The Queasy Organist Entertains


Content warning: this is a fetish story featuring detailed scenes of vomiting and toilet use. Hit that back button now if that ain’t your thing. Otherwise, please enjoy!


Graham awoke to a familiar sound coming from the en-suite bathroom. The unmistakable sound of Sarah using the toilet. He smiled and stretched, feeling his cock twitch as dulcet tones of her piss stream delighted his eager ears. Better than waking up to a clock radio, he mused. His girlfriend could piss like a horse at times, and today was one of those times. Suddenly, Sarah let out a pained moan.

“Oh God,” she mumbled.

Plop, plop.

Graham sat up in bed, upon hearing the sounds of a bowel movement.

Heavenly music to his ears.

Seconds later, what sounded like a bucketful of liquid being poured down the loo.


Concern overrode his arousal and he slid out of bed.

“Sarah, are you okay in there?” He said. She never closed the bathroom door, but he felt it best to hesitate rather than just barge in.

“Uhhh. I’ve got the runs. Really bad! My gut hurts like hell.”

“Want me to come in?”


He didn’t need telling twice, and hurried in. Immediately, the strong aroma of faeces assaulted his nose. Sarah was sat hunched on the pot, massaging her stomach.

“Think I’ve caught a bit of a bug. Sorry about the smell. Ugh, it just poured out of me!”

He noticed her soiled pyjama bottoms on the bathroom floor. “Couldn’t hold it in,” she added.

“Better out than in, love.” Graham said, kneeling beside her and extending a comforting arm.

“Still got cramps.”

“Let me help,” Graham said, lifting up her top and gently massaging her abdomen in a circular motion. “Nice and slow. That usually helps to move things along and settle the colon.”

His comforting, warm touch did provide relief, and after releasing a few more squirts of diarrhoea, Sarah felt the cramps start to subside.


“Yes, much better. Thanks so much. You’re the best.”

He planted a soft kiss on her cheek. “Any time.”

“Please could you hand me those flushable wet wipes? Need to use the heavy artillery after that!”

He handed her the pack of aloe vera scented wipes and watched as she cleaned herself up.

“Damn, my arsehole was on fire,” she said, finally rising to her feet.

Graham peered into the toilet, curious to see what she’d deposited. A pure liquid load filled the bowl.

“Bowel chocolate,” he said, and she burst out laughing.

“I guess!”

“I’ll dilute it for you.” Graham pulled his cock out of his underpants and began pissing safranbolu escort heavily, as his full bladder finally tasted much-needed relief.


Sarah washed her hands and watched him pee. “I’d better hurry up and get ready. Otherwise we’ll both be late for church.”

“You feel up to it?” Graham replied, as his stream faded and he shook his cock.

“Yep. I feel okay now. I think it’s all passed through.”

“You can skip this Sunday if you want. It’s just a regular Eucharist.”

“And miss seeing my sexy organist pumping his pipes? Not a chance! You know how much I love watching you play with your organ…”

He chuckled and pulled her into an embrace. “How could I forget?”

“After the service…how about we…” she whispered something in his ear.

Graham’s eyes widened. “What…in the church? And whilst I’m sat on the organ stool?”


The Sunday Eucharist passed without incident. The church was virtually empty this week, a fact Reverend Bradley put down to the poor weather and also that it was half-term break. Last week’s Candlemas service had seen the church packed to the brim.

Sarah was helping Graham tidy his music sheets away, when the vicar appeared at the side of the organ.

“You two coming over to the hall for a coffee? Bit of a dead zone this morning, but I hear Mrs Pollard has baked some more scones, so best not to let them go to waste! Also, Lexi has brought some doughnuts.”

“We’ll join you in a minute, Will,” Graham smiled, switching off the organ.

Reverend Bradley headed down the the aisle and the two of them were left alone in the church. Graham rubbed his belly. He suddenly felt a bit queasy, but shrugged it off.

“You okay?” Sarah asked. He seemed to be in discomfort.

“Just nerves.” He glanced cautiously around the church. “We’ve got five minutes. The churchwarden could come in at any moment you know.”

“Five minutes is good enough!” She hitched up her dress and pulled her white knickers down. “Was tempted to come to church commando,” she giggled, slipping them round one leg. “But you know, it’s February, and it’s freezing cold.”

She straddled the organist and slipped her arms round him.

“Mmm, you naughty thing, you…” Graham was silenced as she kissed him on the lips. Sarah felt his erection under his cassock and surplice.

“I should’ve worn that open-fronted gown,” he mumbled, lifting up the surplice and unbuttoning the lower part of the blue cassock. Would’ve made…access…much easier!”

Sarah unzipped his trousers, sakarya escort fumbled in his underpants and finally freed his cock.

