The Nun’s Accident


It was a snowy evening, and I was on my way back to the convent, after being sent out early in the van to take some kids back home from Sunday school. I came around a corner, and the rear of the van slid out and hit a large rock on side of the road forcing it to slide the other way taking out a mailbox. I tried to regain some composure as I exited the van, but I ended up face down in the snow.

The next thing I knew a man was carrying me. He brought me inside his house, and he laid me on the couch. He asked me if I was okay. I looked at him, he was in his 30’s he had brown hair and brown eyes, and he was about 6 feet tall. I stood up a little groggily, and started to tell him I needed to get back to the convent. He said that he thought that would be almost impossible tonight because of the weather out there, and besides my van was in no condition to drive. I looked out the window down the long driveway, the snow was piling up fast, and I could see the outline of the van crooked in a snow bank with the mailbox leaning forward.

I said, I’m sorry about your mailbox, he said, mailboxes were made to be fixed, young girls aren’t, and he continued, he asked me if I was cut or bleeding anywhere, I told him no, I am just a little shaken up. He asked me my name; I told him my name is Sister Jaime Micheals. He then told me his name; he said my name is Thomas, Thomas Spraque.

I told Thomas that it was nice to meet him. Thomas replied, the pleasure is all mine, he continued to say that he could tell that I was all wet, and that I could use his bathroom to take off my clothes and he would dry them. I was a little hesitant at this point, I mean taking off my clothes in mans house, I’ve never taken my clothes off in front of a man before. Thomas noticed that I was hesitant; he said if you don’t you’re going to get cold, and maybe get pneumonia. I said to him, that’s what my dad always said to me when I was a young girl after going sledding with my mom and my sister.

Thomas then said to me, then think of me as your dad, and do what you think is right. I got up again kind of stumbly, I made it to the bathroom, and I started to take off my clothes, everything was wet, my habit, straight through to my undergarments. I took them off, but then said loudly for Thomas to hear through the door, what ever will I wear? He handed me a long flannel shirt, and I said, is this it, I have no undergarments. He said the only thing he had is his, and that I was too petite for them to fit.

I said well this will have to do. His shirt fit me like a tent anyway; it covered my 4’11” body and hung just below my knees. I asked him if he had a brush or a comb, he said he did, they were in the top drawer right below the sink. I brushed my red hair out straight, and although I never go out of the convent without my hair neatly tucked up under my coif and veil, for some reason I didn’t care.

I tried really hard to walk without falling, until I made it back to the couch where Thomas laid me after the accident, I didn’t want to fall and have this shirt come up for all him to see. I made it back to the couch after handing him the clothes to be put in the dryer. At that moment the electricity in the house shut down.

Thomas said oh great, I can’t dry these as of yet, cause the dryer needs electricity. I sighed, and said, I wonder how long that will be. Thomas said he didn’t know, but by the looks of the storm outside it could be awhile. I looked out the window again, and it was snowing so hard that you couldn’t even see the van at the end of the driveway. I asked him if he had a phone, he said he did, but it was out long before I got in the accident. I told him that there was a cell phone in the van. Thomas said, Uzun porno there isn’t any signal out here on a normal day, let alone on a day like today.

I said, well I guess were stuck. He said yes we are, then he asked if he could get anything for me, coffee, tea, a blanket, I said still feeling unsure of being naked with just his shirt on, I said a blanket would be nice.

Thomas went to the other room, and got me a blanket, when he returned, he handed me the blanket, and said would you like anything to eat? I told him I was feeling a little hungry, he said he could make me a toasted cheese sandwich, and some chicken noodle soup. I said that was fine. Thomas said he was going to make one for himself too.

Thomas started to make us lunch, he asked me about the convent, and how I ended up a nun. I told him that I had some trouble with the kids I went to school with, and on my 18th birthday right after I graduated two months ago, I decided I was going to become a nun. Thomas said, so only two months? I said yes, he asked how I liked it so far, and I told him, it takes a little getting used to, but the other nuns are nice, a lot better than what I was used to in my school surroundings.

He returned with the soup and the toasted cheese sandwich on the plate, he went back into the kitchen and came back with his own, and sat across from me.

