This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Fyr sighed, rubbing the back of her neck as the dragoness tried to ignore the ache in her feet. Being out at the mall all day was tiring enough, yet Chemical had so much more energy than her. Why, even the dragoness and Ropes had gone on ahead together, saying that Fyr was slowing them down. She had only perched on a bench to rest for a few minutes — and they had been gone!
“Oh, where are they?”
She muttered under her breath, checking in the gaming shop, though there was no sign of Chem’s bright horns or the top of Ropes’ head in there over the racks containing games and other merchandise. She moved on to one of Chemical’s favourite clothing shops, ducking through the racks of clothes and displays, trying to find one or the other. Of course, they were nowhere to be found and they both didn’t seem able to answer their phones either.
So annoying…
She never seemed to be able to find them when she needed to, which was so awkward. Ropes was always one for wandering off, but Chemical had never been like that before. What was up with that?
Fyr took a moment to pick up a pretzel, seeing as she couldn’t see them. It had been a while and she was hungry, though the dragoness didn’t quite know just how they had been gone for so long or why she felt like she had to justify things like that. She felt like she should have still been hunting them down, but, well…she couldn’t do that forever.
Maybe they headed to the arcade, she thought, gladly accepting her pretzel and taking a big bite out of it. I’ll check there next, that would make sense if neither of them are checking their phones. Or maybe they’re getting really crappy signal today… Weird.
And then she looked up — and there they were! Emerging from the corridor that led down to the toilets, Ropes a little behind Chemical and the dragoness with her hair all tousled. Ropes’ belt was undone and Fyr chuckled a little to herself as Chem pointed it out for the cougar to sort out his clothes. She raised her paw, grabbing their attention.
“Oh, there you two are!”
Fyr grinned, glad to have finally found them, though she spoke through a mouthful of pretzel, thick and doughy. She frowned, chewing thoughtfully.
“Chem, didn’t you just go to the bathroom or something?”
The dragoness raised her eyebrows at Fyr, reaching out to snag a piece of her pretzel and claim her prize for herself.
“Yeah, what about it?” She chuckled. “Honestly, Fyr, I didn’t think you wanted to keep tabs on me that much…”
Fyr rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah… No, that’s not what I’m doing. Your hair is just all a mess, do you want to borrow a brush?”
Chemical flinched a little, a smirk tugging at her lips.
“Ah, yeah… Yeah, I was just going in before trying to find you again and I didn’t look in the mirror. Thanks, Fyr!”
Chemical laughed it off and finger-combed her green hair back into place, rubbing some of the strands between her fingers to add just a little bit of the oil, which was produced naturally from her scales, to it.
It was a good thing that Fyr hadn’t headed to the toilets to find them, for she might have heard the knock of them fucking inside one of the bathroom stalls in there. They hadn’t been all that quiet about it, not for a quickie, not with Chemical’s breasts pressed to the wall and a wicked arch in her back.
Chemical and Ropes grew a little more open — all for the risk of it all. Sitting in a booth at a restaurant for lunch, Chemical made sure that she was beside Ropes, her paw resting possessively on his thigh.
Did Fyr ever do that to him? It made her blood boil, in a luxurious fashion, to think that Fyr was doing the same to him, on Ropes’ other side. Who would Ropes choose between them?
Fyr went to the bathroom and, when she returned, Chemical was leaning in close to Ropes, almost in his lap, her paw cupped around her mouth as she whispered in his ear. Fyr cocked her head.
“What are you two old ladies gossiping about?” She asked, joking as she slipped back into the booth. “You two are ridiculous sometimes.”
Chemical slipped away from Ropes with a laugh on her lips.
“Hey now!” She admonished Fyr with a wag of her finger. “Your birthday is coming up soon and I don’t want you to find out what I’ve got planned for you!”
Fyr smiled, warm throughout.
“Aw, Chem, you don’t have to get me anything.”
But that very much was not what Chemical had been talking about. Ropes had a hard-on under the table, though the cougar salihli escort was not all that much inclined to do anything about it when his wife could not see it.
Fyr, however, noticed that Chemical took to wearing more and more skirts when they were together, commenting on how nice her legs looked. She had no idea that Chemical was wearing skirts so that it was easier for Ropes to grope her.
