The New Kid Next Door Pt. 18


Ryan was off to university, not a dry eye in the house, I held him to me before he left, Ryan would always have a special place in my heart.

“Ryan you go and make us proud of you.” I said before the waterworks kicked in.

Terry and Megan surrounded Ryan, we all stood there crying.

“Love you all, Dad love you so much, Megan love you too. Tom Love you so much.” Ryan said before he started to cry.

Ryan went thru his gate we would not see him till Thanksgiving, we all stood there and waved, Terry and I holding Megan between us, Ryan disappeared we turned and headed home. The house would be quiet without Ryan in it. Time flew by for Terry and I, he and I growing closer with each day. I knew I loved this man for some time now.

Megan met a young man and soon started dating, he was a smart young man, when we met him both Terry and I saw it, the roaming eye, he was looking not at women but his eye tuned on the men around him. I would have to have a talk with Megan about her choice in men. Soon she would be off to university as well.

Ryan excelled in all the courses he took, his bold personality would bring him far, he was turning urfa escort into a real heart breaker, he had his choice of guys, but it seems he only had eyes for one man who he would not tell Terry or I who he was. I quickly put it all together, Ryan was in love with one of his professors.

A tall man, in his thirties, well built, full beard, piercing brown eyes, well dressed, a really handsome man if I did say so myself. Terry commented how he kind of looked like me. I looked at him I did not see it, Ryan brought him home after they were seeing each other for just over a year. He was a really pleasant man. He fit in really well with all of us, Megan also brought along her man she was seeing, we would have a full house this weekend.

They all played in the pool one afternoon, I got up to get us some cool drinks, Ryan followed me into the house. Ryan came up to me and pulled me in tight.

“I’ve missed you Tom, so how are you and Dad getting along?” Ryan asked me.

“Missed you too Ryan, he and I are closer each day, how are you and John doing he is a really nice man.” I said to him.

“John balıkesir escort and I are good, he really loves me, and I love him so much.” Ryan said to me, looking in my eyes.

“I still miss us some days Tom, you know I will always love you from afar, but my Dad needs someone to love him more than I need you Tom.” Ryan said tears in his eyes.

I held him as he cried, this brought back fond memories, I would always Love Ryan in a very special way, holding him brought a tear to my eye. Ryan still had the chain I had bought him around his neck, he told me he felt like I was near him when he needed me there for him.

Once Megan was in University, she and her new man she met in university were getting serious, but wedding plans would wait till they both had their careers off the ground.

Ryan continued to see John they were both very serious about each other, trying to keep their relationship quiet however was a hard task. Ryan spent all his free time with John, so many questions were asked where he was and who he was with.

Ryan would graduate this year, then he and John were trabzon escort free to pursue a relationship, without anyone telling them they could not be together. Ryan was truly in love with John, but at times he still looked at me, as I looked at him, he was a young man I would have a hard time to forget.

Terry and I enjoyed our life together he and I alone was an adjustment, the house so quiet with Meagan and Ryan both away at University. Terry and I travelled a lot, sometimes visiting the kids, other times on a gay cruise, or a gay resort.

Terry and I would be together for years to come, our sex life still so amazing, and yes for those of you who wondered I did take the mans virginity. Once Terry had it once he wanted it all the time, I made love to him in every corner of our house. I would like to say we lived happily ever after but a real relationship takes work and time he and I still very close and still madly in love with each other.

There are times when he reminds me of a man I once loved more than life itself, I still have the mans motorcycle in my garage covered up, hidden. I sometimes go and uncover it and sit on the back of the bike, it always makes me cry. Robert and I were made for each other. I still love the man with all my heart and soul, but he is gone so I had to move on. Ryan helped me move on, opened me up let me feel again.

This will be the last chapter for this series for now. Watch for a prequel to this story. To be posted soon.

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