, Wait! Not Yet! Not Yet! Ooh! Ooh! Umm! Higher! There, right, that’s it, up a little, that’s it, right there, Oooh! Umm! Ahhh…!”
Minutes later, she finally whispered, “Do you believe this could be it? Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Did you hear what I said?”
I quickly replied, “I know that I am talking about when I say how much I love you. How I want you in every part of my life.”
Then I added, “I do know exactly what you were talking about. I also know that something happened that, like welded us together, or maybe like electrical current passing back and forth between us, I don’t know what. Or a fantasy love dust getting inside you and me. I don’t know. I do know that I love you and will prove it by promising right here and now to spend Valentine’s Day with you having this same snowballing sex every year for as many years as you will join me. Let us always have snowballs for Valentine’s Day.”
She happily agreed. We cuddled up with my growing penis tucked between her ass cheeks as we fell asleep, both dreaming about tomorrow. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day.
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