Sara was worried. Angie was being cranky. Sara knew the signs. Yes Angie had always said that on very rare occasions she just had to do it. If Sara could not live with that then they could not be together. Angie said she would never go behind Sara’s back because she didn’t want to cheat on her. In fact she insisted that Sara not only met her occasional acquaintances but also watched as she had sex with them. Sara had argued against the need for her to be there but Angie insisted.
The first time there had only been one man. Angie had enjoyed the sex and the orgasm she had while being penetrated. At the end of the evening Angie announced that next time she wanted two men. She felt it was too personal with the one to one and if she had two men she would not be left frustrated. Sara had hated watching. She found men a real turn off and seeing her partner having an orgasm on a strangers prick was very upsetting. Sara swore that if Angie was ever tempted again it would be the end of their relationship. Angie didn’t push the subject for many months. They had a huge argument when eventually Angie said that she just had to have a prick or in fact she needed two. Sara walked out for a few days returning to her Mum’s house, something that could never last for long.
Angie was insistent that if Sara came back then she would have to accept Angie’s need. Sara reluctantly backed down still hoping that Angie would never actually go through with it. Nothing was said the evening that they went out to their favorite club. Angie always dressed provocatively on these evenings but her heavier than usual makeup and very short dress worried Sara. Two men very quickly started showing interest in the two women. Sara tried hard, without being rude; to make it clear she was not interested. They seemed persistent until with a big grin Angie suggested she had plenty to keep them both happy and disappearing onto the dance floor dragging them both with her.
Sara ordered another drink and watched, as the two men seemed to get more and more familiar with Angie. There seemed to be no protest coming from her partner in fact she seemed to be encouraging lots of contact. By the time the three returned to the bar area Angie seemed to be draped across one or other of the men. The men seemed as uncomfortable with Sara as she was with them. As early as it was in the evening there seemed to be an understanding that the men would be leaving the club with Angie. After a few minutes of stunted conversation Angie kissed Sara on the cheek and returned with the men to the dance floor. No sooner had the three left the bar than Sara was joined by a very attractive, slightly older, woman.
“My goodness I am pleased that looks cannot kill. Your girlfriend and probably both of the men would be dead if they could. I am Debs and I have noticed the two of you in here before. I had not noticed your girlfriend showing interest in the men, but she does seem to be tonight. I was going to ask you if everything was all right between you but it is none of my business. Let me ask you in a slightly different way.”
With this she closed the short gap between them, lent forward and planted the gentlest of kisses on the stunned Sara’s lips.
“If that was you asking a question please talk up I didn’t hear the whisper.”
This time the kiss was firmer and Sara was now returning the kiss. Her blood had been boiling with annoyance with Angie but this seemed the perfect response. Now the blood was pumping but with excitement. This was the first kiss with anyone other than Angie since they had got together. It felt wonderful.
When the three returned from the dance floor the second time the men acted far more confidently. They were making plans with Angie about how they got to her place. Sara pointed out that it was actually their place. The men said that they were hoping that Sara would be joining them. At this Sara shot Angie the filthiest look she could before saying.
“If Ataköy travesti I come back with you then I will invite Debs back with me. Is that okay with you?”
Angie’s look suggested that she was far from happy but her reply was
“Oh I do enjoy an audience as you know Sara. If your new friend wants to join us she will be very welcome. I did have a slight concern whether I could meet all the boys’ requirements.”
“I am sure that Debs is no more interested in the boys requirements than I am. I am however interested in Debs and look forward to finding out more if you decide to bring your friends home.”
With this Sara turned to Debs and gave her a kiss while holding her head in her hands.
“Are you interest in finding out more about me Debs?”
“Are you asking me to come home with you and have sex with you out of revenge? If so it sounds wonderful. I will however insist on one condition, you need to promise me that you will be totally submissive.”
“That is a huge condition. I cannot agree to that if it in any way involves the men. I just don’t do men in any way at all.”
“Don’t worry that makes two of us. We can leave the men to Angie she seems to be determined to have her fill of both of them.”
