Time for a Kit Kat Ch. 06


Thank God it’s Friday.

Kat had enjoyed her first workweek as an intern at Evan’s company. She’d been working at benign tasks, filing mostly, while toying with Evan the whole time. Her innocent crush on him had become a vicious, dominating mean streak as she realized Evan was still in love with her older sister, Sharon. While he was obviously physically attracted to Kat, she could tell he would never go for her in any real sense. That made her both angry and sad. Luckily, she got to take out those emotions by fucking with Evan’s head and body on a daily basis.

Monday, she forced him to perform oral sex on her and masturbate for her pleasure. It was so fun slapping him around and making him cum in her panties while she degraded him. She took out her anger on him, cumming all over his face and keeping him on the edge of his seat at work. If they were caught at the office, Kat would lose an internship (big deal), but Evan would ruin his budding career. At home, if she called her sister and father to tell them of Evan’s erotic escapades, he’d lose any chance he had with her sister and possibly get the shit kicked out of him by her father. So, she wielded great power over him and loved every second of it.

While somewhat inexperienced, Kat was neither naïve nor stupid. She had Evan right where she wanted him. If he wasn’t going to fall for her, she’d use him this summer and try to enjoy herself before heading back to school, make money, have fun, maybe fuck some cute guys along the way. This wasn’t a fairy tale trip to make Evan fall in love with her anymore that was for sure.

At 3:00 pm Kat strode back into Evan’s office. Just hours before she had made him lick her pussy while she surfed internet porn at his desk. She knew that Evan’s buddy Rob was in charge of IT and surely wouldn’t rat him out for looking at some illicit sites on a slow Friday afternoon. Particularly as Rob had been hitting on her all week and just that morning she threatened to inform HR about his sexual harassment.

Evan’s had just finished his afternoon coffee, rinsing the taste of Kat’s cum from his mouth and looked up in shock as Kat strode in. They had established something of a routine and, despite his fears about fooling around with Kat, he almost relished the sexual torture she inflicted on him. It was almost guilt free as Kat was “forcing” him to do it.

“Evan, sweetie?” Kat asked innocently as she strode into the office.

“Kat?” Evan looked up. He hadn’t gotten much done during the week. Afternoons were when he got the most work done as he now spent all morning worrying about what torture Kat had in store for him each day at lunch. Now she was planning to wreck havoc on his afternoons too!

“Miss Graham, you mean?” Kat quickly corrected Evan, asserting herself.

“Yes, of course,” Evan relaxed somewhat. Kat had left his door open, which she never did when planning to fuck with him.

“Listen, Kitty’s flying in this afternoon so you have to go home and let her in.”

“What? She’s coming today?” Evan asked. The pair was set to move into a place for two months, but that was supposed to be after the weekend.

“Yeah, she just texted me from the airport. She is catching a cab to your place. I hope you don’t mind if she stays with us for a while? You don’t mind do you?” Kat stated, more than asked, the ‘question’.

“No, that’s cool. It’s just, I though she had finals and all?”

“Yeah well, she already got an A. She passed the oral exam if you know what I mean,” Kat made a fist and pumped her hand into her mouth while pushing her cheek out with her tongue, emulating a blow job. “Besides, I told her all the fun we were having and she couldn’t wait to join in.”

Evan’s heart sank. Now Kitty was going to join in this madness? That little slut would tell everyone about this! For the first time in a few days, Evan actually started to freak out.

“YOU TOLD HER! You, you told her about us!” Evan shouted initially, then censored himself and lowered his voice to a sharp whisper. Standing up, he felt light-headed and anxious.

“Oh Evan, come on. I love Kitty, but she’s a slut. No one would believe her if she told some crazy tales about you. They’d think you were too good for that. Besides, you behave yourself! Down boy!” Kat reprimanded him, pointing for him to return to his seat.

“Sit… sit, good boy,” Kat had taken to speaking to Evan like a dog.

“Now, go home and let Kitty in. She’ll probably have to sleep in your bed, so get things ready for yourself on the couch, okay?”

“Okay, okay,” Evan acquiesced and set to shutting down his computer.

“Good boy. See you at home.” Bostancı Esmer Escort Kat strolled out of Evan’s office leaving him to his task.

