My trip through Tibet had been great. One day I wandered into a market in Nyalam in the southwest near the border. The food, the clothing, all of it seemed so surreal – a palpable energy flowed through the streets. There was something about this particular place that grabbed me. I bought some sweet tea and wandered around somewhat aimlessly and found myself at a jeweller’s stall fishing through the various pieces on the table. “Are you looking for anything special,” I heard from a smiling woman standing across from me. “Not really,” I said, “I just like to browse.” Here I was, near the base of the Himalayas, speaking with a Tibetan woman who sounded like she spoke better English than me. That surreal feeling just kept evolving.
“I think I know exactly what you are looking for,” she said as she reached into a box on her side of the table. “You are looking for fulfillment.” With that she handed me a darkened silver medallion about four inches in diameter with an inlay of a few highly-polished local stones surrounding an engraving of what looked like a swirling mass in the middle of the piece. The backside of the pendant was covered by sheared lambskin. “This ornament,” she said, “was made by an artisan who lived on a mountain slope in the next valley.” It was magical. The detail put into the swirl on the front of the disk almost looked like it would move if you held it up to the wind.
As I examined the design, following the lines and swirls with my thumbs, I noticed that I was also slowly rubbing the short, soft hairs with my fingers. It was mesmerizing and I had to have it. I did by best at bargaining, which probably was not the best anyone else could have done, and slipped my purchase into my backpack.
A few days later I decided to take the railway back to Liuwu Village. I was following the contours of the stones of the amulet while reading when I heard to door to my compartment open. The blind was drawn and I could not see who was holding the satchel that was peaking through the opening but I heard a woman’s voice speaking to the conductor who had checked my ticket at the last stop. In between the clacking of the rails I could only make out what he was saying. “Yes” he said to the woman several times with a touch of formality in his voice. “Yes” and “No thank you, I have had enough to eat” were about the extent of what I could speak of the language without having to think too hard. I continued to read my book since I did not want to be found staring at whomever came through the door.
My attention was so focused on my book that I did not hear the latch click closed as the woman entered the cabin. It was only when she sat across from me that I realized she had finished her conversation in the hall and come inside. I looked up at her as she was settling into her chair. “Hello,” she said in Tibetan. “Hello,” I managed to say without sounding like someone who had only learned that word two weeks ago.
Her eyes were spellbinding; ice-blue yet very serene. I would not have expected to see that colour in the eyes of a Tibetan woman. And her smile was muted giving her a quiet and unassuming Bostancı Anal Escort confidence. I tried not to hold my gaze too long so I pretended to go back to reading. Leaning my elbow on the armrest by the window I was able to raise the book just enough to take in the rest of her whenever I reached the top of a page. Her brown leather boots were well-worn but not ragged, and her khakis made me think that she was a very practical woman more interested in taking in life for herself than sitting behind a desk.
What started my mind racing from the moment she sat down, however, was her jacket. She was wearing the thickest Tibetan lamb bolero that I had ever seen. The white, curly fur swayed ever so slowly as she moved. I watched her arms as she reached into her bag. It seemed to take forever for the fur to catch up to the movements of her body, and when it finally did it was like a cloud had bumped into a dandelion that had gone to seed, bumping against the weight of its own puffiness. She pulled a book from her beige satchel and began to read. As she moved her bookmark to her lap she caught my gaze and smiled. I went back to staring at the pages of my book, unable to concentrate on the words I was looking at.
My penis began to swell, slowly moving through the folds of my underwear. All I could think of was burying myself in this woman’s stunning fur. I looked out the window at the passing landscape in the hopes of occupying my mind with other thoughts and hoping that my erection wouldn’t be too obvious. It didn’t work. While my eyes took in the mountains in the distance I felt my cock filling my pants even more. If I could only get up and walk to the cafZ car I could masturbate in the washroom and be able to survive the rest of the train ride without a raging hard-on. I didn’t move. I didn’t want to move and leave her for one second.
For about twenty minutes I sat watching the farms race past the train window, the ache in my pants was almost unbearable. I could feel the pre-cum beginning to seep from the end of my cock and soak my boxers. I was imagining my cabinmate and me back in my hotel room, finding each other in the darkened room, sucking each other, filling each other. My penis tightened and began to tingle. I looked across the compartment to see those ice-blue eyes staring back at me, and was greeted by a smile that knew more than it was telling. She didn’t look away and neither did I. I was captivated and couldn’t stop staring at those eyes that seemed to drag me into them. My penis twitched again. It was then that I felt something else moving in my crotch.
I looked down to see a slow swirling motion around the mound that was my hard-on. Something white moved about on the floor between my feet and hers. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Following what appeared to be white strands leading up under the cuffs of my jeans, I traced them across the deck, up the front of her seat only to discover they originated in the sleeves of her bolero. Her fabulously thick bolero was noticeably longer and the ends of her sleeves had sealed over, and long locks were pouring Bostancı Yaşlı Escort out from where her fingers had been. I gasped as the swirling increased, and looked over at her. She sighed a very contented sigh and continued to smile at me, imperceptibly licking her lips.