Angie had not seen this as part of her plan. She was far from happy with developments but felt she could hardly challenge Sara or Debs. It was not late and usually they would have stayed at the club much longer but everyone seemed keen to move the group to a more intimate setting. When they arrived at Angie and Sara’s flat Angie poured drinks and they all settled back in the living room. Angie was in the middle of the two men on one sofa while Sara and Debs faced them on the other. Very quickly Angie set the tone by putting a hand into each of the men’s’ laps and finding it easy to locate their growing cocks. Not to be outdone Sara pushed her hand down under Debs’s skirt waistband and tried to find her clit through her knickers. Deb’s response was to reach under Sara’s short skirt. Sara protested about this, as she was not wearing anything under it.
“Sit back and open your legs. I am sure the boys need little help but you are going to give them a view of your pussy while I play with it. Don’t forget you promised to do everything I told you to.”
Sara fought an internal battle, not wanting to have anything to do with the men, but after shooting Debs one of her trademark looks did as she was told. Very quickly both men had released or had had their cocks released. Angie stood up and stripped out of the few clothes she had, then knelt taking each cock into her mouth in turn. This offered the two other women a view of her from behind. Her legs were spread as wide as Sara’s and she was playing with her own clit. Despite her repulsion of the male member Sara did find the scene in front of her highly erotic. This was greatly heightened by the skillful manipulation of her pussy and clit by Debs.
Both of the men loved watching Sara who was obviously becoming extremely aroused despite trying her hardest to appear not to be. Angie was just as keen to show the men how aroused she was. Her masturbation very quickly had her more than ready to receive one of the substantial erections. Although she was ready to be penetrated she did not wish to engage much with the men attached to the cocks. She simply mounted one of the men facing him as he sat on the sofa. She did glance over her shoulder at Sara as the prick sunk deep inside her.
Angie’s fucking of the man was functional with no passion. She rode him as you might a horse during a three-mile steeplechase with controlled firmness. Her mount seemed very happy with this as it was soon accelerating him towards the finishing line, well his finishing line anyway. Sara was at least as aware that he was losing control as Angie was. Despite herself Sara was surprised that watching Angie humping this man soon began to excite her as Ataköy travestiileri Angie’s arousal grew. It did not however excite Angie enough for her to join him and enjoy an orgasm. Angie reflected that there being two men not only reduced how personal it was but also increased her chance of being sexually satisfied by the session.
Angie made no ceremony of dismounting one cock only to replace it by the other. She actually turned round to face Sara and Debs with her back to her new mount. This view was much more arousing and did allow his fingers to search out and eventually find her clit. All in all Angie was far more pleased with this. Sara was being totally controlled by Debs who had stripped her young charge before playing with her nipples and her clit until Sara was nearly in tears with frustrated arousal. In addition to the physical stimulation Debs was tormenting Sara by what she was whispering in her ear. She was detailing how naughty Angie was being and how if Sara was not going to punish her for her slutiness she Debs certainly would.
Angie was clearly much more aroused as she fucked her second mount. It was not long until Sara recognized the obvious signs of Angie racing towards climax. It was these moments that Sara loved as much as experiencing Angie’s orgasm. Some of the signs were subtle but most announced her orgasm to the world with great certainty. Her second mount was just able to control himself long enough to guarantee that Angie screamed her way through a long violent orgasm before he emptied himself deep inside her.
Sara watched this with a mixture of almost disgust and reluctant arousal. Angie’s recovery saw a complete change in her. Her interest in the two men evaporated as quickly as the punter whose horse had fallen at the final fence, while leading, losses interest in his betting slip. She was barely civil to them as she ushered them out of the front door before they could convince her that they were happy to go another circuit of the racetrack. As she returned to Sara and Debs the atmosphere was understandably tense. Debs broke the silence by saying to Sara,
“If you want me to leave now I understand but would ask for one last kiss before I depart. However if I stay I will punish Angie before I take you to bed and keep you awake all night.”
Angie immediately reacted to this but to Sara’s amazement one look from the older woman froze the protest instantly. Sara’s response was a quietly spoken,
“Please stay.”
Debs demanded the still naked Angie to approach her without saying a word. Angie did hesitate for a split second before she felt compelled to comply. She had always thought that she was strong willed but she felt defenseless against Debs. In the seconds that it took her to cross the room Angie excused herself her complete submission. She convincing herself that if she took whatever punishment Debs handed out Sara would have to forgive her. Still no words were needed as she was guided across the still clothed lap of the excited older woman.