Evan was so glad to be out of the office early that day. A beautiful sunny afternoon with little traffic made the commute home enjoyable. Beautiful women were out all over the city, jogging in skimpy outfits or returning from the office in sexy suits. Many convertibles were out, mostly driven by retirees for whom a traffic jam is more an opportunity to show off their flashy new set of wheels than an inconvenience.

After arriving home and parking his car, Evan made his way up to his unit. Upon exiting the elevator he stopped short of his front door as it was blocked by a small palisade of bags guarded by a petite, plump blonde.

Karol aka “Kitty,” stood there before him. The gorgeous, green-eyed blonde looked like a Playmate of the month. Her beautiful, long straight blonde hair cascaded down onto her shoulders. Her beautiful round face with large, cat-like eyes bore a shit-eating grin that belied her knowledge of the perverted adventures Evan and Kat had been having as of late.

At only 5’6″, Kit stood roughly the same height as Kat, but was much more curvaceous. Kit’s ample breasts went right along with the Playboy bunny look. Her “I’m a virgin, but this is an old shirt” t-shirt only served to remind Evan of that naughty, naughty Britney Spears. How many times had he fantasized about that dirty blonde pop princess?

“Hi!” Kit waved, drawing Evan’s attention from her chest that, to this point, he was unconsciously staring at. “Do you like my t-shirt?” Kit teased, pulling the material down forcing the thin cotton to strain further to contain her breasts.

“Yeah, it’s hot. Very, uh, very cheeky.”

“Ooh, cheeky!” Kit mocked in a faux British accent. “What are you? A 95 year-old English man?”

“I meant slutty, but it’s not nice to say that now is it?” Evan responded sarcastically, brushing past Kit to open his door.

Kit frowned and batted her eyes. “I hear sluts cum in their panties a lot and masturbate at work. Do you believe that?”

Evan shot Kit a look of shock and awe. Christ, now he had two bitches to deal with! Opening his door for Kit he motioned her in. Walking by him Kit blatantly grabbed his crotch. His hard on was betraying Evan again and Kit began lightly stroking it.

“Be a dear and bring my bags in… slut,” Kit whispered as she slowly released Evan’s cock and entered the condo unit. Even in her slutty high-heel shoes she was only up to his shoulders. Pushing past him, Kit made sure to rub her breasts against Evan’s firm, muscular chest. He watched as she entered the room, her sexy stride causing her beautiful, round ass to sway side-to-side. Her short, sexy legs were well toned and on full display with the short skirt barely covering her ass.

“Wow, Evan! What a nice view!” Kit shouted to him as she made her way to the balcony.

“I’ll say,” muttered Evan as he brought the various bags into the living room.

“So where will I be fucking? Oops, I mean sleeping?” asked Kit.

“Well, Kat’s in my bed so I’ll let you have the guest room and I’ll be on the couch.”

“Hmmmmmm… So who’s going to fuck me tonight?” Kit asked. The way she asked was so non-chalant, the way most people would ask where the bathroom was.

“What?” asked Evan. He was getting used to being surprised, but what was this blonde idiot talking about?

“Evan, come on. I haven’t seen Kat in ages; I can’t wait for her to fuck me with that big, new strap-on. I’ve been sooooo lonely,” she cooed as she walked slowly towards Evan.

“You? Kat? You mean you two… you?” Evan was dumbfounded. Things had been pretty wild of late and he’d fantasized about two women together, but Kit and Kat having sex? In his house? In his bed? Could he watch?

“Yes Evan, we fuck! Well, usually she fucks me. I’m more of a taker. I like… big… hard… cocks.” Kit slowly ran her hand down Evan’s chest, resting it once more on his cock. “Did you try fucking her with your big dick, Evan?”

“Well, we didn’t… Sorry, I… I didn’t know you were… girlfriends?” Evan’s mind was racing again. Kit was a slut, that he knew, but she’d never come on to him before. No woman had ever come on to him like this. Were she and Kat an item?

“You’re so hard Evan!” Kit had deftly undone his belt and zipper. The weight of his belt buckle pulled his pants to the floor as his cock sprung free. Kit began stroking him; he was oozing pre-cum already.

“Shit!” moaned Evan as Kit’s skilled fingers stroked his hard on. She kissed his neck Bostancı Eve Gelen Escort slightly and whispered in his ear.

“Evan, I’m not wearing any panties? Is that okay?” Kit lifted her short shirt, baring her clean-shaven pussy. Slowly rubbing Evan’s cock against her mound she grinned as she felt Evan’s hands cup her ass. They didn’t say this skirt gave easy access for nothing!

