Author’s Note: the second story from “The Island” series where we meet a new character.
The appearance and the behavior pattern of Chloe were taken from the game series “GDS Games Chloe18.” The author expresses his deep gratitude to GDS for permission.
II. Hanna is getting ready for work
Hanna got up at six when the alarm went off, an hour before she used to. A weightless blanket pulled down to the floor and revealed her naked legs and well-tanned ass. Hanna can’t stand tan lines and prefer sunbathing naked. Besides, she loves when a light ocean breeze teases her well-shaped C-size breast and smooth-shaved inner thighs. Though, the most important thing that made her sunbathing naked the girl enjoyed somebody staring at her. She’s getting wet thinking that she’s exposed in front of a crowd of guys and girls. Some of them stare at her shamelessly; some others are spying her, with a corner of their eyes. Others are watching at her only when she’s looking away. And she does look away for them and places herself at the most revealing and shameless poses. And they stare at her; they can’t take their eyes off…
Hanna stretched out her arms and arched her back sweetly, inhaling fresh morning air with her full breast, and turned to the window. Despite being early morning, there was excellent weather on the street; the sun was shining calmly, morning birds were singing with many voices. Her right hand came down to her cunt lips on its own, and they split with sloshing, flaming with hot wetness. A big wet stain left on the sheet after this night, likewise all previous mornings for many months. A dream that made the girl wet was ruthlessly fading away living only some snatches. She is led through a crowded square naked… she is whipped with hard bullwhip… she is being fucked in her ass and throat simultaneously… everything is very vaguely and disappears soon.
That’s time to get up. Hanna carefully unfastened her nipple clamps and put them into the top drawer. Then she took a handful of lotion and rubbed it in her pleasantly aching breasts. She didn’t put on her clit clamp this night because it still hurt severely after playing with it a day ago. As a matter of fact, the nipple clamps, as well as her nighttime buttplug still fitting in her ass, fortified her arousal. She realized that but couldn’t refuse such a sweet habit. She craved to touch herself between her legs, to insert the whole hand, immerse it in her hot vagina, and fuck herself hard. But it was forbidden for now. She had been banned from coming for nineteen days and wouldn’t have been allowed to cum for two days more. The mindless machine, the sequence of bytes decided that for her. Though, Hanna handed over that responsibility to her laptop voluntarily. It was her own application that had the power to manage her orgasms and other challenges.
Actually, it wasn’t just a prohibition of coming. Hanna had to masturbate at least two times a day, every morning and night, almost to the point of orgasm and then roughly stop. Firstly, the probability of this challenge was 1%, and the duration of orgasm denial ranged from one day to one week. Later, Hanna found herself extreme horny of this practice and increased the daily probability to 3% and made the range from one week to one month. The estimated number of days in orgasm denial was about 200 days a year.
This morning Hanna again got up and the first thing she did she turned on her notebook. Left hand’s fondling her slimy pussy, right hand’s driving the mouse and ran the application… The timer’s counting down ten seconds and… Oh, my goddess!! Hanna read from the screen:
– Orgasm denial
– Full body whipping: whip
– Anal fucking, dildo .
Hanna hid her eyes… Her right hand continued the job between her legs. The sphincter ring fitfully clenched buttplug… Her mouth opened… Deep breathe and… stop! The girl collapsed on the floor. Not allowed… Two days from the previous term and twenty-seven new days… twenty-nine days totally… Oh fuck… I’ve been already in chastity for nineteen days! The whole duration is forty-one day!
The girl didn’t realize how long she would be able to endure that. Though, the punishment for failing was also determined. It was the tripled term of the interrupted orgasm denial period. Leaning on a chair, Hanna slowly got up, bent over a little, pushed, carefully pulled out her buttplug, and inserted at its place a soothing rectal candle. The buttplug was fairly slimy, so Hanna licked it thoroughly off and put at the drawer. Then she came to the window, pulled the curtain, and looked outside. Small, pricky goosebumps broke out across her body because of morning chill. It is already light outside, and some people are walking on the street. Her neighbor noticed her and waved his hand.
– Hi, Hanna! You’re early today!
Hanna smiled and waved him back bending over the window even more.
– Hi, Timmy! You’re early, too!
– Yeah, I decided to relax at the pool alone before the job.
– Great!
– You look stunningly mardin escort today, as always. I love your tits!
– Really? Thank you, Timmy!
