This is my first time writing up one of my adventures, so go easy on me. Given the nature of the feelings involved, I feel a bit more context than usual is relevant, so the smut will take a bit to get to.
My first year in undergrad was memorable for all the normal reasons, but also for a few more fun ones. One of the latter is because it was the first and only time I hatefucked someone.
I’m not a hateful person by nature. Mean? Maybe. Cruel? At times. Sadistic? Obviously. But not hateful or angry. It takes someone being truly nasty to others for me to hate them.
The Irish bitch was the first girl I truly hated. Let’s call her Fiona; it’s close enough. She was blonde, had a great rack, amazing ass, and legs for days. She was athletic, nerdy, everything a guy could want, but she was a cunt. She was a cunt to everyone, but especially to people that least deserved it.
See, everyone comes into that first year of uni differently, and people deal with being away in ways even they don’t expect. I bring this up because Fiona’s favorite victim was Anna, a person who would become a close friend of mine, even though at the time we had just met.
Anna was possibly the most shy, most nervous, most easily-startled person I have ever met. For perspective, she couldn’t even make it to the dining halls and eat alone. She apologized for everything in earshot. I once stubbed my toe three flights of stairs down from her without even knowing she was there and she heard me and apologized.
But back to the cunt. Fiona was nasty to Anna, no matter what she did or didn’t do or who she was around. Even when Anna wasn’t around, she would talk shit.
You might ask why I, or Anna, or any of our friends would be around Fiona, and the answer is because it was first year uni, and we lived in the same dorm. All the icebreakers, the stupid activities and mixers, the lounge, the kitchen, the bathrooms; there was no escaping her. Maybe I didn’t always try my best, but in my defense, she was hot. I’m only human; I have flaws.
All this came to a head about two months in. Anna was hungry. She hadn’t eaten in at least a day, and finally mustered up the courage to ask someone to go with her. It was my turn, but Fiona was in earshot. This cunt just had to get a few jabs in and invited herself to join us for dinner. Before I could say anything to the effect of “fuck escort off, you miserable bitch,” Anna had already welcomed her. She’s always been far too nice.
After a walk of surprising civility, and half of dinner spent comparing notes on the new chapters of our lives, Fiona finally had to get another barb in.
“See, this is all easy, I don’t know why you have to be babysat for everything. You’re a grown woman. Act like it.”
This was not the first time Anna cried over something Fiona said. But it was the worst time. She had just told me that she thought they could finally get along as Fiona was getting a drink earlier. She felt betrayed. I walked her to her room.
I was also very, very horny.
I had avoided hook ups for the first couple months for a few reasons. I wanted to settle in, and I had just broken up with the girl I dated in high school. I really liked her.
Anyway, the anger was much more present. After comforting Anna and getting one of the girls in our friend group to sit with her, I went down to the lounge and found a nice chair with vision on all the entrances to our dorm. I was out for blood.
It took the better part of the night, but Fiona came back in, chatting and laughing with a few of her friends, Anna’s name was mentioned. I followed her to her room.
I know, I know, not the brightest or most appropriate idea. It certainly wasn’t one of my best moments. Independent of all the implications, connotations, and other -ations, the guys weren’t allowed on the girls’ floor without an invite and escort.
But I had to get this off my chest. I knocked on her door and when she opened it, before she even got a word out I demanded an explanation.
“Why are you such a fucking cunt to Anna!? She’s only ever been nice to anyone and she’s clearly dealing with some shit. WHICH YOU KNOW! What the fuck is your problem?”
I was causing a scene. Fiona didn’t want me to cause a scene. She grabbed my shirt and tried to pull me into her room. I wasn’t having it.
“If you’re gonna be a bitch in the open we need to have this conversation in the open, then you need to apologize in the open”
“If you come in here and tell me why the fuck I should apologize for calling it like it is, maybe I will, but I don’t see why I should.”
I let her pull me in. She shut the door.
“How the escort bayan fuck do you not see how you should apologize?”
“Don’t act like that’s why you’re here.”
“What other reason could I possibly have for being here?”