I looked at him, my voice trembled a little, I said so you live here by yourself, Thomas said, yes, it was my parents house, and it’s been handed down from generation to generation. I asked him if there was a lady in his life, and he just said he just hasn’t found the right woman yet.

I said well I am sure that she is out there somewhere; I said I mean you’re so nice. Our eyes met for brief second, only to turn away quickly.

Thomas told me that I had such pretty green eyes, he said, and he said my red hair, was very beautiful. I was starting to get a little weird, not uncomfortable, but just weird, like a force inside me was going against everything I was as a nun. I told him that he was very handsome, and then I interrupted, I said, we shouldn’t be doing this. He said doing what? Were just two adults talking right? And he said we can’t go anywhere so let us continue talking.

I held the blanket closer to me, and wrapped it around my body, I didn’t fear anything would happen like him raping me or anything, but I had an uncomfortable feeling the two of us might do something we or I would regret.

I sat and watched the fire in the fireplace, occasionally glancing over at Thomas. He got up for a second, and started walking towards the back door, he said he’d be right back; he needed more wood for the fireplace. I watched him walk to the door, his butt cheeks would move up and down as he walked, and then I remembered feeling his muscular body as I lay limp in his arms as he carried me from the van.

He came back in with the wood, and placed it on the fire; he said he was sorry if he made me uncomfortable. I told him that I’d been uncomfortable since the accident, and even though it is getting better, it’s hard for me being a nun, and sitting here almost naked under a shirt, and blanket.

Thomas said that he understood, he said he hasn’t had a woman in quite some time in his home, and seeing me just brings out the man in him. I told him I understood too.

Thomas asked if I would like something to drink, he said I have coffee, tea, orange juice, I even have a little red wine, I told him, I’d have a glass of red wine, He poured it for me, and went back to pour himself one too.

The tension in the room was getting a little thick, as we both sipped on our wine, I could see that I Öğrenci porno had to do something so I invited him to come over next to me on the couch.

He came over and sat next to me, we were both being warmed by the heat of the fire. I watched his eyes despite what had happened earlier, I could see the flames dancing in his eyes, and out of nowhere, I leaned in and kissed his lips, and he leaned in and kissed mine too, Before I knew it we were lip locked and he had his tongue in my mouth, it felt different, but good at the same time. I felt his muscular arm wrap around my shoulder, and him embrace me. He took his other arm and lifted up my legs, with my head in his other arms, and placed me down in front of the fireplace.

I watched him as he took off his shirt, the fire still burning in his eyes. He asked if I was okay, I said yes, and he laid down next to me by the fire. Thomas pulled back the blanket away from my body. He then put his arm around me and started to kiss my neck. It all felt different to me, but I somehow didn’t want it to stop. He started to unbutton the shirt that he had given me to put on, and as one by one button exposed my chest, Thomas took one of my breasts in his hand, and began to squeeze it gently, he moved his fingers around my chest ever so softly, and when he hit my nipples I could feel them jump with desire. Thomas finally straddled my body, he still had his hands on my chest, this time I felt both hands touch both my breasts and in unison doing the exact same moves to each of my breasts. I felt a tingle between my legs, and then I felt his lips and his tongue enter my mouth again, he pulled my bottom lip with his as he exited, and kissed down my neck and breast, I felt his fingers pinch my nipples, and then his moist wet lips purged over my right nipple, and he began to suck it hard.

That was my breaking point I wanted more. I kept making this strange noises that I’d never made before, ooooh I would hear coming out of my mouth, and more ooooh’s followed by a very shallow “don’t stop”. Thomas finished unbuttoning the shirt I was wearing, and my arms fell out of the sleeves as it hit the floor. He went back to sucking my nipples yet again, sucking them harder and harder each time, Thomas grabbed one of them with his teeth lightly, and pulled back and let go, the feeling was insane, then his tongue trailed down my stomach, he stopped and licked my belly button, and then his tongue trailed even further.