Driving to the city one day, she glanced back at Chem in the back seat, smiling at her friend on her phone. Her truck was big enough for them all to ride comfortably in it and it was a lot smoother ride after she had done some maintenance on it.
Yet Fyr was completely unaware of Ropes’ tentacle sliding back between the seats, hidden from her, curling up Chemical’s thigh. Unless the dragoness turned all the way around from the driver’s seat, she never would have known that the cougar was groping her friend’s thigh while she was in the same care as her.
Subtly, Chemical adjusted her position, parting her thighs for his tentacle to slide up between them. It was just a flicker of movement, but Ropes knew how to be discreet.
“So, Chem, is there anywhere you really want to go in the city?” Fyr asked. “I know you’re used to somewhere bigger, somewhere busier. This really is a small town sometimes.”
“Hm…” Chem considered the question, Ropes’ tentacle rubbing back and forth over her panties while Fyr focused on the road. “Good question… Maybe the game shop? But I’ve got the new ones… Hm… Would be good to check out some older ones though, see if any have been traded in.”
“Sure thing,” Fyr smiled and nodded. “We can do that. I need a new dress for a party too.”
“You should get a short one,” Ropes teased, bopping her on the nose with a tentacle like he wasn’t sliding his other tentacle into her friend’s pussy at that very moment, prying her underwear aside. “So we can see your long, sexy legs, hm?”
“Oof — Ropes! I’m driving!” Fyr wrinkled her nose. “Just where do you think I’m going to wear a dress like that? I’m not eighteen anymore…”
“You don’t have to be eighteen to wear a sexy dress, Fyr,” Ropes said warmly. “You can pull anything off.”
Maybe that was easy for him to say when he was fucking her friend with his tentacle, taking pleasure from it too as he adjusted his position so that she wouldn’t see his hard-on. Yet the cougar managed to convince Fyr to go on a date to a club, a place that Kao had told him about, even though it wasn’t really her scene.
Fyr could not help but notice that Ropes paid more and more attention to Chemical, even hefting her bag over his shoulder without a second thought at all when she went from the truck or her car to the house. Her tail twitched in annoyance when he went to get her a glass of whatever she wanted to drink without even asking his wife what she wanted and she grunted in the back of her throat whenever Ropes asked Chem about her day, rather than her.
He told her that there was nothing going on, holding his wife in his arms that night in bed. Naked, Fyr growled and nipped at his lip, punishing him playfully for not paying as much attention to her as he should have done.
Fyr sank onto his cock, riding him slowly: the pace that she best liked. She wanted to feel every inch of his cock, all the way down to the base and the spurs that were the most noticeable where they ringed the head of his cock. She huffed and her the tail lazily loop around his leg.
He was hers. He had told her as much.
“Mmm… You feel so good inside me.”
“And you’re the only one for me, honey,” Ropes assured her, a glint in his glowing, pale eyes. “But it’s okay, I know how it looks. It’s okay… You’re the only one, my only one.”
He meant it, really, in the marriage sense but, well…it was an obvious lie otherwise. His tail swept wantonly back and forth over the thin comforter, though they would likely only need the cotton top sheet with the warmer weather. The cougar hissed through his teeth as his balls ached, need flowing through him, wanting to fuck her rough, to shove her face into the pillows and make her scream his name.
He yowled for her, but Chemical would have wanted him to fuck her hard, as long as they had the time and the space to take one another just as they wanted to. Fyr, however, did not have the lust that Chemical had for him to feed from.
But Fyr’s instincts, of course, were correct, even if the dragoness had chosen to believe her husband and not think that he was messing with her.
When out to eat at a burger place, just a stop in on a mini road trip, she pursed her lips at them talking, their voices low. Coming back to the table with their food, they acted normal, yet if she had seen them from a distance, not knowing who they were, Fyr may well have thought that the two of them were together.
She didn’t like that thought, yet jealousy did not belong in her heart. She’d seen jealousy before and it was not for her, oh no.
“Huh, Ropes…”
Fyr samsun escort leaned over, passing a napkin to him, though she didn’t want to embarrass her husband.
“Your muzzle,” she said quietly, making sure that no one else could hear. “It’s a little…damp, cat.”