“Oh god,” Evan had been toyed with all week, but not like this. Kit’s skilled hands felt amazing on his cock. The sensation was second only to the warm wetness of her pussy as she slowly guided him into her sex.

“OH EVAN! Oh, that’s feels so good. I’m so wet for you baby!” And she was. A complete exhibitionist, Kit had been incredibly horny the whole plane-ride up. In her short skirt with no underwear, she had flashed dozens of men her pussy. Unlucky for her desires, she had been stuck in the window seat the whole flight next to an old woman. She was hoping the cute married couple she’d seen at the gate would sit next to her. She caught the husband staring at her like a pervert and had planned to embarrass him somehow.

But now, now she had Evan’s hard cock fucking her wet pussy. Kat had been up here for a week and she hadn’t managed to fuck this loser yet? Granted, she did rape him a few times… all the same, Kit relished being fucked by Evan before Kat had the pleasure.

For his part, Evan was delirious. Never in his life had two hot chicks come onto him like Kit and Kat had this week. Kat was screwing with his head and now Kit was here too. God, as much as he wanted to put a stop to this perverted nightmare, his hormones got the better of him. Kit had only been in town 30 minutes and she had him humping her like a mad dog.

“OH FUCK KITTY! You’re such a slut! Fuck!” Evan was thrusting into the petite girl and had pushed her up against a wall.

“Ohhhhh Evan yes! Fuck my pussy baby, fuck me!” Kit moaned as Evan pounded into her. He wasn’t the best, she thought to herself; Kat is going to be disappointed. She grasped his ass, digging her nails into his flesh. Nice ass though, she thought to herself, he can be trained.

“Oh fuck! Oh Kit you whore! You fucking slut!” Evan was oblivious to Kit’s disinterest or the pain as her nails dug into his behind.

“Yeah baby! Fuck me! I’m you’re whore baby! Fuck me, yeah!” Kit moaned like a porn star, a little too much like a porn star, because she was faking. She’d faked before and half the time guys didn’t even notice. Jesus, was this the best this guy could muster?

“Ungh, ungh, ungh!” Evan was reduced to grunting as he felt his orgasm’s imminent arrival.

“Come on asshole! Fuck me you bitch!” Kit screamed as she began slapping Evan. Almost giggling to herself, Kit continued smacking him every few seconds.

“Oh yeah, OH, OH, OH!!” Evan began thrusting harder and faster, driving Kit’s fat ass into the wall. She expertly wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders.

“Are you coming bitch?” Kit screamed as she clenched her pussy tightly around Evan’s cock, making herself tighter than ever.

“Yes, yes, I’m coming!” Evan moaned in response. He had become an animal. Oblivious to all things, except the sensation of his cock plunging in and out of Kitty’s tight, warm pussy. His hands, cupping Kit’s thick ass, were being crushed with each thrust against the hard wall. On some level, he knew Kit would use and degrade him like Kat, but right now he didn’t care. All that mattered was cumming, cumming hard, and cumming in her pussy.

“Cum for me baby! Cum for me!” Kit couldn’t wait to toy with Evan some more. She wanted to see if he could eat pussy as good as Kat said.

“Oh yeah, I’m, I’m, ooooohhhhh,” Evan’s speech went from rapid and breathless to an exhale of great relief. He could feel the day’s build-up of tension flow from his cock with each, twitching spurt of cum he pumped into Kitty’s pussy. After several more thrusts, he felt gloriously empty and relieved. A feeling of weakness pervaded his body and Kit, experienced enough to know, released his torso from the grip of her legs and stood on her own two feet.

“Good boy. Did you enjoy fucking me? You’re really quite lousy, you know.” Kit taunted. She now stood there fully dressed with a half-naked and half-unconscious Evan smothering her.

“Uh? Mmmmmm,” was all Evan could say as he thrust into Kit several more times, pumping his residual load into the slutty girl’s pussy.

“Get off me you minute man!” Kitty pushed on Evan to no avail as he slowly regained his senses after the mild euphoria of his orgasm faded. “God, let me go you Bostancı Evi Olan Escort fucking pervert!”

“Mmmrrrrr,” Evan grumbled. Kitty’s feeble attempts to push him away and the increasingly pleading tone of her voice were turning him on. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he was in charge.

“Evan please, let me go!? I have to have a shower and clean your dirty cum off me!”