Hanna shook her boobs for him and laughed a merry laugh.
– May I come to you tonight?
– Sorry, Timmy, but I got a new job. Today is my first day, and I really don’t know when I am at home today.
– Vow, new job! That’s great! Congrats, cutie!
– Thank you! Also, I have bad news for you…
– Uhh… I know what you are talking about… How long?
– Twenty-nine days more…
– Shit! That’s not fair! Wait, maybe… from the rear end?
– Oh, Timmy. Even pure anal sex could bring me to orgasm. Don’t you remember that?
– Yeah… I see…
– Sorry, Timmy. But don’t get upset, I’m still available for… you know… orally… I’ll come by your place tonight, okay?
– Sure…
– Don’t be sad, Timmy! Smile to me! Smile to me, now!
– I’m not sad, Hanna… Okay, okay, I give up!
Timmy couldn’t help but smile while the angry voice from another window shouted:
– You, the lovebirds! Can you chat somewhere else? Let me sleep!
– Sorry… See you, Timmy!
– Bye, cutie!
He is a good boy, and he definitely likes my tits… I should not forget to give him blowjob today. Okay, it’s time for the bathroom.
Hanna brushed her teeth and took a hot shower. She cleaned her body from drained vaginal juices and shaved her legs, armpits, and bikini zone. Then the girl screwed out the shower handle and immersed it into her anus. A daily enema is healthy! This wasn’t a challenge; this was just a daily habit. She kept the hose inside her bowels for half a minute, waiting when the appropriate amount of water poured into her intestines and pulled the handle out of her asshole. Then, nearly slipping on the wet floor, the girl reached the toilet bowl. After releasing her bowels, Hanna returned back to the shower and repeated the procedure several times more. The cleaning enemas were completed, thus only the therapeutic enema left to be done.
Hanna wiped her naked body dry and went to the kitchen. Here she took one gallon of warm water, add some vinegar, a tablespoon of Tabasco, and mixed the solution thoroughly. There was everything ready, so she attached the container with the mixture to the system, knelt and inserted the hose into her asshole. Hurting in her anus made her cry, but Hanna bravely endured the procedure. A long time ago this technique was suggested by her girlfriend. She told her that it’s very beneficial for her bowels if you practice anal sex very often. Sofia was a smart girl. Unfortunately, it was her last advice. They had to broke up because she was very jealous. Finally, it was her fault that she didn’t allow her boyfriend to fuck her ass. Hanna really didn’t want to do anything wrong. She refused at first, but Sam was very persuasive. Hanna gave to Sam only that he was not able to get from Sofia. It’s fair. Well, maybe she did some blowjobs, too, but it didn’t count.
Frankly, Hanna felt that something wrong with that advice, but the sense of spicy burning solution in her guts gave her strange feelings. On the one hand, it hurts mercilessly, but on the other hand, every morning she wanted to repeat the procedure no matter what. “Sofia, I don’t know whether your advice is working or not and what the purpose you had. Anyway, I appreciate that,” thought Hanna while her bowels were filling with a hot solution.
Finally, the mixture in the container ran out, and the girl, clenching her anus hard, got up. It was a time when she was not able to do any chores with that spicy solution in her guts. Moreover, in the beginning, the only thing she was able to do was to fall on the floor and cry for some minutes while her anus was sealed with something and the mixture was burning her ass inside. Even later, when she managed to stand up and do her chores, it wasn’t once when the containing of her bowels flew out on the floor. The spicy mixture just paralyzed her weak anal sphincter. Thus, she had to plug her ass with something big enough. A lot of objects visited her asshole at that time – apples, oranges, cucumbers, different cartridges, tubes, and rubber toys. Nevertheless, the months of practicing made her sphincter very strong and able to keep the solution without leakage; only during the most severe cramps, some drops were able to leak through her anus.
Hanna came to the mirror and put on some makeup. She was very proud of her skills. Her makeup was always outstanding. It wasn’t typically for programmer girls, but she was entirely atypical. Of course, it took some time, but it was worth it. The girl made a hairdo and went to make breakfast. She had to be careful, overcoming the cramps and clenching her anus with all her strength, but overall, she handled everything very well. The phone rang somewhere in the bedroom, and Hanna hurried to pick it up. It was Maria, CEO of ISL&L.
– Hi, Hanna! How are you today?
– Oh, Miss Preston! I’m… I’m… Just… van escort Spectacular today!