“Oh!” Ropes smiled, taking the napkin and sliding his other arm around her waist. “Thanks, Fyr.”
It was not the term of endearment that a part of Fyr wanted to hear, though she was still glad to be able to help him out a little. She cast a strange look at Chemical. That was something that a wife did for her husband, of course, not a friend: making sure they were comfortable and, as ever, looking their best.
Of course, Fyr did not know what Ropes had been doing with his muzzle only a short time ago. Maybe the dragoness would have seen things very differently.
Another day, Ropes checked his phone to find a very interesting message from Chemical. Setting aside the video game controller, he raised an eyebrow and opened the message to a picture of the dragoness’ pussy in soaked panties, clinging to the outline of her folds.
Chemical: Thought you might like to see what you’re missing out on today, kitty.
His eyebrow twitched. He would get her back for that nickname, sooner or later. But when she was sending him pictures like that, it was just about bearable. He let her get away with things that he never would have tolerated from Fyr.
It was just a different kind of relationship.
Ropes: I’m not missing out if you’re sending pics like that.
Ropes: Send more.
Chemical: If you return the favour.
Oh, she would do that. He was up for the challenge, however, and snapped a few pictures, pulling his shorts down to free his rising erection, fussing with the angle to show off the fleshing-out spurs. It wasn’t something that the cougar had done before, but he gave it his best shot, shooting the phone camera a smirk as he snapped another pic and sent them through to Chemical.
Chemical: Nice, but I’m still nicer.
He growled, gripping his cock and taking a quick pic of the bubble of pre-cum at the tip. That last photo she’d sent had been of her sprawled out on her bed, where they had fucked recently, the sheets under her pussy damp with her arousal. The dragoness’ fingers, three, were buried in her pussy, clearly fingering herself.
He sent her another picture back, though grunted in discontent when he didn’t get a response.
Fyr came around the corner into the living room before he could get his cock away, the cougar caught with his cock out and tentacles twisting around him. He was barely clothed, his shorts shoved down and his chest bare.
Far from being surprised by his state of undress, his wife smirked and rocked back on her heels, her phone in her paw.
“Never thought you’d be one to send me a flirty pic like that,” she said, licking her lips. “You could have just told me if you wanted some fun… But I appreciate the effort too, cat.”
Ropes raised an eyebrow, though it didn’t take much thinking to work out exactly what had happened there. Instead of sending the last photo to Chemical, it had accidentally gone to his wife instead.
Oops. Kind of.
“Yeah, I just thought you might like it, you know.”
Ropes grinned, knowing that she’d buy it. Of course, his wife knew that he wasn’t one to send nudes but, well, she’d always wanted him to get flirtier by text message. So, it wasn’t entirely a bad thing.
And it was all worth it when Fyr took the initiative to get down on her knees and suck his cock, though his tentacles were more than capable of getting her out of her dress at the same time. He popped the buttons at the back of her neck and slid down the zip, feeding her arms out of the short sleeves and letting it pool down around her waist.
She was up for a lot that time and Ropes took full advantage of it, thrusting into her sweet muzzle deeply, letting her wrap her tongue around and around him, dragging it back, her saliva slick along his full length. She knew how to please him, though Fyr didn’t all that often give him a blowjob — not anymore. It was more about mutual pleasure for them both, though Ropes appreciated the attention and adoration of his cock all the more when her lust was high, flickering back and forth in the air like a tangible force.
He grunted, thrusting into her maw, taking a rougher moment as he wound his tentacles around her neck and head. Even though they were firm with her, they were not tight enough, of course, to cut off her air flow in the slightest, though Ropes would rather have liked to grip a pair of horns rather than her frills. Even then, the cougar could not deny that he was thinking of Chemical even as his wife sucked his cock, her tongue flicking tantalisingly over the tip in that little trick that she thought was unique to her.
He may never tell her that her tricks were not unique to her but, well…Fyr was not to know that.
He did, eventually, pin her down sancaktepe escort against the sofa, her dress pooled around her hips where they were too wide to let it slide off entirely. The cougar merely shoved her underwear to the side and out of the way to fuck her, sliding deep as his barbs caught and stimulated her.