“You want to get clean do you, slut?” Evan responded in a firm whisper leaning back while pinning Kit to the wall with his arms. His cock, still firmly planted in her pussy was hardening as he spoke. Kitty looked up at him with innocent eyes while biting her lip.

“Yesssss…. Are you going to lick me clean you pervert?” Kitty flashed Evan a mischievous grin. Her fingers made short work of the buttons on his dress shirt.

Evan didn’t respond, but yanked Kitty by her wrist into his bedroom, currently being used by Kat. Spinning at the foot of his bed, Evan roughly grabbed Kitty’s cheeks and kissed her deeply. She had no idea what had gotten into Evan, but she couldn’t wait to get him on his knees to suck cum from her pussy. No man had ever sunk to such depths to satiate her dirty desires before.

After French-kissing Kitty deeply, Evan felt her respond in kind, plunging her warm tongue into his mouth. He ran his hands down along the sides of her breasts to the bottom of her slutty t-shirt. Breaking their kiss, he roughly yanked the top up over Kitty’s head. Easily unhooking her bra, which appeared too small to contain her ample breasts, Evan easily pulled it off. Kitty’s breasts, despite her youth, sagged due to their size.

Stepping back, Evan took in Kitty in all her naked glory as she grinned widely. Guys always paid abnormal attention to her chest, which she considered her best feature. She unzipped her own skirt and stood hands on hips, on full display for Evan. This was usually when she had guys eating out of the palm of her hand; in Evan’s case, he’d be eating out of her pussy in seconds.

Brushing by Evan, who had been slightly distracted by discarding his shirt, Kitty sat on the edge of the bed. Spreading her legs wide she stared Evan straight in the eye, “Eat me you fucking loser! Eat your cum you bitch! You know you want to.”

Evan grinned and leaned into Kitty, squeezing her left breast and taking her nipple into his mouth. His hands ran along the sides of her breasts.

“Look panty boy, I know you’re retarded, but those are my tits! Did I say you could suck my tits? NO! I said eat my pussy. Now eat bitch!”

In a heartbeat, Evan’s hands took hold of Kitty’s torso and tossed her up onto the bed. Kitty flopped backwards and was slightly stunned. Her legs still spread wide, her head back, she had the wind knocked out of her momentarily. Glancing down she expected to see Evan getting down on his hands and knees to lick her pussy.

Evan was indeed on his knees and he crawled, tiger-like towards Kitty’s wide-open pussy. Opening his mouth wide, he ran his tongue from the top of her pussy and began tracing a line up to her belly button. Before Kitty could figure out what Evan had in mind, he kneeled on her meaty thighs and began feeding his cock into her pussy.

“Evan! What the fuck! Eat me bitch!”

“Shut up you fucking whore!” Evan thrust himself into Kitty’s wide-open sex. Kitty’s soaking wet pussy and spread thighs put up no resistance to Evan’s advances. Her pussy willingly engulfed his cock despite her verbal protests.

“Evan, please stop! Please!” She was scratching and clawing at Evan as he ravaged her.

“Shut up slut! You fucking love it! FUCK! YOU! BITCH!” Evan took her in deep, hard strokes. His arms pinned hers to the bed. Taking out his frustrations and sexual agony that resulted from Kat’s torment, he pounded into Kit.

“Oh God Evan, please slow down, stop! Please?” Kit begged.

“Oh yeah, you want it slow, whore? You want it nice and slow?” Evan taunted her as he slowed to thrust deep and hard into her every few seconds.

“Yes. Ohhh,” Kitty gave in to Evan’s power. She was a whore with her legs spread wide for Evan to fuck her as he saw fit.

“Good girl,” Evan cooed as he slowed, thrusting only the head of his cock into Kit. Once, twice, three times, then fast and deep, then back to only the head again.

“Oh God, more!” Kitty laid there, completely absorbed in the sensation of Evan’s cock teasing her pussy with shallow penetrations. Each teasing thrust making her mad with lust for Evan to take her hard and fast.

“You’re too wet, slut! Too much cum in your pussy you dirty, dirty girl.” Evan slowly rose from the prostrate Kit and turned to go to the bathroom. His cock as hard as ever and smeared with their combined juices, it took every ounce of strength to leave Kit’s wide open pussy.

“What?” Kitty could not believe it. She watched as Evan walked slowly to the bathroom, shut the door, and started the shower. “No fucking way!”

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