– Really?
– Sure! My first day at ISL&L! This is the job of my dream!
– Don’t exaggerate, honey! In the beginning, you won’t do high wages, but I appreciate your attitude. I feel people well, that’s a part of my job. You are telling the truth now, and I’m delighted.
– Sure, Miss…
– Just Maria.
– Ok, Maria. I realize that the company is very young and can’t pay me more for now. But that’s not the point. I’ll be working precisely in the area I’m the most interesting in.
– That’s why I accept your resume…
– Oh, yes… You know… There are not many places in the world where I can realize my projects…
– Hah! I believe our Island is the only place. The area is too specific.
– Island?
– Oh, yes, this is the nickname of our company. Improved Sex Life & Leisure. ISL and L. We call it “ISLand L” or just the Island.
– Oh, I see… That’s true, the area is specific, Miss… Maria. Actually, I have some projects. They are raw, not ready to show you for now, but I think with all that equipment and hardware you have.
– Don’t promise me anything now, Hanna. Just do your job… I believe in you.
The last words were told very warmly and gave Hanna goosebumps. She even squirted some solution form her asshole but didn’t pay attention to it.
– Thank you, Maria. I promise…
– Don’t promise…
– Okay. Today is my first day. The time is passing so slowly, I can’t wait when it starts.
– Oh, honey, it’s six thirty now, a little more than two hours left! Anyway, have you already received your Employee ID card?
– Of course, a young lady on the front desk gave it to me.
– Chloe?
– Mmm… Yes, exactly!
– How did she find some time for that?
– What?
– Never mind. Chloe is a very… mmm…
– Beautiful? Oh, yes…
– No, I mean very… busy girl. You will get to know each other close very soon.
– Of course, with great pleasure!
– But you’re right. Chloe is so sexy that some of our female employees had sex with her, hehe! It was their first time with a woman, you know. Maybe, you’ll also want to have sex with her.
– Mmm… I’m straight…
– Annie and Jennifer are also straight. Moreover, Chloe is straight, too. But they did have sex, and not once. Sometimes, women become a bisexual; that’s normal, Hanna.
– Okay… Sorry, Maria. You confused me…
– Really? Oh, sorry about that. You haven’t worked any day yet, that’s the reason. Well… That’s not important for now. Chloe will be waiting for you at 9 am at the front desk. Ask her to call me when you come. I’ll show you everything. Don’t be late!
– I won’t!
– Great! Do you have any questions for me?
– Mmmm… I think no… I’m a little nervous…
– Don’t be nervous! We have an excellent team. They will love you! As well, as you will love them!
– Uhh… I hope…
– I know it, Hanna.
Again, it was told so warmly like a mother could speak to her daughter. The strange feeling of serenity engulfed Hanna, and she missed another squirt from her asshole. Of course, she didn’t care.
– Thank you, Maria. You really calmed me. See you soon.
– See you, honey.
Hanna hung up but stayed sitting on her bed.
– That’s amazing. CEO called me to encourage before my first work day. I hope… I should… It will be a great job, I’m sure… ISL&L… Our Island… How cute… Oh, my breakfast!!
Hanna rushed to the kitchen and turned the stove off, but it was too late. Her oatmeal was burnt entirely. The girl had to waste some time cleaning the saucepan and making new breakfast, oatmeal with a cup of fresh orange juice. She was eating slowly. Eating too fast is not healthy! After having breakfast, the girl cleaned the table, washed dishes, and then let herself to release her bowels.
Hanna looked at the clock. There was still enough time for her task. Being clean and wearing makeup, the girl picked up one of her rubber dildos, eight inches long and two inches wide, her black whip with broad stripes, and went to the living room. There was an enormous window on the whole wall with no curtains. The girl lied down on the carpet just next to the window and started her play. Maybe, she wasn’t visible openly from the street, but her neighbors in surrounding houses definitely had an excellent view.
Greeting her possible auditory mentally, Hanna started the entertainment. At that moment, she imagined that she is a porn actress and had to satisfy a very demanding audience. The huge opened window at her living room was her favorite stage. She tried her best. As it was chosen by computer, the girl started from self-spanking. This extremely turned her on. Hanna took a whip and stroke her back and ass. Then she whipped her back again, and then she returned to her ass cheeks. Squirming wildly, the girl gasped for air and cried silently.