I put my hands on the armrests and tried to push myself off of my seat. A new and plusher set of tendrils came forth from her ever-fluffier fur and encircled my hands and then my arms. No matter where I tried to move, my hands were redirected back to the armrests by the furry funnels that enveloped my arms. I looked over at the door and then at my captor. She looked at the door then back at me, paused, and slowly shook her head. Without understanding what she had said to the conductor I understood what her conversation with him had been about – “Do not disturb.” In an effortless motion, the pouring white mass of fur undid my belt, slid my jeans and underwear off and shuffled them into a corner. Two new funnels of undulating white softness began to consume my feet and quickly worked their way straight to my dripping, pulsating dick.
I gasped again. The feeling was unbelievable and made it impossible to think clearly. “Relax,” she said. “Give in to me.” She was now just a head amongst a huge white sea of fur. The waves of hair crashed into each other and lapped at my body, raising me off my seat and surrounding me right up to my neck. Our cabin was filled from floor to ceiling with her fur and the gentle swishing noise it made as it flopped about the berth. I was lifted from my chair and suspended a few feet above the floor, cupped by an enormous fluffy hand. I glanced down at my crotch. The fuzziness that had mounded itself around my penis parted to show my purple cock angled towards my belly. A second fluffy hand formed and draped itself over my waiting penis and began to slowly and steadily jerk me off in time with the clacking of the rails. I was pouring out pre-cum but the white throng of fur kept wicking it away, leaving nothing but heavenly soft fibres to slide up and down my dry, taut shaft.
I needed to cum so badly. Masturbating at home like this, I would have ejaculated a long time ago, but there, on that train, in the most fantastically erotic moment of my entire life I was able to hold on for what seemed like an eternity. As if sensing my desire for release, the fluffy fingers that were wrapped around my penis changed form and became two hands and started tugging at me faster and faster. “It’s time to leg go,” she said, as the funnels of thick, deep fur around my arms, legs, and torso began to undulate up and down my body like a piston in an engine. Huge fluffy mouths of exquisite fur, sucking on my limbs like they were popsicles.
I came. The fur around my crotch parted to show just the tip of my cock as it spurted cum everywhere. “Yes,” she said softly, “keep cumming. Let us taste you. Let us drink you up.” My orgasm wouldn’t stop. Streams of cum squirted into the air, only to be caught by the waiting fur.
When I passed out is anyone’s guess. I awoke feeling so drained, still Bostancı Zenci Escort in a dreamlike state from my furry experience. I was lying down on my back in the compartment. It was dark outside and I noticed that the train had stopped and that I couldn’t move. She was on top of me, her lamb fur bolero still filling the room, the curls still swirling about and gently crashing into each other, her legs straddling me. Something was sucking on me. It was slow and deliberate and almost undetectable, but something was sucking on my penis. I was unable to speak properly. “What’s su … sucking me?”
“Shh,” she said sweetly. “We are still feeding.” My prostate twitched and sent out another shot of cum. I could feel the hot liquid being carefully sipped away from the head of my cock. She sucked at my neck, and the fur wrapped tighter around the two of us. “Let us finish feeding, then we can talk,” she whispered in my ear. She rested her head on my shoulder and I could feel another orgasm beginning to swell inside me.
When I woke again the train had stopped again. Railway workers scrambled around outside my window shouting at each other. I was back in my seat and clothed in loose linen pants and a t-shirt. I looked like one of the locals. ‘It must have been a dream,’ I thought, but judging from the fantastic ache in my groin from cumming so much it had all been real. My eyes turned from my new outfit to the woman sitting across the aisle from me. Just looking at her made my balls tighten and begin to quiver. She was examining the amulet I had bought in the market in Nyalam.
“This is how I found you,” she said as she stroked the sheared lamb fur on the underside of the medallion. “And this is how you found me.” She began to smile.
“Fulfillment,” I whispered. “The woman in the market said I was looking for fulfillment.”
“And have you found it?,” she asked. She got out of her seat and sat down beside me.
Being this close to her, her smell, her fur … . I wanted desperately to be wrapped up inside her again. “Yes,” I managed to say. Even though I was so drained and exhausted from my climaxes, I began to get an erection again. Her hand rested on the inside of my thigh and gently squeezed.
“Do you have anything to go back to?” Her ice-blue eyes focused on mine. “Is there any reason that you would have to go back to your home?” She began to undo the buttons of my linen trousers, her fingers slipped through the opening and stroked my penis.
She was magical. I had never been touched like this before. She knew exactly what part of me needed her caress. I could think of nothing but being fucked by her again. She pulled my cock out through the unbuttoned fly of my pants, gently lifting my testicles up, pushed my legs together, and sat facing me on my knees. I could feel her fingers disappearing and being replaced by the living funnels of fur. The white hairs poured through my fly and into my pants, down my legs, and up under my t-shirt and onto my belly.
“I have nothing to go back to,” I said as I stared helplessly into her eyes. “I don’t want to go back; I don’t want to leave you.”
“Then you will stay with me.” She leaned forward and kissed me, her full, moist lips slid across my mouth. The hungry fur in my crotch suddenly started to jerk me off so violently that I came, my screams of pleasure muffled by her warm tongue as it filled my mouth completely.
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