“There we are. Pulled out the right stop!”

Sarah hitched up her dress again and noticed he’d gone pale and sweaty.

“Aww you really are nervous aren’t you?”

The head of his cock brushed her wet labia. “No backing out now,” he replied. “You said you wanted an organ lesson.” He took a deep breath. He hoped it was just nerves that were making him feel nauseous, because he was feeling really sick of all of a sudden, and that worried him.

Sarah pressed her lips to her lover’s forehead as he slipped his cock inside her.

“You’re burning up, Graham. Are sure you’re alright?”

“Burning up with desire,” came his reply. He really should’ve stopped what he was doing and headed to the gents, but as usual, he thought he could tough it out. He began thrusting, and Sarah held onto him tight.

“Mmm. Oh Graham! Yes!” She closed her eyes in delight as her long-held fantasy of him fucking her whilst sat at the organ finally became a reality.

“You…did switch it off, didn’t you?” She panted as his thrusts increased. “Only, I can feel the lower keyboard prodding my bum…”

“Heh, it’s off, don’t worry. I could switch it back on though…how about it? The wrong notes would drown out our moans.”

“No, don’t!”

Graham suppressed a belch, then flicked a switch. Seconds later, a chorus of loud, wrong notes filled the empty church.

“Graham!” Sarah exclaimed.

“Can’t have an organ lesson if it’s switched off, can we?” With one hand, he played a few chords. He felt sicker than ever, and hoped the music would distract her, as his thrusts slowed.

“Mmm, you’re the best, Graham. God, I love you so much…”

With saliva flooding his mouth, he managed to mumble, “I love you too Sarah…uhh…”

Dear Lord, he needed to vomit so desperately. His tortured innards needed salvation.

He let out a belch, and at the same time, Sarah let out a huge moan while as she felt her climax rush through her body.

The organist was breathing really fast with his mouth wide open, so it didn’t take long for him to turn his nauseated belch into a heave.

“Sarah I’m going to…”

“It’s alright, let go and cum!” She whispered.


He closed his eyes as he felt the contents of his stomach surge up his throat and flood his mouth.


Graham vomited, spewing a projectile amount of warm, sour lumpiness down Sarah’s chest, abdomen and onto her lap.

“Oh…oh God!”

He coughed into her before he let out a much larger wave of pale brown vomit, which splattered onto the side of the organ stool.

She didn’t pull away from him. He’d puked violently in front of her twice in the past, and she was used to it now. His fear of getting caught having sex in the church had obviously been too much for his stomach to cope with.

“It’s alright, Graham, just get it all up. As you said earlier – better out than in!”

Catching his breath, he let out a third wave of sick down the front of his surplice, coughing as it dribbled down his chin.

“Not nerves…I think I’ve caught a bug as well.” He said breathlessly.

“You’re okay. Get the rest out of your system and you’ll be fine. You’re doing amazing.” She said in encouragement, whilst rubbing his back.

Graham turned to the side, coughing weakly until he pitched forward with a gag, bringing up another thick load of puke.


“It’s okay, you can throw up in my lap,” she whispered, stroking his head.

Her gentle words soothed him and he heaved and groaned, and was sick over and over on her body.

And she loved it.

At the same time, he came, filling her pussy with his cum.

It took about a minute until he finished his last round of vomiting. Shaky and weak, it was some time before he had the strength to slowly withdraw his softening cock from her. Sarah gingerly gathered up the front of her puke-coated dress and slid off him.

With one hand massaging his belly and another on his mouth, Graham finally felt sweet relief.

“I seem to be making a habit of this,” he sighed, his muscles sore, but the awful pain from earlier had gone.

Sarah looked down at the warm, steaming pile he’d deposited in her lap.

“You brought up a hell of a lot, Graham. I think you’re right, you’ve had a bit of a stomach bug. Maybe that norovirus that the vicar had?”

“Are you two planning to spend all day in here or are…oh my!” Reverend Bradley gasped as he noticed the stricken organist slumped on the stool…and the mess he’d created.

“Oh, Vicar!” Sarah jumped to her feet, causing vomit to slide off her dress and hit the stone floor, with a wet plap sound. “He’s been really sick. I’m so sorry about this. It just happened so suddenly, he couldn’t get to the toilet in time.”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Reverend Bradley said, rushing to help. “Come on Graham, let’s get you to the gents and get you cleaned up.”

“I’m so sorry about the mess, Will.” Graham sighed as he allowed himself to be led to the toilets like some frail old pensioner.

“Think no more about it. I was just the same last month. Was violently sick after the service. Nothing to feel ashamed about. These things happen and…”

He paused as he noticed Sarah’s knickers round her left leg.

“…God gives us the strength to deal with them!”

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