When her backside ankara escort was whipped well, she turned to the window with her front side and started thrashing her tits, left and right in turn. She lashed her boobs until they covered with bluish bruises. Being at the peak of pleasure, Hanna spread her legs wide and whipped her cunt lips hard. She nearly suffocated in pain and delight. Hanna was in a step from coming. She knew then she had to beat herself pretty hard; otherwise, the whipping would bring her to orgasm. Hanna bit her lip, spread her legs even more, and with all the strength available for her delicate body, whipped her vagina. It took her breath away, her eyes popped out, but Hanna kept her pace and lashed herself two more times.
The girl wanted to curl up and catch her breath, but she didn’t allow that to herself. She could have spectators! Hanna smiled to her possible auditory, and, overcoming the pain, started fondling her pussy. This alleviated her pain. Because of some blood, Hanna’s palm became slightly red and slimy, and the girl licked it off. Then, she took her dildo and inserted in her asshole. Keeping it inside, she knelt and continued whipping her back, breast, ass, and sometimes her pussy. At the same time, with her other hand, she fucked her ass with her dildo.
This continued for a long time. Hanna changed position several times. Sometimes she put her whip away and fiercely fucked her asshole; sometimes she shoved the dildo deep inside and concentrated on whipping. Hanna desperately needed to come. She loved having orgasms triggered by cunt whipping, but it was not for today. Having orgasm was prohibited…
The performance continued until the second alarm went off. It was time to get ready for work. Hanna stayed motionless for a while, having her legs spread wide and catching her breath. Then she smiled goodbye to her auditory and pulled the dildo out of her ass.
Hanna went to her bedroom and took her two new vibrators. They were equal except for the color. One of them was body-colored while the other was black. Both had a little rough surface and very good in her hands. Actually, they weren’t regular vibes. They contained microchips with software developed by Hanna. Initially, the vibes had only five work modes which differ just in the intensity of vibrations where the fifth mode was the most intensive. After placing Hanna’s chip, the vibes got an additional work mode which she was going to test. It was her invention she had been working for the last months, called MeGGaN. It stood for “Make the Girl Go Nuts.” Most of the time, it works in the lowest regime, but suddenly it increased the intensity to the maximum. The main point was to make that really sudden for the user, and this feature Hanna was going to test today. The timings were set at a safe mode, so there was low risk to come during an intensive regime.
Another essential feature of MeGGan pertained the interacting of two vibes located in different orifices. In this way, Hanna tried to enhance the sensations from two vibes in the vagina and asshole. From her own experience, she knew that the pleasure from the plugs decreasing over time when they are motionless. Theoretically, you can also accommodate to the constant low-grade vibration in your vagina and ass. The Hanna’s purpose was to create a pair of interacting vibes that could work together changing their regimes synchronously, and driving the user crazy of pleasure. Optionally, they should work until the user was about to come, and then stop not giving any chance for release, or allow the user to cum with a particular frequency. It was a feature that Hanna wanted to realize more than anything else, but couldn’t do it without appropriate sensors. ISL&L definitely had everything she needed. Some interacting elements were also going to be tested today. The girl didn’t have any testers, and, as a true researcher, test all of her stuff on herself.
Hanna put her vibes on the table and was satisfied that the accumulators are charged. The girl took an additional cylindrical shaped battery and also checked its charge. She attached the wires from vibes to the battery and tested how the whole system works. Everything worked well, and the gadgets started vibrating on the table. Hanna turned them off, unsealed a condom, and carefully wore it on the battery. Spreading her ass cheeks with one hand, she directed the accumulator cased in the condom to her anus, and carefully pushed in. It easily immersed in her well-trained asshole and soon hid deep inside except two wires protruding outside.
The black vibe was going to be inserted next, but Hanna afraid that the vibe and the battery would be knocking together. The girl looked around for a pad but found nothing appropriate. She went to the bathroom and picked up her dirty panties from the laundry basket.
– That’s what I need!
Hanna rolled them into a ball and carefully stuffed into her ass. Then she connected black vibe to the first wire and turned it on. Being satisfied that it’s working, Hanna inserted the vibe into her anus. It shoved her panties deeper until they reached the battery. Unfortunately, there were too few spaces for the black vibe, and it peeped between her ass cheeks. Hanna had to make great effort to shove the system deeper and fit everything inside, but she finally succeeded. There was only one wire sticking out of her ass.
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