“My god I have never seen a pussy look quite so disgusting.”
Sara had not seen how the cum from the two men’s was pouring out of Angie’s well worked pussy and from the comment from Debs she didn’t want to. Debs invited Sara to go and sit where the men had sat earlier so that she had a good view of the spanking. Debs announced that she loved giving erotic spankings that usually finished when the recipient orgasmed. This spanking was not an erotic spanking but a punishment spanking and it would not finish until a correct apology was made and that she was happy that the punishment was adequate.
With this she delivered more than a dozen hard explosions to the naked checks of Angie. She paused after these and although very tempted to caress the reddening area controlled herself until she heard the single word “sorry”. If Angie thought this would have the effect of stopping the spanking she was travesti Ataköy very wrong. The next similar length series were delivered with even greater force. This time the apology was more sincere sounding and was delivered in a more submissive voice. This only triggered round three. This was delivered to a bottom that was now very red. Sara had never seen Angie really cry but after the third series of spanks she was sobbing loudly. The apology was now delivered between these sobs.
“I am really …. I am really sorry … I won’t ever do that again. Please forgive … me I will never let any man …… fuck me again. I am sorry please forgive me. … please.”
“That sounded more like a real apology. Your punishment is not however over, I will deliver another dozen to your hot bottom and then you will thank me before standing in the corner with your hands on your head. Do you understand? I didn’t hear do you understand?”
The quite agreement was barely heard by Sara but the spanking started again. The sobbing got louder and the pleading more urgent. Debs was relieved to be able to stop the spanking as her hand was stinging badly. It was a defeated Angie who was very quickly in the corner as instructed.
It might have been a punishment spanking for Angie but Debs loved delivering almost as much as she always did when they were designed to arouse. She suspected that Angie was not aroused by the spanking but hoped that Sara was. The spanking was over but Debs knew that the final part of the punishment would hurt more and be remembered longest.
“While I get out of these clothes please make yourself comfortable so that we can enjoy each other to the fullest. I have wanted to taste you since that first gentle kiss. I want to give you the best sex and the best orgasm you have ever experienced and I am sure that mine will be even better. Oh I am so pleased that you enjoyed Angie’s spanking your pussy looks good enough to eat and I am starving.”
Both Sara and Debs were extremely aroused before they found each other’s pussies with their mouths. Sara was on her back as Debs lowered her surprisingly hairy, but trimmed pussy, onto her expectant mouth. The odor that filled Sara’s nostrils was powerful and instantly added to her excited state. Debs set the pace and energy level and Sara was happy to match it. This was no race to the finish, it was considered even loving. Sara was being dominated but not in a demanding way and this allowed her to relax and fully enjoy it. The first time that Sara was certain that she would cum Debs backed off slightly commenting that she Debs was close but not quite there. There was no such backing off two minutes later when they both exploded in mutually triggered climaxes.
Angie had hated hearing the unmistakable sounds of the orgasms but could do nothing to block them out. Debs was in full dominant form when she told Angie to go upstairs and take a shower and wash the men completely off and out of her body. When Angie had left the room Debs asked whether Sara owned a strapon. Sara replied that she hated them and had never owned or used one as they reminded her of a cock. Debs and Sara were both still naked sitting next to each other when Angie came back into the room. She had a towel wrapped round her covering from her boobs to just below her bottom. Sara couldn’t understand how Debs communicated her wish but without a challenge the towel hit the floor.
“I have an idea about your need for cock Angie. Seeing you with the men earlier it seemed obvious to me that it was their cocks that interested you the most. My suggestion is that if you need a cock in future Sara asks me to visit the two of you. I would volunteer to use my strapon to deliver the fucking you require if you give Sara and me permission to enjoy fucking each other. If you agree you have only to ring me and I would be delighted. Now I am going to leave. Go to bed cuddle each other but wait until the morning before you do anything more.”
It was good advice as their lovemaking in the morning was the best make-up sex they had ever enjoyed.
It was nearly six months later when Sara tried to pretend that she was reluctant to ring Debs and ask her to bring her strapon and come to visit them.
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