Later, when Ropes was resting, Fyr caught sight of his phone and the numerous messages blinking in the corner of the screen. She shook her head. It was past nine in the evening, though the cougar had been so busy with her he hadn’t checked his phone, clearly.
“Who’s sending Ropes so many messages at this time?
She checked his phone, not seeing any reason not to, but…it was locked by password so she could not see. The dragoness cocked her head.
Ropes had never done that before.
Unease stirred in the pit of her belly, but she pushed it aside. It was a new phone, of course. It had to have been one of the security features that they forced into place, making him choose a password before even letting him set up the phone. She had faced the same issue.
Still, why had he kept it?
She didn’t ask Ropes, though perhaps she should have.
Fyr was still home the next day, not working, when Chemical came by “just to drop something off.” Fyr lamented she wasn’t able to stay and chat but headed back to the computer to do something for her agricultural work, something boring — Ropes hadn’t really paid all that much attention to it.
He’d been too busy biting Chemical’s neck in the entranceway to their home, his paw thrust down her pants to finger her pussy. There was no time, not enough time — but he’d tried his luck anyway, Chemical trembling in his grasp, bucking her hips and arching her back.
“Unff… Fuck…”
She moaned, rolling her hips up to him, clearly wanting more. But Fyr was so near and there was no telling just when she would emerge from the downstairs office. They’d only have a few seconds to jump apart and sort their clothes if she appeared.
And the risk was absolutely intoxicating.
They didn’t get to finish that time, of course, and Ropes was left with a hard-on that his wife definitely could not satisfy. His lust was up and he longed for something, after all, that Fyr simply could not provide.
It was not her fault that she was not enough, not in that regard. He was just lusting for someone else.
He did manage to finish on a video call that night with Chemical, however, hiding out down in the laundry room, though Fyr would not find it odd that he was not in bed with her, for a little while. He didn’t sleep, technically, but he did rest with her at night.
The dragoness had been so hot on the call, taking their sexting to another level with the video call, whispering in his ear to help him jack off until he yowled and painted the side of the dryer with his seed. That had been a pain to clean up so Fyr’s eagle eye would not spot it, though the cougar was nothing if not thorough.
Fyr seemed more suspicious when they went to a local spa for a full day out — kindly paid for by Chemical, of course. Slipping into the hot tub with Chemical and Fyr was a risk indeed, though Ropes knew exactly how to play it off. For he had not only toyed with Chemical in the hot tub, sliding his tentacle into her bikini bottoms to play with her pussy and tease into her sex, but did the same for Fyr too.
Oh, it was too funny to see Fyr trying to control herself, thinking that Chemical didn’t know what was going on when the other dragoness was in the same situation, trying to keep herself under control. His tentacles all acted independent of one another, yet Fyr’s blush had darkened even the red scales on her cheeks as he’d pried at her folds. Unlike Chemical, however, Fyr had not allowed Ropes’ tentacle inside her.
He fucked both dragonesses that day: Fyr first, in the car, and then heading out to Chemical’s place that evening. Fyr thought he was getting groceries and picking up takeaway food for them — and he was, but he was filling Chemical’s pussy and then her tail hole first. He had to satisfy his hunger too, of course, and that was at the forefront of Ropes’ mind rather than spending any time on physical sustenance.
When he went home, of course, he blamed the time that he had taken on traffic. It was a bit rough when he went into town, after all, some kind of event on that snarled up the smaller roads. A city wouldn’t have had such an issue, but Fyr scoffed at the idea of living in a city. It just wasn’t her.
The sneaking around went better than Ropes could have imagined, Fyr brushing off things that she really shouldn’t have. It made him bolder than he ever had been before, seeing just how far he could take things with his fling. Whereas he had “sort of” pushed the limits with others, he hadn’t gone all the way with anyone — which the cougar more than counted as being a faithful husband, just like Fyr wanted.
Chemical, however… Yeah, he had thrown everything out the window when it came to Chemical.
Finally, Ropes got the chance to take Fyr out to the club that he had been looking to go to since Kao had brought it up with him. Fyr’s brother, Kao, headed out with them too, the pulsing music and beat driving his feet as he danced and danced and danced. Lights flashed, sweeping in various colours over the crowd, drinks guzzled and lusts aroused.
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