Thomas slid his tongue down and encircled my clitoris; I had learned what it was because Thomas had told me. Upon his first lick in my tender spot I thought I had died and went to heaven, I even thought I heard thunder at that point taking it as the angels were angry with me, but I didn’t care, this all felt so good to me. His tongue was flicking my clitoris, Thomas flicked my clitoris rapidly with his tongue and then slid his tongue down and back up entering my vaginal hole with it. I let out a scream of pleasure, and then it happened again, and again, until finally I let out a scream as the fluids inside me released.

At this point blood was all over his blanket, and his shirt. I started to say I’m sorry, but he put his finger to my mouth, and said its okay. Thomas spoke, he said that he knew I was virgin and that is what happens with virgins for the first time. He said I didn’t have to be sorry, and it was okay, he also told me that I tasted incredible.

He picked me up, like he did when he got me from the van. I could feel the sweat from both our bodies as he carried me upstairs. He put me down in the shower, and turned the water on, He closed the curtain, and I heard his pants unzip, and then his belt clunked on the floor. He entered the shower with me, and took a washcloth as he knelt down and washed my bloody vagina. I couldn’t help but stare at his manhood, and he did notice I was staring. When I was clean, he kissed my clitoris, and picked me up and put me down outside the shower, and then he came out himself, his manhood was so big and thick, it was right before my face, because I was so small.

I reached out my hand and put it around his thick shaft; I could feel it throbbing from the inside. I didn’t have to bend down so I leaned forward, and kissed the tip. I licked and I felt the salty liquid ooze onto my tongue, I saw his head go back, and he made a pleasurable ahhhhh, and then out of nowhere, I engulfed his shaft leaving nothing but a few inches between my lips and his stomach. I went up and down with my lips, going down further and further each time, I stopped to suck the tip of shaft several times, intensifying the suction each time. I felt the tip of his shaft against my throat as it started to slide down further and further. Thomas kept moaning, and making the same oooh’s and aaah’s I did earlier, until he finally grabbed my hair, and pulled my head close on my final descend, and held it there, I gagged while he squirted the salty liquid into my throat.

Thomas then again picked me up he wiped my mouth off, and gave me a deep, passionate kiss, and then he carried me to his bedroom and laid me on the bed. With his hands he ever so softly stroked my skin, starting with my toes, and then the tops of my feet, asking if I was ticklish, before actually tickling the bottom of feet unintentionally. He moved his hands up massaging my calf muscles, and then bending down to kiss my knees, he continued to move upwards massaging my outer thighs, before straddling me like he did downstairs.

Both of us were naked now, I could feel his cock, as he would call it, pushing against my vagina, but he wasn’t trying to enter as of yet, I felt his hands move up my thighs, and onto my stomach, then he grabbed my breasts, and leaned forward sucking each one back and forth for what seemed like forever.

Again I felt like I died and went to heaven, I felt his tongue flick each nipple, and then move up my neck and into my mouth where he kissed me passionately. While he was kissing me, I could still feel his cock on my vagina, as he kissed me his hips started to rock back and forth ever so lightly, his tongue went deeper into my mouth, as his cock broke through my vaginal hole. I pushed him back and let out a scream, as he kept rocking. I heard him whisper do you want me to stop? I said No, and he started to rock once more, with each rock, I felt him enter me more and more until what I could guess was about eight inches of cock was about half way inside. I started making those noises again like I did downstairs ooooh, oooh, oooh escaped my mouth, he asked one more time if I wanted to stop, and as he was rocking went further inside me as I screamed Nooooooh, about three quarters of his shaft now sliding up and down inside me, as I was screaming for more. He rocked and rocked, and finally thrusted himself as deep as he could go, I yelled with pleasure oooooooh, oooooh, oooooh Thomas give me more, he continued for what felt like an eternity, until he exploded within me, I screamed again, as he groaned and grunted, and collapsed beside me, as his liquid filled my insides. His weight didn’t faze me at all; I reached over and stroked his sweaty brown hair. I could feel my vagina, and his cock beating like two hearts together, it felt amazing.

I stroked his hair, as he did mine, we both were facing each other, as he moved closer at the same time I did, to give me a kiss, a very long passionate kiss, and then I said to him, this was the best accident ever. Thomas looked over at me, and said this was no accident; it was more like a miracle.

Thomas and I lay naked as we cuddled up together and fell asleep.

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