“You want me.”
“Like a lion wants a salad.”
I did want her. But not then. I swear I had pure intentions.
She walked over to her desk and leaned on it.
“You wouldn’t have come in if you didn’t”
It just now occurred to me how this looked.
“Just apologize to her. You’re a cunt to everyone, but so, so much worse to her, what’s your damage?….. I don’t even know why I thought this would work; you’re a real piece of work.”
I turned to the door.
“Because she’s pathetic.”
I looked back as she went on:
“She has the fucking world at her fingers, and she can’t look someone int he eye without trembling. Some of us didn’t grow up rich.”
“Don’t act like you were scraping by, Fiona. It takes money for all those hobbies of yours, don’t act like I can’t see your jewelry box right there.”
She got up and started to walk up to me.
“If you think I should apologize. Then. Make. Me.”
Each word was punctuated with a poke to my chest.
I had had enough of this bitch.
I grabbed her. Spun around. Pushed her against the door.
“May-be. I. Will.”
I grabbed her ass and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I started biting her neck and shoulder.
“I knew you wanted me.” She gasped out.
I slid a hand under her shirt and palmed her tit.
“Everyone wants you, but that doesn’t make it okay to act like you do, even if these…” I squeezed hard, then pinched and twisted her nipple. “And this…” I smacked her ass. “…are as good as I imagined”
The sounds she made then echo in my mind to this day.
I walked us over to her desk and pushed everything off the side. Yes, like in the movies. Yes, it was as satisfying as it looks.
I set her down and she pulled my shirt off, then I got hers. I pulled her pants off then grabbed her by her hair at the back of her head, close to her scalp, and pulled her head back, exposing her neck.
“You’re enjoying this. The Queen Bitch likes being put in her place.”
“And? So what if I do?”
I bit her ear, undid her bra, then worked my way down the rest of her neck, bayan escort her chest, and her tits. The entire left side of her neck and shoulder was covered in bite marks.
I yanked on her hair.
“So, you should learn how to play nice with the other girls.”
She shuddered.
I swear she came right there.
I let go of her hair and as she lowered her head, taking ragged breaths.
I slapped her.
I slipped my hand into her panties.
“You’re so wet for me.”
I grabbed her jaw and made her look me in the eyes.
She knew what I wanted.
“I’m so wet for you.”
I pulled her off the desk and pushed her down to her knees.
She still knew what I wanted.
She undid my belt, my button, my zipper. Pulled down my pants and boxers all at once.
She opened her mouth, probably to be a smart ass. She didn’t get to.
I grabbed her head and jammed my cock in her mouth. This was the first time I had ever facefucked someone.
Her eyes watered. Drool and spit and lewd sounds poured out of her mouth. I kept fucking her.
I don’t know how long that lasted, but when I pulled her off my dick, the mess had made it down to her breasts and her makeup was running. I’ll never forget how she gasped for air.
I picked her up. She was startled.
“Did you think I was done?”
I threw her on to the stupidly tall dorm bed and climbed onto her.
She pulled her panties off and tried to toss them, but I grabbed her wrist and took them. They were SOAKED.
“So you liked that, huh?”
She started to reply. I shoved the panties in her mouth.
“I don’t really care what you have to say. No one should”
I teased her. Ran my fingertips along her sides, her nipples, her cunt. I teased her clit and opening with the head of my cock. She whimpered.
I fucked her. Hard. Grabbed her. Left bruises where my fingers were. Choked her.
She clawed my back. She came.
I slapped her.
She came again.
I slapped her.
I came.
I slapped her.
As I dismounted, I looked at her.
“Fuck you. Fuck your shitty reasons. Apologize to Anna. In front of all the people you talked shit about her to.”
I pulled on my pants and walked out as she finally started to pull her panties out of her mouth.
She apologized the next night.
Two weeks later, I realized Anna’s room was behind the wall Fiona’s bed was against.
When we graduated, Anna told me she knew I made Fiona apologize, but she was pissed about how I went about it. She also said she couldn’t blame me, “I mean… her ass.”
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